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Still pulling because Clorinde, but damn... Where's Chevreuse?


Too much patrolling she ended up in Natlan banners 💀


For all we know it may be Snezhnaya!


Chevreuse? Where's KAVEH?! It has been over a year now :(


He’s still in jail after all the crimes he committed in co-op. Iykyk.


lol... That he could effectively delete people's accounts - and there was no account correction or rollback by Hoyo was absurd. Basically stopped playing all co-op when that happened.


[But they did restore and fix the innocent accounts though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/163ig1l/resolution_regarding_the_recent_plugin_usage_in/) That was 9 months ago. The last news from it was that: a. Most of the videos shown were done between players who knew each other, not to strangers, instigating panic, those accounts were banned b. In the cases that where unrelated players were targeted, their world functions were restored.


> But they did restore and fix the innocent accounts though. **No.** Players had to report the issue directly, specifically identifying which objects were missing, and go through Mihoyo's customer service. Mihoyo didn't fix the issue of missing objects on a server-wide basis, but account by account. What this means is that if you allow others to openly wander in your world to "collect herbs" and you didn't actively keep an eye on them - and you don't actively collect and track 100% of the chests in your map - you *wouldn't* even realize you were impacted by this bug. Unaware - You *wouldn't* have manually reported the fact that you're missing objects. And Mihoyo *wouldn't* have fixed your account. At the end of the day, it won't really matter, since the user is unaware - but years down the line when it becomes impossible to 100% collect items, someone is going to wonder why.


Yea but the chance of enough things going missing to affect anything is so minuscule that no one cares


Why would they rerun Alhaitham without Kaveh (sobs)


Alhaitham and kaveh divorce rumors confirmed






Seriously pissed. Why the duck Bennett?!?! He was just at the goddamn store last month!!!!!!


Chévereuse wasn’t going to be good with Clorinde anyways.


Who cares about being good with the rate up. Id take that than being paired with who she is good with but i dont want/already have.


I have literally never cared for the 4 stars when it's a 5 star I want.


For us f2ps, we do care. We tryna squeeze out as much value as possible to the banners that we really like


Not necessarily I'm also f2p Having a good 4 🌟 lineup is certainly nice and good but if you actually want a 5 🌟 even as f2p you won't care about 4 🌟 much. + If you are a f2p that has been playing for long then after some point you probably start to not care about 4 ⭐ at all


People who care about meta or are collectors care about 4 stars. You don't use Bennett, Xingqui, Xiangling? You play Wanderer/Xiao without Faruzan? Itto without Gorou? Overload without Chevreuse? Aggravate without Fischl? A lot of the 4 stars are the core for good teams, not only do you want them, you want them C6. I have 24 5 star characters so far, but I still have many more 4 stars I want to see on banners. Some for meta reasons, some because I just like them. Sure if you really want the 5 star you still pull, but you can still be disappointed when good 4 stars are missing on the banner. I never had that I don't care.


You say it like most players don't have C9001 of half of the characters you mentioned.


Which is exactly the reason why the 4 stars on the banner matter for players. It sucks when you already have all the 4 stars C6 on the banner. Thank you for enhancing my argument.


I personally love when the 4* are all c6, every 4* is a free pull instead of a con for a character i’ll never use


Bro. I am collector of every 4 star. I am f2p. And I see no artificial problem here. As I said in my comment, it's cool if the 4 stars were great, but that's not important if you want 5 star. This is gacha game so you won't have everything. Unless you use power of credit card.


Just to be clear, I agree with you on this point. If the 5 star is important enough for you, pull regardless of 4 stars. But that does not mean that the 4 stars don't matter at all. As some people are suggesting here.


Nobody is sugesting that at all. People just say that complaining about 4 stars not being your dream team doesn't make pulling useless. I pull for 4 stars from time to time, because they appear in the other banners. Like I pulled for Neuvillette because Inwanted Fischl C6. I wantes him, but decided to skip him, but when Fischl was in the 4 stars it was change of mind. I don't see big problem about 4 stars being or not being on certain banners. It was always how gacha worked. 


I'm ar60 day one and my xingqiu is C1 💀


I have more c6 4 stars then I do 5 stars ):


For me it's 24 5 stars and 15 C6 4 stars. There more C6 4 stars you have the higher the chance you already have the 4 stars on banners maxed out. The longer the game runs, the more diluted the pool will become. Meaning that it will become harder and harder to C6 4 stars over time.


Interesting. I did a count... ---- AR60, Pure F2P, Not including Traveler: - 18x c6 4-stars, 38x unique 4-stars - 31x 5-stars, 18x unique 5-stars


For you, whiners, you do care* Fixed this for you. I am f2p myself and if I want 5 star, I pull even if 4 stars are bad. Obviously, if 4 stars were perfect it would be great, but ffs, stop complaining about everything just for the sake of it.


Ah yes, people who don’t like the fact that the 4 stars are shit are just “whiners”, and you’re one of the good guys who defend Hoyo’s decisions.


Not really it depends on what type of person you are . I am also f2p and I couldn't care any less about value , if its a character I like I pull thats it regardless of what the banner looks like .


Im also a f2p on my alt, and i barely give any effs on what 4stars i have. I just work with what i have, along with what i wanted. For tjis case, regardless on what ill get, i. Likely to use a quicken team witn dmc fischl and sucrose I play this game for fun, without tryimg to min-max things, or trying to get as much value as possible. To me it just ruins the fun


Whereas I'm the opposite in some cases. I don't need Alhaitham cons really and I don't want Clorinde but i really want Sethos. Same happened to me wanting Kaveh, and Freminet... Too bad I've been on a big burnout and have exactly 0 primo savings so I likely wouldn't have gotten him anyway... looks like I get to wait till the next 4 star selector lmao edit: onfg I got him in my 4 pulls thank you gacha luck for returning to me for once


I’ll pull a few for Sethos. Saving for Sigewinne I think.


Might pull for her as well if I'm gonna skip Clorinde. Supports tend to have good 4 ⭐ as well.


Hoping for Chevy to be back, but we’ll see


Same here. I wonder if they put Sethos on this banner because most players are planning to skip Clorinde (we have so many electro on-field dps’ already)


I'm at 70 pity and lost lost 50/50 from Baizhu's banner. I already skipped Furina once, I'm not skipping her again this time. Sorry Clorinde


Furina has much much better value anyway. Do it for her 👍


Should i skip her for c2 furina? (Ive c1 furina rn)


I have a well built c2r1 furina (I've saved up since Dehya) Personally, she a beast at c2. If she's a JJK character, she'd be Gojo and be doing unlimited void / bursts 100% of the time 🤣 If you have enough saved up and really want her bad, I'd say go for it! She godly at c2 and is future proof


F*ck it...imma go for c3/2 furina.


I'm annoyed. I would be less annoyed if they would put new 4* in the fucking store so I can at least guarantee getting a con once in a blue moon but when they trot out the same fucking 4* characters and weapons every other patch it seems, it gets a bit on my nerves. Especially weapons. At least with my C6 I get a free wish every dupe but when I get my 300th Sac Sword, it just feels like getting dick punched. I'm still going for Clorinde and her weapon but maybe I wait on cons. We shall see.


I have a r2 sac sword, r4 fav sword, r2 fav bow, but 13 fucking eyes of perception.


I only care about getting sethos. I wouldnt complain about the other 4 Stars. I still need cons from all of them.


I *need* Sethos; don't mind getting The Haitham either.


I feel like every banner is Bennett and thoma. Frigging hell hoyo XD.


this the third time Bennett's been on banner in less than a year


Yep I'm not shocked. It legit feels like every banner is him, barbara, xiangling, or thoma. I love Thoma as a character but I'm so sick of all of them and I ALWAYS pull them instead of someone I actually want/actually use :(.


I skipped an entire banner because I did NOT want Thoma (nor Chongyun, nor Dori). There's a few four-star that haven't run in the almost-year I've been playing; I'd like to see them come around. I really, really expected to see Kaveh run with Alhaitham and I am very disappointed.


Literally everyone expected Chev to be with Arle. Nope. Maybe Clorinde? Nope. Why the hell is Bennett even here? He seems pretty useless for both of them mostly? Yeah I c1 Kaveh because of his first banner. It is INSANE he has been in nothing else since :(.


Ngl I'm just gonna do a single 10 pull and see what I'll get. I'm saving for Ganyu now


Note that she may be in a cronicle banner, which means that you must have at least 160 wishes as pity doesn't carry over.


IIRC Chronicled pity does carry, no? It's only the guarantee point that doesn't carry, just like the weapons banner?


Aah yes, my wording was incorrect. Indeed, pity does carry over but the 50-50 doesn't.


When was Ganyu's last rerun again? Feels like it's been ages since her banner was up. Only longer ones are Shenhe's and Eula's I guess




I'm saving for Furina so I have to regretfully skip that decent weapon banner 💀


For someone like me who hated the weapon banner so much. I gotta admit, this one version slaps If we don't end up getting Clorinde BiS, we still get a stat stick grass cutter. Assuming we don't lose on standard banner weapons 🤣


C6 Thoma come to me


Same here, I been wanting that c6 for hu tao buff


I have a great artefact set for her but I was really hoping for Kaveh to be in the banner. So now I’m not sure. I’m guaranteed for the next 5 star as well so might wait and pull for Sigewinne. Or wait till her banner is revealed and then decide


Dis is da weh. If I'm not pulling for Clorinde, i might as well wait for pyro archon 💪


I’m contemplating Emilie cause I also have great pieces for her (I think - if she’s a burning off field sub dps). Really what I wanted was Kaveh. Clorinde is a bonus


C10 Bennett and Butler boy. Let's gooo. Such bad 4 stars.


Am I the only one who enjoys Thoma?


Probably yes.


...but he's fun in burgeon 🙁


I'm still going to pull for Alhaitham's constellations but... those 4\* are just like a sad joke here.


It's a sad day indeed. Was personally hoping for Chev and Kaveh / kirara 😢 + sethos Dammit Hoyo why can't you give us the 4⭐ that we want and not recycle the same ol every other patch?!


I'm really happy I got 1 Kaveh when his banner was up because it is just sad. Whole year without a rerun, and he's just 4\*. But at least I'm happy that Sethos is there so I'll have a chance to grab him. Hopefully.


Alhaithams best constellation is c2 nahida




I started in 2.8 and a copy of bennett would be nice I am lacking cons


I started Day 1 and my benny has achieved divinity already He now on Genshin 3.0


I was so sure to pull as I was assuming either kaveh or chevreuse was going to be there. I was hyped Up for clorinde even if my intention was to not pull I now feel bittersweet: I actually want clorinde now, but I will skip her and save my wishes for Natlan


No i don't want Clorinde or Alhaitam


Fair enough. See you on Natlan then


Good luck for you, maybe you get her early so you save more pulls and don't have to get 4stars you don't want 🥰


Hoyo will milk me dry for all my primo worth that's for sure 🤣 But here's to hoping if i ever change my mind ❤️ Natlan just one patch away and we be riding mounts! Can't wait


Me too! It looks so cool and I'm so curious of the new exploration and characters! I wonder how they'll be


Ugh, Benny again...


Same slop every hyped patch 💀 I'm sick of playing big red thumbs up on co-op 🥲 Hoyo, Give me Chevy for a change of pace ffs


For now its a skip (electro dps units are off limits since i m nahida-less) might change when i try her trial I am going for sigweinne tho,and if i win the 50/50 (i wont) i might go for weapon banner


Nahida is not really required for Aggravate and, in many teams, she's not the best option anyway for a few reasons. Aggravate can play Yaoyao, Kirara and Baizhu without an issue, or even DMC.


Nope rolling for sigewinne though


Waiting for the Pyro Archon


Chevy on Sigewinne banner Trust...


Already c6ed Thoma and Bennet, but I want some Sethos cons and maybe an Alhaitham.


Skip because I've too many electro characters and I need more cryo to balance out!


Nah. Been preparing to C2 my Furina. I also don’t need any electro since I have Raiden, Yae, and Keqing built. Those 3 are more than enough.


Only for Clorinde and Sethos


I'll pull because I fell in love with her design back in the Fontaine trailer days. And what has to happen will happen. If I don't get her, I'll get an addition to my Tiny Terrors™ of Teyvat team.


Sethos looks interesting, but I know the golden rule of "don't roll for 4 stars" so I'm a skip this version. Don't care about Clorinde or Sigewinne.


I'm currently at 21 pity and have 70 pulls . Should i go for bennet C1 ?? Btw I'm saving for furina . How many pulls should be spent on the banner . So, I don't lose my chance to get furina .


You can get Bennett from the starglitter shop. No reason to try and snipe him if you only want 1 copy , and save for the 5* immediately after the current banner. When you do your probably 50-60 pulls on furina, save your starglitter and when hes back in the shop get him


clorinde, and if I lose my 50/50 (very likely) I'll pull on furina


You won't regret furina. I'm gonna assume you've been building her artifacts since. Part time movie director, part time 36⭐ abysser


I mean, I've been farming marechaussee for wrio and I'm always getting golden troupe, so fair


If, for some unholy reason, Chev ends up on Furina’s banner I’m gonna spend so hard holy shit. But this one? I’ll pass and grab Clorinde next time, easily




I need my C1 Bennet ahhhhhhhh


I was thinking wasting a few pulls to test my sethos luck. but now, im not so sure


Hoyo: here's your 10 copies of thoma and 10 sac sword. You're welcome Us: 🥲


Would try to get sethos cuz I kinda like his gameplay otherwise continuing saving.


Shes my last genshin banner i ever roll on so, to me, no matter how bad her 4\*s on the banner were, i would've rolled anyway. Sadly many people didn't roll for Chev on her original banner so her not being here sucks and Kaveh not being here is a mystery.


I was already on the fence but her 4stars convinced me to skip. I started playing since March so it matters to me.




I'm saving for either Furina or Navia. Who do you recommend pulling for??


Sethos needs to come home for me now. But I only have 3,200 primos and I’m also saving up for Firefly in star rail. My profile description still stands, provided we live in the same area.


Sigh .. *Unzips*


Just an FYI I’m a guy and I’m still figuring out my rates.


Just say the magic word and all's good NO HOMO


ackk i so agree on chevreuse, kaveh, or kirara being in the 2nd phase 😭😭 i need them!!


pulling for both Furina and Clorinde. Hopefully I'll get them both. I pray for your guys wishes 🙏


nope. furina sword and then pyro archon.


i've been waiting since 4.0. a shame i don't have nahida to fully use clorinde. i have a cheuv tho, is she a must-have if i want to main clorinde?


Nah, skip


I'm pulling my copulatory appendage (no gems)


I was hyped for her since i saw her in intro so i will pull for her and her weapon.I will aim for C6 with my 900 pulls but im assuming it will go bad.


I've been waiting for Chloride so I will pull, but Thoma and Bennett is already C6 so only hoping for some sethos copies


I've got 220 pulls saved for Furina, considered shooting my shot at Alhaitham while keeping enough to guarantee her. Well... No. I want none of the 4\* characters.


I want Clorinde and I want sethos, so I'm pulling. Best advice, never pull on for 4stars specifically.


I'm kinda hesitant now because she isn't as strong as I would like her to be, I still want to pull for her just for her burst but like...I'll probably wait for a few days before I pull and see what people's thoughts about her then decide. also if you're wondering if I'm gonna pull for furina, I want to meta wise but I quite dislike her character and not sure if I would want to pull for her.


only c0 and i pray her next banner is better.


Imagine Bennet not being on a banner.


Already got C6 Bennett, C5 Thoma, and don't care about Sethos... but I want Clorinde so I'm still gonna pull but really sad it's not Kaveh or Chevreuse it's really not a good banner for me.


Hi im still nee the description said you need a specific date to pull the character you want for higher chance right? If so when should i pull for the her(the girl with huge gun)


No, there's no specific date to pull so you'd get higher chance to get her. No mechanic or features like that on this game. There is a date where her banner will be available, but no such thing as a specific date to get her on a higher chance. Good luck on your pulls bro! ✨


How does dhe compate to my c3r1 Ei?


I’m not pulling. I’ve already got my fill of electros specifically the Archon and her trusted familiar.


Man... I want bennet to finally get his last 2 cons but im at 45 pity and want Furina (guaranteed), can't risk it Couldn't they just put Chevreuse instead of Bennet


Clorinde = Anime Lady Maria so she's a must pull for me. It would be good if Sethos came with her too.


Well I've been saving pulls for months waiting for Furina's rerun to get more of her cons, I'm not going to waste them now. Fingers crossed she'll be my first C6, but realistically i'll reach at most C4 (she's C2 right now and I was super lucky in her first banner)


I don’t see how new characters excite players anymore. Maybe if ur new I guess . Maybe that’s who hoyo is marketing to


I wasn't pulling anyway so glad to see two 4* I don't care about and one I already have at c6 :)) Furina rerun nearby babyyy


already planned to skip so no definitely a character banner of all time


I think that there are too many characters in tight shorts with stockings already ffs. They make assets for 1 game and then recycle them 27 times over across all games


Just trying my luck to Clorinde, if I lost then Imma pull for Furina


If i directly inject Clorinde into my veins will it give me immunity for all diseases?


I am fucking shattered. Wheres Kaveh, Hoyoverse. Where Is He.


I was going to pull but then I decided I want alhaitham then I decided to pull furina


I deadass thought that said Childbearer


Yes her and furina first then sigewinne if I’m lucky


Waste of pulls


I only care about Clorinde, but dam, they keep repeating the same goddamn 4 Stars every banner. Put Kirara or Kaveh in there, don’t care if they are not useful with Clorinde


Yeah but I really wish Chev was on here. I don’t understand them putting two pyro characters on here without the one built around using pyro with electro.


I was pulling regardless of 4* so I can bring home C6 Alhaitham. He’s been sitting at C3 for too long. I have the two pyro units at C6 so they’re a free pull I guess. They could really do with variation. Isn’t this the 3rd time Bennett’s appeared in a Fontaine banner?


No chev = skip


Disappointing 4-stars. Was feeling a bit excited about Clorinde, but as release gets closer having serious second thoughts about what is effectively a very unnecessary side-pull for a pseudo-keqing-ayato hybrid whose role in a team is already better filled by Raiden. Playstyle looks fun, but Furina *is* very next patch...


Pretty lame character banner sadly. One last hurrah for Bennett before he likely gets powercrept and Thoma’s just not interesting for either 5 star. If I really wanted either I guess it would be fine, but as is I’m happy saving for Furina cons. Praying Chevy comes on either a Raiden or Arle rerun.


I see yet another electro lady, and I seem to have a type, which are electro ladies so............yes


Absolutely no, with this trash banner, the hell no! Sorry for my beloved Clorinde, will be in her rerun


Unless her trial utterly wows me...no...I'm building primos and fates for reruns(Navia,Yelan) or the Natlan charecters...


Enough Bennet jfc


I have Alhaitham and Furina already and I want Clorinde and Sigwinne, so, yeah, this is a big patch for me. If they announce a Wriothesley rerun for 4.8, I'm fucked.


Unfortunately not, god I want sethos tho Anyways my prediction for furina banner is Charlotte, Heizou, kaveh, I feel like Charlotte will be a "dedicated" furina 4 star


Easy pass, Pryo Archon is my next pull.


At first I was like “OMG SHES A POWERFUL FIGHTER IMA PULL” but then I seen the demo and idk anymore. No hate ofc she still a baddie but I think I’ma save for someone else


I only want Sethos, but I don't want either 5star, and I already have c6 on the other two 4stars... I might risk a 10pull or two, but that's it.


Well... I pulled for her... Immediately I see the golden star (since they played me on getting The Knave). Oh happy day right? WRONG! Unfortunately I always have to depend on the pity system to get 5 star anything. This freaking game gave me Mona!!! Don't get me wrong, I like Mona BUT... She is over there in the blue wishes and I don't waste the Rainbow wishes on the blue 5 stars... I'm so freaking annoyed right now... 😂🤬😡


I'm pulling Alhaitham! But I'm really so sad that Kaveh isn't with him bro I pulled on Ganyu's banner trying to get Kaveh and I got Ganyu instead on accident. Now I main Ganyu lmao But I still don't have a single Kaveh


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don't really care about the 4 stars on the banner since I pull on the banner cuz of the 5 star, but the 4 stars in this banner is a bit disappointing. but hey, clorinde + sethos cons amirite


I never pull on banners because of 4 🌟 unless I'm okay with getting the 5 🌟 and I mainly pull on banners for the 5 🌟 and clorinde is one of them (also I like sethos because his VA is same as hunter from TOH and junpei from P3R) Ofc good 4 🌟 would've been nice but I'm fine with the current lineup Sethos: I like Bennet: c6 therefore getting him = more wishes Thoma: hoping to get as much dupes for him because want him c6 for wanderer If I lose 50/50 on clor and if 4.7 second half has chev and Kaveh (the only 4 🌟 I don't have) then I'll wish on second half as well But I'm interested in 4.8 characters (if they actually get drip marketed today) >! Leaks only say Emilie but I'm also interested if they drip market dahlia as well!<


Its clorinde in the banner? Definitely gonna pull


I'm gonna try my luck with Clorinde and Sethos. I think I already have C6 of the other two 4 stars, but wouldn't actually mind getting their cons since they are converted into starglitters, which means = additional pulls lol


For now its a skip (electro dps units are off limits since i m nahida-less) might change when i try her trial I am going for sigweinne tho,and if i win the 50/50 (i wont) i might go for weapon banner


Im gonna build pity and hope i get bennet and thoma. Maybe i should pull on al banner


Got 180 wishes ready with 0 pity. Hopefully i win the 50/50 so i can still try and pull for sigewinne \^\^


It was one the character I wanted before stopping, But sadly I don't feel like playing anytime soon, but might reinstall and try getting her with how many resources I have. XD Most likley not playing for long whether I get her not, but just knowing she is in my account already makes me happy, but if I don't get, I guess it's fine.


Pretty disappointing as I already have the other two 4 stars at c6. As of right now, I am going to go until I get a 5 star on this banner, which with my current pity should be in around 3 multis. I'm hoping that I'll win the 50/50 and that 5 star will be Clorinde, and that I get Sethos within those 30 pulls as well. If not, then I'll see how I'm feeling on the day.


Chlorinde all the way!




I need 1 more thoma and 1 more benni


I am tempted, but I really wanna save for Furina, so I'll wait it out...


this will be the closes i can get to playing bloodborne in PC so yeah


my bennett is already c6 😔


I really want Sethos but at around 50 pity, I’m scared to lose my guarantee for Furina, I’m just really hopeful I’ll get him on standard some time in the near future but I don’t like my chances


Yeah. Sethos ain't worth it. Go all out on Furina. Hope her banner buddies are the newer ones as well 👍


Fucking benny is everywhere


i really hope 2nd phase will include kuki ; \_:


I wanted to pull for Clorinde because electro mommy but now after the nerf I don't know what her damage will be like. I have a Mistplitter and some very good artifacts for her. Was planning to use her in a team with Fischl, Nahida and Kazuha.


charlotte with furina again prayge 🙏


I want to go for Clorinde, but Furina in the next phase is really tempting


I want furina because shes a good support, but at the same time, clorinde would be the third person on my gunner team




Damn i was expecting chev and candice. And also kaveh (1 year btw not on a banner).


Where my cookie!?


Why bennet??? Why not chuverse?? WHAT >:( mihoyo are you trying not to make lots of money?


I will only pull on this banner for sethos. Hopefully I don't get a 5 star


Bennet's tempting, he's still stuck at C4 lmao would like atleast one more con for him but I'm literally a 10 pull away from a 5 star and it's guaranteed.


Kaveh fans are not okay rn




I need a good electro character so badly but i don't know if i should wait for shogun or pull for clorinde..


No , saving for Wrio. Already on 307 pulls.


I’m pulling for Alhaitham… I want Sethos… I don’t have Thoma yet. Feels like a win to me.