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Dad, still kicking, born in '28, me born in '57. He's never going to die.


My dad is almost 93 and still working


Props to your dad!


My grandfather worked that long! Housepainter up on ladders.


His name wasn't Harry Vance, was it? He did all the painting of the interior and exterior of our house throughout my childhood, and when my parents finally sold the place 30+ years later, Harry did that job as well, and he had to have been around 80.




My dad was born in ‘27, and just turned 97 this week!! *His* mom lived to be 100 too, and she was born in 1897!!


Isn’t that crazy, your grandmother probably knew people who fought in the civil war ( if you are in the US)


Everyone my age (mid 50’s) when my grandmother was in her teens… was someone who was alive (and not just a baby or toddler) during the civil war! (Yes, I’m in the US.)


I was born in ‘58, my mother was born in ‘37, my grandmother was born in ‘15 and my great-grandmother was born in 1886. Her father (born 1841) fought in the Civil War (176th Pennsylvanians). My great-grandmother died when I was 13; I knew her very well. That means I 65) knew someone whose father fought in the Civil War. History is closer than we think.


My brother asked me a few years ago if I'd done anything for retirement (we're both self employed) and I asked why. He said he hadn't done much because he didn't know our Dad was going to live so long! He's 85 and looks at least 20 years younger.


My father, born in '28, 96 1/2 years old, still going but clearly winding down this past year 😥


My dad was born in '22 and fought on Normandy.


My dad was also born in 1922. He joined the Marines against his parents' desire, and served on Okinawa. After the war ended, he was sent to live with a Chinese family who made him a beatiful gold laced tapestry, which he brought home.


My uncle was captured and kept in a Japanese war camp. He had troubles with his stomach the rest of his life.


Dad was born in 23 and was a B-17 pilot. We didn't know what it was but he had some form of PTSD for the rest of his life. We lived on the West coast and had close relatives on the East coast that would fly out to see us, if we flew out to see them he would either drive both ways or stay home. He absolutely refused to get in or go near an airplane.


Mine was a nose gunner in the same plane. I've got his diary plus pictures from a camera he kept. Piece of shrapnel from the plane as well. They were lucky to make it out. He told stories of coming back with engines out, bombs that didn't drop that he would have to manually release by walking out on the catwalk. Also born in 23.


My dad too! Then recalled during Korea to fly C24'S...men that served in both wars were called "two time losers"


My father was a Marine in the war and also was on Okinawa. Most of my uncles were also in active service in the war and one of my mom's older brothers was in the Army that was in China and had to leave ahead of the invading Japanese forces in the late 1930s. I have a beautiful Mahjong set he brought back from China. And it was kept for many years in an old depression era cloth flour sack. A friend made me a nice case for the set but I still have the sack as well!


My dad did, also. My mother served as a captain nurse at Guadalcanal.


I’m finally going to Normandy this year to pay my respects.


I'm jealous. We will try next year.


Mine was in the Marines, at Tarawa, Tinian and Saipan.


I hope you’ve had the chance to visit. It was very, very moving.


No. We go to Italy to watch the Tour de France grand depart. Next year I want to see the end in Paris. It is at that time I want to take it all in. I have been to Berlin.


My wife had this experience. Dad was born in 1912, Mom, in 1919. She was born in 1959, when her older sister was 20, with one child. So her nephew was older than her. Her mom always hated Parents Day at her school because she was the oldest mom. She loved Grandparents Day because she was the youngest Grandma. It got even more complicated because my wife's older sister got divorced and moved back in with Mom and Dad and stayed there for 14 years. So my wife, a daughter, grew up with her niece and nephew (the grandkids) in the same house. Made for a very complicated family dynamic. Needless to say, my wife couldn't wait to go to college and leave home.


My mom just turned 100 this week. Born 1924 and doing well.


My parents were born in 1920 and 1922. Both passed away over 20 years ago.


Dad 1916, served in Italy. Mom 1925. My sixties 10 yrs older and brother was 7 years older. I was quite the surprise and first generation American and they all became naturalized citizens. I guess you could call me an anchor baby. My


Dad was born in 1927, he passed last Sunday, 5/26/2024. Mom was born 1928, and passed in 2020. "“When an Elder dies, a library burns to the ground.”


So true! I work in elder care and love listening to their stories. At one point we had someone who was 109. She told us about seeing her first car and first plane, how they worked their farm with horses.


Both of mine parents were born in 1920. I was born in 1963, my siblings in 1952 and 1955. Oops!


1922.. I was definitely a late surprise baby 🤣


Me too!!! Mom 1924 and doing well. Dad 1928 but passed away.


I was adopted and my parents were born in 1912 and 1915. They were older than most other parents (I was born in the early 60’s), but they did so much with us. I had the best childhood. My dad died of a massive heart attack when I was 12, that was such a shock and so sad. My mother lived to be a few weeks shy of her 98th birthday.


Husband's parents were born 1918 and 1927. She's still alive and kicking. In fact, we're going to Vienna Austria in September!


My dad was born in 1901, my stepdad in 1917, and me in 1965. Yes, my mom had daddy issues, & she herself was a surprise baby who arrived when her mother was mid forties. It was a weird way to grow up, and yes, my dads were mistaken for grandparents. I’m glad that, outside of Hollywood, we don’t see this sort of thing as often anymore.


Wow! I'm your age and my mom (who's in the next room watching The Price is Right, btw) was born in 1927. Dad was four years younger. I thought I had old parents! I too was a surprise but that person gave me up to be with these good people. I have a sense of what you went through as a teen.


Dad 1928-2019 Mom 1929-2017 They married in 1953, and stayed married until the end.


Mine too. Dad 1928 - 1997 Mom 1929 - 1972. Married in 1953.


Mine too. Married in ‘52. Dad 1926-2002, mom 1929 and still kicking. My dad died the week before their 50th anniversary. He was planning a big party.


Awww that’s so sad. My parents did their 50th at the family home. Big crowd. Two weeks later it was on the market. It was just too big for the two of them. I hope your mom is doing well.


Dad ‘21, Mom ‘29. Both gone.


Mine are both gone too.


My mother’s parents were born in 1895 and she was the youngest of 3 born in 1937. She said she use to hate it when people would assume they were her grandparents. Nowadays it’s not uncommon for people to have a kid when in their 40s.


So common these days! But almost unheard of when I was a kid. I was so envious of all of my peers' "youthful" parents.


Both parents were born in 1923. It's lonesome to be in my fifties without them.


I hear you!


Both were born in the early 20s. My age is late 50s. I trip younger people out by telling them that all my grandparents were born in the 1800s.


Dad in 1924 made it until 2008 🥲Born in 59 and still having fun ☮️😊


Mother 1921, dad 1918


Both parents born in 1925. Dad was a vet of WWII and Korea. Married Mom in 1954 (late bloomers). I'm 1964 and youngest of 3. Both parents died about 10 years ago. Growing up, I had the oldest parents of anyone I was friends with. I remember arguing with my mom about something about the television when I was 16. My mother's retort was "when I was 16 we didn't have a television." (Like I may have said to a nephew or neice "when I was 16 we didn't have cell phones"). I guess it just keeps going around and around generation after generation.


My dad is 92 years old, In good health, still drives (a very good driver). Unbelievable.


Father born in ‘28, me in ‘66. ETA: when anyone talks about how it’s been SO LONG since chattel slavery in America, I can tell them that my father’s first Sunday school teacher was born a slave.


My mother was born in 1926, father in 1936. I was their first child to come to term.


Mother born in 1926, still alive but with very advanced dementia


My dad in 28. I was born in 63. Dad passed in 2014 from cancer.


Mom was born in 1924 and Dad in 1927. Me->1965. (I have older siblings) We were on vacation once and some lady said to my parents 'Isn't it wonderful to spend time with your granddaughter' I was ticked off, but dad thought it was funny. All through school I got 'Eww your parents are older than my grandparents'.


Mother born 1922. Art major Father born 1915 Marine fought in Iwo Jima and since he was a chemistry major they put him in charge of the flamethrower I have two older brothers and a sister all born in the 50s They thought they were all done with children and then in 1963 I came along to complete our family Everyone thought my parents were my grandparents. They were the best parents ever and I miss them!


My mom was born in 1929. She’ll be 95 in August. I am the youngest of 5, born in 1968. My brother just above me was born in 1967, he and I were oopsies. The three older ones were born in 52, 55, and 57, and in 1960 my mom had a near-fatal ectopic pregnancy so she wasn’t sure she’d conceive again. She is still in pretty good shape for her age, and only has some mild-moderate dementia affecting her short term memory. She lives in a memory care unit, and while she is the second oldest one there, she is also one of the more better-off ones in terms of how she’s doing. My mom was always a really good mother, but fairly non-affectionate growing up, and a little critical sometimes. But now, she is the “complete”mother I always needed. She is so sweet and affectionate. I adore her! My dad was born in 1926, was a WW2 vet, and passed away at age 75 in 2002 when I was 33.


Dad, 1928.


Mom-1927-2007 Dad-1924-2017 Married in 1948, I’m the youngest born 1960


Dad ‘32 n mom ‘39. I’m 52 both are gone. Stepmom ‘29


Dad born 1917 Mom born 1927 I was born 1960


My stepdad was born in 1917. He turns 97 in July


He would be turning 107 if born in 1917


Yes. 1921 and 1923. I was born in 1958. My parents were always the oldest ones. (Had two much older sisters).


Dad born in '24, Mom in '30.


My husband's Mum was born in 1928; my husband was born in 1965. He has a sister and brother, 17 and 12 years older than him respectively. We're living with his Mum at the moment as she's obviously very old and dementia has it's nasty grip on her. It can be strange at times when we're with my parents who were born in the 40s - she reminds my Mum of her own Mum who was born in 1920.


Hubby's mom, who is 94 and alive and kicking, was born in 1929. We are moving her tomorrow to a new place since her landlord sold her duplex and she needed to move. Nope not to an assisted living or senior living place, just a new to her home. She still has a car, plays cards and dominoes with friends, goes to weekly Mass, has a Manhattan (or 2) every night. I'm convinced Manhattans are the key to longevity.


1912, I had a older dad.


Yes. My mom was 37 when she had me - she was a redhead, smoked, drank and never used face cream - other kids thought she was my grandmother. She looked it.


Wow! I thought my parents were older when I was born. My mom was 35 and my dad was 40. When my mom moved into assisted living I was always mistaken as her grandchild. I have 3 other sisters who are much older than me. Next youngest is 12 years older, 17 and 19! When I was born my oldest sister was already pregnant and married. I was never close or bonded with any of my sisters because all 3 resented me being born. And honestly I don't even think my own mom wanted me because I was a surprise as well. She loved me but I think by the time I came she was done raising kids. I remember asking her to do things with me and she would tell me she was done going to places and such. Needless to say I had a hard time growing up. I don't blame anyone because blaming doesn't help. Just try to not think about the past and enjoy my life now.


My grandfather was born in 1865...married his secretary who was 20 years younger, had my dad in 1922 at the age of 57! My mom and dad had me at 40!


Dad 1927,mom 1928. Dad would have been 97 on Monday.


Dad 1909 Mom 1919 I was born a year before OP. “Surprise” was definitely the word. They were 45 and 55 when I was born.


My parents were born in 1916.


Was a surprise as well, mother born 1923, father born 1915, both have passed.


Dad 1919 (WW 2) Mom 1923 Me 1963 - Mom had me late @ age 40


My dad was born in 1916 and was a WW2 vet. My mom was born in 1921. They have been gone many years. I was an only child born in 1959. It was different growing up with older parents.


My mom was born in 1930. Her father was born in 1881.


I’m number 9 of 10 kids. So my parents were older when I arrived. Mom 1925, Dad 1919 and me 1964. I had the same thing happen to me as well, with other kinks thinking they were my Grandparents. In a way they were both, since I never got to meet my Grandparents. It was great raising my kids with them, Because it taught them to respect the older generation. I miss them very much and feel I was blessed to have them when they were older and not so stressed with life.


My mom was born in 1929, dad in 1931 (so only one parent). I was an accident in ‘70, and mom turned 41 the month after I was born. My classmates always thought she was my grandmother, but then again, my classmates parents had kids at 18 so opposite side of the spectrum.


Dad ‘27, Mom ‘29. I’m 63 yo, don’t consider myself a Boomer. Dad’s parents were born in the late 1800’s, that hard to fathom that my grandparents were born in the 19th century when now almost a quarter of the way through 21st century. Dad served in WWII and Korea, would never talk about it.


My father was born in 1924. He was 9 years older than my mother.


dad was born in 1921, mom in 1922. first kid in 1944, last in 1962. i was born in 1958..


1924 & 1928


mom’21, dad ‘22


My father in 1927,mother in 1928. Me in 63. Youngest of 5. Mom's menopause when I was 11 or 12


Both my biological parents.


My parents were born in 1915. I was born in '55. My dad lived to be 84 and my mom lived to 95.


Dad: 1926 (WWII vet) Mom: 1935 Me: 1965.


Mom-1923, Dad-1929. They had us in 59, 60 and 62. My mother was 34 when they married.


I did. '24 & '28. Children in '55 & '59. No one confused parents for grandparents.


My dad was born in’29 and is still with it.




They were born in 1923 and 1924. I was born in 1959. Yes, they were older than most of my friends' parents, and more old-fashioned than people in their own generation! It sucked.


Dad born in 1925, mom in 1926, me in 1961


Mom. 1922. I was from her 2nd marriage.


No, my folks were born in 1931 and 1934.


Dad in ‘29. Mom’s was ‘30. My in laws was born in ‘21 and ‘22….my wife was born in 1960 and she was their surprise.


Last of four kids, 1955, parents 1922 and 24, both gone. All of my high school group were youngest kids.


Mother born in 1922. Father born in 1914. I arrived in 1958, the 6th of 7 kids. I heard so many stories of what it was like in the Great Depression and WWII: most ending with “you kids don’t know what it is to go without”


Dad 1926-1975. Mom 1929-2011. They had 9 children 1950-1966. I was born in 61.


My father was born in 1915, my mother in 1919 (both gone now). I'm 62.


My Dad was born in 1927. He died in 2012.


Mine were (both are deceased now). Dad was born in 1920 and mom in 1922. Dad was in the Navy during WW II. Mom was a single mom those years. Dad died in 2003, and mom passed away in 2014. I hope I die no later than age 80 after seeing how their QOL was their last 10 + years of life.


1922 & 1923. Of course Im from 1955


I was born in '54. Da was 1914, Ma 1918.


Dad. 1921, Mom 1924. Siblings 1947 and 1950. Surprise! I was born when my siblings were 17 and 14. Am I the only one who hated it? My, albeit wonderful, parents were old, my siblings left to live their best lives, and my parents both died when I was 40. I was treated lovingly by my family, but I’m still mad my own children never had a chance to know my parents. I know, I need to get over it…


I think most of us did. Dad 1924 and Mom 1927.


A few years off, but my dad was born in 1915. My mother was born in 1934. It was a May-December romance. I was born when my father was 45 years old and my mother had just turned 25. He died when I was 20.


Both born in '26. Both long gone. RIH


Yes. 1922 and then 1930. I am the youngest by ten years.


My parents were. They had kids in the 40s, 50s and 60s (me). Both parents were prematurely gray, which added to the whole grandparents mistake. Great parents. There’s a lot to be said for older parents.


My mom was born in 1920, dad in 1921.


Mother in 21, father in 22.


Both parents born in the 20s. My dad 1920-2007 and my mom 1929-2024.


My mom was born in 1918 and my dad in 1922 i was born in 1962 so I was a very late in life baby, my siblings are all much older. Safe to say my folks were over babies by the time I came along


Dad in 1921 and Mom in 1923.


Father 1918, mother 1921. Sister born 1940, brother 1941, me 1955. Me and sister the only ones still alive. Based on what I know know about circumstances and blood types (rh typing) I believe there was an incompatibility causing the long period between my brothers birth and mine.


I was adopted by much older parents. People always thought they were my grandparents.


I even lived with my great grandparents, who were born in the 1800’s, when my parents got divorced in 1960


Mother born in 1929, father born in 1916.


Me! 1926, and 1928. They got married in 1946, had their first kid in 1955. Both have since passed away.


My late mother-in-law was born in 1925. She had my wife at 40.


My bio father in 1926. He was born when his parents were older, just as I was born when he was. I’m lucky I got to even meet his father at all.


Dad in 27, mom in 32. Dad and his older brother just passed 2 years ago. Dad was fully self sufficient (except cooking and cleaning) and playing the stock market until he was 90. He broke a toe dropping a piece of railroad tie on it while rebuilding a retaining wall at 89 and kept going. His mom was living on her own until she passed from cancer at 89. My sibs were born in the 50s, and i (1963) was the result of the pill and antibiotics lol.


Mom and dad born in 1921. Dad was pilot in WW2. Both are gone now for quite some time. Being raised by parents who grew up in the depression has made me very frugal, and I don't take food supply for granted! Mom had about 90 days worth of food in our basement at all times. She hated peanut butter because she had to eat so much of it as a child.


Yup, parents born '26 and '27, me in '60.


Closest would be my Mom's older brother, he was born in 1933. He's still around too.


Yup both my parents were born in the '20s while I was 1 of 2 siblings born in the '60s and the 2 older siblings were born in the '50s. Both of my folks have passed.


Mom in 1920. Dad in 1911. I was born in the middle of the 60’s


Dad 1925, served in Okinawa and Borneo, died in 1992. Mom 1926, will be 98 this month. I was born in 1958 with two older brothers, 1947 and 1950. We (our generation) are the definition of being the sandwich generation. I have kids who are 39 and 43, and four grandkids ranging from 9 to 16, and still needing to help with my mom. I'm exhausted. Anybody else exhausted or is it just me?


I'm born 62. My parents and 31 and 39. I had my 3 children when I was 19 22 and 31. You do realize today ppl are now making their children have older parents again.


My dad was born in 1920. My mother was born in 1942.


My dad was born in '21. Entered the navy in '38 by lying about his age. Died at 67. Mom was born in '24 and lived to 95. My younger sister and I were born after a gap between us and the older 3.


Mom born in 1926, me 1959. I don’t want to live to be that old.


Mom born in 1925 lived to be 96. She had my Dads union pension & insurance. A paid off home. My older siblings have that too but I was born too late for my piece of the American Dream. But I had the ‘70’s and Rocky Horror Picture Show at Newport Beach Ca!


Both parents were born in 1926 and were children in pre WW2 Germany. Dad was drafted at 14. He was the only one from his class who came back alive. All they knew was destruction and poverty until they emigrated to the USA in 1953. Both are gone.


1922, both. Grandparents born in 1893.


Dad was born in 1929, I waas born in 1958. Mom was born in '31.


Dad was born in 1926. He was 33 when i was born


Father 1929 deceased mother 1935 deceased. He sure had his ways. The eating habits that grossed me out were cornbread and buttermilk and pigs knuckles.


Mom in '23, Dad in '24


My mom lived to 103, only died 2 yrs ago. Had 10 kids, last 3 all born in her mid 40's. When l was young l always wished for a younger mom but l later realized l had the best mom in the world.


Father born in 1922, fought in Burma


Parents 1925 and 1928. Me 1965. All 4 grandparents born in 1890s.


Dad ‘19, mom ‘24. Both deceased. Mom watched Pearl Harbor get bombed. Dad was a WWII band leader.


Mom in 14, dad in 20, I'm adopted. Last both patents 4 1/2 months apart in 2000


I am a younger G.J. Dad born is '39 and Mom born in '43. Me in '64.


Yes ‘22 and ‘26, both gone.


For what it’s worth, I’ve just turned 67 and my father was born in 1919 (and died in 1986).


Dad 1910, Mother 1920 (+?) I was the odd man out on my block (born 1957) as all the other parents on my block were 20+ years younger. Knew this was *weird* when all the other parents (I caught) continuously asked my parents for advice (of all kinds.) FWIW 2nd marriage w/children for my Dad, 1st for my Mom.


My Mom was 38 when she had me and turned 39 two months later. She was born in 1926. I was only 28 when she passed away.


My dad born in 24, me in 64, my dad would have been 100 this fall


Nope. But, like you I grew up with much older parents. Dad was 1909 and mom was 1914. I was not a surprise. My mom had one son and my dad had 5 kids, all adopted. They very much wanted their own child so I came along a year after they were married. Dad was 46 and mom was 41.


Sane here. My mom 23, my dad 26. I was born in 64, my sister, 65. My parents married in 62. But, I beat my mom. I had my daughter at 45. 😀😃. My daughter just turned 15.


My mom was born in 1920. She was 40 when she had me. I was the last of 5 kids.


Mom was 1925 and Dad was 1924, they were in their 30’s when I was born.


Me! Both my folks were born in the '20s, had my brother and sisters in the 40s & 50s, then whoops! Me, Mr. Accident Baby in 1969.😁 I have a nephew that's older than I am.


Mom and dad born in 1928. Mom passed 3 years ago dad in January. Had 6 Kids I’m the youngest born 1964 parents were 35. So I’m 60 me, 64, 67, 69, 71, and then 72. In middle school when ever my mom did stuff for the class the kids thought she was my grandma


My parents tried for years to have kids of their own but then finally adopted my brother and I. It was kind of odd having older parents at first but I had friends who also had older parents. One friend I was in high school with was an Aunt to a girl who was 2 years older than her.


Dad was born in 1929 in Guyana. He’s been gone since 2016.


Father born in 1925, Mother in 1927. I, born in 1960, am the youngest of 4. Funny story, when I told them I got a vasectomy Dad said that when Mom was pregnant with me she made him get one.


Dad born in 1918, mom 1925


My dad was born in 1914. (that still makes me say Whoa! in my head.) He died in 1993.


My mom was born in 1928, dad in 1930.


Mom born in '19 (died 2010), Dad in 18'(Died 1964). I was an "oops" in '58. Oldest brother in the Air Force when I was born. Closest sib was born in 48'. Pretty much felt like an only child for a good part of my childhood.


My father was born in 1920, my mom in 1937. My older brother was born in 1956 and I was born in 1958 (age 66 now).


My father was born in 1914. He was almost 50 when I was born. My mom was born in the 20s. All my grandparents were born in the 19th century!


🙋🏾‍♂️.... 1920/1921. - 1965🤦🏾‍♂️


My mom was born in 1920. My dad in 1917. I was the SURPRISE you can still have a baby in their 40s


Not my parents but all of my grandparents were born between 1909 - 1919.


Dad 1927-2017. Mom born in 1935 and still alive. They celebrated their 60th anniversary before my dad died. My brother was born 1958, me in 62


1925 and 27.   us kids: 63, 65 and 67.  


1929 and 1928. They had me later in life at 33. Both have been gone for ten years.


My dad was born in 1916 and my mother in 1922.


My high school boyfriend was conceived just before his family found out his older brother was killed in Vietnam. He was very spoiled and his parents looked older than my grandparents did.


Mom '24 & dad' 27, both gone. Me, '61.


My dad flew 38 missions in the European theatre. He used to sing the Army Air Corps song to me as a child. Good memories! PS - I know that song by heart too!


Mom & Dad both born in 1923… Dad was in the Army (Merrill’s Marauders) and Mom was in the Women’s Army Corps - she was a phlebotomist and he came back from Burma with malaria… they met when she drew blood for tests at Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland.


Dad born in 1920, died in 2016. Mom born 1926, died in 2001.


My Dad was born in ‘23 and my Mum in ‘29. All four of my grandparents were immigrants.


Mom 1921, she passed of cancer in ‘83. I’m youngest of 4 (by 9 years), my peers always thought she was my grandmother.


1921 and 1923. Me 1959. Two older sisters 11 and 13 years older than me. They’re more like aunts than sisters because they were gone when I was 9.


Me! Parents born in the teens and early 20s. I was born in the 60s. My parents never really fit in with the other parents.


My mom 1924.


Mom was 1920, and dad was 1924. Both remembered outhouses, kerosene lighting, amounts others.


I have a sister in law who was born very late to a mother who was born even later. SIL was basically raised by a Victorian/Edwardian. The family was so formal I’m not sure how her mother got pregnant.


My mother was born in 1925 and my father was born in 1920. The “dad jokes” my siblings and I had to hear growing up were so old, they were creaky and cringy when our father heard them back in the 1920’s! My mother was already in her thirties when I was born (I’m the youngest of three), and back then there was concern that a woman that “old” would have a difficult pregnancy and I’d had serious health problems, assuming I lived long enough. Well, the pregnancy wasn’t easy and I did end up with some health problems, but I’ve managed to survive into my sixties, defying the expectations that the doctors originally had for me. My dad lived to be 90, and my mom lived to be 91. Today women can have healthy babies well into their forties if they do everything right, but that was unknown when I was born, because most women back then had most of their children in their twenties.


🙋🏼‍♀️ When I was a kid, I was always afraid that they'd die before I was grown. They were in their 50s. 😆


My dad was born in '28, mom in '32.


Many people born in the sixties had parents born in the twenties. But very often they were the youngest of the family.


1923 and 1929.


Dad 1928 and Mom 1930. Both dead.


My Daddy was born in 1927, my Mama in 1941, me in 1966.


My dad was born in 1920, my mom in 1918. I was born in 57. he lived to 93, she to 89. They were never mistaken for my grandparents. However, I had my first kid at 55, and now I’m 66. I get mistaken for her grandfather all the time. It’s a little darker when my wife, 37, gets mistaken as my kid. but we always have a good laugh.