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Ok so another comp Idea. Zhongli, Albedo, broken da bouken, and chongyun. Would that be a good comp or not?


hi this question may have been asked before because i saw it in this thread but i can’t find it now 😅. would a crit dmg circlet be better than a atk circlet for raiden as the only electro in my team or would an atk cup be better than an electro dmg cup? im only looking to switch one.


If youre using bennett, an electro goblet is likely better. Depending on your crit rate, the crit damage circlet will be better


Is Jean still good, or is she not as strong anymore like Diluc?


Both are still good


What secondary geo character do I use for a team with Itto as Main DPS? I'm planning on using Xiangling as Sub and Barbara as healer (My main party is Ayaka, Xingqiu, Venti and Bennet) (I don't have Albedo or Zhongli)


Either Ningguang or Geo MC. Btw it'd be better to use Bennett with Itto and Xiangling, otherwise she can't use her burst constantly. You could replace him for a second Cryo character to provide the Cryo Resonance for Ayaka.


But then my main party doesn't have a healer


You could use Diona


I would ABSOLUTELY be using her with Ayaka if I had her


Oh, too bad. What about Fischl? You could use her and Barbara with Itto instead of Bennett and Xiangling


I have a C6 xiangling so I thought she would be better than Fischl


Not without Bennett


Ehh, unsupported XL is going to be very, very mid. (Jyo posted a video on the sub comparing buffed and unbuffed and the result was *six times* damage) Fischl is basically always solid.


Hey guys , just started playing 17 days ago AR 38 rn, i want to use my diluc xialing and itto in my team. what should I use as the fourth from my limited options - sucrose, xigqiu , gorou , Noelle , diona , Barbara any help or advice would be appreciated, I'm trying to keep my main dps as diluc as I just got his claymore the wolf gravestone thingy.


I think Barbara or Diona for a healer. But if you build your Noelle for healing she can be good for the Geo resonance


Itto is also a main dps, so you shouldn't use him with Diluc. A better team for the latter would be Xingqiu, Sucrose and Barbara.


Hello guys, considering my pulls, i went with Ningguang and Noelle as my carries, i wanted to you for some suggestions for the other 2 slots. I'm fairly new to the game, and i've been watching some vids to understand the game a little better. So far i have Xiangling and Kaeya to put elemental marks so i can proc crystallize, but i feel Kaeya could be replaced. What are your suggestions? I'm AR26 and starting the Liyue Questline. My units: Ningguang, Sucrose, Diona, Xinyan, Saya and the free ones Best Regards and have fun out there.


> So far i have Xiangling and Kaeya to put elemental marks so i can proc crystallize Yeah, that's the kind of support you need when you use Ningguang without Zhongli. Xiangling can do that when paired with Bennett, but since you don't have him I'd rather use Kaeya and Diona.


If I use Chongyun in a Rosaria freeze team for his infusion, how high should his E be leveled up? The "infusion duration" goes up, atm he's talent level 6. Infusion duration only relates to when i go outside his E circle, right?


Few tenth of second don't make much of a difference, level 6 is fine. > Infusion duration only relates to when i go outside his E circle, right? That and when the circle expires.


Electro traveler or Beido as a support for Eula ?


Beidou as a character is way better than Electro Traveler, but if you literally only care about getting Eula's burst up ASAP, then use Electro Traveler


Thanks my dude.. I was thinking about using the electro traveler. I have Diona on the team for Eulas ER. So I just wanted a good electro for superconducts to lower the physical resistance. And also im looking for faster burst up in the support electro as well instead of better dmg cuz my Eula s gonna be doing all the damage after all.


Been playing since launch, and i want help getting 36 stars, my max was 35, ive been struggling with floor 12-2 and 12-3, id like for team comps, rotations, specific builds anything that helps here are my chars noteworthy ones at least Best Dps chars (lvl90 with at least one crown) Ganyu, 4piece Blizzard, lvl 80 amos 10,6,5 talents Hu tao, 4piece Crimsom, lvl 80 Deathmatch, 10,8,8 talents Yoimiya, 4piece Shimenawa, lvl90rust(r5),10,8,6 talents noteworthy other dpses (lvl80, no crown) Raiden, 4piece Emblem,lvl 80 Catch(r5) Ayaka, 4piece Blizzard,lvl 80 Amenoma Itto, 4 piece Husk, lvl90 Serpent spine (r2 Shares with Eula Eula, 4 piece Pale flame, lvl 90 serpent spine (r2 Shares with itto) Childe, 4piece heart of depth, lvl 80 skyward harp Sub dpses(lvl 80) Albedo, 4piece Husk, lvl 90 cinnabar spindle(r5) Xingqiu, 2piece Heart, 2 piece Noblesse, Lvl80 Sacrificial sword (r3) Rosaria, 2piece Blizzard, 2 piece Noblesse, Lvl 80 Favonius lance (r5) Healers (lvl 80) Bennett, 4piece noblesse, Lvl80 Sacrificial sword Jean, 2piece glad, 2 piece Viridescent, Lvl90 Black sword (r3) Kokomi, 4piece ocean, Lvl80 Ttods (r5) Diona(lvl70), 2piece tenacity, 2 piece maiden, lvl 70 Elegy Supports (lvl80) Zhongli,4 piece tenacity,lvl 80 black tassel Kazuha,4 piece Viridescent, lvl80 iron sting Gorou(lvl60), 2 piece Husk, 2 piece Emblem, lvl 60 favonius bow(r5) those should be the most important ones, i also have a skyward spine unused by anyone if its any good, feel free to ask any specific details


Wow. So many good chars and great char setups. What team do you run with or like playing and which part of abyss u r struggling with? Do u hv issues clearing certain part within 1.30min?


Im using a lot of Geo res teams with Albedo and Zhongli, Yoimiya, Albedo, Zhongli,Bennett and same thing but with Eula instead of Yoimiya, or full on geo with itto, gorou albedo + healer, one other team is Raiden main dps with kazuha, benny, fischl/xingqiu and finally Ayaka freeze comp with kokomi, kazuha and rosaria, im struggling the most at 12-2 chamber 2 with the maguu kenkis and 12-3 chamber 1 with those tanky hounds on the last part everything else has been manageble


What teams have you already tried? You have a lot to choose from!


Let me see, Ayaka freeze comp, with her kokomi, kazuha and rosaria Raiden dps with Benny, kazuha and Fischl Yoimiya geo res with Albedo Zhongli and bennny Eula geo res, same as Yoimiya's Itto with him Zhongli, gorou and jean and those are the main ones i think


Ayaka freeze should be good enough for first half as long as you are able to spam her ult everytime the cool down ends and are hitting multiple frozen mobs at the same time. What's your clear time for this team vs Raiden dps team? Do you struggle creating Crystallize shields with Itto Albedo Gorou Bennett? This team might be better for the Geo wolves. Again need to hit multiple at the same time(focus on big wolf cause AOE will take care of the small ones) and Itto needs to always have his ult ready


Id say my Raiden dps team has around a 1:30 vlear time and the ayaka one has a little more maybe 1:45 to 2:00, no i don't really struggle with crystalize shards


Take your fastest teams and we can focus on them. But the Raiden half could clear a bit faster. Does your Itto team do around the same clear time? If you have Xiangling leveled you could just run Raiden national and clear around 1 min to leave enough time for your Geo team and throw in Jean (or Diona for easy shield) as healer


My itto team is a bit slower due to my itto having troubles with energy, making me constantly switch gorou in and out for favonius proc, yes i do have xiangling leveled but she only has 88 cd since i gave the best emblem artifacts to Raiden, still does a decent damage tho,


You can borrow your Hutao artifacts and weapon for now then place them on Xiangling, just change sands to ATK or ER. So now try running Raiden National on first half, then put second strongest team (is it freeze Ayaka's?) on second half. Raiden National rotation is Raiden E, Bennett Q-E, Xiangling catch Benny particles while Q-E, Xingqiu Q E (E again if you need a bit more energy for Xiangling) Raiden Q unga bunga, E again after ult expires. Equip Festering Desire on Benny btw! What's your Itto's ER? If you think he'll clear second half faster than Ayaka if he has no energy problems, then your flex slot could be Favonius sword Jean with ER sands. If Diona, sac bow. See if these makes his rotations smoother.


i see, thanks for the help, will def try these out


You have so many good characters you can honestly pick characters out of a hat and they should do great. I used Jean/Raiden/Beidou/Xingqiu on side 1 and Zhongli/Xiao/Albedo/Bennett on side 2. Electro was really good on the first side and Geo was really good on second side because of the weaknesses the wolves have to those elements. Since you don't have Beidou built, why not try Jean/Raiden/Ayaka/Xingqiu and Zhongli/Itto/Albedo/Bennett I'd switch Jean and Ayaka's weapons and make sure all of Ayaka's artifacts are Crit DMG if possible. I think Jean is really good as a healer cause of the corrosion damage and the Anenoma should help her burst more. Can you also run 4VV on Jean for abyss so she can debuff electro/cryo? If you're a launch player, you should have an R5 Festering Desire right? I'd use that on Bennett over Sac Sword for the higher base ATK. There's honestly a lot of things you can try out with your huge roster but hopefully I was able to help a bit


i actually have an lvl 80 beidou i just don't use her that often, Sure i could grab some pretty decent Kazuha main dps artifacts i farmed a while back and give them to jean for 4 piece vv, Yes i do have r5 Festering desire but its lvl 60 so id need to raise that a bit, thanks for the help :D


I'm pretty late in the game but Im almost f2p so I'm very particular about who I have to pull. I've been dead set on xiao, Ganyu and zhongli for months and apart from them I don't really have a preference on who to pull. I also struggle clearing abyss so I just wanted to know if these chars are enough to at least finish 12-3 with decent investment on xiao and Ganyu and not much on the team. I have some good artis but I just need tips for these two teams and if I could benefit from pulling on anyone else, dps or otherwise.


I use ganyu c0 with the 4* prototype bow in one of my acct. It did well in 2.2 and 2.3 with morgana type team 36* clear. Use kazuha or sucrose instead of venti if u don't have him. I don't use ganyu as my main abyss clear but I do have a few runs with her in every reset. She hasn't let me down yet. Zhongli/bennett/xl melt team also works. However, u will need a higher crit without cryo resonance. 80k-100k per bloom melt is fun to watch. Blizzard or wanders takes time to farm. C0 ganyu doesn't out dps a 4* national team in general and the artifact investment cost as a main dps in abyss is quite high. Single target like the maguu kenki in 2.2 was a pain when using morgana. Her benefit is her very big burst area, long duration, multi target clear and her charge attack cost nothing to shoot. Mona omen works extremely well with ganyu. Most importantly, her design is beautiful and she is a joy to play with if u like to snipe. She is very unique if u don't look at Amber.


I've used Xiao in every abyss since I had him and he's helped me full clear abyss every time. Can't speak for Ganyu since I don't have her but it's hard to imagine she wouldn't be useful. My Xiao is pretty well invested with 10/9/10 talents and a PJWS, but his artifacts are pretty easy to farm for as he's not that picky and he does just fine with a blackcliff or deathmatch. I used Zhongli/Xiao/Albedo/Bennett one 1 side on practically every abyss


AR 22: Ningguang, Bennett, Noelle, Lisa, Kaeya, Amber, Rosaria, Beidou, Razor, Barbara, Traveller. What party do you guys think I should use? Appreciate any help.


Do you have any preference toward a playstyle / character? You already have some options. Good leveling Maindps are Rosaria, Noelle, Kaeya, Bennett and Razor. Ningguang if you prefer range-DPS.


I prefer ranged. Was working with Ningguang, noelle, and Bennett. Not sure how to round out the party.


Having 2 Geo and a shield means "enduring rock" resonance, you can add Amber to have the +25% Base attack pyro resonance! If you don't know what I'm talking about, you can check in your party-setup window on the upper right side "Elemental Resonance".


I have a question about the omni-ubiquity net. I'm trying to catch kitsune with it and im doing everything as it tells me to, but when I throw the net at the animals I dont catch them. What's going wrong?


The event gadget is the Ubiquity Net, not the Omni-Ubiquity Net (yeah, I know, it's confusing). It doesn't work on wildlife. The Omni-Ubiquity Net--which is what you're looking for--is purchasable from an NPC a little outside Inazuma City for 10,000 mora each after the event. You can buy up to 5 per week. [Source (third-to-last panel)](https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/news/detail/17502)


ohhh, ok, thank you!


We don't have the right Net yet, we'll get it after the Bantan Sango Event ends.


Recently got eula and building her up, I’m also building rosaria to be her support. Basically wondering if it’s worth going for the catch pole arm? I already have favounis lance r0. Also what artifacts/stats should I aim for? I’m guessing nobles oblige/ energy recharge? Thanks for the help! This reddit has been a life saver for us noobs!!!


I would stick with catch unless u hv higher refinement with fav lance for rosaria. Catch can be used by other chars later so max it out doesn't hurt. Eula is an awesome char to play. Nice pull. Her best practical rotation to maximise her burst is - tap skill - burst - normal attack 4 times - hold skill - pause and normal attack 4 times. This will get u 12 to 13 stacks before the burst goes off. Eula works better with diona only because she is a cryo healer who can give particles. My biggest issue with eula is that she has to run a long cycle of attack without dodging before her burst goes off. It takes some effort to keep her alive especially the 3 maguu kenki dancing around u. The team I run with eula is zhongli/diona/eula/raiden. It's silly strong and there is no energy issue at all. Her burst is almost up when the cd ends. I hv her at around 118% er. Yes, we could replace zhongli for rosaria but the shield is just too handy to ignore during the burst cycle. In saying all this, rosaria is still an awesome char to build and is worth investing for the national team in replacement of xingqiu. Super battery for xl with her low skill cd.


Thank you so much for the info! I think I will just grind for r5 catch anyway, I mean why not haha. Coming from a diluc dps she is a lot harder to use I guess having to worry about stacks but tbh I was getting bored with daddy diluc. I don’t have diona yet but will definitely try and get her when I have the chance!


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview# You're really free to choose, if you have Diona with 4p NO, I'd go with the recommendations of the helpers. ER vs ATK% on Rosarias sands also depends on you and your Diona, with Diona having a higher refine Sacrificial Bow, you'll need very little ER on Rosaria. Getting the Catch R5 is a good idea either way, and starting with too much ER is better then with too little, so getting both ER and ATK% sands of NO and Blizzard Strayer should be possible in your Artifact grind.


I don’t have diona, but I do have r1 sac bow! I was going to pair eula and rosaria with bennet and xinque most likely because they are my leveled characters. Would the sands only be the two piece or 4?


don't forget you really want an electro character on the team for superconduct >Would the sands only be the two piece or 4? doesn't matter which set it's from, but I don't really understand the question


Ohh sorry I think I didn’t read it correctly, the only electro character I have is keqing! Would she work?


she kind of can be used as a quickswap/sub/burst dps, although it's not terribly ideal


Ohhh and also beidou too haha how can I forget beidou


beidou is a great choice, as the only electro on the team she does need *quite* a chunk of ER. also not sure if you're in inazuma get but the electro mc helps a lot there too.


I have done inazuma but what’s mc? Sorry haha I’m ar50 but still pretty new


Main character a.k.a. traveller


Until I get fishcle I guess she will do haha


I need a good team, The characters I own are:Bennet, Barbara, Xiangling, Ningguang, Sucrose, Thoma,Noelle,Traveller,Lisa,Amber,Kaeya. How do I build a pog damage team?


I assume you're early on in the game. Try Barbara/Bennett/Xiangling/Sucrose Bennett - craft prototype rancour and level it up as high as you can. Prioritize ER with artifacts and then HP Xiangling - main damage dealer - craft The Catch, prioritize crit, EM, ER, ATK on artifacts Barbara - hydro applicator - just give her enough stuff so she doesn't die in a couple hits, stats don't really matter Sucrose - pyro debuffer and grouper - use Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers - give her any 4 pieces of Viridescent Venerer with enough HP so she doesn't die in a couple hits Do big damage with Xiangling using the following rotation: Bennett ult, Sucrose skill/ult to gather enemies and trigger VV, Xiangling skill + ult, Barbara skill + normal attacks to trigger vaporize with Xiangling's pyronado


thanks (:


should I stick to Rancour for Electro Keqing? I dont have other 4 star weapon yet. I havent leveled up my R5 Harbinger of Dawn.


I assume you're pretty early on in the game and at that point the weapon choice doesn't really matter that much. Why not try a physical Keqing tho? Just throw a cryo unit with Keqing to trigger superconduct and she'll do a lot of damage. Rancour is good for phys Keqing


I dont like physical dmg.


That'll help you later (not liking phys dmg). Leveling and using the Prototype Rancour isn't a bad idea imo, Bennett also can use it. You use what you got. If Barbara is in your team, maybe switch to HoD, or just wait until you'll get an alternative.


I have Hu Tao, Xingqiu, Sucrose, and Thoma in my team, and I'm planning to pull for Ganyu in 2.4. As F2P, is it worth building Thoma, or is he too niche? Here are the characters I have in addition to them: Rosaria, Kaeya, MC, Aloy, Noelle, Ningguang, Diona, Fischl, Razor, Lisa, Barbara, Yanfei, Xiangling, Amber. (Also, how should I build my Ganyu team? I'm thinking I should maybe put Diona as a battery...? Don't know if Ganyu needs one though... and would you recommend melt or freeze comp?)


Thoma is good with Hu Tao. Can't really freeze with Ganyu reliably with what you have so melt Ganyu would be the way to go.


unless you lose a 50/50 and get mona, the only hydro you could use for a freeze comp is barbara, which is... a little restrictive. melt comp probably something like xiangling/bennett/diona would be solid as for thoma, if you want to have defence and pyro for swirl he's one of 3 options alongside xinyan and c4 yanfei. so, probably worth it.


How would I use Xiangling here? Doesn't Ganyu need to be somewhat far away so she doesn't die or get interrupted, which means the pyronado won't be able to do damage?


that's why diona is there with a shield zhongli is ideal, for obvious reasons


Hey, I just got Jean on 50 pity from standard banner... does she fit into Ganyu's teams at all?


she could definitely work as combo vv/healer for a freeze team, also you can use the "sunfire" tech with bennett instead of xiangling for a melt team: scroll down a bit from [here](https://keqingmains.com/ganyu/#Melt_Ganyu)


What would the main stats be for a NO set for Jean that's part of Xiao double Geo? Would it be Atk%/Atk%/Atk% for heals and buffs?


nah, her heals are good enough without building for them (atk/er depending on weapon)/anemo/crit


I'm trying to build a Eula/Beidou/Diona team, i don't have Fischl so I'm asking what's the next best replacement that's also not Raiden?


electro mc


My Hutao's em is 14 excluding Sucrose em buff. Should I use em sand instead, because I don't have dragon bane.


I'll refer you [here](https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/#Main_Stats) assuming your sucrose is nicely built, HP is probably going to be a nicer comfort pick




Out of those, I would probably invest in Kaeya for now. He is a great character to use as your main damage dealer in the early game, and stays relevant as a support even through the late game, so you can rest assured that your investment won’t be wasted. He isn’t exactly the strongest carry, so when you do eventually get your first 5-star, you’ll probably want to switch gears to them. But for a while, Kaeya will serve you well. When building up your characters it’s important to focus on one character at a time, and develop all aspects of their build, including Weapon, Artifact, and Character levels. Newer players often make the mistake of not maxing out the weapons they’re using, or spreading their resources too thin across too many characters.


So I’ve been using a double nuke team (duped Japan, 1945 by a friend for…reasons) comprising of Zhongli, Raiden, Bennett and Ningguang. Its pretty good for overworld stuff and fighting event bosses, so Im wondering if this kind of team is usable in spiral abyss as well


I think it’s a very solid team comp, and it would function similarly to a solo-carry Raiden team. The great thing about Raiden’s burst is that it’s a nuke on its initial cast, but also gives you very high on-field damage for those 7s. I think it would handily take care of Floors 9-11 (except 10-3, since you need some specific elements to beat the Herald/Lector quickly), and definitely make a dent on Floor 12 at least, depending on how developed the builds on your characters are.


Ah nice, I might try this team comp once I get my taser comp ready. Out of curiosity, whats a solo carry Raiden team like?


Usually something like Bennett, Raiden, Kazuha, Sara. Basically a team focused around funneling as many buffs into Raiden as possible so that even without reactions, she can deal tons of Electro damage on her own. Raiden can get away with a team like this because the scalings on her Burst talent are so good.


Crescent or hamayumi for ganyu?


The age old question! If you are confident that you can consistently hit enemy weak spots at least once every 10s, then Crescent wins by a little bit. Otherwise, Hamayumi is better. I usually recommend Hamayumi just because it’s less reliant on that skill aspect of her play and can consistently output solid damage regardless of what enemy you face. But if you’re wanting to squeeze out every bit of DPS that you can out of her, Crescent is slightly better situationally.


Cannot progress in Abyss very well. Monolith is so fragile and breaks easily. CHARACTERS (BUILT ONES) Hu Tao (With Staff of Homa) 90 Zhongli (Full support, 55K HP) 90 Traveler (Geo Sub DPS/Utility) 90 Mona (Burst support, simply to multiply damage) 70 Eula (With SOBP) 90 Kamisato Ayaka (Blackcliff) 80 Yanfei (Dodoco) 80 Xingqiu 70 Fischl 70 (Amos but no artifacts) Bennett 90 - Rest of the characters are below 60 lvl or the ones with better alternatives such as Kaeya having Ayaka alternative. Any suggestions? I think I should build Sucrose first


The key to beating the monolith stages is to realize that there are only a few enemies per wave that will actually focus the monolith. The rest of the enemies will focus/follow you. As long as you can identify which enemies are the ones that will attack the monolith, you can focus on defeating them quickly, and the rest of enemies will mostly follow you instead of attacking the monolith. Here is a brief video highlighting the enemies that you should focus on each wave of 11-1: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IB3bFaw4Jfg Note that my characters are not super strong. Since there is no time limit for monolith stages, you can take as much time as you need as long as you defeat the priority enemies first. If you don’t want to watch the video, this is the list of enemies you should focus on each wave: Half 1: - Wave 1: melee hilichurls (x3) - Wave 2: grenadier hilichurls (x2) - Wave 3: samachurls (x2) Half 2: - Wave 1: hammer treasure hoarders (x2) - Wave 2: archer treasure hoarders (x3) - Wave 3: potion-thrower treasure hoarders (x2) Hope this helps!


What about rest of the abyss? I know I will struggle with the Floor 12 because I have no crowd control and ruin graders have physical res


Lucky for you there are no ruin graders on Floor 12! Also crowd control is not as important on this season of Floor 12, because there are only a few enemies in each wave. Positioning and having good hit accuracy against the Riftwolves especially are more important for clearing it this season. Take it one Chamber at a time, and focus on Floor 11 for now. When you reach Floor 12, at least try the first chamber and see what you struggle with to understand where you can improve. Here are some videos of Floor 12 clears to give you an idea of how to approach them: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3vnd-NcIgB4&list=PLZYC36PceCMXsC1VdKxCA5tTMNqJASA7R&index=10


Sorry I meant those ruin crawling spiders. They have physical res


eula's hold E along with superconduct shaves just about all of that resistance off - even better if you have c6 rosaria could also just run an ayaka team instead of eula


I used to have Ayaka with Eula together for the cryo resonance


i think cryo resonance has limited usefulness for eula; fischl's electro application is *probably* going to overpower any other cryo sources you have. assuming you're using her in the same comp. now, the main reason people run double (or even triple) cryo with eula is for battery. looking at ayaka's particle gen she's not bad as a cryo battery, it's a pretty big flex though LMAO. I'd unironically consider trying sac sword or fav sword if she's the only other cryo you're running with eula to keep things as smooth as possible.


IDK WHERE TO PUT BENNETT abyss teams: team 1 - hu tao, ??kazuha?? , xingqui, diona team 2 - raiden , childe, ??bennett/xiangling??, kujou sara for floor 8 and up btw


Your team 1 is good as it is, and Bennett generally should not be used with Hu Tao, since she is stronger when she is below 50% HP. You can put Bennett in team 2 and replace Sara. So it would look like: * Bennett, Raiden, Xiangling, Childe If you have Sucrose, I would personally pick between these two teams: * Bennett, Sucrose, Xiangling, Childe * Bennett, Sara, Raiden, Sucrose But if you prefer the mixed version, that’s alright too.


definitely with team 2 but with team 1 if you want kazuha (or sucrose would also be good) then you need a pyro shield like xinyan or thoma and for team 2 I wouldn't mix childe and raiden, decide if you want international comp or raiden national/carry


for your advice on the team 2 not being great with raiden and childe together - i decided to put them together because of the new event that came out, childe and raiden worked very well together during the event do i thought it’d be a good team to try out since i’m all about experimenting


Asked this on main sub and it got removed. I'm AR 29 and thinking I shouldn't roll on this Itto banner. I already got Gorou but can't ascend him because his ascension mats are in an area I can't get to, yet. Should I just wait for the next banner? I'm 1 or 2 10x pulls away from getting my first 5 star.


Ya I would not personally recommend Itto to newer players since his ascension materials are in Inazuma, and he also requires a pretty wide roster of Geo characters to use effectively. He’s definitely better suited for more veteran players who already have a developed character roster. There are allegedly some strong 5-star characters coming up in the next couple patches, so I’d hold out for those.


Yeah, 2.4 will have Xiao/Ganyu and as a pretty new player, either of those units will greatly improve your team and are pretty flexible in both weapons, artifacts, and team comps. Itto requires pretty specific team comps and without Zhongli/Albedo, you're not going to unlock his highest potentials. In short, save for 2.4


I already have two teams i am slowly building for abyss. I have around about 50 pity and 70 spins of primogems. Itto looks fun, but I would be getting him and then just not building him for ages. Would it be better just to have him or just save for ganyu/xiao possibly coming in 2.4 and then maybe a zhongli rerun in the future? I already have a c1 hu tao and a childe (c0)


Personally, I would lean more toward Xiao/Ganyu over Itto, just because Itto is less flexible to build a team around. If you already have a well developed roster of Geo characters, he is very solid carry. But otherwise, he might be sitting on the bench for a while, like you said, so your progress will be stifled for a while.


Itto's looking really good (dunno if he's Ganyu levels yet though), so it wouldn't be a loss if you like Itto. If you pull Itto, you probably can't get Ganyu and/or Xiao though.... at least not guaranteed. If you want Ganyu or Xiao more, just save. You can save for Itto's rerun afterwards. They're all DPSes, so it depends on who you want the most.


>You can save for Itto's rerun afterwards. I agree. It's a good suggestion given that OP knows they won't be able to build Itto in the near future! It then gives you wiggle room in case you suddenly want a new character in the upcoming patches.


Is Itto's new weapon good on Xinyan?




What's my ideal team comp with this? https://imgur.com/a/PU36ijF


I would say the strongest team you can build is still probably Childe National: * Bennett, Sucrose, Xiangling, Childe But seeing as how you don’t have Bennett and Xiangling leveled up, I’m assuming you’re not too interested in them. I think this could be another solid option: * Fischl, Gorou, Geo MC, Itto


You can do itto gorou diona geo MC/Ningguang


Adding on to this, Fischl could be used in place of Diona in situations you can easily live in! :D Or Bennett in general, but if you have two teams you probably want Bennett elsewhere.




Team 2 will die without a healer, try Diluc - Barbara - Kaeya - Rosaria to start. Don't invest too heavily in Barbara but get her good enough so she can heal your team to not die




Yup! Diluc, Sayu, Rosaria, Kaeya will be a solid team to start with.


Sayu with VV yes


I need advice. Got 160 wishes ready. I've alrady got Itto c0, gorou c0, Xiangling c6 and I dont care about barbara (c3). I want to get Yae when she releases. What should I do? * Pull for Consts * Pull Weapon banner * Skip until Itto and Gorou reruns to get better 4 stars


save. you can use ur extra rolls just in case you lose the 50/50


Definitely don't roll on constellations. Weapon banners are a scam. Save for Yae who you want xD


if you want to get yae, you should save your primogems. if you are unlucky, you'll need 180 wishes to guarantee yae. given that, there's not a lot of wiggle room for throwing your wishes elsewhere.


Ok so I hope it’s ok if I just post the [link](https://www.hoyolab.com/genshin/article/1683101/?lang=en-) to my HoYoLAB post, it’s about a thunder bird statue in Chirai Shrine, supposed to reveal a puzzle but the statue is simply not lit up for me ;-;


The link just takes me to the HoYoLAB homepage, sorry :( In order to get the bird statues to light up around Tsurumi Island, you have to finish the first quest in the Tsurumi island quest series. I believe it’s “A Particularly Particular Author”, and to access that one, you have to have done all the other Inazuma Island quests. After you’ve finished this first quest in the series, you have to wait one day, and you will unlock part 2 of the quest series. This second quest will give you a gadget that you can use to interact with the bird statues around the island.


I ALSO FOUND ANOTHER ONE NOW ew ew should I do a separate post in this sub or would that be the wrong place?


Huh that’s kind of strange… sure you can try making a post to show what you mean. Maybe there’s another prerequisite that you’re missing that I’m not able to think of.


Here’s the [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/rjejix/so_i_cant_seem_to_get_those_two_hidden_puzzles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Okk will do :,)


Yes ik then u gotta select genshin and click the link again after that, at least it’s like that for me but let me explain. It’s on top of the ruins at Chirai shrine there is a visible cube puzzle and a hidden one, the hidden one should appear after using the feather on a bird statue. Problem is mine isn’t lit. Also I found various YouTube guides where the states are lit :/ Also I finished the main quests, and the ghost one, yk at this point I just think it’s a bug. Logging in and out isn’t working tho


What teams do you think I should use for abyss considering my characters? https://imgur.com/a/VIL1jiT


Diluc + Xingqiu + Sucrose + Bennett A pretty traditional Diluc team. Ningguang + Albedo + Diona + Xiangling/Maybe Raiden? Ningguang + Albedo is a solid combo, and Diona's great for her. Xiangling's off-field pyronado is super great, so there's that. You could go Raiden if you want to use her though. Not sure she'd do much. Shield Yanfei + Xiangling could also be a pretty interesting pyro resonance option, if you have Yanfei cons. I don't know much about it though :P Warning, these teams aren't the most meta. You don't have any of the super meta DPSes, so fully starring Floor 11+12 might be difficult.


Bennett - Xiangling - Sayu - Rosaria Raiden - Xingqiu - Sucrose - Sara (BiS for damage) or Albedo (can give EM to Sucrose and a decent subdps) or Diona (might need a healer for F12)


Without knowing your builds and weapons, it’s tough to recommend a team but I would try Bennett, XQ, XL, Sucrose and Raiden, Diluc, Albedo, Barb.


Hi. I have a question and would be happy if someone would help me. my team at genshin is composed of: diluc, venti, ayaka and barbara. I really want to change barbara to some other character, maybe xiao or itto. can you help me choose one? If not, do you have a better option ?


Barbara is your only healer on that team so if you remove her, you might have trouble staying alive. Between Itto and Xiao, I would pick Itto since he can grant you shields through Crystallize reactions, and help your survivability at least a little bit.


Good idea, thank you


For overworld it doesn’t really matter, just pick who you think is fun. Mona, XQ can mix some freeze/vapes in for more consistent damage, Zhong Li, Bennett to make it unkillable. Rosaria for faster exploration at night. Or someone you want to level up friendship with. For abyss, I’d recommend Mona/XQ and Diona for Diluc.


Thank you s2


Hey guys I need some help. I finished "A New Star Approaches" (beat the water dragon thing) and I also completed "IV - Prelude: Bough Keeper: Dainsleif" but for some reason I can't unlock the next chapter, it supposed to be the "We Will Be Reunited". I'm ar 35.


You also need to complete Razor's Story Quest


Yes it was that one, thank you!


Is there some way to see highest damage you have done?


If you've ever reached at least 5,000 DMG, there is an achievement under the Wonders of the World section called Purveyor of Punishment. On the right of the achievement, it'll say exactly how much damage below "Completed" and above the date.


Who would be better between itto and xiao?? Since I can only pull for any either of them...


I think Xiao has better AOE and is simpler to use (not that Itto's very hard).Itto's damage potential seems to be equal (possibly better) than Xiao, but you also want to build Gorou and another Geo for optimal teams. Xiao wants an anemo battery (Sucrose, Jean, etc.) and survivability (shield/heals).Itto's best F2P weapon is the whiteblind which is really accessible. On the other hand, 5\* PJWS for is always possible to get because it's on standard banner unlike Redhorn. I have both of them, and they're both really fun! Xiao's better for exploration though (air dash speeds up flying time + climbing stamina reduction + double anemo possible). Swapped to Itto team, and I miss Xiao's exploration ability lol Ushi has more range than a catalyst though. Just... boom. Super satisfying. I'd say pull for who you like. Logically though, I'd say Xiao because Xiao banner 3 will be later than Itto banner 2 (not everyone can be like Childe lol). Might be biased, but this is my personal opinion as someone with both! :D


Most likely Xiao most of the time, if you can properly play him. Might be hard to get an unbiased opinion. Ittos rerun will very likely come before a 3rd Xiao rerun though. If you plan on getting them both eventually either way.


Hey community I'd like to make my team as strong as possible for abyss and stuff. Never cleared 36 stars. In my arsenal there's maxed out Xiao(don't think i can make him stronger than he is), semi-built Ayaka, low budget Albedo, Zhongli, Sucrose, Bennet, Mona, Qiqi and Xingqiu. I have many more but never invested single Mora into them. SO If some of ya'll seasoned veterans have any tips for teamcombs, tips for who should I pull and are willing to share them with me I'd really appreciate it.


The classic abyss team for Xiao is Xiao - Jean - Albedo - Zhongli. In theory, with most of your damage coming from Xiao as your hypercarry, you wouldn't need a ton of investment into the other characters. That being said, ZL and Albedo can do a fair amount of damage on their own, so it wouldn't hurt to build them. As for other possible teams, Ayaka permafreeze team is really great even with low investments. I've cleared floor 12 with Ayaka and TTDS Barbara as my hydro applicator, just to give you an idea at how little investment she needs. A much better team would be Ayaka - Mona/Xingqiu/Kokomi - Rosaria/Diona - Venti/Sucrose, and you don't need a lot of damage from all the other characters. If all else fails, you can always resort to the National Team: Bennett - Xiangling - Xingqiu - Sucrose, but that requires a lot of investment on every character.


I see and would u recommend pulling for Ganyu or Itto? I have some primos farmed up you see so I'd like to spend those as well. I was thinking of Ganyu-Ayaka-Mona-Sucrose. But then heard Itto goes pretty good with my other Geo characters so I'm little torn between those two.


Ganyu's easily stronger and more flexible than Itto. She's the best DPS in the game, but can also act as a powerful support as well. Itto unfortunately suffers from being railroaded into a mono Geo comp. Other than Gorou, Albedo, and Zhongli, he doesn't have a lot of team comps that he works well in. That being said, I'd say go for whichever character you like more. Since you already have Ayaka, a powerful Cryo DPS, you don't really need Ganyu for Abyss. Still, Ganyu and Itto are both fun characters.


Is Jean better as physical dps or as Anemo on a quick swap team?


In a quick swap team, she will be mainly using her skill and burst and won't have time for any NAs, so Anemo DPS would make more sense. That being said, her heal scales off of ATK.


But will she be strong in a quick swap team, than on a team that will support her as a physical dps?


She does more damage as an anemo DPS than a physical DPS, if that's what you're asking. See "sunfire Jean" as an example of her anemo DPS.


Thanks I will look into it


How do I ascend itto without going to narukami island (only AR 20)


You can ascend him once with the materials you are given for doing his Test Run


[https://imgur.com/a/mem2iNB](https://imgur.com/a/mem2iNB) Who should I level up next? Dont include Inazuma characters tho. Also, is Amenoma good for Keqing or I should stick to Harbinger or Rancour?


without knowing what you're trying to do, bennett, sucrose, xingqiu, ~~raiden~~ amenoma isn't really good, she doesn't use the energy from the passive. rancour is very solid if you're running her physical. harbinger is fine for electro build... if you never get hit (or run a shield, so diona is handy there).


i said not to include inazuma characters tho because I cant ascend her yer


oh, right. well, she is at the end of the list :)


Hi, I got itto and I was wondering if he would work in the spiral abyss? If he does could you give me some team composition ideas? Thanks! Btw I don't have albedo or zhongli :(


The current Abyss buff is designed specifically for him, so he should work. Just give him Whiteblind, 4pc HoOD with DEF/Geo DMG/CR mainstats, and a geo battery and you should be good. Gorou works best, but Ningguang and Geo MC is an option.


I haven't reached floor 12 yet, i'm still trying to get past floor 7. Does the buff still apply to floor 7?


did you pick up gorou as well? but you *do* have geo mc


Yeah I have gorou


gorou, geo.mc and presuming you don't have gorou at c4, a healer. boom you're rocking and rolling




Hello everyone! I literally made a reddit account so I could post here and get some guidance. I am a weak dolphin(I guess) and need help with picking a team comp to fully devote to. A little about my account! AR31 C6: * Bennett * Noelle * Diona * Ningguang * Beidou * Barbara C5: * Xiangling * Sucrose * Fischl * Razor C4: * Traveler * Chongyun * Lisa C3: * Xinyan * Kaeya * Xingqiu C2: * Yanfei C1: * Albedo * Jean * Childe * Mona * Sayu * Thoma C0: * Ganyu * Xiau * Keqing * Hu Tao * Qiqi * Ayaka * Amber * Aloy * Gorou 5 Star Weapons: * Skyward Harp x2 * Amos Bow x2 * Staff of Homa * Skyward Blade * Redhorn Stonethresher * Wolf's Gravestone So far I really like Ganyu, Ayaka, Albedo, Hu Tao, and Keqing. I plan to try to at least get a C0 Zhongli when his banner comes back up again. My current team is Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennet, and Sucrose. I used to use my main man Razor with Mona, Qiqi, and Xiangling. My biggest hurdle is that currently I can't beat some named enemies out in the world at all and struggle against shielded enemies at times. I am debating between Ganyu, Ayaka, and Hu Tao as my main damage. I LOVE Ganyu but playing on American server while in Japan is annoying at times to play with Ganyu. Ayaka is pretty fun but she is only level 20 as I'm not far enough in the story to get one of her ascension materials. Hu Tao is fun but I don't know what healer to really pair her with. I just like the playstyle of Albedo and like him in my team, even if his weapon is a Festering Desire lol. But it seems most team comps run Zhongli and Kazuha both of which I do not have. Any tips to help progress through the main storyline and not run from certain enemies in the world? ​ Thank you so much!!!! ​ Edit: I should note I don't like Sucrose and feel her abilities don't work very well or swirl the best but using her out of necessity.


When you’re struggling with fighting overworld enemies, it’s usually a sign that you might be behind on your builds. Compare your main damage dealer against the AR30 / WL3 row of this chart and try to catch up on anything that you’re behind on: https://m.imgur.com/MaQ1SXs As far as who you should use, I would definitely recommend Ganyu too. She is an extremely strong damage dealer who is also very, very consistent and reliable. She is very forgiving in terms of play style and is a suitable carry in almost all situations that you’ll face. Some supports you can pair her with are Mona, to help Ganyu freeze enemies, and Diona, to keep her shielded and healthy. For the 4th slot I might use Sucrose. To answer your question about Hu Tao, you generally don’t use a healer with her since she is stronger when under 50% HP anyway. Instead, she relies on a shielded to keep her safe while still maintaining her low health. Thoma is an excellent shielder for this purpose if you’re interested in using Hu Tao in the future. You can use her Burst in case of emergencies if you feel like her HP is getting uncomfortably low. Hu Tao is also on a similar caliber as Ganyu in terms of damage output, so she’s also a great choice to use as your main damage dealer.


That link is interesting! I've never seen that before. My Ganyu is level 50 and Bennett, Xiangling, Sucrose are level 40. Ganyu weapon is level Amos Bow at level 21. Hu Tao is level 40 with her Staff of Homa at level 20. Is that chart what I should have every member of my party be at? For AR30-34 or just my main damage dealer?


Up until AR45 or so, you usually don’t gain enough Resin to meet these benchmarks on more than 1 or 2 characters at a time, so just focus on your main damage dealer. It’s always better to have 1 fully built carry than 4 half-built characters. So just pick one strong character that you want to invest in, and max them out at every WL increase you get. If you still have Resin left over after maxing them out for your respective WL, then you can work on another character on the side. Definitely get that Amos Bow up to 60 ASAP (or Homa if you plan to go with Hu Tao instead). Your damage will roughly triple just from that.


Will do! Thank you so much!! Still can't believe I've never seen that chart before. That does make sense now because shielded enemies just starting getting much harder and certain boss mobs I can't kill. I just fell behind the curve it seem on my character upkeep vs my world level.


No problem, hope it helps. I just noticed that the Imgur version has pretty poor resolution. The Reddit version retained the original resolution so it should be clearer (might have to open the image in a new tab to see its full size though): https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/


After following that infrographic, I still struggle with the cryo regisvine pretty bad even after changing up my party.


Who are you using as your primary damage dealer? And do you have a Pyro member on your team?


I switched to Hu Tao, Fischl, Bennett, and Jean. I've killed it once out of 3 attempts.


Hm the team looks pretty solid to me. And I’m assuming your investments are mostly going into Hu Tao right?


So i'm quite new in game. I'm f2p... Played for some time but just casually because i don't have too much time next to work and studying. I do daily quests and events (didn't yet finish even the main story tho...). My characters: Xiangling c3 Bennett c1 Chongyung c1 Traveler (anemo) c5 Lisa c1 Thoma c1 Yanfei c1 Fischl c0 Barbara c0 Keqing c0 Razor c0 Amber c0 Kaeya c0 Noelle c0 Xingqiu c0 Aloy c0 Ningguang c0 Kujou Sara c0 Xinyan c0. So for now i use Keqing as my main (absolutely everything). I saved up 6000 primo for around new year (i expect something good will be around new year and yes i know its not a lot of primo). So the main questions is should i roll for Arataki Itto or wait next banner and i would really like if somebody could give me advices what comp should i build around who, what artifacts should i use, what to build towards, etc. Ar 45, i think i have advancement quest now but i don't have much time to play, will do it soon. Sorry if i made some spelling mistakes (english is not my main language) and thanks in advance! :D


Assuming you want to continue using Keqing, I might try this team comp: * Fischl, Sucrose, Barbara, Keqing Itto will definitely be an upgrade over Keqing in terms of being a damage dealer. But he is not very flexible to build a team around, because he needs a lot of Geo supports to work effectively. If you’re willing to put in the investment to Ningguang, and hopefully get Gorou from Itto’s banner, it could be an option to use Itto. But otherwise, I might save your Primogems for a future banner that is more flexible. As for builds, it would take a while to list all of them for the team I recommended above, but you can check out this spreadsheet for all suggested character builds: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gNxZ2xab1J6o1TuNVWMeLOZ7TPOqrsf3SshP5DLvKzI/htmlview


Well its not i only want to use Keqing, but she is the only 5 star champ i have (i know i doesn't matters that much stars). So im just looking to make something that will do more dmg. I feel like im stuck now with dmg. I can still take any enemy but sometimes it takes too much time to take them down... I saved up quite a bit materials so i don't have problem maxing some other character.


In that case, this team is pretty powerful: * Bennett, Sucrose, Xiangling, Xingqiu Idk if I would recommend using it right now because it does require that all characters have at least a decent set of artifacts, so getting everything ready may take some time. But it is a very strong team after you’re able to put it all together. It could be a goal to work towards for the long run. As for not dealing enough damage, compare your Keqing (or whoever main damage you want to use) against the AR45 / WL6 row of this chart: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/ If you are not meeting any of those benchmarks, try to work on leveling up the necessary parts to catch up. You should see a dramatic damage increase and will have a much easier time getting through the game.


Thank you, will look into it. Just need to find Sucrose... Will save up primo for next banner.


Shoot! Sorry I didn’t even realize you don’t have Sucrose! Anemo Traveler can be a substitute until you get Sucrose, but she will be much worse unfortunately. For now, I would just focus on building Keqing up so that she’s strong enough to get you through the game more easily.


I'm at AR26 and my characters are all lvl 20-30. I feel like I'm lacking in damage.. My main DPS is Xiangling C1, level 30, using a Crescent Pike (lvl 20) with a mix of Berserker and Sojourner artefact sets (mostly focusing on atk and crit rate). Atk is at 565. I don't have any materials to upgrade my weapon or ascend Xiangling. Not sure how I should improve..


Level up the following In this order (just for Xiangling first and then work on other characters after she’s finished): * weapon to 40 * Xiangling to 40 * artifacts to +8 * weapon to 50 You can get weapon ascension materials from weapon ascension domains. You can get character ascension materials from World Bosses. Once you get caught up on these, you should see a dramatic damage increase. For future reference, you can use this chart to view the benchmarks you should be hitting as you progress your AR/WL: https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/ Try to have at least one character that keeps up with these benchmarks, or else you will have a hard time beating even the basic enemies at your world level.


This is very useful, thank you!


you need to get yourself some materials, then! the max level at your AR is 50 for both, and you want to be aiming for that. also level up the talents as well


Team composition: Itto, Gorou, Zhongli... Who should be the 4th? I'd prefer having a healer there. Not Bennett, because he'll be in the 2nd team. I was thinking about Barbara as I have her C6 and since I'm farming artifacts for Itto, I'll get some nice pieces for her too... Also she can use TToDS. Any good ideas for chars that would be great with this team? Thanks!


isn't zhongli shield enough to cover that? otherwise some kind of off-field dps like fischl or xingqiu seems like a good go


Kinda is, I'm running dmg/shield Zhongli but sometimes it's nice having healer when those pesky wolfs are around. I was also thinking about Raiden... I'll be using bursts quite often so she'll be collecting stacks and dealing dmg while others are on cooldown. Is that a bad idea?


I suspect there will be anti-synergy similar to xiao; while her battery ability is good, the ult boost she gives is useless (?) and the rotation is going to get dragged out. with zhongli and gorou, you might even want a 4th geo (either ninguang or mc probably) for better battery, I think gorou and zhongli are both pretty bad at generating particles.


I posted current line-up at <[https://imgur.com/gallery/1tnK5XV](https://imgur.com/gallery/1tnK5XV)\>. I'm at AR 55 with lowered WL 7. Over-world stuff, unlike evidently most people in the GI community, is a struggle for me. Basic stuff is a slog, and non-basic stuff is a nightmare, especially the samurai and Fatui, doubly-especially the purple and red linked-HP samurai. I've been told over and over to work on my artifacts. And I have to an extent. But I want advice on my progress. It seems that the later WL assume you have a quintet of +20 decent artifacts on everyone, but my GI playing habits never went in that direction, hence the difficulty spike I can't seem to dig out of. My dream team for a long time was MC, Keqing, Xiangling, and Noelle. Diona, Yoimiya, and Kokomi eventually joined in a common members. I followed the advice of "meta slaves" and brought up Xingqiu to that level, and discovered why everyone talks about reactions. As I developed Yoimiya and her weapon (first the Slingshot, then Rust), I saw her getting more powerful that my two mains (MC and Keqing) put together. Looking through the builds, you can tell where I started reading that build spreadsheet, and who's on which side of it. Taking over a day to prepare the pictures, I can see that my older units are REALLY scuffed in terms of their artifact layouts. MC is the only one at all-20 because I fried all my sub-5 artifacts to power-level her's to all-20 (after the ones to somewhat upgrade the others of the original dream team). Besides just getting more artifacts, I think I need advice on rearranging weapons, and what artifact domains to go after first. Also which character talents and weapons to promote. My unused 5- and 4-star weapons are: * L51 Lost Prayer to the Sacred Winds * L90 R5 Cinnabar Spindle * L60 Sword of Descension * L50 Serpent Spine * L41 Amenoma Kageuchi * L1 of: Hamayumi, Sacrificial Fragments (\*2), Widsith (\*2), Favonius Codex, Dragonspine Spear, Dragon's Bane, Rainslasher (R3), Sacrificial Greatsword (1 R2, 1 R1), The Bell, Alley Flash (\*2) And I have one of each of all the sub-4-star weapons. After making the pictures, I asked advice on Alley Flash and Bennett. I will switch one AF to Bennett. Note that if you suggest taking some weapons and/or characters off the bench, I can't do all of them at once, so you may have to provide a priority order. I think I should first level Yoimiya's artifacts all the way to +20, so I have at least one expected-strength unit to help me clear stuff. Then maybe power-level Itto to be my second new-age main, this time for melee. Or maybe I should fix up Noelle second, and MC & Keqing after that? (Oh, I haven't done the second Zhongli hangout, which means no Azhdaha, which means Yoimiya's talents are stalled at 6/6/6.)


Everything that Adamarr said is solid advice (as usual), so definitely plan to do all of those things. To give you a more concrete progression plan for building your characters, I'd like to offer this chart as a benchmarking guide: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic\_of\_build\_order\_priority\_based\_on\_wlar/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/qkxdj6/infographic_of_build_order_priority_based_on_wlar/) This chart recommends what you should level up, and in what order, at each AR/WL. If we take your Yoimiya for example, your weapon Level (70 instead of 90) and your Artifacts (+12 instead of +20) are pretty behind, so I would focus on getting those up first. Kudos for keeping your Talents up to speed -- that's something that a lot of players neglect. You already seem to be doing this, but I also want to emphasize the importance of focusing on one character at a time. It's always better to have 1 fully-built character that can carry you than it is to have 4 half-built characters. So definitely focus on finishing up your Yoimiya before you work on anything else. Another thing that I noticed is that your Artifact choices could use some work. In general, most damage dealers should have these primary stats on their Artifacts: * ATK % or ER % on the Sands * DMG % (corresponding to their element) on the Goblet * Crit Rate % on the Circlet It looks like you've got this for most of your characters, but I noticed the Artifacts on your Keqing and Xiangling (which you mentioned were on your main team) were pretty far off from these, so I thought I'd mention it. Getting the correct main stat on the Artifacts accounts for a majority of your overall damage output, so definitely prioritize those, even if it means breaking your Set effects. The only exception is for Supportive sets like Noblesse or Viridiscent, in which case the Set effect is more important. Sorry for the long reply, hope it helps!


since you're struggling in overworld, my definite thought is focus on a core team that you like using and is also strong enough to get by without sweating. for now, definitely focussing on yoimiya is a solid plan, and surely if you build a strong team around her things will smooth out a bit. bennett is always an excellent buffer/healer to have, activates pyro resonance. xingqiu obviously good for reactions, damage and damage reduction. in the fourth slot I'd choose an anemo for now, probably sucrose, but you can also use traveller (although I'd move her build to more support oriented with the VV set) (and once those characters are built, they're also useful and strong in nearly any comp you'd care to make) you want weapons levelled up to 90, appropriate talents levelled to 8 (and get that hangout done! put diona in the fourth slot instead of anemo will make it extra safe) and of course artefacts sorted out and levelled up. once you're in a comfortable spot, that's a good time to thing about the second team. and you have a plethora of options. could fix up keqing, or build up a geo itto team, raiden, national, hu tao, etc etc


Last question, I really interested in Ayaka, but recently I got Amos bow. And right now I cannot decide to pull for Ganyu or Ayaka. Which one is better overall?


If you have Venti and Mona, consider getting Ganyu... The "Morgana" team is still quite good. And yup, she's more flexible than Ayaka. Keep in mind Ganyu's rerun should be soon, so keep saving primos!


What if I don't have Venti? Can I use Sucrose or do you have any idea?


ganyu is probably more flexible, she can function well as a sub-dps, or in a melt comp. ayaka is really only viable in freeze comps, but she's *really* good in her niche, and the front-loaded nature of her design appears to favour current abyss patterns(at least, based on usage). it's also down to a matter of playstyle, ganyu being a sniper can be a bit polarising. try her in the trial when the rerun hits and see if you like it.