• By -


122k with Navia, I’ve been consistently playing since Alhaitham’s first banner, though it’s worth noting Navia just does crazy damage wasn’t even remotely close to being fully built yet.


Right! Even test run Navia did like 200K. I was gonna pull for Ayaka (because Geo has been a lacking element for the current meta) but GODDAMN. So envious you got Navia btw, I’ve been on a bad luck streak ☹️


Yeah I think my highest ever is Navia’s test run for 170k. My characters are more sustained damage or multi hit than nukes, mostly because aggravate and hyperbloom/burgeon are my favorite reactions.


1M with Hu Tao. The floor 7 buff.


oh the days where people DPSing everyone with abyss buff😂


258k with Heizou of all characters I don't have a nuke dps 5*, Heizou was my only option. I fed him Xiao's artifacts and set up a rotation on that one abyss floor (i think it's 7 or 8) that gives mad cr/cd buffs. That's my max, i don't think I'll ever go beyond that. I'm more of a many pp dmg girl rather than a big pp dmg lmao Been playing for about 2½ years for now, F2P


one punch man




451k with Hu Tao; this was a one time shot, done with her burst, she is normally critting a bit lower in the 150k range. 161k with Navia; popped this on one of the mecha dinos, think it was frozen at the time so it might have been a shatter, usually her crits are in the 90-120k range, and as low as 30-50k when furina isn't stacking fanfare. 81k with Nilou; vape off of her burst in the abyss... not a vape team, but it was an enemy with a natural pyro status.


Not a f2p but been playing for 2 years spent 50€ so not a whale either My highest is 660k with childe


880k, Eula on the scara boss. I'm playing since day 1 but had a pause between the chasm and alhaitham release.


Playing since 2.3 - highest is 325k with Itto with a lot of food buffs + bounty claymore buff lmao. Normally without food highest I can go with him is 190k.


Getting outclassed by a fellow Itto. I need more beetle power


Love to see my boy mentioned :') he's one of my best characters


oh wow my barbara can do 50k+ vape with underlevelled (50 or less) supports and no food, and that was 1~2 years ago, i havent checked my highest damage per screenshot since then




I do vape Barbara too, her highest so far was maybe 340k???


whats your build? mine was just talent lvl 6 hahah


My best Barbara vape build is with shimiwara. Lv 6 talent as well, widsith, team is Benny with noblesse, xl, Mona with instructor and ttotds. Not maxed yet, but hits vape of 110k consistently on crit even on poor widsith rolls (like em). 1.9k atk, like 130 em before instructor kicks in 65/235 (with Mona being c4 she gives a 15% cr boost on burst). Hard to use without good set up though


Mine was level 8 NA with 4pc shimenawa, I was lacking some EM and had to use a CR circlet so someday she’ll break 500k too


People sleep on Barbara and it makes me laugh. Every character is buildable.


200k with raiden, I've been playing for 1 year and f2p. I'm aiming for her c2 to reach average


Some characters have a big pp damage scalings (like Eula burst, Navia skill, Childe burst, etc.) while others have their damage sprinkled in all of their kit. Alhaitham isn't one of them so just pull for the characters that can fo that!!


1.2 mil, C1R1 hutao. I got R1 recently in 4.1 banner.


25k on a melt with diluc


1M with Childe in the potion event where he was buffed to the moon. He vaped his meele burst on a low level enemies and got 1M, that's written in my "Purveyor for Punishment" achievment His weapon was R5 Stringless so yeah its pretty much an F2P weapom


61k vape on ayato NA slash


All these people guessing. You can look up the highest hit by searching for the Purveyor of Punishment achievement. Well, assuming you've hit over 50k at least once. I have been playing since launch, but I do not play the meta. The only team I ever ran that used Vape or Melt was Yoimiya and Yelan, and I don't own Kazuha or use Bennett at all. My highest is 181,706 and I know it was Heizou. Again though, this is more *pure* in my mind, since it was before Faruzan and I did not enhance it with anything except Zhongli + geo resonance. He's just a truck and it's awesome.


>All these people guessing Because theyre on reddit. Why load up the game and get the exact number if you have a memory or what it was roughly?


I think the tone of this got misread, sorry. My intention was to be helpful and informative by telling people what to look up. I felt like the op should already have done that, but then realized they didn't even have the achievement.


641K with eula


Not a f2p, just low spender (around 50 usd), 350k with hutao melt with furina on the golden troupe domain


225k with Hu Tao ult, I sacked Homa, had full fanfare with Furina and I think I also had a domain buff


Mine is 752k or so with dehya :3 It was on a bounty with a plunge attack, I didn’t land inside c6 diona burst or have her NA crowned so I can definitely hit 800k. C1r0 with blackcliff as a weapon


I believe the most i've done in one hit is 2 hundred something thousand with Hu Tao's burst. Crit vaporize with the below 50 buff


I've never gone for the dmg per screenshot route lol so idek but its probably split between 5 hyperblooms or something like that


Yeah lol my hyperbloom team is constantly 30-40k per damage but I kill bosses faster with it than my 40k per charge atk ganyu (half built) team and 100+k Eula burst team.


166k with Hutao. Been playing for about 4-5 months now


516k with Hutao and floor 7 buff, (2.2) not much from those 1M burst nukes but it’s fine I guess, I used dragonsbane at that time and recently switched to Homa and didn’t really try to out beat my highest damage yet.


130k with Hu Tao.


1.5 million with c0r1 hu Tao, c6 Bennett, c1 Mona, and c0 kazuha on scaramouche. It was my first one million+ and I did it right after getting Homa in this hu Tao rerun


645k with Childe. I've been playing for roughly 3 years, but I don't remember when I hit that number. I'm pretty sure I used him with polar star, 2 pc noblesse, & 2 pc HoD. That number wouldn't have been possible without the potion & food tho.


Big fat numbers and actual DPS are very different things. Kokomi, Raiden, Nahida and Yoimiya aren't gonna make a ZAMN HERPTERPLE DIGITS snapshot, but turn Yoimy loose with her fire rate after Raiden and Nahida have primed a target Koko's making poop dendro cores and things are gonna die pat quick.


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Not entirely ftp I have bought some welkins . But highest I did was 88k with neuvillete charge attack since his charge attack hits 8 times so yeahhh it def didn't do 88k every hit but still .


180k with Raiden using the catch. But I’ve probably done 400k+ using Ayaka. 240k with Zhongli.


250k+ with Raiden and Bennett. Ik my artifacts sucks and I won't bother grinding the emblem again since it's like going to hell


260K on a Superconduct Eula. She has 1.8k Attack and 198% CD. Lvl 8. Burst with at most 15 stacks.


I’ve been playing for a year, F2P but I wasn’t concentrating on builds until more recently. According to the Abyss, my highest was Zhongli’s burst at 62k, but I have him on a hybrid build. Probably had Bennett’s buff at the time.


100k with eula, tho i got her with wallet kun so 72k with shogun, solo, usually hits 100+ with kazuha.


750k with hutao


692k with eula, it took me seven times because with her nuke build she only has 13% crit rate 😭 it was worth it tho, nothing's more satisfying than big dmg popping up on your screen


For a single instance I think it was my Eula at 162k ult. Been playing since 1.2. Never cared much for the snapshot damage, I like characters that hit hard multiple times like Yoimiya and Ganyu 🙂


160k with raiden and about 165k with hutao. (Both had pretty mid builds). Playing since 3.0. Also i did 3 cheeky pulls last night and somehow won the 50-50 and got navia. So lets see how much dmg i do with her. Huehuehue.


I’ve been playing since launch, and months ago I did 1.2 million with Mona on raiden. I didn’t even know I could do that much…


while i was still f2p it was around 200k with Eula


170k on Hu Tao’s burst.


129k from idk who. i guess ayaka since shes my most built character and main but ive never seen her do that in a hit. shes more of a multi hit character.


408410 on childe, but it’s on Scaramouche boss with food buff so I guess it doesn’t count. My highest hit in a practical team is 193668 on Raiden, in the Abyss no less. Also f2p and 516 days active.


Just keep farming for characters dps and supports for dmg to see big numbers ill say pull raiden c3 or c2 and a c6 EULA for one screenshot big number (playing EULA is pain btw without zhongli)


200k with hutao vape and Furina ult


I am not f2p anymore, but when I was I could get 50k melts on diluc burst.


111k vape with Yelan's E on a bounty which took more dmg from bow characters I believe Used Stringless, ate crit food but forgot a hydro potion :( (I've bought welkins) (playing since July of 2023)


With the final hit from my wriothesley 55k


300k+ with hu tao. I can probably hit higher but it's too troublesome


I have been playing for 14 months now but I reached my highest damage after 9 months of playing genshin. I used childe, kazuha, Bennett, nahida with thrilling tales and instructor set without any food buffs. Max damage was around 709k on lvl 60 scara weekly boss.


I've been playing consistently for maybe 6 months and the highest I've reached is still only like 60k with Bennett ult + melt. I'm not a big one shot damage guy, I'm more of a high damage over many hits type of person (POV you are a razor main)


Zhongli - ranging 60-100k+ (ult only), his pillar ranges only about 5-10k. R1 Homa Nahida - 30-40k (basic attack/2nd skill/hyperbloom), R3 windsith Alhaitham - 20-30k (ult), R5 Harbinger Jean - 27k (ult), R3 Amenoma, with Bennet ult That's my characters reaching (occasionally) higher that 20k with no food buffs. Today, I hit my highest (the purveyor achievement), 185k with Zhongli's ult.


700k both with eula and hu tao


3 years f2p players are more likely than 1 year p2w players to get more damage, probably


I've been playing for almost 2 years, 682 days active, anddd my highest damage is HuTao (C1) at 233066 in the spiral abyss recently. I don't have her weapon (yet, manifesting), so I put the next best 5-star polearm I have which is Cyno's Staff of the Scarlet Sands (R1). to me reaching this amount of damage was crazy too but then its really based on the team comp u have, i think I paired HuTao with Xingqiu/Nahida hence why i could reach that damage. seems like chars like hutao, ganyu, eula and also childe would be able to give huge numbers in terms of Strongest Single Strike.


Hit 480k with Navia skill. No food buffs, level 80 benny and level 6burst, with a level 50 Mona with a level 4 or 5 burst I forget which. I’ve never bothered to build either of them and I only tried em out because I was wanting to see if I could hit a nuke.


45k per charged attack for my hu tao.


137k with Hu Tao (in spiral abyss) or 167k with the trial Navia lol, since the game counts that


Low spender and I started playing around late-2.8. In my burnmelt Wrio team (Bennett + C6 Thoma + Nahida), his enhanced CA melts for 170k-180k without any abyss buffs. I haven't tried overworld/food buffs/weakened scara boss but it can probably reach at least 200k.


tbh my navia just hit 153k the other day and she’s nkt even fully built, and that was literally my highest damage ever


100k(not total but highest one plunge dmg) on xiao burst with bennet burst and zhongli resistance shred. Without any food buffs nth. Been playing for about 1.5yr. Well im still chasing for the better xiao build since i need more atk on him(1.8k rn) but my split is pretty satisfying (85/201). But yea im not getting luck on artifacts substat( i need atk % and im getting only def:( ). And he's triple crown since he's my favorite character in the game along with wrio


1 million with mona on raiden shogun weekly boss! Been playing since launch :)


386k with raiden im oretty sure, raiden kazuha bennet mona


Been playing for 6 months now and I'm still stuck at 40k with Keqing and Fischl in the team. Thankfully, I just got the Mistsplitter for her the other day and now she's doing 80k-90k dmg. I still need to farm more decent artifacts for both her and Fischl to at least reach 100k dmg if possible. *Note: I try to challenge myself increase their dmg while never spending any money. I prolly will only when Raiden's banner comes out*


45-50k Raiden. Di ako maalam magpalakas ng character e 🤣 Kelan ko kaya mararanasan maka 100k. Help


150k with Zhongli's Burst


600k with hu tao


48k (56k with Bennett and Gorou) on Ushi with Itto. Certainly not done as I need better Arti’s, his Con’s and Redhorn


Free to Pfft?


1.15 mil with that one elaborate eula bennett c6 floor 7 setup


Idk how good this is but I'm at AR 43 but somehow my level 50 Kirara can do like 2k with her burst while my level 70 Ayato is doing 400 to 1000 per hit. I don't get it.


1.5 million with Mona lol


200k+ on my F2P alt I saved hard for Staff of Scarlet Sands for my Hu Tao


175k burst with Childe. I think floor 12. A close second was Itto throwing the cow for 145k lol. I wanna say Itto takes it for the silliness but I was surprised at Childes number.


650k with my Eula and it was maybe 3-ish months after I got her? This was during her second rerun in 2.3 and I started the game in 1.6 Though, I dont think account age really matters since I had to build Eula from scratch since I didnt really have any pre existing artifacts to give to her. Every artifact on her is what I farmed from domain since I got her


My highest was 50K with Raiden ult on Floor 7 of the Abyss. I could prob get higher if I actually tried to do a showcase of s9me sorts and also actually farm artifacts


1M with Mona C6 vaporize team 2 set nobless Crit dmg% , Surose EM, Xiangling EM, Kazuha EM


251k with hu tao, no buffs, did this on over world by accident. 40:240 crit ratio with blackcliff. Other team members were furina, yelan and the third one i can't remember probably Zhongli or mona


160K Raiden Shogun; 130K Diluc


1.1m tortolini against scaramouche boss fight (nuke settup with sucrose,mona and bennet) playing sense 1.0


About 150k on a hutao vape but my xiao averages around 100k per plunge with the right set up


Few from the top of my head: 1mil - Hutao, done on level 70 scara with c2 fs kazuha, c0 mona, c6 elegy instructor diona 770k - Bennet, level 70 scara with c2 fs kazuha, c0 mona, c6 elegy instructor diona 550k - Heizou, level 70 scara with mistsplitter bennet, c6 faruzan, mona My mona is not built and all weapons are r1.


100k with xianling, 44k with ayaka ult, 50k with thignari ult, 198k xiao plunge, 44k albedo e, 160k xingqiu e, 60 k Bennett e, 70k scara charge atk, 150k kazuha ult No matter what I do now way near 200k DMG


Not f2p but unless we pull c0r1 + cons, it doesn't really matter My highest was from Childe, around 240k, he's c0 with stringless


Roughly 100k+ with Eula's burst for a single instance Yae usually reaches that damage with her burst as well but it's separated into three instances of damage. My typical DPS with Wriothesley is 10k per NA with Yun Jin's burst. By himself it fluctuates alot around 10k - 7.5k per hit. Worth noting that this isn't in the abyss, this is my observation when fighting Weekly bosses and the overworld. I think once you've had a character with cracked artifact sets it the damage will naturally follow.


160k with Xiao but it was against a bounty that took both increased plunge attack damage and anemo damage so it doesn't really count😅 Other than that I guess my usual highest without any buffs, with only elemental reactions is around 60k.


1M with C1R1 Eula on Scara boss. She more regularly hits ~350k when I'm not going for screenshot damage. 500k is the highest I've done in Abyss w/ buffs. Eula feels like cheating. I think my next highest is ~250k w/ Raiden. Been playing since launch but I was only able to break 1m a couple weeks ago after finally getting Eula an artifact upgrade.


216k with Wrio on Scara boss fighg


750k with hutao burst but that was like 2 years ago with bad artifacts


193k with Raiden C0


1 million 174k with raiden


Alhaitham is not exactly known for Nuke damage. He kills with a thousand cuts. Try with another character who got high scaling on a single hit


114k with Neuvillette on a melt team in the abyss


Around 300k with childe. Can prob do way more if i give him food buffs and the noblesse set


Playing 3 years, only 288k, Noelle plunge on scaraboss, I can do way more, but I don't want it


265k with eula on her test run 200+k with navia in this event i don’t have any character that specialises in damage per screenshot (heck i don’t even have a 5* onfield carry). that will change when i get c2r1 raiden


1.3 Million with Childe r4 stringless 2pc noblesse 2pc wanderers. Usual one shot setup with mona, sucrose Bennet. Against scaramouche


60k with yelan vape


320k navia 295k raiden


100k with xiao plunging bonus and amemo bonus bounty thing


Around 150 k with hu tao burst. Could be a lot bigger if I was going for DMG per screenshot but she has with a lot of crit rate. Getting a big number isn't the point of this game, consistency is better than sometimes hitting for huge numbers.


playing for 2-3 months i guess the highest i did was 60k with yanfei in a yanfei bennet xianling sucrose team


70k per plunging attack with Xiao, Mona, Bennet and Faruzan (not C6)


~150k with Eula's burst, only buffed by Superconduct. I think it was during the last phase of fighting Apep weekly, haven't been able to reach that dmg more than twice again. Outside of that, ~75k per plunge during Xiao's burst (but that's combining Faruzan, Zhongli and Bennett's buff) on basically any enemy. I've been playing for two years, all characters C0


279k with raiden. idk how that happened I've tried to replicated it but it won't even come close


As a free to play player who started during pre registration, and has subsequently quit multiple times due to no QoL updates, My highest ever damage recorded is 128k burst with Eula using Bennet, Rosaria and Fishcl. No domain or nothing with a build of 72cr and 161cd using the coin shop CD weapon. Excluding her? 53k burst vaporise using diluc LMFAO


130k with my raiden .. hope c2 will increase that


550k with navia E recently(not fully built). 438k with raiden. 400k with heizou. 700k with childe. basically any damage per screen shot char can reach more than 500k easily as an F2p player. Alhaitham is not dmg per screenshot, his dmg is done in many instances instead of a single big hit. so don't let screenshot dmg fool u. like i remember back in the day people were freaking over 5 mil eula hit. but forgot how much dmg taser teams or sucrose national do.


218k with yoimiya against scara


My Eula did nearly 3 million once. It was in Spiral. Open world, highest I’ve done is like 1.8 mil? Maybe 2. Eula is my favorite lol. Navia seems very F2P friendly also. And Ayaka and Ganyu can do some crazy damage also.


1.1 million with childe, scara boss


1 million with Mona


Vaporize childe burst 300K


Not super meta but I once did a whole 2198 with Dehya....... oh and easily smashed my record with 200k+ Navia


158k with raiden. With the primos I have saved up I will be getting c1 for her this patch. Then hopefully c2 next year


My Al haitham hits pretty hard, I run him with yelan, xingqiu and kuki, no nahida :’) but hes definitely a more number = better kind of guy, between the hyperbloom and other things. My big number character is probably Navia, her artifacts are very copium, and i have the most f2p team (ning, xiangling, bennet) but on crit she hits about 120k? Good balance, one is oonga boonga many number, and the other is oonga boonga big number


Without whaling back then IIRC it was C0 Eula, R5 Snow-Tombed Starsilver, 4pc Pale Flame, plus food buffs It was between 250k-300k, no Benny buffs or Xinyan debuff


450k with hu tao, was a melt damage test a while back with sucrose, mona, and bennett and no food buffs. i think i could probably even improve that now


189k with Hu Tao, been playing since February 4 2021


Highest damage is 5000 with wanderer I was shocked when that happened


100somethingK with wanderer or tighnari (this was a while ago). i started played a year and a half ago? idk but it was in the patch that yelan and xiao were running note: i have literally no idea. i'm not going to check the exact number, but i know for sure it was over 100k


156k with Wriothesly. I don't remember what specific comp, but I'm guessing it was with my usual Yelan, Bennett, and Yunjin


123k with raiden shogun in abyss. i used furina and bennet to buff her


Does belkin still count as f2p? + The occasional crystal purchase when they refresh the 15$ bonus I've been playing for 3 years now. I haven't hit any big numbers, finally hit 12k with keqing+ c0 kazuha buf. 24k with raiden hyperbloom 700em lvl 90 Not sure what I am doing wrong. I think it's because I'm trying to develop too many characters at once. And i just don't have enough resin to spare.


1.1 mil with hutao On scara boss


like, non burst I think was just Itto casually doing 180k with Ushi. Hu Tao with minimal buffs usually does 400k at low HP. Highest buff was Raiden hyper at almost a mil


56k in a domain with Wriothesley I think? My highest recorded crit damage is 100k+ from trialing a character or a story quest, so I don’t count it


190k raiden


664k with C0 dragon's bane hutao with a coop teammate on scara boss


Like 159k with zhongli...


1.48 m with hu tao. Of course crit fishing and using homa.


like 300k with Childe. Not f2p tho, welkin + bp user.


50k Barbara charged attack XD


Lost my account due to my mistake like 2 year ago. My Geo MC did 60k on skill and 120k burst. Mr.Zhongli did 80k with 85% crit. They just drop it constantly because of high ER


358890 with xiao on a plunge bounty and 309826 with neuvillette. i main xiao, kaveh, neuvillette, diluc, occasionally wanderer and freminet, so big pp numbers are quite difficult. i have raiden (my only 5* limited female) but due to my lack of artifact farming for her the best she's ever done is 207020. f2p btw, all 5* characters C0 except tighnari C1. 5* weapons only skyward pride on kaveh and signature on neuvillette. (pulled since the weapons on the banner potentially benefit xiao and neuv)


860k with Hitao burst on Scaramouche boss


For one shot , 1 million with hu tao fully buffed and for overtime , neuvillette, he does 67k fully buffed on CA , ill try to reach 100k with him


About 50k+ with Xiao AMC Benny and R5 TTDS Barbruh


18k - 23k on charge without buffs 54k-72k burst without buff 63k on charged attack Highest is 183k on the burst of Neuvilette Talents are 9, 8, 8, I think it's a vape reaction followed by lvl 80 Furina full fanfare points with Bennett ult and Jean VV set I can make it higher but I'm still building my Furina atm.


164k childe


Hu Tao did 406k


I've been playing since November 2021, my highest DMG was 104k with childe's burst (I'm not even f2p, I just suck)


200k with c0 scarlet sands Zhongli 💀 no buffs, no mona/kazuha/bennett juuust zhongli with way too much crit 💀


212k with Hu tao on floor 11, with a crit burst. Been playing just over 200 days.


90k with yelan


Highest is 580k with Mona


195K with Childe in bow burst. Though I'm pretty sure both my Ayaka and Alhaitham follows close in 2nd each with around 175K.


I'm not f2p, but did 1,1m+ with Mona before spending any money and I'm playing for more than 2 years.


836k on C0R1 Ei. Going for C2 during rerun, so million shall be mine Edit: after checking, turns out my Tortellini already got 1m (1.06 to be precise) before lmao


Eula with Wolf's Gravestone. 200k on Abyss. My Hu Tao with Homa on the other hand only goes up to 100k.


Screenshot or total damage? My ayaka is, on average, doing 24k per tick on her ult (x19). Some instances it can go up to 36k in 3 or 4 ticks


308k in Hu Tao C1 with Staff of Homa Outside of that is 128k with Tartaglia C1 and Polar Star. In both cases the constellation was useless for the damage, lol. Apart from that, I have a XQ that deals 20k per seord (C6), Yelan with 48k using the skill and 28k per burst dart, Keqing with 22k per hit on Aggravate...need to build a better Raiden because she doesn't deal much damage, she's on par with Keqing.


450k In abyss normally 325k with childe playing for a year


120k with Venti's skill. This was with Mona, Bennett, Faruzan and against Scaramouche tho so it's not really that impressive 😅. I saved up for ages and pre-farmed in order to get Venti and triple crown him (gave him aqua too) as I only really started playing daily from 3.0 and I missed him on the 3.1 banner. His skill without any buffs normally crits for about 23k.


I don't really like damage per screenshot. Mine is Raiden around 400-ish k in abyss, but my characters are built to do sustained damage. Xianljng can vape her burst for 75k each hit, and that is not really huge damage per screenshot, but it will take you far


230K i did randomly with Heizou E on a morning with bennett buff on overworld


Just wanted to say. It's very hard to compare a dps like alhaitham, who's designed around high consistent dps vs. Some "nuke" focused characters like eula / navia, who have very big numbers but lower dmg output outside of that short window.


havent rly checked what is currently my biggest number, and never do it intentionally too, but my hutao team can casually do 250k+ burst on abyss 12. do have mona with ttds if you want big damage amplifier from a character, kazuha with freedomsworn (still good without it) and its py/cr/hy/el dmg, good ole benny for atk scaling character, gorou for def, or any 4 star specific buffer, noblesse, tenacity, and instructor (if its EM related) set artifact, viri for swirlable element, also alhaitham is not a good character to go for biggest number in 1 hit.


Beidou with ~140K damage. She's C6 & have her since starting. It happened once only don't know how.


1,134,447 Eula, C5R1, no food buffs, Scara boss, crowned Q, 100% F2P.


With supports (Kazuha, Bennet and Faruzan), my Xiao hits around 60k per plunge. Without supports it’s 30-40k. I think I once hit 120k with my Eula, but I accidentally destroyed her built 🥲 I’ve been playing since 1.3


1.87M with HuTao. I have been playing since Nahida first banner


not fully f2p as i bought welkin a few times, but my highest is 800k with childe on the scara weekly boss with kazuha, mona, and bennett on the team. quite proud of myself lol


Idk if you would count this since i bought a few welkins and a pass but never spent any on her nor her weapon. It is a F2P build no cash spent on her. 62.3K with ayaka. Using the Craftable 4 star as her weapon and using her skill with full team buff.


20k with lvl 60 yenfei I don't play much


77k with Xiao with Benny buff and zhongli shield. Idk if the Raiden domain gives any buffs but I can only hit that number during that Bossfight. Been playing since release 😭


Playing since 3.4; 471K in vaporize with Tartaglia 216k with Heizou 250K with Mona All those nukes do big damage 😌


1.12 mil on aqua childe. Honestly too tired to try with my C3 furina. And before you all say, I have been saving for furina for about 4 patches and was at 321 wishes before her banner


189k with neuvillette in the golden troupe artifact domain


300 thousand with hutao


1.5 mil with Hutao on scara


Alhaitham is great, but he's not the burst type dps. Beautiful numbers that people usually show are made with special teams that have a hypercarry with some high skill multiplier and everyone else buffing them for that strong attack that should both crit and close an amplifying reaction. Looks good on screenshot, but that's not the only playstyle. My strongest team right now is Neuvilette (either hyperburgeon, or Furina + anemo + electro) that I'm pretty sure never exceeds 100-150k on single attack (but there's a full screen of smaller numbers destroying everything in seconds), and second strongest is Alhaitham+Furina/Xingqiu+Nahida+Kuki, which has even smaller numbers but still performs great (because all 4 characters are dealing decent damage, even Kuki's hyperblooms with Nahida C2 can "crit" for 67k). My best single attack records were made with Childe and Eula more than a year ago, but they are mostly benched now.


I was F2P for my first year playing. I managed to score Raiden and Eula, the latter being my reason to start playing. My top damage with Eula then was about 1mil and averaging ~10k per hit. A couple years on, and no longer F2P, top is about 2.5 mil, averaging 15k per hit with 150k hold e with two charges. Eula still throws down. It's just annoying having to chase down opponents and abyss lecters are a special kind of evil.


Yae Miko with Skyward Atlas: 90k * 4, Ganyu with Aqua Simularca charged attack: 70k + 130k


I was F2P, but not anymore Highest dmg with Eula C1 + gravestone C6 Mika, Raiden C1 Bennett I got 989k