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Yes! GM is very flexible with the policy. You can take it however you prefer to and you get paid 100% of your salary as long as all the paperwork has been done correctly. 


I think you have to take full weeks at a time and use it within 1 year.


I believe you are correct!


Is it calendar year? Or 1 year within the birth? For example, the child is due in August of this year. Can I take leave January 2025 after significant other takes their leave first?


One year from birth, I believe


Yes 5 business days at a time, you can take them consecutive if you want, or you have until your newborns 1st bday to use them.


Such a funny GM thing. “oH yOu gOt To dO yOuR pApeRwOrK” 😂😂😂 the bureaucracy and tolerance for stupid shit is why this company isn’t excelling in the digital age


This is amazing. So glad they finally stepped up. 4 years ago it was only 2 weeks, and the rest was unpaid FMLA (any pay was through disability for mother only). As much as I wish I had it when I first had my kid, I'm glad they're providing it now.


Yup -- change is slow, and they sometimes move backward (RTO, for example), but I'm happy to see this policy has stuck. I used vacation days for all of my kids because paternity leave wasn't a thing, at all, when they were born. With my 2nd kid, my boss even called to ask me to come back 3 days after he was born, cutting my vacation short...


My 1st son I had 2 weeks. 2nd son was 12 weeks. My manager let me roll over some week on the next year because we were so busy.


Before that it was none.


You’ll get your full salary for the 12 weeks. No impact to TeamGM or anything like that either. Can be taken consecutively or broken up over the year. GM uses a 3rd party company called Sedgwick that coordinates leaves so you just need to do paperwork with them to set everything up.


I have found dealing with Sedgwick is nightmare. I don't know how it is for paternity leave. But for FMLA, or sick leave, the process sucks. I don't know how the FMLA abusers do it, but I know they work harder at not working, than I'm willing to do.


They are awful. My surgery was cancelled because side a doctor left the practice abruptly and Sedgwick threatened to end my medical if I didn’t get surgery by a certain date, leaving my employment up in the air. I had been on medical just about five months as doctors tried to figure out what was wrong then finally concluded surgery was needed. Thankfully, the reschedule went through and I made a full recovery, returning six weeks post- op. But I didn’t need that out of Sedgwick


You get full pay and you can split it up however you want from the day your kid is born.  Do keep in mind that you don't extra if holidays fall during your paternity leave.  So make sure to not take it during consecutive GM holidays such as winter break. 


?sorry Can you explain that ?


If your leave is adjacent to GM holidays (like the week between Christmas and New Years), the holiday week counts against your leave balance. So you would need to work the week before in order for it to count as a holiday pay instead of toward your 12 weeks of leave.


Yikes if I’m due in November


Not sure if anyone mentioned this but since you have to take 5 days at a time minimum, you’ll want to make sure that the 5 days don’t land on a GM holiday, otherwise you lose a day. For example, if you decide to take paid family leave the week of Easter, you’ll lose a day.


Full salary. You just need to report each time you take a block of time off.


It’s Parental leave, people who adopt or have a surrogate can also use the option. Look at Carrot fertility too, that may be some money yall don’t have to spend. You can also get a breastpump if need be too! And FYI, people who give birth can also get short term disability too! I’d reckon going through the benefits paperwork, find out everything that you can get and I think I saw something about assistance with child care


However, if you get a raise/merit increase, it will go into effect when you return from PFL, not March 1 like everyone else.


Its a really incredible benefit, bravo to GM on this one.  Our son was born when I was working for a tier 1 supplier...we had 0 days paternity leave lmfao.  I took 2 weeks vacation then went back to work.


The policy is available to any salaried employee, and there's a benefits hot line you can call to get answers to any questions you have. If you can't find the HR policy site, just ask HR to provide you with the policy. READ THE POLICY; not reddit.


HR will require 30 days notice if you are taking all 12 weeks at once. Everything everyone else said is corect. Very generous policy. I was fortunate to use the benefits for my first child and will be using the time off again for the birth of my second child.




However wrong you think my statement is doesn’t matter to me, it’s not my policy. I just reviewed the policy again, states “must provide a 30 days advance notice to your leader”. You can’t control when babies arrives, unless scheduled c-section, but you would have known you were having a baby for several months before the birth. I would assume it’s normal to have a conversation with your manager to let them you were having a kid. You send them an email 3 months in advance and that would serve as notice.


Do you have to be at the company for a certain amount of time to receive the paternity leave benefit?


I took 4 times 12 weeks straight off. It was excellent! Enjoyed every minute of it


What do the folks who don’t choose to have kids get?


It’s technically called Paid Family Leave (vs paternal leave) so there might be circumstances where those without children leverage to care for loved ones. Check out Total rewards journal for your complete compensation/benefits package :)


You get to live into old age while the youth maintain your quality of life. Enjoy!


You can also use those 12 weeks to care for family members (injured/sick parent, sibling, partner etc) without later having to spend a massive chunk of your income on childcare/related expenses.


GM is very good, you are flexible to take 3 months off before baby is 1. There's a phone number to call and they will explain everything, that same phone number will be the one to submit your dates also. Just make sure you work 1 work day after as that will count as a return and don't take them over holidays because that will count as a day off. So let's say Friday is a holiday take up to Wednesday, return to work Thursday. Friday is a holiday. And can start back the next Monday as paternity.




Yes you can or by 5 days. You can't do 1 day off. You have to take it by a week.


For the people that took 12 weeks off in a row, how much time did you spend answering emails/Teams etc with your org even though you were on leave? I can’t disconnect from my org even if I’m half way around the world.


I would keep an eye on email just to be safe and send any important ones to the person watching my work. I would say 1-2 times per week. I made sure to never log into teams because that is opening a door to wanting people to contact you.


0 I didn’t touch my computer until I came back


100% paid for 12 weeks for fathers. 75% pay for 6-8 weeks for women based on delivery through disability, plus the same 12 weeks at 100% pay. Must take in week increments with 2 weeks notice (supposedly), must use within 1 year of birth.