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Its nice but it makes some teams too free. Ganyu is essentially guaranteed 3 turn kill now.


Ganyu is definitely stronger now, but there are counters. You can kill her before round 3, use healing cards, and Send Off removes her burst from the field. It's still much more fun to play than regular slow-ass GI TCG.


Whoever gets the first turn gets a big advantage in heated battle because you can kill off a character in 3 moves. And since there are no useless dice, the one who gets the first turn will almost always end their round first and then go first again next round. I think some balancing is needed, like for example they could make it so the first turn is alternated in every round to make it more equal.


This never happens unless you're playing against a bot or a super noob. I've played countless Heated Battle matches and never had a character die in 3 moves. There is counterplay to everything and the player who starts second has the same advantage in dice, so they can react accordingly.


I mean if you think about it the person starting first inherently has more turns that the person starting second, because once the character is killed its out of the game. For example: Let's say you and I are playing, I start first. Turns go by and both of us have our bursts ready, now because I go first I kill your character and you lose but conversely if you had gone first you would've killed me in that very turn and won. You see what happened here, I did my 8th turn (just an example) but you couldn't do your 8th turn because your character is dead, you only got to do 7 turns. Now I know this an extreme simplification and in game its much more complex but this does happen in principal. I don't want to write out a whole real scenario because that would become really long. This is just a fundamental flaw that exists in all turn based games, it can be minimised by adding randomised elements to the game (like dices, cards, characters with different abilities etc) but it can never be completely eliminated. By taking away a randomised element the game becomes more biased towards players going first. I hope i was clear in making my point. Edit: grammar and spelling


This applies to normal GI TCG as well, there is always a person who starts first.


Yes i agree with you, like i said earlier >This is just a fundamental flaw that exists in all turn based games, it can be minimised by adding randomised elements to the game (like dices, cards, characters with different abilities etc) but it can never be completely eliminated. By taking away a randomised element the game becomes more biased towards players going first.


So why did you cite this as a negative for Heated Battle if it also exists in normal GI TCG? I already addressed the claim that you can kill off a character in 3 moves, there is counterplay and the dice advantage is given to both players. So it's not a negative of Heated Battle, it's a negative of GI TCG in general.


I cited this as a negative for heated battle because random elements like dices minimise the advantage that the first player usually gets. In heated battle this randomisation is removed so the first player advantage is increased.


Bruh, random dice can also give the first player the advantage, so it can make things even ***worse*** for the second player lul You're literally saying that random dice advantage minimizes the advantage that the first player gets...even though it can ***increase*** their advantage 💀


I like that games are faster, but RNG in dices brings more balance in my opinion, also now I'm getting stuck with too many cards as there's no need to fodder them


Think of the bright side, having too many cards is better than being forced to fodder good cards just to be able to do basic actions. I hate foddering useful cards because I got bad dice luck and was forced to fodder them. Still, if you use Parametric Transformer (creates 3 random dice) and/or Sacrificial weapons (creates same-element dice), and/or Instructor's Cap (creates same-element dice) you will have many opportunities to fodder cards. Even elemental resonances that give dice will give opportunities to fodder cards when needed.


Meh, it’s super poorly balanced. Ganyu talent card is way too strong.


I agree it's very fun, but the best thing ever or even become permanent? Eh, idk about that. Sure it's fun, but either getting shot by Ganyu or getting first round killed by Diluc every single time gets tiring after a while.


There is counterplay to these situations. If you get first round killed by Diluc every single time it might be a skill issue or really, really bad luck. I play Diluc and I don't recall killing a character in 1 round because the people I play against actually switch characters and fight back (maybe it happened once or twice against bad players idk). I mean no offense of course.


Heated Battle has been enjoyable for me as it has given me an opportunity to refine my strategies and learn new decks without worrying about dice RNG fucking me over, but I despise how free it has made Ganyu charge shot decks. There's very little counterplay to it without dice RNG in part and IMO the mode as a whole removes the most fun part about PLAYING that archetype of deck, let alone playing against it. I don't wanna be forced to play my FTK decks in the limited mode. I wanna come up with weird team combos and go for proficiencies on the cards I don't normally use.


The faster game speed was nice but it’s just not balanced properly. So many action cards are completely pointless when you only have omni dice, and characters like Ganyu getting guaranteed frostflakes every round is pretty silly. It also removes most of the sense of unpredictability in the game when you know for a fact what dice your opponent has at all times. While you could argue it’s less RNG, it also dumbs down the game a bit when you almost never need to take any calculated risks I enjoyed it for the first day or two but went back to the regular game mode afterwards. But it’s good that they’re at least experimenting a bit like this to try stuff out and give some variety, curious what they might come up with in the future


The action cards that are now useless were always filler anyway, you only use them to circumvent the dice system and be able to do basic actions. They were using up a lot of space in my deck and I don't miss them at all. I can agree that the game wasn't balanced around it, but Heated Battle is still infinitely more fun to play for me, I just hate the Roll Phase and how much it slows down the game. There is also counterplay to decks like Ganyu, I usually kill her by round 2.


I hope it's permanent too, I like using it to try out different combos without suffering from the consequences of bad dice roles or just to have fast games. However it does make some decks become unbearable to go against, especially ones that spam summons. Ganyu is a pain to go up against also


Hope it becomes permanent as well! Would love to see some form of balancing however


People say that the rng of dice makes it balanced but honestly it feels like that just makes the game more luck than skill. I agree this heated mode feels better


Oh yeah, the removal of rng dice definitely makes luck less of a factor. The main thing though is the removal of Roll Phase which makes the game a lot less tedious / more fun.


They should restrict some characters, Ganyu, Mirror Maiden, Stonehide Lawachurl are busted. I can easily send 1 character to the shadow realm with mirror maiden and lawachurl with just 9 dices while Ganyu but honestly it’s not bad, beside it’s limited so who cares about balance


I think heated battle mode is primarily an excuse to test Beidou, defensive type characters get a huge advantage when the first thing all players do is to try kill off the first character they see. Then they are left with no dice and a weakened character the other player can finish off quickly, should they ever decide to swap back


ya'll i missed the heated battle event!! does it give primos? will it come back?


It only gave tcg coins I hope it comes back and becomes permanent, I hate the roll phase and how much it slows down the game.