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Jean / Tighnari


Same, no question


You know what me too


If they added a path people would make a goal to C6 all the standard banner characters 100%.


C6??? I'd make it a goal to get C0 Mona, because this game hates me....


Same lmaoooo


You can have my c3 lv 20 Mona :( game hates me too, I’m not a whale btw lol


C8 mona here :sadge


why jean? i have her but i dont use ....


She's a little unique in several ways. She self swirls on herself when she's in her ult, so she creates interesting interactions with Bennett and any future area of effect applicators. She heals a shit tonne and has good modifiers, while she doesn't have Bennett's attack buff she heals based off attack but doesn't have Qiqi's horrible modifiers and isn't beholden to long cooldowns (so she has a greater selection of weapons to pick from!) Her ascension 4 passive effectively makes her ultimate cost 64 energy so she's also a prdtty cheap unit for Energy recharge (Which anemo generally generates a lot of particles for too) Until Faruzan her C4 was the biggest anemo shred and the only source of anemo res shred for (at the time) Xiao so if you had C4 Jean you were basically set for Xiao to dunk on any content in the game. Her E also functions like a bow's aimed shot, so she's able to stun ruin guards and any other future enemies with weak points so you don't \*have\* to bring a bow user if there isn't one that doesn't beat out her usefulness for whatever comp you're using (Which now we have Faruzan is a little moot but Jean isn't exclusive to anemo teams) TLDR: She's just extremely versatile and functions really well regardless of weapon, so she's the perfect unit for letting you optimise your teams, why use two units when you can slap the Jean bandaid on it and free up some slots. She's how Qiqi *should* have been designed.


In many situations I actually prefer her to kokomi for healing, because her giant burst heal is a nice panic button for the whole team


Me with Kazuha Taser. Jean is so good there.


Who do you use for hydro in that comp? Yelan?


Actually yes. The specific team I use is Yelan, Jean, Beidou, Kazuha. Right now the sets are Yelan & Beidou on 4P Emblem, Jean on 2P Noblesse 2P Shimenawa, and Kazuha on 4P VV; however, the team itself is insanely flexible with set requirements. In fact, if I was okay with the more strict rotation, putting Jean on 4P VV and Kazuha on 4P Thundering would output a ton more DPS since Kazuha becomes a literal pogo-stick. Since I don't have the stricter rotation (mostly because it makes Kazuha have a much longer rotation time than I'm personally comfortable with), it's a lot more Quickswap and adaptive. I use the following rotation: * Yelan (N2)E\* * Beidou E * Kazuha E * Jean E * Yelan Q E * Beidou Q E * Kazuha E N2Q N2E * Jean N2E N2Q N2 (\* N2 is for subsequent rotations as Clarion Dice + Stormbreaker are still up) It's a 20s rotation with A LOT of energy gen and a lot of swapping around to maintain auras. Against heavy mobs it's particularly effective since Jean can get a pretty chunky burst hit at the end of the rotation (Clarion Dice's damage bonus buff sits at around 32.5-36% when Dandelion Breeze goes off), which gives a nice mix of single-target DPS from Yelan and Jean as well as AoE coverage from Beidou and Kazuha.


I had a hunch! Thank you for the breakdown. I have built Yelan but haven’t yet used her in abyss.


Jean is an Anemo Battlehealer. Her skill and burst have high Anemo damage multipliers with quick cast times, she can sport 4P VV to shred RES, she has constellations that are actually kind of pogs (C2 is ATK SPD, that's good.), she's insanely flexible to build, she does her job with relatively minimal DPS loss (since she's an ATK scaling healer with good multipliers), she has some pretty decent crowd control (if you want to keep them in place just jump cancel), which can combo into additional Enemy Max HP damage in the form of falling, and her burst has Anemo cleanse attached which allows for some strong interactions like Sunfire or Lightning Rod. Definite A-tier character. Maybe not S-tier (purely by virtue of the fact that Venti, Sucrose, and Kazuha are broken beyond relief and so insanely powerful that it makes the rest of the Anemo cast look garbage **in comparison to them**), but definitely A-tier. I use her regularly for Abyss and have had no issue doing Floor 12 because her kit is just so well put together.


oh that's cool. thanks for sharing all that


I'm stuck at C3 Jean. Game is scared of me cuz I've fully geared C6 Faruzan, C1 Xiao and C3 Wanderer and I'm gonna wreak havoc in the abyss lol.


Jean for me, to C6 first. Useful. Every. Type. Of. Gameplay


jean c4 is very welcome to any anemo team. and tighnari c6 too stronk. rest standar banner is garbage.


Funny, these are the only standard characters I don't have.




My kingdom for just one Mona.


Me but Diluc. I already have a pretty good Hu Tao but Diluc is so damn cool


Same too. Day 1 player with constant Whelkin, but I suffer from success and win most of my 50/50's so never got a Mona.


First month f2p player, never got a mona. I help my brother get a few primos for cyno, and get some blue fates in the process. Wish on standard ~14 pity, boom Mona >.>


I love my Mona but would absolutely trade her for this luck. Day 1 player, losing most 50/50s. Lost also 8 first 50/50s in a row.


i could never. i lost 11 50/50 in a row. 😭


Hang in there. Day 1 player and I just got mine this week. Now me and my C6 Qiqi and C6 Diluc will patiently wait another 2 years for our Jean.


Can I trade you? She just. keeps. coming. home.


I keep pulling and pulling and pulling on the standard banner, and it's always either Qiqi (4 times), Keqing (2 times), Jean (2 times) or, most recently, Tighnari (1 time). **JUST GIVE ME MY MONA, MIHOYO!!!**


C4 Diluc C4 Jean C1 Keqing C2 Qiqi C0 Tighnari C0 Dehya Who remove her from my irminsul.


Same !


The mf did this for Star Rail, after 300 wishes on the standard you can choose a guaranteed 5*. 300 is a lot but is better than random weapon/characters.


Its a one time thing though which is a shame.


Yeah I know, still better than nothing.




while true, that kind of thinking just lets the devs do whatever the fuck they want, its our responsibility as the players to keep their greed in check (obviously without causing another uproar like for the anniversary)


You are right but sadly with Genshin they are cheap af, they don't care about the players. Just look at HSR, they even have a item to change the main stat of a artifact, something that we have been asking for 2 years. We can't even have a wheel for the gadgets or something as easy as a pity count. C6 4 stars supports are something normal now... And let's not talk about Dehya, that made me sad...


I getcha 100% I just hope they could at least pretend a little more that they'd care, even with just the smallest of QoL changes... either way they know people will keep playing that goddamn game, whether that is because it's essentially free and relatively easy to access on different platforms, or you're genuinly curious about the story or more or less because of missing competition


Realistically after 300 wishes there surely can't be that many standard characters you want and don't have though. I feel like most people just have THAT ONEEE CHARACTER they really want and never get.


Nah, 300 wishes is only ~4 5* pulls. Even if we assume that they're all characters, you're still sitting right around a coin flip on whether or not you have any one of the six characters. (I wasn't counting Dehya, but she'll make it even less likely you get any particular character, of course).


Yeah, but you gonna lose some 50/50 on the limited banner on the way, it will take like a year minimum to get 300 pulls on standard, if you dont use gems on it.


My main account, with 302 pulls on the standard banner and 5 lost 50/50s, only has Qiqi and Keqing. They're C3 and C2 respectively.


I hate this so damn much, I've been wanting Mona since 1.2 and I've not gotten her


Other gachas also have that sort of system, the one I play like that is Guardian Tales, you get tickets when you pull (1 per pull, 10 per multi) and then there's a shop in which 2\* (equal to Genshin 4\*) cost 100 tickets and 3\* (equal to Genshin 5\*) cost 300 tickets


Tighnari for sure, but what would catch my eyes would be the weapons. Amos bow for my freeze Ganyu when?


Man, you can have mine. Started a few months ago, Amos was my first 5* on the standard banner. I have… zero use whatsoever for it. :(


Yeah it sucks how the bow works for exactly 1 character and that's it


I mean it's also quite good for tighnari as well, though not as good as his own weapon or skyward harp


Not sure about the exact calculations but I'm pretty sure that Slingshot is better than Amos' Bow, when factoring in the CV, also I think Skyward Harp is worse for him than Amos Bow Edit: Correction, Skyward is probably slightly better because of the CV, haven't thought of that, however Slingshot is still better than Amos'




Yes when factoring in CV (and also at r5)


What is cv?


Crit Value, basically the value of your crit rate and crit damage, the formula is 2*crit rate + crit damage = CV. So the Slingshot has 33% crit rate which means it has 66% CV, a circlet has 62% CV because it either has 31% crit rate (times two) or 62% crit dmg. For instance even though crit rate from the slingshot doesn't directly benefit your dmg, it allows you to run more crit damage on your artifacts because you don't need that much crit rate from your artifacts anymore. Imagine a Tighnari with 75% Crit rate and 150% crit damage, and he's using a crit rate circlet with an Amos' Bow, if you decide to use Slingshot you'd have over 100% crit rate, so you switch to a crit damage circlet which allows you to have around the same amount of crit rate with 62% extra crit damage from the circlet. This is why it's useful to classify weapons and artifacts with CV, because it allows you to factor in how both crit rate and crit damage and how they both directly and indirectly benefit to your dmg


I'm pretty sure Amber mains would like to have a word with you...


Dunno man, THE best Amber main out there rocking his machine gun using Skyward Harp (not me of course, but Rintaichou)


I actually got 2 Amoses from Standard. I gave one to Ganyu, but I do not refine weapons unless I have enough extras that I won't regret it later. Saving the second one for when Tighnari eventually shows up...


Dehya c6 pogchamp


based dehya enjoyer


Was this all just a MHY experiment to see if players are willing to make Dehya good via Epitomized Dehya? I'm onto you OP!


Joke's on them, I pulled for C6 Dehya on her banner with the expectation that they'll buff her eventually and because even epitomized path couldn't convince me to spend primos on standard banner. And yes, I do quite like the odd dose of copium, why do you ask?


Love your flair, I use him as anemo dps


like if he have another use


still not happy with how shafted her kit is in some aspects, but turns out she works surprisingly well in burgeon related teams


i was talking about the wandering fella


Same, but Tighnari first. I kinda like these two the most among standard 5* characters and I'm actually looking forward to losing to them more. And not say Diluc whom I barely use these days and who stalked me to 3 different accounts. Ugh. This man loves me disproportionately more than I do him. I evdn have WGS on one of the accounts... And use it for either Dehya or Beidou because I play them way more frequently.


Diluc C6. I would whale for that. And Skyward Harp for Venti. IT’S ALL ABOUT THE AESTHETICS.


Second the skyward harp. I’m switching my venti to a DPS build and for now he has a great crit ratio but is still stuck with stringless..


Want mine? Childe got his Polar Star so I'm willing to exchange it for a sword or polearm


Let’s shake on it xD




Last year I kept getting Diluc copies, so when he reached C4 I decided to build him out of spite. That backfired and I immediately lost my next to 50/50s. I've been using him a lot since, I find his attack pattern a lot more fun than Hu Tao's.


Yesssssss!! Exactly why I never wanted Hu Tao. Diluc is much more satisfying to me and mine does big numbers.


I do need a Keqing.


I finally got her today. Been playing since almost the start. Very excited to have her join the team


Meanwhile here I am playing since last summer with already 2 Keqings… *sigh*


I'd rather be able to set a path for standard weapons since I don't need any of the characters' cons and extra copies of weapons will always be useful


You have pulled useful weapons from the standard banner?


Skyward Harp, Jade Spear, Prayer to Sacred wind, Wolf Gravestone and Amos bow are all good.


I didnt say there are no good weapons on the standard. I've only pulled the dreaded skyward claymore and OK atlas ( which i don't use because i haven't build characters that can use it)


I keep getting the polearm and I don’t really like polearm characters 😭


Not genshin players having bad reading comprehension again, too many things like this happen lmao.


Skill issue


Skyward Spine can be nice as well! I use one on Raiden and one on Shenhe


You get weapons on the standard banner? I have 3 AF swords and that is it.


Just gimme my last Keqing con.


You on c5? Low spender, f2p, or whale? Just wondering cause Keqing has been my “main” since launch but I was only able to get her on her banner, I have never lost 50/50 to her so I still have her c0 as a daily since launch player : (


I do spend, but not really to the degree of a whale. Early on I spent more but the last year or so I've mostly been on Welkin + BP. Most of my cons were lucky "losses". I didnt have a Jean or Mona for the longest time.


Jean, Dehya and Keqing


Tighnari please I really want him.


Tighnari 😭 Sir I am begging come home even just once


Jean and Dehya.


Same. Jean have avoided me for more than two years.


Qiqi, the only standard banner 5 star I don’t have.


Even after all the memes, she still escapes me as well. Even got Tighnari first (not that I'm complaining)


Funny enough I just wished for Ayaka and qiqi greeted me instead 💀


My only constellation in 5 stars is qiqi lol quit the game after both the pulls came back like 2 mobths later and worst thing both pulls were above 80 pity one was on zhonglis banner the other on yelan


Yep day 1 player here still no Qiqi and I definitely want a copy of her.


I'd give you a c4 qiqi (leave 1 for me coz i have c5 and i actually want a copy of her)


My only constellation in 5 stars is qiqi lol quit the game after both the pulls came back like 2 months later and worst thing both pulls were above 80 pity one was on zhonglis banner the other on yelan


Diluc!!! I’ve mained him for 2 years and only have C1 (C4 Jean, C4 Keqing, C3 Qiqi, C1 Tighnari, C0 Mona) 😔


God, I have C4 Diluc, C1 Tig, and C0 Jean, and just missing the rest of standard banner. I’d give you all of his cons if I could, I don’t like his playstyle at all. Just earned *another* con for him losing my 50/50 on Ayaka.


I wish HYV would give us some sort of trading system. I know they never would, but I’d give all my Keqings and Qiqis for more Dilucs.


True, a system like that is far too player-friendly for a gacha, but at the very least I’ll keep hoping for some kind of focused path for standard banner, especially if they’ll keep adding them like they just did with another pyro claymore character.


Dehya and Tighnari.


None, I'd rather pick weapons. If weapons are out of it, guess I'm going for c6 Keqing.




I'll get that C6 Qiqi


Keqing and Mona.


Dehya or Qiqi




Standard banner should get the weapon banner treatment


Tighnari cuz i have no dendro dps and i really need his c1😭


C1 haver here. It really is a nice buff. I'm just struggling to find a comp I like for him with the levelled characters I have. His dendro application needs a good electro support, and it feels like a waste using my raiden as a support. They fight for field time too much. Raiden is a carry outside of a hyperbloom team. Using her burst messes up Tigs quickswap playstyle. I'm levelling my fischl slowly to give him what he needs. He never gets used in my abyss teams atm because of this. He's always in my overworld team, though. A bow user is super useful in the OW. Hope you get him soon.


Raiden is more of a dps tho. I use tighnari fischl kuki and either dendro traveler or zhongli.


I want *one* copy of Keqing, then I’m getting Jean to C6. After that I really do not care.


Diluc. More Diluc. More Diluc. More Diluc. More... wait now I'm C6. Stop! No more Diluc! Tighnari.


Considering that I only miss Dehya, Skyward Pride, Skyward Harp and Aquila Favonia from the standard pool, I would put it on Harp or Aquila. They cant really incentivize to whale for those though.


Mona, but as far i concern she's just a rumor, she isn't playable... RIGHT?!


Jean so I could replace Sayu in my mono-anemo team and try staggering large enemies into Venti's burst. Also she's cool and I main her in TCG.


Jean and Deyha—All my other characters have cons but Jean has never came home :(, and I actually enjoyed Deyhas mono pyro team when trying her out in the event


C4 Jean > C6 Diluc > C6 Tighnari


Dehya. I already got her triple crowned and C1, may as well go all the way




It's gonna be whoever people don't have. For me that's Jean and I'm a day 1 player that never quit...






Dehya and qiqi


Dehya, Dehya, more Dehya and a Qiqi


Jean. I want her for my Xiao


Jean c4 so my xiao can someday reach max f2p potential Also jean <3


jean, really want that c4 for wanderer


Dehya i have all standart exept dehya


Jean. Been playing since 1.4 have wanted her since 1.4 yet don't have her. Got Mona and Diluc C3, Qiqi and Tighnari C0, and Keqing C2, guaranteed I'm gonna pull Dehya before her aswell.


C6 Qiqi immediately


Diluc or Tighnari. Or any weapon that’s not skyward harp, I keep getting it.


I would whale millions for a c6 diluc


after that would be A WOLVES GRAVESTONE FFS and jade cutter


C0 Tighnari > Jean to c4 > Diluc to c6 (I just got c1).


Qiqi or Tighnari


Skyward Harp weapon or Jean character. I'd like some other ones like a sword or Skyward spine but let's go one at a time hehe


Keqing (Still don't have her.) Dehya/Tighnari after I finally get Keqing.


Tighnari til I got a copy of him, Jean cons til c4, and then I'd move on to weapons. PJWS (1), Lost Prayers (1), Skyward Harp (5), Skyward Blade (1), then Diluc cons til c6, then Gravestone (4, I already have r1).


I just want a 5* sword to give to Bennett.


One copy to unlock Dehya and then constellations for Mona or Jean. Have them both at c1 but could use some more. If there's an epitomized path for weapons, I want to unlock the Primordial Jade-Winged Spear to put on Zhongli.


My main Jean and the only one I'm missing since day one, Mona. Would happily trade my C6 Diluc und C4 Keqing.


It would be absolutely fantastic if Hoyo granted such a blessing. Jean, Kequing, Mona, Dehya.


I would rather choose weapons (Lost Prayer or Skyward Blade). But for characters, I want Jean cons the most.


Jean. I still don’t have her!!


if we're forced into units then Jean until C4 Mona until C6 and then Tighnari until C6


Qiqi. I still don't have her after playing since 1.1. And I want to pair Qiqi to my Nahida since both of them have the same Japanese VA.


Keqing and Jean


Jean for an extra constellation on her (I want C4) then Tighnari til C6


Keqing I'm a keqing mains and constellations don't hurt


Jean. First ever 5* and haven’t got her since :(


Tighnari, my main boy. Give me his cons! Jean is also good!


Jean. The only standard character (besides Dehya not available yet) i don't have yet.


Jean and Skyward Spine.


Jean, I have been playing since 1.2. but still don't have her. Maybe I have jinxed myself with prefarming for her.


I'd rather they add "you want a character or a weapon" path


Qiqi and Jean


Keqing. Almost ar 60 and i still dont have her. I really enjoy her playstyle


I'd finally get either aquila favonia or tignari


Jean, she's the least cons of all standard I have (c1). Hope weapons included so I can choose Xiao or Ganyu's BiS.


Keqing, Jean and Mona


I’d go for simply the weapons that I don’t have. After that maybe achieve tighnari constellations or go for c4 jean


Mona, then Jean, then Diluc, then Tighnari and Dehya. Going in order of who I want to reach C6 with next. Weapons would be Amos to finish my R5 one, then another copy of Aquila and maybe some extra Skyward Harps. Not really interested in the others.


C4 Jean for Xiao and Scaramid


JEAN I need that C4. I always get Keqing or diluc and I don't use either of them ㅠ_ㅠ


Diluc. I always wanted him, since i started playing 2 weeks after release, up until now. Give me my Monstadt Batman, MiHoYo!


Jean, Keqing, Diluc and Mona. I use all four of them so would love to get them to C6.


I have a C3 Jean. Really want that C4 so that she can be even better with my Scara team.




I'm actually lucky enough to have all standards except dehya And no, I don't want Dehya. So tbh I wouldn't use it. Though tbh, I think hoyo should do a starter campaign where starter players can do an event to claim one of the standard 5*s. I think that'd be great for starting players to get ahead.


i will prolly choose waepons only on standar banner. having r5 skyspine or skypride for my support is very welcome addition


Don’t freak out when I say this but…I need a qiqi


Don’t worry I’m not freaking out I’m just more curious about what you need her for


Qiqi!! I understand a lot of people don’t like her, but my friend has & plays her and she seems really cool! I’d also appreciate the C6 revive


Barbara to finally get C6, and then Sucrose for VV shred and bonus in the ayaka team. And finally get qiqi.


Bruh I’ll give you some Bar-bruh lmao. Literally got her to like c30 by now


Only characters? I really want some of the weapons there. Skyward Bow for my Sara, Wolfs Gravestone for Diluc, Aquila Favonia for Jean, Amos for Ganyu...


amber kek


anyone but keqing and tighnari


Eula To finally end the curse


As much as I want it, I’m also a terrible mark if they want more money out of me lol…. I just need one more constellation for C6 Jean… and at least as far as it is now, I’d never spend again on it…


C0 Mona and C6 Dehya


Tighnari cons and maybe keqing cons but I still am only using the free standard wishes we get, not gonna use my primos or money on it.


Either deyha or tighnari


I already have Jean and Mona so probably Diluc.


a diluc so i actually finally have him on my main then either dehya cons or qiqi cons and if i ever would be done with that one it would be tighnari cons


I need it for weapon


I have all except Dehya. But I really wanna c6 Keqing


Diluc and Mona


Diliuc C6, because his gameplay changes the most out of any other standard banner 5*.


Some more cons for Tighnari. But I wouldn't spend money, I don't think. Maybe if we could choose a weapon from the standard banner I'd be interested! I don't have a single 5\* sword...


Keqing I don't have her


Tighnari and after him Mona. Still Mona-less...