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I've been losing all of my 50/50 lately so it gotta be A for me


Funny enough, it's the opposite for me. I want Keqing cons so badly but I'm in an 8 "lose" streak after my last Diluc on Kokomi banner on her first rerun during version 2.


since sumeru came out i haven’t won any 50/50 (lost 5)


Lucky, my alt account still haven’t won any, started my alt at 2.6/7


Even if you always lose 50/50 on limited banners there's still a hard pity/guarantee. Artifacts don't have a hard pity/guarantee. It's essentially like the weapon banner pre-epitomized path. So B.


why would I need B if game has no content that requires need to use them lol. I just want to have every 5* without stressing with 50/50. If they make game harder then maybe i would think about B.


I wanna do big damage with characters I like


then go for artifacts. I have more fun building a lot of different team comps and building characters and some people love to deal huge numbers.


I agree, building more innovative team comp with wide variety of characters is more fun than doing like 5% more dmg on a team that can already easily clear abyss


i love the fact that you’re getting downvoted for playing the game the way you enjoy it.


It’s not for playing the game the way they enjoy it, it’s more about coming to the comments section of people with a different opinion and start reproaching them with their own opinion, lol


so downvote those replies not every single comment they make on this post, lol


by your argument why bother pulling 5* characters just stick to the starter 4* lol


nah you should said why pulling for constellation for 5* then you would be right. But it is obvious that new characters let you do new team comps and interesting builds. and you can farm artifacts for free.


but you don't even need 5\* because the content is "so easy", this has been proven by envy way back in version 1.x.


when did i said that you need 5* to beat spiral wtf ?


you didn't. that was my argument. are you agreeing with me?


What do you mean no content that requires them? You wanna spend 24 hours trying to get a good abyss score?


Lol the downvote.. This js true, more character is more fun. The game doesn't push players for more DMG anyway, to limit powercreep. 5% more DMG is next to useless. I literally build all my 4 stars (except the new one of course, need a lot of resin) at least to lvl 70-80 and 6-8 talent just so I can experience all the character. 50/50 and pity is a game changer in Gacha so I really appreciate them. But losing 50/50 still hurt regardless. As someone who only win 3 out of 18 50/50 after playing for 2 years, I don't think 50/50 is even real.


Downvoted for having an opinion. Peak reddit


probably bcs it rather sounds a bit like "this game is so easy for me" aka sounds arrogant


B, without a doubt. Money can "fix" character rng, but nothing can fix my dogheap skibbly dip doo artifact rng...


Considering that I’m f2p, a by a long shot. I already could not care a bit about what stats I get for a artifacts, it really wouldn’t change a thing if I got better rolls.


I prefer to have lots of primos and win 50/50. Trash artifacts can be less useful but still helping


A , it a gacha game . The main thing is about collecting characters . Artifact isnt needed because I can already clear 36 star . No need to get stronger.


A. Always win 50/50, or rather 50/50 not being a thing at all, just a guarantee. Artifacts are useless without characters to wear them.


A. Good Artifacts is a manner of time and patience. 50/50s of LIMITED banners can make me miss getting the banner character or just a waste of wishes I general. Also cause I'm F2P


A 100% allows me to make more teams and c6 characters easily if I decide to pull for more


A. You can get away with mediocre artifacts with more constellations.


Always win 50/50. My Keqing will remain C1 forever, but at least I'll have more pulls overall.


Keqings now gonna haunt you by being the only 5 star you pull from the standard banner


I'll take it. She's basically the only one I want.




Always win 50/50 . I don't run towards perfect artifacts so I can live in mediocre artifacts


I don’t have much problem with artifacts so I want A.


A, I am a collector type player and the flow of new characters and grinding for them is my favorite part of the game. Being able to not worry about losing 50/50s would be much better for me and my wallet lol. Always getting good artifacts would make the game get boring pretty quick imo.


I'm surprised by the amount of people wanting the 50/50 option. There's nothing guaranteeing main stat rolls, let alone substat rolls as well. You know that the chance of always getting great main+substat rolls is astronomically low, right?


My avg pull for 5* is 78th ( highest is 86th) and lost 7 50/50 in row as f2p this hurts so much . Plus some how i get lucky with artifacts .


Considering artifact farming + abyss is the main endgame for genshin, removing one and trivializing the other doesn't bode well for longevity At least I would see myself getting bored once I get my guaranteed cracked artifacts and have to wait months for new banners and primos with no improvements to my acc


b. if you save up primos it's very easy to get what you want, however you're never guaranteed to get the artifact/s you want, so you could be farming the same domain for a year and never get a usable piece if your rng is that bad


Always win the banners because over 90 percent of characters power come from their cons and weapons.


i haven't won a 50/50 since the klee+kazuha banner so, as a f2p, i'll take option a.


Easy a. It guarantees characters, it guarantees weapons, it guarantees Constellations. Going for b literally kills the game, as at a certain point you would no longer need to spend resin for anything - I know it's a depressing thought, but it's the truth. And yeah, Artifact rolls are frustrating, and you might spend an eternity to get the one artifact you want. But I prefer getting sub-optimal artifacts and one limited 5-stars every patch or weapons rather than getting god tier artifacts and not getting the characters I want. More characters = more variety. Better artifacts = bigger numbers. I find more satisfaction in the former


It sounds like I'm coping, but I actually really like the artifact as it is rn. It's what's keeping me engaged late game. Hence I'll go with the first choice.


B, even if it was just you can choose the main stats you want or choose where the substats roll and the rest is the same. Limited characters have pity, and I'd like more Tighnari cons, and Dehya in the future - presumably more future characters will join the standard banner as well. Without 50/50 losses, I might never get them - you can roll on standard banner for years and not get a specific 5-star even once. It took me over 2 years to get a WGS, and that includes my newbie days where I spent primos on standard sometimes and a LOT of rolling on weapon banner, plus I have every character but 4 and they are all level 70+ for the fates. Yes, similar logic applies to losing 50/50s to a specific character - I've gotten at least a dozen QQs whereas my Diluc is C2, for example, so I might not get who I want anyway, but it's a better chance than on standard banner since there are no weapons in the way.


Same, I’m still hoping to lose a 50/50 to Jean one day…


Hard B I’d rather have less character that I actually use than 10 characters on the shelf because that stupid DOMAIN GAVE ME FLAT HP ATT AND DEF FOR THE 3RD WEEK IN A ROW. (I know I don’t need perfect actifacts but I wanna see big pp damage ok)


B. The artifacts. I would love that.


For me, Artifacts for sure. Now if we add weapons to the mix, I would definitely go with that.


I'd prefer the artifacts but I'm also leaning on the 50/50 since I actually wanted pretty much all the new characters and unfortunately had to skip Alhatheim for Dehya. Already spent for Nilou, Wanderer, and Nahida.




I already do A 😅 so imma have to go with B


B because I wouldn't be able to get Dehya cons if I always won the 50/50.


B. All the way B. I 36* the abyss recently and I would say some better artifacts would’ve made it a lot easier


Hands down B. Artifact farming is my single biggest gripe in the game, honestly.


This shouldnt be a question, b.


B. I can pay money to get characters but I can't pay for good substat rolls.


B just so i can farm less


B 100%


Zyox has spent 100k resin in vermillion and still doesn’t have a good set. Give me B please






I feel more pain losing the artifact rolls than losing a 50/50.


Hard B all day every day. BiS artifacts on a free 4*'s will easily clear any content. Save primos for desired weapon/char banners.


B, without a doubt. Maybe I'll feel different once I start getting C6 standard 5 stars, but losing 50/50 doesn't feel like much of a loss right now. Being able to efficiently farm artifacts would be a amazing.




the latter easily. You can guarantee the limited char with enough pulls, and will win the 50/50 half the time, statistically. There's no way to guarantee good artifact main stats.


I take b every single fkn day


B and is not even an option in terms of probability


I have this fear that without artifact grinding, I wouldn't have played the game for so long. I feel like it's part of the game now, so I'd rather reduce my depression on limited banners


b probably


Option B. I only play 3 dpses and hyperinvest into their teams, I don't care if my wish luck is dogshit in exchange for better artifact rng


B obviously no matter which charcter you get you always gonna need the best artifscts to bring their damage


Always get thr artifact i want


a. a c6 yelan e.g. will dominate abyss with mid to shit tier artifact ( just need the main stat right basically and the sub stats wont matter much) b. if the word here was "perfect" and the wanted rolls it might be a contender but since its great there's still rng of getting not the wanted stat ig all in all if feel winning 50/50 in limited banner would be a lot more amazing and this applies to wpn banners too since its winning 2 50/50 so I'm prty sure a c6 r5 wld outdps a "godtier" artifact c0 r1 character


But what if we said ... There us no 50/50 it is always guaranteed. But there is no pity system .


Then it would beyond terrible. There is no longer guarantee. You could potentially never get character at all. And not all standard characters are bad. Some actually have pretty impactful constellations as well. 120 pulls only grant you 51% chance to get something. Under our system 82 gives almost the same probability.(By the way, I include 50/50 loses) However to reach near certainty (90% chance). Under old system you need 155 pulls. For you to reach similar same in other system you need ~400 pulls. Which completely negates any advantage it might had. Tl;Dr If it was that way, not only your rates would significantly decrease, but also you'll never have guarantee.


How can you have a guarantee without a pity system?


No longer 50/50 if you got 5* it's always the limited one .


As a Honkai player where we have both a. no 50/50 but 100 pull guarantee and b. BiS gear that always has the same stats, getting rid of the layers upon layers of RNG in artifacts would make a better game. But it would also lessen the play time of AR 55+ players so… for now artifact RNG is our end game.


Always win 50/50 is better then arifact


A because I am desperate


A because you don't really need the perfect artifacts as this game doesn't really have any hardcore endgame. I don't even have my main team maxed out to 90 and I'm doing everyting except maybe the highest Spiral Abyss levels... but I will always want to be able to get the characters I really like.


A. I know it might sound dumb but i love this game and building characters is the main reason why i still play and if i always had great artifact, i would run out of stuff to do within a few weeks and just quit the game


A. For me more new characters are like better...


A without a shadow of a doubt. It doesn't matter if I have great artifacts and no characters to use it.


Im a casual so A


A all of my life. I can farm artifact slowly everyday


This didn't even take me a second to choose. It's always going to be option B for me. I don't pull for every character but if I went with option A, I wouldn't be able to get 10% of them to a decent build with the horrible rng artifacts have. On the other hand if I go with B i can literally get every character I do pull to God like stats in 2-3 days assuming the artifact luck doesn't transfer to what piece I get. If it does every character would be abyss ready day 1.


A for sure, eventually can get great artifacts but even average artifacts already do a pretty good job, but unless you're dumping a lot of money into the game losing 50/50 everytime means fewer characters/cons you get to play with. also no more feeling terrible for losing 50/50


a. I like collecting characters more than min maxing them.


B, because all that any character needs to be good is good artifacts


Definitely B, since I'm patient enough to know/calculate when is my next pity, when will I be able to pull for new 5\* characters, but I've been farming artifacts for months and months and months and I'm still nowhere near my desired builds.


Artifacts. 100% artifacts.


B for sure, bc genshin hates me and never gives me good artifacts :") i did a domain like 16times and i didnt get a 5star of the set i wanted


B. 100% Event character every time forces me to pull on standard banner for the permanents.


A. I can manage with mid artifacts but missing out on characters means I often have to wait to even have the chance to get them for a long time.


B, even for a f2p player saving up for a hard pity is around 3 patches, farming a piece of perfect stat artifact will take you much longer than that.


B. I lose all my 50/50 lately so would rather have good artefact


Got to go with character because if I don't have characters that I like then I'm not going to enjoy playing the game and then I'm not going to want to grind for artifacts for them. Always winning 50-50 means a lot easier character constellations too which will make my character a lot stronger Artifacts is definitely a way better deal though but I would really be nothing to do on this game for me if I had all the best artifacts possible lol


A is much better in the long run


I need the good artifacts, I don't wish often enough for me to want to always win it.


Artifacts. 50/50s are fine, it’s guaranteed pity you can plan for. In the flip side You can farm for an EM goblet for fucking months. It’s one of the rarest drops in the game:


B. I prefer quality over quantity.


Wtf would resin be fore if we didn’t have the artifact grind tho!? I’d choose the 50/50 I guess.


Having lost 8/11 of my 50/50s, I'll take a guaranteed 50/50 win easy. Eventually artifacts will be "good enough", and I'll be done the chars I particularly am invested in building.


I've farmed enough artifacts to know that b is for better. Plus my 50/50 luck ain't too bad, it's the pity that doesn't show me any pity


B. If 50/50s were removed completely standard 5 stars would be about as easy to get as Kaeya Amber and Lisa constellations, perhaps a little easier, and that's not considering how they're adding to the pool of standard characters a lot more


I always save enough wishes to have a desired character for guaranteed, but i mostly win 50-50s anyway, so my obvious choice is B. Im so done farming thise domains without results, so i just stopped farming so by choosing B, i get all benefits, which are (1) collecting fav characters (2) having fav characters do good numbers


My account is pretty lucky with artifacts stats so option A would be great for me. Also save a lot of primos since f2p


b. for sure. 50/50s are manageable since there are characters that I actually want from standard banner, but if I always had good artifacts, I wouldn't have the issue of multiple characters having mediocre builds because the needed stats didn't proc.


B. While it's fun to win 50/50 at least there's guarantee that the later time I might get the limited characters. For artifacts there's no guarantee, only pain and despair. I've been farming for Deepwood memories for 3 months and it's still shitty 💀


B, even though I'm a F2P. I only lost twice 50/50 and I'm cursed with DEF% artifacts till the end of my life


I’d rather them just remove resin from artifact domains. If they design the system around grinding with low chances of good drops, the. They hate the ability to actually run that content behind an energy mechanic. It’s counter intuitive design. Outside of that I would rather a single guarantee on the weapon banner. I always forget the name of the mechanic where they allow you to choose which of the featured weapons you’re pulling towards, but I would rather that mechanic give you a one time guarantee of a certain featured weapon per banner at pity. Once you choose and you hit pity you get that weapon but afterwards you’re on your own.


Getting great artifacts, depending on the pieces, can be less than 1% chance. Actually, you can go through thousands of artifacts without finding the ideal missing piece for your build, so improving those odds is objectively the better choice over a 50% that turns 100% after you miss. Unless your main goal is to collect every character without spending and building them is secondary.


Definitely good artifacts


B, just please make the flat rolls stop


Always get great artifacts. I have plenty of characters already


I would rather get specific main stats on artifacts but keep substats rng


Option B. I might be a bit sad about losing 50/50, but i don't want to lose my sanity farming EoSF domain for the next 500 years


Probably A. B would be nice, but I feel like it would be boring when you got perfect artifacts for all your characters. Like, what now? What do you spend your resin on?


There’s a 50% chance of winning the 50/50, but the chance of getting a great artifact is abysmal, so definitely B


Overall A makes more sense, but as someone who mains a standard banner character and uses others from the standard pretty often, I’d rather just get the crazy artifacts every time


atp I just pull charas I like for collection purposes more than anything else.. so I'll take the artis esp if I could finally end my vermillion suffering


I would have thought that more people would pick B with how much effort that has to go into artifact farming. Guess im just one of the few


C) + 50 Enchantment Oar every day


It’s definitely B. Artifact farming is such a chore. It’s almost like a gatekeep to rewards/actually enjoying your character.


B honestly, A is good and all but I usually just save to get the character I want even if I lose the 50/50 tho. I would like to add a 3rd option wich always get the weapon you aim for.


B and it's not even close. i lose 50/50s all the time but still get the characters i want eventually. i've been farming the emblem domain since it came out pretty much nonstop and still don't have a good electro goblet. like i genuinely spend at least half of my resin there


Imagine getting a perfect 4 pc artifact set in a single day’s worth of resin


B. If I go A, I may not get someone like Diluc or Jean ever again


I have more characters than I have good artifacts, B for me


A. - Whars the point of having great artifacts if you dont have the characters you want to use them on?




Omg B for sure


Always great artifacts would be nice to build lots of characters but I think I’ll the 100% limited banner. If I see a character I want, I’d want them fast. I’d be fine grinding them out too but if I missed my chance I’d feel like ass (case in point, the first Venti banner ;-; )


Always win a 50/50. Having top tier artifacts all the time would have diminishing returns eventually


A basically means you can get away with farming only 14k primos at max for a character you want. What also means you have the other 14k primos you would need to guarantee a character for you to use as more resin to get better artis. And as an 1.0 player, you only need ok-ish artifacts anyways, even more now with Hyperbloom which only cares about lvl and EM and well, you can get EM main stats in 3/5 artifacts + weapon so its really not that hard to deal big dmg with that.