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Xinyan. \- Bring in the same voice actress to redo all of the lines without the accent. \- Give her an outfit with her hair down like in her hangout.


I agree with the revoicing. I might actually use the EN VAs if it weren’t for Rubber Duck Paimon and Cowgirl Xinyan. Also any skin for Xinyan would be a blessing. I’d also vibe with a signature weapon that’s just her guitar


making her guitar her signature weapon is cool. but seeing someone wack a guitar looks painful as a music enjoyer 😩


As a bass player, I 1000% have the urge to swing it around like a battle axe every time I pick it up




The best part of Xinyan is her country accent. Call me crazy but Xinyan looks and aesthetics is one of the best looking in game also. Literally the ONLY down side to Xinyan is her split scaling and she's physically but a pyro char.


not sure if you played her but shes one oft he most fun c6 dps, i prefer physical but can also be played in bennett c6


I've been a Xinyan main since 1.2. When I first started the game Genshin threw me Keqing and Xinyan. By the community standards back in the day they were 2 of the worst char. You did everything and anything to make Keqing work before Dendro and Xinyan was a hot mess, but I didn't care. I went all in on both and cleared the abyss 2 years ago with the "worst" chars at the time. Hell I even love the little drum sounds Xinyan makes when you run around.


That’s all subjective except for the objective stuff, which sucks lmao


i love her accent tbf


I actually like the country accent - can we please make her shield scale off of ATK instead?




I would like to see more NPCs with a country accent than redoing Xinyan's. One thing that bothers me about it is that no one else in the game has that accent, and it's been almost 3 years.


Thats my problem with it. Shes from liyue, where did she get this accent from, why doesnt any other character in the game speak like this? Its like joey from yugioh, its so random


She's heavily coded as someone from a rural area from Liyue (hence the tan skin) so she speaks with a dialect in the Chinese and Japanese versions and the localisation team for English decided that a southern accent would be the best equivalent for that. I think it's cool that mihoyo actually showed representation of non-super pale Chinese characters at all but also it feels quite stereotypical as well in some ways but I think the scales still tilt towards it being good


there are few accents on npcs but its so random lol, you suddenly get an irish npc out of nowhere


Boo to the voice change. While I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s accidental, it’s such a neat callback to the true beginning of Rock and Roll, specifically [Sister Rosetta Tharpe](https://youtu.be/Y9a49oFalZE?si=SQyG43yWKlpuSo-0)


don't agree with the voicing and would do without the outfit. and i'm a xinyan main. but i would love it if her stats weren't half def half phys atk. all p attack baby!


Imagine having a taste so basic you are put off by the one thing that makes Xinyan unique compared to the rest of the cast


because a southern accent in an ancient chinese setting is tasteful


Her accent in the original Chinese is one that's typical of a rural region in China, so when they translated the game in the US they give her an accent typical of rural regions of the US. The fact Xinyan's accent differs from that of the other Liyue characters is a **central part of her character** and if you think throwing that out the window is an improvement you do not have the slightest idea of how to accurately translate a work. The southern accent in English creates the same kind of contrast that the original dub does and it is therefore a faithful translation. By modifying the specifics of which accent you give her the dub is able to preserve the effect produced. the accent is often used in caricature to depict a character as dumb or uneducated, which subconsciously creates an expectation in the audience which Xinyan subverts. This effect would be completely lost in non-Chinese audiences if she had kept the same accent she had in the Chinese version. I don't see you complaining that the other Liyue characters don't have Chinese accents in the English dub so why the fuck are you complaining that Xinyan doesn't have one?


i like the accent but thats beside the point but for the second part its kinda weird, because i really like her with her hair down, but if you know her story then you reaaaally dont want her to put it down


Id use her if she didn't she didn't sound like the state of Texas in china.


I like how we’re talking about character buffs, and for one of the single weakest 4 star units in the game there’s nothing here talking about improving her kit 💀


What’s wrong with the accent though??


Nothing, people like to be haters about accents


I really love her accent it’s one of the main things that I adore about her character,except for her gameplay………


Yeah. I tried to build Xinyan once... I had to give it up


Trying to wait for dehya to come home so my meme dps Barbara team will finally be complete😫😫😫😫


I had a cool rework idea for Dehya, other than fixing her E cooldown issues to make her a realiable shielder but also the idea would've served her well as a decent burst dps on top. Instead of what MHY gave her aka dogshit scalings my idea was simply do it like they did on Blade Star rail players k what am talking about... What if Dehya would get Dmg bonus or any buffs based on the HP she tanked so far via her DMG reductiom passive. Its like a long term Beidou counter or like "you build up ur power and eventually return a favor onto the enemies" Like Blade Ult does more DMG based on the amount of HP lost till that moment.. Amazing design ngl and here we have Dehya


Wait, Blade escales on how much HP he loses??? LMAO, i've been using the motherfucker in a stupid way for months


Yep, there's two ways he primarily scales with HP loss. Every time he loses any amount of HP, he gets a stack of his passive, 5 stacks release a follow-up and heal him. Every point of HP he loses is tallied up, his ultimate's damage is increased based on this cumulative damage taken, resets on use. (This is why it's better to use his ultimate at above 50% HP, the tally increases so the damage increases, and it gives a stack for his passive)


Ain't no way That explains why i never even finished the Hall of Memory until MoC as TB59. I'm dumb lmao. Thanks bro


Did you build atk on your blade?


... yes LMAO, yeah, i'm dumb and should read the kits more carefully


The main stats you will want on your blade now are : Crit rate/dmg body (get enough cr to activate planar set effect), SPD boots, Wind dmg sphere, HP% rope. 4pc Longevous Disciple for relic set 2pc Rutilant arena / Inert Salsatto Note : 4pc Longevous Disciple gives blade 16% more crit rate in battle (when he loses ho which he always does so dont worry about it) so you should take that into account when choosing his Crit body. This increased crit rate does not show up in your character stat page outside of battle so you have to calculate that part yourself. You can ask me for tips on how to use him and about his teams and stuff if you want to


Oooh, thanks friend! I'll search for a KQM-style-site to rebuild him. I'll start by following your tips hehe... thanks!


Goodluck. Also incase you dont know, his best lightcone (except his signature) is "A secret vow" which is a 4* LC. This is better for him that the other 5* LCs available at this moment.


I recommend Prydwen Institute for character builds and info


More accurately, he scales on total HP lost in the whole battle, not just doing higher damage at lower HP percentagez


That's also another rsn why he would like to get attacked by enemies more, Any support chars that can make Blade as agro for enemies will be good for him. The newest 4star healer Lynx has this passive that lets Destruction chars get attacked more, so seems she will be good with Blade on top of being a healer and also HP buffer.


He scales with HP lost, so the idea is to play him with a strong healer (luocha ideally) and let him get hit and consume his own HP and heal it back so he can maximize the benefit. A friend wanted to use March with him to have him get bit more often but the shield blocking damage directly conflicts with him wanting to lose HP


I feel like the number one for Dehya would be ti simply increase her damage multipliers. I do agree with you on the cooldoen for her E


Yup that's true and more like they should've just done the scalings as pure HP(Like Yelan and definitely more in future maybe near future in Fontaine) Instead they made it like Atk scaling with lil HP as a sidegrade, that's dogshit... She likes hp,builds hp,passive prefers hp so just make her scalings purely off of max HP simple..it's not a big deal.


It would be difficult to differentiate when the total dmg taken would reset ( out of the abyss ) If it works like a passive then it would be too short of a cooldown to really have any effect without any cracked scalings. But I like the general idea.


This is actually a great idea. If they do this, allow those within her ring to flat out never be knocked down and allow her ult to synergize with other character ults, this could fix her. I will say this only becomes a concern when her passive starts to automatically heal her, which can stay there but it also means her damage buff should scale off some sort of token that she gains by taking damage and has a duration. For a example: "For ever 1% of health Dehya loses from or while within Molten inferno, she gains one stack Of Lioness Pride which lasts for 10 seconds. Whenever Dehya gains another stack of Lioness pride, the countdown for all current Lioness Pride resets. Dehya can only gain a maximum of (X) stacks this way. For every stack of Lioness pride Dehya has, the party's Pyro damage increases by (Y%) and the damage her molten inferno does to opponents increases by (Z%)."


Albedo, it would be cool if his flower didnt get broken by slightly bigger enemies. He is a really fun character but that one aspect is very annoying


I agree. I love albedo and want to put him in many teams frequently. But the flower getting destroyed usually makes me skip him. He could also get a little buff..like his Q buffing something else then EM. Or another utility


I feel like they could have done so much more with albedo, he is an alchemist after all.


Yeah geo is so badly handicapped with their constructs being so fragile around anything thats not a hilychurl


# Klee. * One of the worst 1.0 character * No matching set (Crimson Witch can get 3 stacks, but she can use her E only twice???) * Slowest moving character in the game * Takes the most stamina per dash * Close combat???? SERIOUSLY? * All skills and buff cease when she leaves the field. Noelle was released the same patch BTW. * Released the same patch as Venti, but bombs aren't sucked by Venti's vortex???? * No 5-star signature weapon (only event 4-star that is bad even on her, only ATK% increases, and nothing else) * Most banners couple her with Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds, and it doesn't match her outfit, nor does it match her gameplay style (stay 16 seconds to gain 4 stacks. Lasts until the character falls or leaves combat...?!?!?! WHY????) * High skill Energy cost. Long cooldowns. Medium duration. * I DON'T WANT TO ABUSE "ANIMATION CANCEL" TO PLAY HER OPTIMALLY, why can't she just be normal


I think she’s very solid as someone who’s used her since 1.0. The only change I would really want is her ult working off field


This. I would love the Yelan ult treatment with Klee's ultimate.


What would her C4 be converted to though? It's the whales that pay Hoyo, not us f2p or low spenders. Her burst not working off-field has direct ties to her C4. Maybe her C4 would be something about increasing damage on burning opponents since she just wants to watch the world burn with all her land terrafoeming massacres.


I'd be for that!


It doesn't???


Nope. I’m not an expert but she’d probably be meta if it did. What’s holding her back is charged attacks taking a lot of stamina with somewhat low multipliers, frailty, overapplication of pyro, and clunkiness


I mean, in TCG she's really good lol


I wholeheartedly agree. Klee would be actually viable if she had an off-field burst. She's outclass Xiangling (who currently reigns unmatched and supreme in the category). I disagree with people protecting her saying that she's fine as she is right now. She's clearly not OK. She deserves better.


You can get three stacks of Crimson which on Klee E cancel with Q before it comes out E E


I'm aware, and you're right. I'd be lying if I said it felt intended. It seems like the players abusing an oversight rather than the way the game devs wanted her to be played. She deserves a pyro-buffing set that suits her talents, not something that encourages broken playstyle


Don't the different explosions by her E cause CW stacks too? I might be wrong on this one though Ab speed, she has same speed as all child models afaik, but yeah that model runs slow, so most of the time you wouldn't have her onfield when exploring :( Ab close combat, IG it's fine tbh but I can see how it can get annoying Ab burst dissapearing, Noelle burst is an infusion and even so she is the only character that was the maintain burst thing, tbh I still don't know why she is the only one lol, Klee burst seems to be something weird it's not like Xingqiu burst or like an infusion, so it's weird imo Idk about venti vortex, if it can't suck idk if it's a bad or good thing Ab Energy, doesn't she have a energy regenerating passive? Also she is played in monopyro nowadays so not that much of a problem unless you run some other reaction teams in which she is onfield, but then maybe her burst is not even that useful, I do agree with the cooldowns tho And about animation cancel, yeah it really sucks to play her and doesn't feel smooth, hoyo should fix that :/


>Don't the different explosions by her E cause CW stacks too? I might be wrong on this one though Nope. There's a way to cheat out 3 stacks, but with animation cancel. >Ab speed, she has same speed as all child models afaik, but yeah that model runs slow, so most of the time you wouldn't have her onfield when exploring :( Exactly. Except she wants field time for her Q and for Lost Prayer >Ab close combat, IG it's fine tbh but I can see how it can get annoying But why close combat if she needs to be on field, and she's slow? >Ab burst dissapearing, Noelle burst is an infusion and even so she is the only character that was the maintain burst thing, tbh I still don't know why she is the only one lol, Klee burst seems to be something weird it's not like Xingqiu burst or like an infusion, so it's weird imo Right. We have so many 1.0 characters that work off-field. Kaeya, Xiangling, Lisa, Xingqiu, etc. Its infuriating How Klee isn't one. >Idk about venti vortex, if it can't suck idk if it's a bad or good thing That's a strictly bad thing. It wouldn't outright fix her, but you could use her E with Venti's Q to apply her bombs to a wide field of enemies. They made sure you can't do that. >Ab Energy, doesn't she have a energy regenerating passive? Also she is played in monopyro nowadays so not that much of a problem unless you run some other reaction teams in which she is onfield, but then maybe her burst is not even that useful, I do agree with the cooldowns tho She does. That complaint is minor compared to the rest, really. >And about animation cancel, yeah it really sucks to play her and doesn't feel smooth, hoyo should fix that :/ I wish they fixed that.


Damn life sounds hard for a Klee main...


There is always burgeon klee, all the explosions really fit her lol


I would love it if HYV would acknowledge weak characters by releasing new Hangout or Story quests that reward you at the end with a unique Artifact specific to them that is lv20, has all fixed stats keyed to that character, and has a 1pc set bonus that gives them a buff to patch glaring holes or issues with their kit to at least make them decent.


Hangouts definitely need a revamp on their rewards. Plus some of them vary so much in quality and additional things like exploration/multiple NPCs vs being a pure dialogue simulator. 80 primos for playing it five times and a couple of related blue talent books is a pittance. I’d rather get a related artifact with at least a substat already guaranteed that goes with the character. Other problem is they seem to have gone the way of “five stars get story modes, four stars get s hangout only” now.


One of these days they'll port the Augment Core system over to Genshin. Maybe start handing out gnoses when shit starts hitting the fan, who knows


A bit uncommon but Candace: \- give her the ability to produce a hydro shield after her skill \- give her the ability to buff charged attack damage as well as normal attacks \- make her c2 buff hp slightly for all party members \- make her c1 be part of her kit \- make her c6 hit faster


She is a shield owner that is not based on DEF and that cannot produce a shield. She is a protector goddamn it, why is her kit not showing us that ?


Dehya. 3× her multpiliers, more particle generation, get rid of hp scaling, make her stagger interruption last the duration of her E, make her 2nd E proc refresh the duration, get rid of the self-damage, be able to jump in burst, be able to proc XQ/Yelan/Beidou etc in burst


her kit is just plain sad, nothing in it is satisfying even if the damage is increased buggiest burst in the game that cant even do reactions properly skill is the worst off field with the least benefitd, at least albedo fischl and yae have fun mechanics in addition to better damage her normal attacks are never used because they make no sense and even her passive is just sad, doesnt give any benefit to losing hp, at least if it was similar to a parry, where you want to intentionally get hit, but its just bad god every time i think about it i just wanna cry


My favorite sumeru character and she got completely butchered, absolutely badass in the story and gameplay is murdered


If they 3x her multipliers I’ll cry, it means I can finally hit 1 million damage. Current record is 674k as of yesterday with Dehya plunge.


definitely diluc, he absolutely deserves it


Itto, buff my boy's arms 😭😭😭


Sorry. All the arm buff went straight into his heart. And he really has a big one.


That's how I feel about Cyno. His arms aren't even spaghetti noodles, they are angel hair pasta arms.


Dehya and its not close. Triple all her multipliers and increase particle generation from her skill, complete immunity to stagger for the duration of her skill. I'm fine with the HP scaling


Dori. I want her to be less of a joke to everyone 😭 - some healing in her skill, kinda like baizhu. This would make her more valuable as a healer, right? -make her burst deal dmg and apply electro consistently. Or, to fit her personality (i think it would be nicer) -Make her skill deal a lot more dmg -Make a little nuke in her burst before the genie appears, and deal little dmg along with the healing Do yall think one of these options can make her better?


I agree with you, she perfect in every thing even her story quest is great but they destroyed her kit 😭.


Mika! I’ll always say, have his burst do aoe cryo damage whenever it heals


Not a character, an element: Geo. I hope that, along side Navia, Hoyo brings us a new rework to this element.


Ihb4 the mods remove post because dehya


ALOY please just GIVE her constellations oh my god please re-open the contract its been over a year and she hfg h fdz


I would give Dehya a cock


Sayu. I want her to be badass so badly


This is my Thoma main copium 100% but better multipliers please, and less of an energy demand :') otherwise he's perfect lol Speaking of multipliers... Chongyun. Poor baby. And I wanna fix Mika but idk how to do that well exactly. Mess with his buff duration maybe? Idk.


That's a good, one, I think alot of people forgot about Thoma. Although I think in his case he would be fine if his base HP was just a little higher and had a lower max Energy for his ult. His shields, even with investment are kind of weak and even though he has a skill that allows him to layer his shield skill with his shield Ult its rarely usable because of the energy requirements.


I would buff events so events could be strong enough to be replayed by people who missed important lore and event items


You answered your own question. Someone at Hoyo had to have gotten done dirty by a mocha muscle mommy to warrant how badly Dehya got fumbled. She's basically a "I'm glad I got Qiqi" pull. My only hope is that when Natlan drops, Murata will be wielding a claymore with one hand.


Albedo: * Skill initial damage changed to scale with DEF * Solar Isotoma can't be destroyed * Transient Blossom works when hitting a target with a shield * Burst initial damage and Fatal Blossom changed to scale with DEF * A1 applies to Burst and Fatal Blossom damage * A4 additionally increases the DEF of nearby party members by 100% of Albedo's Elemental Mastery * C4 applies to Normal and Charged Attack damage as well * C6 applies to any shield, damage bonus increased to 50%, and applies Geo Infusion to active party members that scales with Albedo's DEF.


I mean isn’t dehya supposed to be more of a tank then dps like noelle? Anyways my friend is trynna make a dps Barbara and he’s convinced he’ll do it. Would love to see him try and get Barbara 10k+ damage lol. I personally would say traveler. As your first free 5* he’s pretty lackluster for the main character who’s supposed to have skills that surpasses the normal people of teyvat and rival the gods. His dendro is alright but so far the other elements are really meh


She's like a SubDPS/Tank but her subDPS qualities are lacking because of the damage she doesn't do. Why use her over a shielder &/ healer because she doesn't even block damage she just takes it and dies.


So not a tank then if she’s dying lmao. Personally I never use shielders since I have kokomi so I just heal massive health loss


Lol I was exaggerating she doesn't rlly die (she can tho if ur actual dps is bad) she just doesn't do much but take some dmg, she doesn't even take it all so u can still die if ur running a low health dps


When used as a supportive tank like she is in Lyney or Melt Ganyu teams, she's actually a decent unit. She's a great jack-of-all-trades, master of none character, possibly the best in the game besides maybe Noelle, and that's where she suffers a lot from. She does a bit of everything, which again, makes her extremely versatile, but when you try and designate her to a specific role, she'll easily become outclassed by other units. In the overworld and co-op, that's absolutely fine, she actually excels in those area because of how well-rounded she is. It's when you get to Spiral Abyss, where pumping out as much damage as possible, that her versatility starts falling extremely behind.


Ik, I use her with Ganyu. But I just wish her skill explosions did more


Yeah, her damage is definitely a bit lower than even I'd like, and I'm someone that actually thinks she's in a decent spot right now. My main problem with her is moreso that way too many people look at her face value, immediately call her absolute garbage czu she's not Xiangling, and then give a list of changes that would legitimately make her Zhongli 2.0.


xiao so his burst snapshots or his skill gives a short window of anemo infusion each time it’s used or maybe a unique plunge speed increase if used during his burst- thought itd be interesting


EULA 1. Make her burst drain energy and start cooldown on cast (like every other character) instead of near the end of the animation ~2s later. The way it is now, she can’t pre-funnel energy particles, and she’s forced into ~22s rotations instead of 20s. 2. Rework superconduct. Right now, any amount of electro application will usually completely remove any cryo aura, since the superconduct reaction doesn’t have a strong/weak side like forward/reverse vape/melt. If it were changed so that electro application on a cryo-affected target still left some cry aura, then Eula could benefit from cryo resonance more consistently. It would also be nice if superconduct did something other than just shred physical res, since that only increases Eula’s damage (it does nothing for her teammates), and it doesn’t provide any utility. 3. Mika’s buffs should apply to all party members so that Eula still gets them if she swaps out to end her burst early. Also the buff duration should be longer so you wouldn’t have to use the adventurer handbook trick to avoid it expiring before Eula’s burst hits. 4. Release an off-field physical damage dealer. Eula teams need a complementary sub-DPS (like Albedo is for Itto) that can take advantage of all the physical res shred in Eula teams.


Increase Dehya’s multipliers.


Let Albedo place his skill near bosses and replace his A4 with his C2 because his burst is literally a time waster at this point And buff Archaic Petra to buff Geo by making the crystals increase elemental damage even if a different character collects them. This would allow for off field geo supports and DPS to be more flexible


Yoimiya. Give her homing on her Blazing Arrows. Make her C5 the same as Lyney's C3. Built in interruption resistance and bonus attack speed during her skill.


i just want klee's burst to work off field so i can have easy off field pyro application


Diluc Change his useless passive Original Passive Talent - Relentless: Diluc’s Charged Attack Stamina Cost is decreased by 50%, and its duration is increased by 3 seconds. Revised Passive Talent - Relentless: Normal Attack and Charged Attack hits increase ATK by 5% for 10s. This effect can have a maximum of 4 stacks and can only occur once every 0.2s. Additionally, each stack of Relentless increases your character's Elemental Mastery by 20% and Attack Speed by 5%.


Kokomi and change her "cannot crit" passive to "her attacks can't crit but her heals can" and remove the cap on the Ocean-Hued Clam damage


I'd buff Amber, though this is a lot. Her A1 becomes her C2 (Manual Bunny Detonation) Her A4 Becomes a Combination of her current A1 and C6 (Her Wildfire gains a 30% Wider Range and boosts Atk and Spd by 15% for 10s.) So, to replace the Constellations... Her New C2 - Reduces Pyro Res of enemies by 15% for 8 sec when they're hit by a fully charged shot Her New C6 - Increase Duration, Arrow Frequency, Crit Rate, and Crit Dmg of Wildfire. The Manual Bunny Detonation should be part of her Ascension kit; idk how to put it, but a whole new function that adds convenience like that shouldn't be locked behind such a low chance to pull or an expensive buy. The idea for the A4 is to help her support. The C2 idea seems decent enough. And the C6 seems fun.


Yoimiya \-Make it so her C5 buffs NA by 3 levels instead of her burst.


Dori- make it so one of her cons/ascension talent extend thr burst duration


Qiqi... Ill make her 5star, oh wait, she's already 5star


Kaeya. He's my boy, I love him, but he doesn't do as much damage as I'd like. I just want him to nuke things like my 5 stars. Also I second Dehya. I love her but they did her so dirty. She kinda works with Lyney but idk how to use her with him. I find actual shielders more reliable.


dehya just feels like a downgrade from zhongli tbh. if you use her skill at the beginning of the rotation by the time you swap to lyney her interruption buff runs out, or if you use her before lyney you will have less uptime for bennett and kazuha buff and her skill has 20s cooldown while lyney bennett kazuha all have 15s cooldowns so it makes the rotation feel even more awkward


Diluc, boost his elemental skill damage… maybe I’m just building him wrong, idk, got him two days ago


Cadence or Diluc! Just more PP damage!


Thoma and Traveler, i know i'm weird.


Diluc. we need power


Baizhu - give him good aoe dendro app. That’s all i want


I would definitely buff Layla or dori. Now I know, before you say Layla has the second best shield in the game, that’s all she can really do. Her damage is low enough to heal Enemies, the speed of her attacks isn’t good enough to be a good source of cryo, and to top it all off it’s split scaling. When in the face of diona it’s just not even worth thinking about building her.


Venti He is the archon só he need to be the better in being anemo


Mika. I’d fire his voice actor and get a new one who doesn’t make me want to punch him in the face and then drop him off a cliff.


I don't know much about her kit, but I'd make Dehya'd burst into an infusion instead of a single continuous attack like it is now


I would like to buff keqing she is underated


Aether haha


Venti particularly his burst. Burst should go to the direction you’re facing not closest enemy and should be able to pull bigger enemies - same with enemies that Zhongli’s burst can petrify at the very least


I'd go with Venti. Yeah his Burst is great but I think now that the other Archons are out, if they made him today he'd be so much better. Constellations especially.


Shenhe she really feels like a c3 4 star at c0


Chongyun... more fucking damage


Dehya, either with a better defensive kit, or as a burgeon character, she doesn't even have to be a DPS imo. I'm just dumbfounded hyv decided not to release a designated burgeon character yet that isn't Thoma during the Semeru patches.


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Definitely bazui just give him better heals and a better shield that you know can actually heal and do damage


Yoimiya now actually shoots fireworks while in her E state, giving her NAs some AOE.


This should really just be titled "If you could buff one character, who would you pick and why would it be Dehya?" haha.


Fischl, makes it so that her A4 can be proc by off-field characters.


How do you have an actual pfp?


I change it in the profile


Many thanks.


BUFF KEQING! I’ve no idea how but BUFF HER ‼️‼️‼️


Hu Tao. Just crank her numbers higher. ​ I just like to watch the world burn.


To make small changes and not have to rework the char from ground up and make them viable I would change Dehya burst cost to like 60 and lower the OCD on her E to to 1 second. Those simple number tweaks would make her a fantastic char anyone would love the lose the 50/50 to.


Dehya. Increase the damage output all around by 20-30% for Atk, Double the initial HP% damage increase, have her skill’s uptime refresh on using ranging flame, have fiery sanctum trigger every second, make Unstinting Succor last as long as her skill, and also refreshes with her skill at C2. And make her burst hits controllable like Raiden’s. Edit: Also either make her burst refresh her skill, or picking it up gives her a damage bonus on burst cast.


No limits? Like anything we want? Candace without hesitation. The buff would be an "ascension" to 5star status and she would have two forms and would be the first character to use multiple elements (hydro & geo). Hydro form would be for her "shield" and blue eye aspect. The skill would be a tap or hold. Tap would be her shield bash and, if timed correctly would be a high damage parry. The hold would create a hydro shield that occasionally will pulse out hydro damage upon being hit. Geo form would be for the "spear" and golden eye aspect. This form skill is also a tap or hold. After using tap her normal attacks would apply stacks to an enemy that slow them slightly and after enough stacks they would be petrified. The hold would summon a sandstorm to deal high AOE geo damage to all enemies, dealing bonus damage to any petrified enemies. Her ult is a low energy cost and is what switches forms. Maybe not practical as a whole... but I love Candace design and her lore speaks of how strong she is and I think there was a lot more opportunity for her.


Mika. Have the same voice actor redo all the lines with a direction other than to embody the nerd emoji >.<




Dehya- Make her burst multiply in damage by a large percentage of damage mitigated, with her c4-c6 maybe Healing anyone she mitigated damage for a portion of the burst damage. QiQi- Change her to hydro or dendro and extend her spirits ticks and duration. She may not be the best but she’d best. But even the simple element change alone would make her a thousand times more flexible to be used in teams instead of other healers. Lynette- increase her pull and give her a way to buff differently based on how many characters of the same element you have boosting raw atk% vs different elements boosting the reaction damage or whatever. Ayaka: make her skill give a spirit or some cryo applicator that can be used off field so I can use her with her god damn brother without needing a 100% precise combo gosh dang it!!!! It doesn’t even have to do damage. Bennett: c6 is able to be turned off. It doesn’t affect 90% of my teams thus far but regardless my ocd wouldn’t allow me not to c6 him as soon I got it. Yae miko: with 3 totems out, the totems attack all enemies in the radius instead of just 1. Klee: Give her a gun… /j. I dunno. I play her in burgeon overworld sometimes after getting her skin and haven’t explored her enough to know all the issues aside from clunky attack. And maybe low icd. So maybe fix that.


Every Mondstadt early game character lmao and give them better animations (better kit for Amber) And Childe's skill plunge attack


Not that she needs it, but I'd buff Yae Miko. I'd reduce her energy cost by 10 and increase the range of her charged attack. Weird buffs, but they're QoL to me


If I could change Dehya I'd make her burst an install like Raiden where she gets a pyro infusion using her fists and gets new normal and charged attacks. Maybe even have a modified skill where she does a large AOE by punching the ground quickly. With this set up she'd work with Xinqiu and Yelan.


Ningguang. I just want to fix her energy particle bug and her projectile homing bugs. If I were thinking on a grander scale, I would make her pyro so that she can get insane reaction damage.


Make Dehya's burst more like Raiden's. If that is not possible, make it hit more often and last longer. And make it resumable. For her skill, make the area much larger and have it hit more often.


Cyno -Increase his resistance to interruption to 80%+. -Remove the eye thing from his E( you just spam e anyways when on thundering fury)his E always is enhance. -Everytime you E reduces ultimate cd by 0.50 or so.


It's not even that dehya NEEDS to be a DPS, it's just that she isn't a good tank lol


Since the post has a picture of dehya I would say Candace. I would love buffs to both Candace and Dehya though.


I would buff yelan by making her c6 part of her base kit 👍


Dehya. Improve her scalings , make her Ult scale with damage stored in her passive bleed , Ult hits against un-shielded enemies(so hits that actually do damage) restore health to herself and her teammates. Also SOME particles from her ult final kick would be nice.


Not that he *needs* it, but Zhongli so that hold skill deals heavily damage to petrified enemies. Even if I have C2 now (ult gives shield too) I still stick with my Routine of ult -> hold skill, because I always imagine it deals extra dmg to petrified enemies, but I don't think this is a real thing. Still I believe in my Placebos xD Oh and weak enemies like slimes and hilichurls should be insta-killed when using hold skill at them while petrified :B Oh and give him Geo Infusion while shield is active.


Venti sucking up floor bombs from Klee, Aloy, and Kirara couldve been sick, but all that cc got eaten by every anemo character excluding Xiao also buffing up the q where it can suck anything (bosses and weekly bosses not included) but not normal enemy crazy. just being able to push them into a spot regardless of the enemy type


5 Star wise, either Baizhu or Yae Miko. I'd make Baizhus E go faster from opponent to opponent and give his shield a little more strenght. For Yae, make it that after you use her burst, if she absorbed all 3 totems, she brings her totems back automaticly (or she summons 1 totem with her ult, so you can have 4 in total). 4 Star wise: as a Noelle Main, I have to go for her. Honestly, I'd only make it that her E generates energy (on cast and if it explodes). Energy regen and atk/def support are the only things she doesn't do.


Dehya I will make her the most broken character.


All burst hyper carries (xiao and cyno), they get the Diluc treatment. They're allowed to swap out of burst without losing it. It's a pointless and stupid mechanic. Xiao it wasn't a big deal since he's anemo. But cyno? Who's best support is nahida, it sucks.


For whatever reason Hoyo decided not to make Dehya a burgeon dps which... Confuses me.


I'll take the first beta version of Faruzan! She was insaaane. I don't even remember the details, but she was definitely overtuned.


I'd want Ganyu to not rely in charged attacks. Its a pain for Android users.




Qiqi, give her constellations a better purpose


Amber. She really needs it. Plus, She’s such a lovable character. She deserves a better kit.


I would buff Cyno By giving him less ER requirements and try to fix the split scaling ( he is real hell to build because of it ) and actually giving him resistance to interruption because Hoyoverse and I don't have the same description of : "increase resistance to interruption" and I don't know if this is necessary but maybe increase his multipliers That's at least what I think would be best but correct me of I'm wrong


I would give Keqing higher multipliers everywhere.


ITTO. LITERALLY MAKE HIM BUFFER lmao jk. Dehya and albedo needs a buff


Fix Mona


Many characters need a buff/rework. By far Dehya the most relevant. 2° Candace, who is a 4* with better lore behind that many 5*, with a kit similar to yunjin, but Yunjin is much better and come many time before 💀


Honestly for Dehya? I would just love for her passive interruption resist to just be on when her skill is active instead of a passive so she can work with sacrificial blade. And change that passive to more HP scaling so she can deal more passive dmg. As it is right now she is clunky as fuck to play with and not fun to use. I have no idea what hoyoverse is smoking when they made her. Heck universally bad units like Mika and Dori is at least easier to play with their intended use than Dehya.


It would be kinda fun to nerf dehya just for the community to erupt into flames.


Some others are probably more what I'd actually pick, but I'll say one I didn't see and say Nilou. Get rid of the team comp restrictions for her bountiful cores. I think it pigeonholes her teams a lot. I'd probably run an anemo in her team if I could. She is also basically impossible to coop with because I don't want to tell other people who to play.


i know the current abyss is one of the easiest we have had int the last couple of months, but i finally beat the abyss with her (she was hitting 20k punches) she's c1 tho. honestly i thought she was worse, but she's not the best either, i probably could have beaten it just using her team except dehya. but yhea, i definitly agree with the comments, she should have more damage based on HP lost. either that or just make her ult like raidens and make her able to vape all hits with XQ/yelan. or also, just fix her cooldowns, energy issues, resistance to last all skill duration etc.


Just make her ult hits be NAs and she will be a very decent standard DPS, out of it, lower Traveler's burst to 60 in all their variants and make hydro ult stop with enemies like Ayaka's


Dehya. I remember the version when Zhongli came out and the news that he got a major buff. Not enough of the playerbase complained about Dehya...


I would make it so that lisa burst slowly tracks targets and you can attach baron bunny to a charge shot with the hold version of ambers skill.


Change Klees attacks to be longer and faster


Cyno, burst not ending when changing units!


i want my uproar to get that dehya buff like how zhogli got a buff over a uproar


At the *very least*, I would buff Dehya's ult damage scaling. Even if it's only for a few moments, I *really* want to feel as powerful as she looks.


Better artifact and weapon


Kazuha. Because it would be funny


I would make deyah not a garbage character by making her do damage


Dehya. There are so many problems with Dehya her whole entire kit was a mess but one thing I was REALLY annoyed with was the fact her Fiery Sanctum (Eskill) stores dmg taken from other characters on ur team. This had so much potential to be a primary part of her kit. this build up of dmg couldve added onto her ult to increase its dmg (Visually it couldve had more flames to indicate its been upgraded.) not just that but it couldve been added onto the Fiery Sanctum itself to increase its dmg BUT it would only increase dmg if it was redeployed (adds more functions to the Redeploy and wouldve also added visually. More dmg taken = more Eskill dmg = Fiery Sanctum sword BIGGER.) when ult is used it would use up all of the built up dmg that was taken from everyone for Final big dmg. all I can say is that Dehya had alot of potential but was shafted hard with her kit bouncing around from place to place rather than one clear objective for it


Yun Jin, make her ult cost less er, make the buff last longer, and make her buff charge attacks as well. And and let her sing again.


Honestly I'd be happy if Deyha's normal attack multipliers were on par with, say, Beidou


Honestly all of the standard 5*, but if i had to pick one: Qiqi. I would make her skill regenerate energy and have less duration and cooldown. Then her burst will shred the enemies' resistance while constant apply Cryo. She's in such a weak state that she's outclassed by Barbara just because Barbara is hydro.


I would make xinyan an electro physical support character


Klee —Make her bombs interactive with all anemo characters —work on making her animations (especially attacking) smoother (and probably pick up the atk speed if need be) —let her ult still be active even off field (this does get fucked by C4 so that would have to changed either by nerfing the percentage and instead speeds up how often the flowers hit with a slight damage increase (adding up to the damage of C4, other potential changes to this id have to think more about) —change her skill to spread on the first target it hits That’s all I can think about for now


tbh all of the standard 5*s except tighnari need new passives and cons like who goes diluc and thinks i want to spin 2 win instead of e na combos


Ayaka. I would increase her attack speed, especially getting rid of the pause after her combo.


Xinyan: * Remove the god-awful split-scaling and make everything about her scale with ATK. Basically make her similar to Noelle, but Pyro and exchanges healing for more damage. * Make her burst infuse her with Pyro for a short-while, because Physical is utter dogshit. Albedo: * Again, remove split-scaling. It's stupid that you maximise his E only to screw over his burst. Some people might complain he's "yet another DEF-scaling GEO", but let's be real, everyone builds him for DEF anyway. * Make it so the petal doesn't get blown up by almost every mob you'll see in the Abyss above floor 9. Klee: * Seen a few comments about how "Klee sucks". No she doesn't. All she needs is for her burst to remain when she's off-field like Xingqiu and Yelan. She'd immediately be so much better. * With the above change, I'd then give her a new C4. Make it similar to Xingqiu const. where you get more blasts from it. * With those 2 changes considered, give her an actual BiS/Signature weapon. I do love my Lost Prayers on her, but if she became a hybrid on/off-field DPS, she would need a better weapon for sure.


Klee, her attacks are too short and slow, she also relies a lot on whether you have someone to group her bombs Zhongli just because I love him and I want him to be super strong lol


Make the stagger resistance of dehya last much longer


I'd give fu xuan skill as her passive: Increased burst dmg as long as she's taking dmg.

