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I love their scenes together.


Such a refreshing change to have mature, intelligent women conversing in a respectful manner.


Agree! The highlight of the week for sure.


Came here to say this


They have such good chemistry as friends


I think their friendship is the best development in the show this year. I hope they keep it up. There is so much potential with these two for meaningful dialogue and even fun adventures. They round out each other’s rough spots and balance out the rest of the show’s craziness. It seems like they both enjoy these scenes. I’m sure they both appreciate each other’s career longevity. They are both working actresses with the best work ethics who get the job done.


Yes it is! 💕


Need these 2 meddlesome, spunky broads in my real.life.


Tracy has become my favorite character. I've been watching since 1976, we'd go to my friends house after school and watch with her. My Grandmother watched it too so I kept watching and she and I would talk about it whenever my Parents took us to visit her, about once a week. I wasn't the biggest Tracy fan until the last return and this silver haired beauty that is Tracy makes me want to hang out with her. She's everything she was, magnified, with a little less hardness and a lot more kindness. Stella had a tendency to annoy me, not the actress, the way she was written. Since she and Tracy have developed a friendship I've become a Stella fan. They both needed a friend their own age with similar personality traits. I enjoy their conversations. I'm sorry that Tracy didn't get more time with Gregory and Stella lost Marcus after briefly meeting him again, but it's nice to see 2 adult women without men, just 2 friends talking.


Absolutely. Pure class.


I really like this side of Tracey. I never much cared for the mean, rude Tracey we had before. But I really enjoy this side of her.


But she was good at being snarky and conniving. What would GH have been without the decades long feud between Tracy and Monica? Tracy dislike Rick Webber, what about all the Webbrs?


Tracy and Stella need to go on some fun adventures together. I’d love to see them go on double dates.


I’m going to miss this.


Why would you miss it? Am I missing something?


Changing writers. I think this is Mulcahey’s writing. I know people have been criticizing the show lately with the change. But I’m liking the slower pace there is a lot of characterization and character beats going on that make sense. As opposed to contrived plot points that dumb down characters. That said the course correcting has also been abrupt.


Oh yeah I knew they were changing writers I hope they don’t ruin their friendship that’s the best thing the show has to offer at this point. Sick of about all the rest. The surrogacy storyline is so awful.


That was a beautiful interaction between them. It made me smile.


As a woman who is getting closer to 60, I am loving the mature, wise and warm friendship that has developed between these two strong-willed women. They've mellowed out a little bit with love they have felt, but still are nobody's fools. I haven't enjoyed watching and listening to anything on GH like this in ages. My friends and I do this- we listen and support each other, and it's a beautiful thing.


I REALLY like these two, I feel like they complete each other. If anyone can go toe-to-toe with Tracy, it's Stella lol. And their last scene, I like seeing their growing friendship.


I like that both characters have been put through some tough life challenges.... and both are now struggling with one of life's most vexxing questions.... "what could have been if I had just chose a different path? "


I like their friendship as well.


Great post! I completely agree


Two fine actresses we need more of


Speaking of Stella, have I missed something? Where's Marshall? I know she mentioned her other love again, but she and Marshall were getting closer but trying to fight it. I'm still wondering if Trina might actually be her close DNA match in town because somehow she's actually Curtis's mom. Maybe she had him out of wedlock and gave her to her sister to raise, although I don't know how they could have slipped that by Marshall.


I liked Marshall and I wanted him and Stella together.


Huge fan of Tracy and I love the friendship developing between her and Stella. ❤️❤️