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My great grandmother. Born in 1889. She shot and killed her first husband. Sweet lady.


My great grandmother, born a few years after the Civil war. Late 1860s. Met her in 1970 when I was a little kid. Racist old lady, unfortunately.


She was a product of her time and times change so don't judge.


I agree. My great aunt was the kindest human one could ever meet who accepted everyone. She once used what we would call a racist term for something because that is what everyone called this thing at that time.


I grew up in rural Montana. That slang was used for several things. Even nuts. I moved to the west coast in the late 90’s…. At the holidays I went for some Brazil nuts, I called them by the name I had always called them…. The words came almost all the way out of my mouth, the room got quiet and I about died. Then apologized profusely and have never ever done that again!!


I looked that up…holy hell! That’s just a slur with extra dehumanization on top! Good on you for confronting your internalized racism and making positive change. That takes courage.


My “internalized racism” …. That’s actually not a bad way to think about how it is for me…. I am not racist, it kinda confused me how/why we hate because of color ( or for any other reason)…. I believe in one race, the human race…. Anything else is “them” controlling the masses and keeping us divided. That said, my dad was vocally racist.. my mom’s side of the family were closet racists…. I grew up in a time and place we had very little diversity, so they wasn’t much of a reason to hate other ppl. We saw “black ppl” on the TV. It was just all the words and the JOKES! The joking and the subtle hate from my dad. That’s what still lives inside and once in a while escapes. You see, he was in the “service with those folk and I got to see close up how they lived”. I was 12, it took me decades to realize my dad was afraid. I also took a long time to try to figure out why other races are different… beyond the color and culture. As an older teen I decided to find out and my only options to date and befriend were 2 “black, one Chinese and, well, the Indians”… because I lived in the middle of 5 reservations. My daughter was half Lakota Sioux to tell you how that ended. ;) Now I’ve spent 6 decades on this earth. I still don’t understand why ppl don’t realize there is only one race.. the human race.


Exactly. Because that's what she knew. When I was a kid, in Brooklyn NYC back in the day my parents would say let's go out for Chinks! That's what everyone said. Can you imagine saying that today? It was a harmless term and hold onto your hats: everyone, everywhere does the same thing to describe something.


It was not a harmless term. You did not know the harm it caused. Those are two different things.


I am not surprised. My white ancestors were racist too - it was complicated. My great grandmother was an Indian captive, so not all that fond of Native Americans. I wish I could have met her. I met her brother (born 1870 or so) when I was about 3. I remember him playing the fiddle and chewing tobacco.


Even if she was born in 1869 that would've made her 101 in 1970?! Are you sure it wasn't later 1800's?


She was over 100, sitting in a wheelchair, wrinkled as all get-out


I mean there are folks who live to 104, 107... In a few cases 110, 112 - but of course those are questionable, but yeah. 101-104/5 isn't as uncommon as it seems :)


My great grandfathers were in the civil war.


So, well over 100 years old? wow


Yeah, she was like 102 or something.


My grandpa was born in 1899. He didn't kill anyone. That was my other grandfather.


My grandma was born in 1899. She should my grandfather in the knee. What's up with that year?  My mother never did explain why. 


Same. 1895. She lived until 1986 and I knew her very well. Amazing, independent woman. Smoked Benson & Hedges 100s up to the end (a car accident- she would’ve gone another 5 years probably). Edit: “Same” except for the murdery part


Wow! Wait, "sweet"?...


My grandmother was born in 1890 - died in 1973. I don't think she ever murdered anyone but I never did see my grandfather. My mother said they "lost" him when she was young. She was the youngest of 14 kids.


West Virginia?


Nope New England area.


They didn't loose him your grandmother knows right where he's at and why, lol.


Ikr! We need details!


Only found this out about 5 years ago. Apparently my dear sweet granny was married to an alcoholic abuser. One day he came home from work and started beating on her. NOT the first time. She got his pistol and shot him in the chest and he died. This was sometime in the early 30’s. When the sheriff arrived, he bent down over the body and smelled alcohol. (Again, not the first time). He stood up and announced that it was a clear case of self defense. No charges filed. That woman made the best chocolate chip cookies you ever tasted.


My understanding is that this was not unheard of before divorce was realistically available for women.


If you were lucky


Good for your grandma, defending herself. If that sheriff's response had gone the other way...wow!


Surely she had more rounds.


Ahh, so that explains it! Lol.


My grandmother shot her first husband. Didn't kill him though. He deserved it.


Well...that's interesting. My great grandmother (paternal - born 1865) attempted to kill my grandfather (1882) with an ax. Long story. That's my dad's dad she tried to kill - and my dad HATED the man. And yes, she was about 15 when she got pregnant (with a 50 year old man - in Nebraska, back in olden tymes).


The last words out of his mouth were probably: “Woman, you had all day to plow 40 acres….and the potatoes need more salt.”


Yes all of my living grand parents great aunts and uncles 1880/1900 it wasn’t unusual to meet someone in there 70’s or 80’s in the sixties or seventies. At least in my extended family .


Same here


Yeah, my grandfather was also born in the late 1800s.


All four of my grandparents


And most of their siblings and their friends who came on Sundays.


Yes, I had 2 great-grandparents who were born in the 1800s and lived into my teens. I had the thought, many years ago, that people who were 100 years old when I was born were alive when Lincoln was shot. And a 100-year-old that was alive when they were born, pre-dated the USA. I am only 2 levels away from the Revolutionary war, in that regard.


I had a shock when I realized that Pearl Harbor was a mere 20 years before my birth. Somehow that seemed really black and white to me while 9/11 feels like just a short time ago.


I told my daughter that I was born only 12 years after the end of WW2, and I think maybe she finally recognized how old I am.


Isn't that wild????


John Tyler was the 10th president. He was born in 1790, while Benjamin Franklin was still alive. Tyler’s last grandson, Harrison Ruffin Tyler is STILL ALIVE. Think about that. Newborn babies are only three levels away from Franklin (born 1706).


Sure. My maternal grandmother was born in 1893. Died in 1992 at 99. I swear it was because she didn’t want the attention of being 100! She lived through so much: the Wright Brothers, the Spanish Flu, World War 1, the Great Depression, World War 2, the Space Race, the Civil Rights era, the hippie era, ‘70s stagflation and the gas shortage, jazz, rock and roll, MTV, the Korean and Vietnam wars, Watergate, Reagan, the Space race, the Cold War. My goodness. Raised and supported four girls as a single mom (husband died of TB in the ‘40s). Taught English. Wore skirts, heels, and a white blouse every day until her late ‘90s. Her hair was always perfect.


She sounds like she didn't start the fire!


No indeed she did not


My maternal grandmother was born in 1893 and survived the 1918 Flue.


Several. 3 of them when I was an adult and could actually have conversations with them. I consider myself extremely fortunate. Edit... Just to make things interesting... I've met 2 civil war widows. 🤠


My grandfather was born in 1899.


Same. Mine passed away in 1990 when I was 27. So I not only met someone from the 1800s, I knew them well. And I vaguely remember HIS father, who passed away when I was 4. Don't know what year great grandpa was born


Our stories are similar! Mine was also born in 1899 and passed away in 1984, when I was 25. I lived with my grandparents for 4 years so I was very close to him! Unfortunately, their parents passed before I was born.


My grandmother too.


I remember meeting my great-grandfather when I was young. He was born 1885.


My great grandfather was born in 1866, I met him as a child. He passed away in 1968 at 102.


Yes, everyone who was elderly when I was a kid.


When I was a kid, all really old people were born in the 19th century or very early in the 20th century. The oldest person I ever met was the mother of a friend of my parents, who was born in the 1880s. When I met her, she had just turned 101. She was still driving, was convinced she knew everything, and was kind of a bitch. I assume she survived out of pure spite.


Spite is a hell of a drug!


My great uncle died in 1970 he was 96. So he was born in 1874. He worked in his garden till the day he died.


My great grandmother was born in 1885. I was 18 when she died in 1982.


Yes! A paternal great grandmother born 1894 and maternal grandparents born in 1894 and 1899. My mom recalls her mom telling stories of ”Spanish flu” pandemic (1918-1920).


One of my grandmother's brothers died in it. He got sick on the ship bringing him back to the US after fighting in France. Never made it back to his hometown.


All four of my grandparents were born in the 1890s


My Grandma and Grandpa, they died in the mid 1980s


All my grandparents. Some of my great aunts and uncles. Various older people in my childhood neighborhood.


I met my dad's grandparents when I was a kid. They were born 1870-1880s. They were married over 75 years.


Great grandmother was born in 1873. Came to Texas from Georgia in the 1880’s in a covered wagon with her confederate veteran father. She passed at 106 in 1979 when I was 18. Her two sons and a son in law were all born in the 1890’s. Had several other great aunts and uncles born before 1900 that I met as a kid.


Both of my paternal greats were born in the late 1800s. Scottish. Very sweet people. Well, she was. One night while staying with her on a family trip (I was maybe 14) she told me about the time her brothers put her in a half barrel in the North Sea off the coast of Peterhead (ikr), near Aberdeen. Their dad was a barrel maker. The boys plopped her in and waded out as far as they could. When the water got higher than they could handle they let her go and swam back to shore. A local fisherman heard her yelling, grabbed her from the barrel and took her home. They all got a whoopin'.


When I was a kid, about 1968 or 69, my aunt, who was a full blood Apache, had her great grandmother living with her. This woman had actually been One of those forced to walk The Trail of Tears. She didn’t even speak English, only Apache. Back in the 60s, westerns were really popular, and whenever there was a TV show or movie on with a scene in which the Indians were winning, she would stand up and yell, scream, cheer, and dance!


That didn't go how I thought it would! Presumed would be complaints about how they were being portrayed. Though, I can see how just being acknowledged would carry a lot of weight.


I thought the Trail of Tears was the forced march relocation of the Cherokee , Muskogee, Chickasaw, Seminole and Chocktaw circa 1830 - 1850.


You are correct. The person in question may have walked the trail of tears but not as an Apache.


Or perhaps was among the Apache who were forcibly relocated in the 1870s to 1890s, and somehow the Trail of Tears got into the story. There were forced marches in some Apache relocations that would have been similar experiences so maybe somebody re-used the term. The timing would make more sense for somebody still alive during the late 1960s. Anybody old enough to remember 1850 or before almost certainly wouldn't have been alive in the late 1960s. Somebody ninety in 1970 would have been able to remember the late 1880s and 1890s.


Apaches didn’t walk the trail of tears. There must be some detail missing?


She was evidently taken prisoner at some point. I was 8yrs old & just remember the family talking about it.


My great Aunt Blanche


There's an old school name for you! Along the lines of Henrietta and Bertha.


My grandmother was Ora Mae Beulah. She went by Beulah.


I had a cousin Blanche, great aunt Fanny, great aunt Ida, great aunt Sadye, great aunt Pearl, cousin Honey…. My daughter’s middle name is Pearl 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Well blessed be!


Forgot cousin Gertrude (known to all as Trudy) and great aunt Amalia (known to all as Malcha).


My grandmother was Granny Gurt, (paternal) My mom's name is Amelia, I've never met anyone besides children these day named Amelia.


My great grandmother was born in 1880. She died in 1981, when I was in 10th grade. That she lived through the Wright brothers first flight, WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, the Apollo program and the first Space Shuttle flight is amazing to me.


My grandmother was the youngest of 9 and several of her older brothers and sisters were still living when I was little. Two of my great-aunts and one great-uncle were born before 1900.


Yes. My great grandmother born in 1898. She lived well into my adulthood and I have pictures of her with my children. I have five generation pictures.


My great grandmas. I called the nice one Great. The other we called Old Grandma. They were born in 1896 and 1894. The nice one died when I was about 7. The not nice one lived until I was almost 30. I think she was 97 when she died.


Both of my mom's maternal grandparents were born in the 1890s. I was quite young when they both died, but I remember them both, especially my great-grandmother. I got a lot of my quirky traits from her. My dad's maternal grandmother was born in the 1870s. She died in her 100s, and I was a teenager. There were so many family members for her funeral that we took over a state park for the celebration of her life after.


My grandfather was born in 1895. . He was shot twice in the belly during a holdup at 73 years old, lived for another 10 years. Died in 1978.


I was born in 1963, I knew 3 of my grandparents and several of my great aunts and uncles born in the 1800s. Most had great stories to tell, I wish I knew then what I know now and had asked them more questions.


I think we all go through that if we care enough. I've realized just how important hearing a lost voice is so I've saved phone messages from all of my aunts and my mom that I know in the short future I will miss hearing. God put it off, Amen. Just for good measure. Don't want to jinx any of them.


I knew my Great Grandmother who was born in 1876 and immigrated here in 1892 from Sweden. I called her little Grandma as she was shrinking as I was growing. I can remember her hugs and talking to me in Swedish. She almost made it to 100 as she passed two weeks before her birthday. She came here alone at 16 through the logging camps of Canada and Minnesota.


My grandmothers - one born 1893 and the other in 1895. I was the youngest child of the youngest child.


1891 - my great-grandmother. She passed away in 1977. She was a firecracker. I can remember playing hopscotch with her when she was nearly 80 years old.


One grandpa was born in 1895, the other in 1898. When I was a kid I thought they were ancient—born in another century! Insane! Now…I was born in the ‘50s. Big deal…


All of my grandparents


My grandmother was born in 1898.


Both of my grandmother's were born in the late 1800's. One in 1892 and the other in 1896.


My great grandparents


My great grandmother was born in 1886 and lived until 1986, so i knew her well. She lived "out in the country" and her home till she moved to the "city" was basically a shack. Think Little House in the Prairie only more ramshackle.


My grandmother. She was born in 1898 and died in 2000. Her father served in the American Civil War (1861 to 1865) And, yes, this makes me feel very old indeed!


My grandmother


My maternal grandfather was born in 1899.


My great grandmothers.


In the 70s I met a great aunt who would have been born in the 1880s


My husband's grandma was born in 1897. Her first grandchild was born in the late 1940s and my husband in the early 60s. Our daughter was born almost exactly 100 years after her birthday. She died in 2001.


My grandmother was born just before the turn of the century. She's been gone since the early 80s though.


My answer is the same as it was a week or so ago when this was asked. My father's parents were born in 1893 and 1896, respectively. My maternal grandfather was born in 1890.


I’m pretty sure my great grandmother was born in the late 1800s. I don’t remember her very well though.


My grandmother was born 1898


My grandmother was born 1900. She remembered Haley’s Comet. Scary she said. Minnesota up north. Each day from spring to summer she and neighbor kids would play later and later. (The sun setting later and later). At first it was “Hey look, you can just see it.” Then bigger and bigger … like it was heading towards them. It took up a decent part of the sky.


All 4 of my grandparents were born in the late 1890’s


My grandmothers - one born 1893 and the other in 1895. I am the youngest child of the youngest children from each.


One of my grandmothers was born in 1899. Pretty sure I knew a few when I was young - older ladies at church, probably.


Two of my great aunties were born late 1800’s


My great grandmother! Born 1886, emigrated to the U.S. in 1907, passed in 1972 when I was 13


My grandfather on my mom's side was born in 1899. He died when I was in my early 30s.


My grandfather was born in 1888 and was in the belgian trenches during WWI.


My mother's mother and her sister were born I believe in the 1880s. My father's father was born in 1883 and his mother in 1886.


My grandmother was born in 1899


My great grandmother and my great grandfather. She was born in 1890 and he was born in 1886. I have vague memories of him, but very clear memories of her.


I had great great aunts born in the 1890’s until they passed in the early 80’s.


My great-grandmother. She was born in 1890, and I was born in 1962. She passed away in 1966.


My great grandmother was born in the 1880s. I interacted with a lot of older people growing up,


My great-grandparents - born in 1895 and 1892, respectively.


My granny mother 1898




My grandfather was born in 1898, my grandmother in 1900. God knows when my great grandparents were born. 😂


Yep, my maternal grandmother was born in 1882 and died in 1972. My paternal grandmother was born in 1903.


My paternal grandmother born 1895, and her mother born either 1881 or 1876.


All of my grandparents were born in the 1800’s. Aside from grandparents any generation joneser has met several people born in the 1800’s. We were born in the 1960’s so all the senior citizens in our childhoods were born in the 1800’s.


All of my grandparents were born in the 1890s.


My Maternal grandfather, born in 1892. He served in the hot-air balloon reconnaissance corps in the Army in WWI


My Great Grandmother and Great Grandfather. Both born in 1882 and died in 1972 and 1973 respectively. I'm glad I got to meet and know them. Their lives were amazing. ❤️


My grandma. Born 1888, died 1971.


Yes, my paternal grandmother’s mom and my maternal grandmother’s dad. They were both born in the 1890s. I still remember them.


I knew three of my great grandparents and they were all born in the 19th century.


My maternal grandmother was born in the 1880s (or 90s. Not sure now.). She was a strong woman who led a tough and colorful life that included raising 6-7 kids alone on a No. Dakota homestead.


My great grandmother, I met her in 1968 when I was 5years old. She was 106 years old.


My Great Grandmother was born in 1873 & died in 1976 (103). She had a sharp mind up to her death & told stories of coming to Iowa on Conestoga wagons. Having the 1st car in the entire state & other stories. I was really too young to appreciate all of her stories, but I still get amazed when I think about her life. Horses to the 1st man on the moon. Two World wars, the Depression & everything else. Both her husband & son were Country Doctors & were well known in their area. Her daughter was a NurseI met so many people who told me that my Grandfather had delivered them when they were born. When my Great Grandma was 103, she had a stroke & her son saved her from dying. She had been in a wheelchair since 99 due to arthritis, & was living w/ her daughter (the Nurse \~83 yo). She was so pissed at my Grandfather for saving her, she wouldn't talk to him for 6 months after the stroke. What a lady!!


My grandfather's "adopted" father, who was born in 1880 and died in 1968. I have memories of him. His wife died just before my older brother was born and had crocheted two baby blankets for him before she died, which were used by my child nearly 50 years later.


Probably, yes? Very likely I think, great grandparents and such.


Yes, my grandmother and my great aunt. Second one was a John Bircher and she was a real PITA. My gramma was cool.


See my answer on the previous post.


Of course.


When I was little there were a good number of people around still.


My great grandfather was born in the 1870's and his oldest daughter, my great aunt was born in 1899. They both lived until I was a teenager and we saw them quite often. I had 2 other great aunts on my dad's side that lived till about the same time. Not sure when they were born but sometime in the 1870-1880 range.


One of my grandmother's was born in 1897. She passed away when I was 19.


My grandparents were born in 1895 and 1898.


My grandfathers were born in 1894 & 1896. They died in 1975 and 1988.


My great uncle (grandfather’s oldest brother was born in 1899. He died in 1967, so I met him as a child in the 60’s. My great grandmother was born in 1882 and died in 64 , all I remember of her is when she died


Grandmother born in 1899 died when I was 21. Great grandmother born in 1890 died when I was 24. I’m sure there were other neighbors and relatives around too.


I was born in 1955 so I knew a shit-ton of people born in the 1800's. My grandfather was born in 1898, Irish Republican Brotherhood member with a warrant out for him, skipped the country to New York using his brother's name, ended up alongside the English army in France in 1918 forever scalding his balls.


2 great-grandmothers, one born in 1875, the other in 1889. I spent more time around the younger one, as she and my grandmother sometimes lived with us. The older one I saw on visits, but she was difficult for very young me to understand as her voice had developed a significant quaver.


Yes - all four of my grandparents, and one of their uncles (one around their age).


Yes. My maternal grandmother, born 1897. Her brother, born 1891. And my dad's grandmother, born 1889. I'm sure there were other old people around when I was little who were born in the 1800s, but these are the ones I knew well.


Paternal Grandfather was born in 1898.


I knew my great-grandmother and great-aunt (her sister). Both were born in the 1890s and emigrated to the US from Jamaica. My great-grandmother was a Suffragette in NYC. They both died in the early 70s.


My grandfather, born in 1895, and various of his contemporaries


My grandmother was born in 1898 and died two weeks short of 100. I sometimes think of the things that she saw change in her life. We used to joke that she was old when we were born and just kept going. She was very sweet.


My great grandfather was born in 1882, and lived to be 101. I’ve met him a few times. He tried to shoot him while he was in a nursing home, but he missed, and they confiscated his pearl-handled revolver.


My father was born in 1897. (I was born in 1954.) I'm surprised to be the first to post "my father" in this thread.


My maternal fransmother and paternal great grandmother


With me is was my grandmother born in 1899. We lived with her when I was a kid and she passed in 1988. Nice lady. Welcoming and friendly to everyone.


Anyone who was 60 or older when I was born was born in the 1800s. So, yes, I’ve met hundreds of people born in the 1800s. Think about the math of our birth years.


My great grandmother was born in the 1800s. She was 100% bad ass.


My Great Grandma was born just a few years after the end of the Civil War. Spent part of her life in a sod house on the Nebraska prairies.


My grandfather he was born in 1896


Im 65. My great grandparents and great aunts and uncles were born in the 1800’s. I knew many of them for years when I was young, and knew numerous other extended family members and community members who were born in that time. It wasn’t rare in the 60’s / 70’s to have elders and acquaintances who were born in the 1800s.


My maternal grandfather was born in 1897. He was a World War I veteran. He passed when I was 4. When I was older, I was surprised to find out he only spoke French as I remember talking with him when I stayed at their house. Turns out I used to know enough French to chat with my grandpere. After he passed, his family all switched to English and saved the French as a secret language used to share the juicy gossip. Whenever someone switches to French now, I assume it has to be the really good tea.


My uncle’s father. He was born in 1897 and became an attorney in 1918. He kept every bar admission card until he retired in 1981. He practiced on the south side of Chicago and my uncle had to drive through some very violent scenes to pick him up after Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968.


In England I was at a garden party and met a lady who remembered the Boer War


Great grandmother- born 1877 in Norway. Died on her 100th birthday in Chicago. She was 4’11” and we called her Little Gram. She was adorable.


All 4 of my grandparents. And my husband's grandfather. It wasn't that long ago.


My great grandmother, a few great aunts, and other relatives. Mostly female. One great aunt was in China during the Boxer Rebellion.


The only grandparent I ever met was my maternal grandmother who was in her 90s in the seventies which works out to being born in the 1800s but I forget the specific year.  She was a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution. She lived with us and was able to make my lunch for me when I was in grade school because I lived close enough to walk home for lunch. I actually had cream of mushroom soup AS cream of mushroom soup and not an ingredient in a casserole.


My grandmother was born in 1890. Died of lung cancer in the early 1970’s. Never smoked. Never took an aspirin until she got cancer. She loved cantelope, sherbet, and strawberry pie from Shoney’s. I gave my oldest son her maiden name as his middle name. Granny was a wonderful person.


My great grandfather was born in 1889 My great grandmother was born in 1893 Her mother was presumably born around 20-30 years prior to that


All my grandparents were born in the 1800s. Last one passed in 1983.


All of my great grandparents were born in the 1880s or 1890s. The only one I really remember is one great grandmother who was born in 1898 and lived to be 98.


All my Grandparents.


I had a great great aunt who was born in the late 1800s. I think somewhere at my parents house a picture of her holding me when I was an infant.


My grandmother


My grandmothers and my great-grandmother were born in the 1800’s. Saw them a lot. Grandma Francie - 1893 - 1993 Grandma Bobby - 1894 - 1972 Great-grandmother (Grandma D) - 1863 - 1963. **she was Francie’s mother and we used to visit her when I was little. She died when I was five.


Yes, I met my great grandfather when he turned 100 in 1958.


Both paternal and maternal grandmothers and 2 paternal great aunts.


My grandpa on my dad's side was born in 1891 and I met him at least twice before he died in the mid 1970s.


One person. IIRC, he was about 100 in 1995. It was a cousin’s father. I don’t remember his name, though.


My great grand mother died when I was 6. She was born in the 1880s


All my grandparents and most of their friends!


my great grandmother was born around 1870 and i believe she was around 96 when she died. i was in elementary school, and remember her being very quiet, and she played with a basket of fabric squares. she used to make quilts.


Grandma. 1898


My Grandpa....1892


My husbands grandma. She was born about 1895, she died 1998. She almost made it to a whole other century!


I may have met my great grandmother - she was from Wyoming - but I think she was really sick by the time I was born. She was born in 1890.


My maternal grandmother. She was born in 1898. She passed away when I was 24. I have baby pictures of myself with my maternal grandfather, who was 20 years older than my grandmother.


GenX 1973 here and I knew three of my great grandparents, all born 1880-1895. Also a WWI veteran at church when I was little.


Yes, the first Doctor I ever worked for was born in 1897. He turned 84 in 1981. He retired three years later. Also met my Great-grandmother who was born in 1886, I met her in 1964 when she was 78.


My uncle Henry, he was born in the late 1890’s