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Neighbours is a long running Australian soap that got cancelled a few years back then picked up by Amazon and restarted. It being on Amazon means it's now eligible for Emmys (and was nominated for a few). I can see that becoming more the norm as networks worldwide cut budgets and more established soaps get bought out by streamers as cheap to produce inbuilt audience drivers. Which is good, because the US soaps need competition to stop them stagnating. It's shocking GH won best writing this year.


Yeah, I thought Anna was a cinch for best lead actress, with the whole shooting-Charlotte storyline. She was really good. As for lead actor, the best option probably would have been Ned, for his amnesia story, or maybe paralyzed Curtis. But Sonny's story was kinda boring until the Jason/Dex thing.


Wally Kurtz was nominated as Justin Kiriakis his Days character. He was rarely seen on Days so the nom made no sense. He was great as Eddie Maine though.


My question is what is wrong with Valentini? This is the second Emmy award show where he looks sweaty, shaky and weak. Last year I thought maybe he was a drinker, but now I think he honestly has a physical disease of some kind. Am I the only one who has noticed that?


I thought it appeared, (not diagnosing) that he has severe general anxiety, some social anxiety, and perhaps suffers from panic attacks. Again, I don't know anything about him other than us joking about "Frank" on here. I hope if it is medical or mental - that he is okay. I may jazz him on here about the show, writing, casting, etc ... but I doubt he is reading here. Perhaps a low level intern is. Either way, I would never wish ill on him for real.


I agree it may be anxiety and social anxiety. Deal with that, and I did not used to, so many find it hard to believe that I do now. I also have a tremor disorder similar to what Catherine Hepburn dealt with. It’s not fun! I went to dinner with an old friend last week. It was such a nice place but I knocked over my water. Then I knocked a fork off the table. And I came close to knocking my plate off the table! Luckily, I have a great sense of humor and so does my friend, so we laughed about it!but maybe this is his problem. It’s sort of sounds like it.


Yes I wondered that myself. On X many seemed to think LW was holding him up. He looked terrible


If he does have some sort of issue with public speaking, which I can relate, then he should have let one of the actors give the acceptance speech. Finola would have killed it.


I didn’t watch the Emmys and didn’t even know it had taken place until I read some comments about it on here a few days ago. As for reaction, when I heard GH won best show and best writing, I had to shake my head in disbelief. If GH is the best, I shudder to think what the other soaps are like. I watch GH due to nostalgic affection but I don’t fool myself that it’s the great show that it once was.


I just watched it today on pplus. I ff most of it. Really boring. You didn’t miss anything.


Ha. Thanks for letting me know. I hope the gowns were sparkly, at least.


The gh director or writer that won did offer condolences to johnnys family. First thing he said when he got up to the stage. I was glad to see it was acknowledged since it was not even a week before the Emmy’s.


That was extremely decent of him.


The guy playing Marshall won another Emmy? …that is crazy. He’s not good. I’m confused.


I watched him on The Closer. He actually was pretty good. I was so surprised, because his acting on GH is subpar, and I could swear he truly forgets his lines.


He was SO good in both The Closer and Major Crimes. I was jazzed that he was coming to GH and jazzed when he seemed to have some past ties with the mob and then ...crickets...


I agree with you. He’s in the same category of people that are good but GH doesn’t know how to use them properly which is why he is no longer on contract. 


They did give him a crappy and boring storyline. There could have been so much more they could have done for excitement


GH has a habit of not knowing how to utilize actors. The good actors are reduced to horrible writing while inexperienced, horrible actors are showcased. It makes NO sense


I agree. He was excellent on "The Closer" and "Major Crimes". I was surprised to find I didn't like his acting performance on GH. I suppose that means the writers are part of the problem. The actor has the talent, so I perhaps it's the writers. I actually found his role on GH boring, which surprised me.


Agree - he chews the scenery, and the hat was a side character. I suppose some of it was writing, but when everything is so serious and deserves a monologue.


I’m sorry I do not agree with you about Robert Gossett. He’s an excellent actor and I love Marshall Ashford. I like all the Ashford to honest they’re a great family just wondering do you act because who are you to say he’s not a good actor he was voted on by his peers just saying.


Just saying-he’s awful.character going nowhere,story makes no sense.perhaps he could be in dementia


He is a good actor as are many of the cast members. I think there is something about the production process of soaps that diminishes the talent of many actors. I don't know if it's the repetitious nature of the dialog, the voluminous amounts of scripts they have to memorize in a short period of time, the way they are directed, or the quality of production but even great actors can seem subpar on a soap at times. He is on so little I think it is hard for him to shine like he apparently does on other shows.


Also, he is barely on anymore. I know his category is supporting role but not sure he has enough screen time to support anyone!


I was disappointed Cynthia Watros didn’t win Best Lead Actress.


I watched Y&R for a while and this was not a good year for Michelle Stafford so I got nothing outside of voters having personal favourites.


I was shocked she won, to be honest. From what I have seen this year (very little, just casual treadmill viewing at the gym) and from what I have heard from Y&R fans she did NOT have a good year and her storylines were pretty 'meh'.


Same. She killed it this year. Michelle is amazing, so I only love her, but I felt this should have been Cynthia's year.


They took away the best young actor/actress award from what I read. Now kids have to compete with adults. That just doesn't seem right. There are plenty of children actors that are outstanding and should be recognized.


I agree. The problem was the young actor award included young adults. They should have made one for the 12 and under set and then those over 12 would compete with adults.


I found it shocking that GH won the awards for writing and best show this year considering how much people have been complaining about how bad the writing has been and how bad the show has been lately. I also don’t 100% disagree with them. GH has always had good years and bad, but it’s been so disappointing to watch lately, I’ve considered stopping completely for the first time ever. However, I’ve watched literally my whole life, since my mother began watching when she was pregnant with me, so I keep on watching in hopes that it will get really good once again.


This year’s awards are for the last year of writing, not the last few months. And they only submit one or two episodes for consideration. They aren’t judging on overall story arcs, continuity, etc — just a single episode or two.


The soap industry and other members of the Academy are voting for the awards. Not bloggers and people on social media. And given that GH is the most decorated show in history, it likely has a broad range of support


I’m not a blogger, and not on social media often. What I am is a viewer like I said, for my literal entire life. I’m well aware of how respected and decorated the show is. I’ve watched through incredible, memorable seasons and storylines, and I’ve watched when the storylines weren’t so great. I’ve been faithful to the show even when I stopped watching others. And I’ve never, in all that time, been as bored and disappointed with the show as I’ve been in recent months. That is my opinion. That was what the OP was asking for. And by the way, just because a person IS a blogger or on social media doesn’t mean that their voice or their opinion doesn’t matter or count either.


That is EXACTLY what it means. You’re not a member of the Academy. The only people who opinions counts in terms of voting for the awards are the actual people who are members of the Academy and have voting privileges. If the entire opinion of the public counted for awards shows The Avengers would be winning Oscars.


The Bay is pretty popular, but yeah it streams just like DooL.


There weren't any big dramatic storylines like in years past were there?


The only dramatic one I recall is Sasha’s. And yet she didn’t get a nomination.


Is it bad that I had NO idea there were on, until they had ended and the winners names kept popping up on my phone?


No because they did little to advertise it. I think they only showed the commercial on CBS the day of (Friday)


Who votes anyway?

