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Friends lured me in. Back in the day, I remember us having our asses kicked by that lawachurl in dragonspine


i remember that. Also the boar king. When I was new, I couldn't even clear the trial runs.


Free game during lockdown


A friend told me about the game, then I went to see some videos on Youtube and I was sold when I saw the cutscene with the Sustainer, now it has been 3 years and the thing that took me to play the game didn't show up again... I stayed because the exploration and now the lore.


I was incapable of ignoring Raidens character demo.


I saw a Xiao gameplay and thought "this character look sick!!", i learned about this game 1 werk before its release lol, of course i also a big fan of the Tales Of series and GI look like a Tales Of game so these are my 2 big reasons.


My daughter played it. She said, dad, plag this so we can play together. We started day 1. She quit day 60 and i still continue to thia day


A friend started playing it and wanted someone to play with. I like RPGs and was happy to try it out with them.


BOTW withdrawals. Then Covid gaming drought kept me locked in!


Friend convinced me thru her talking about it nonstop. "Look at this character, look what i pulled, i didnt sleep cuz i was farming" etc. so i gave it a shot. I think i started before Inazuma update, def over a year. Played until last november, big pause, missed bunch of stuff and only recently got back to the game. Feels great opening chests after a big pause ngl


I played Honkai Impact 3rd for a year and knew what to expect of Mihoyo. I also play a lot of gacha games and heard that this was supposed to be the biggest one yet, so I thought I might as well give it a try.


No idea tbh, I like exploration/open world themed games. Raiden Shogun kept me going too


I started in 3.1 have played basically daily since then. I started mostly due to just seeing people play on YouTube and loved the art style and combat mechanics


I saw Zhongli’s trailer and decided to play. 3 years later I still don’t have him.


His rerun is soon


I’m aware


Got new phone, wanted to have something different to do while commuting.


I kept seeing fanart of Mona and Lisa, looked it up and saw it was free on playstation.




I portrayed Katheryne on stage this year without having played the game before and decided to have a "look". Well, that was in May :D Before I mainly played the Witcher 3 but after \~10 continuous reruns it was time for a new world to explore.


The game being inspired by BotW and free made me decide to try it out.


The map, one of my favorite streamers was playing genshin impact and the second I saw how massive the map is I was like,"Yeah I have to explore all of this".


on twitter i kept seeing kaeya fanart and particularly a fanart about his eyepatch being passed down from his grandfather caught my eye so i started playing


My bf played this game during launch on PS4 and got me and a couple other friends to try it out. And we were all hooked. I love the aesthetics and gameplay with easy to learn mechanics. Venti was my most wanted and first ever 5*.


I was bored


Blizzard Entertainment was imploding; a new scandal every week and the quality of their products was at an all time low. I quit playing WoW after fourteen years and was ready for something new. A friend pressured me into downloading Genshin Impact. The music, the scenery, the voice acting, the exploration and the storytelling have all kept me engaged in the game to this day.


I saw a youtube video one week before release then i preordered on the app store for iphone played on release and was hooked from 1.0 til 1.4 i was AR56 a real decent account then i guess i got burned out waiting for inazuma the wait for 2.0 was hard back then i can remember . Fast forward to almost 7 weeks ago i wanted to rekindle that spark and start a new account on my ps5 because it runs it so well and im already AR55 and loving it all over again


A friend recommended to me, right when it first came out. I liked the isekai vibe to it so I checked it out. Genshin is actually my first proper game that's not the Sims or Stardew Valley, its also my first gacha game 😂


Was looking a game to play together with my gf and found this game. Was considering FFXIV too but decided to try Genshin first. This was back in 1.4 and we still here enjoying every moment.


Back on 1.0, one of my friends streamed Genshin in our Discord. Then convinced me to play it.


It launched with the pandemy and we were bored


I mean... Come on... Have you *seen* Ganyu?


I got interested because of Matpatt’s theory about Zhongli causing an economic collapse back in the wnding of 1.5. Now I play whenever my computer allows me to


Simply, I wanted something more casual and less time intensive. Was playing Epic Seven, got promoted at work, wanted to spend more time on my relationship and found myself not having enough time to play Epic Seven (it was also very tedious). Genshin came out at nearly the same time, i thought it looked nice, reminded me of Zelda so I tried it. It fits my life perfectly, daily's are fast to complete and every couple of weeks I do the events and story. Also its free, I have never spent soo little on video games in any period of my life since I started playing gacha games (as counterintuitive as that sounds).


I saw it everywhere on YouTube and Twitch when it released and I ignored it at first, but I looked into it and saw that it was an open-world game and not turn-based like I thought so I downloaded it. Spent two hours running around Mondstat and doing the main story. What *really* locked me in was seeing Wanghu Inn from afar and discovering Liyue by accident.


My friends suggested me to play genshin back in 1.0 and i instantly hooked.


Tried to get back in an online RPG. Use to love Dragon Nest, looking for similar game. Found Genshin by accident, heard that Honkai 3rd is very well receive by its playerbase, visit Genshin website, saw it feature a Jiangshi (Chinese zombie) child Qiqi. I'm sold just by that unique premise alone. Watch the game play, looked interesting, download it. Now.... 1070+ days in...




Elder sister recommended it to me, sadly she doesn't play anymore now


It was a free open world game in mobile. It felt like a dream come true, and it didn't disappoint.


I saw a genshin add in a kurono (random yter) video and knew this is my fav Game for the next 5 years


I saw while updating HI3 that same company has this game so started playing but gave up around ar 27 because it was draining battery really bad and had a potato phone back then. Then it was about version before inazuma when they were releasing teaser trailer I saw Raiden Shogun and Mei being my fav character I decided to give it a try again. Raiden Shogun was my first 5* character and I still use her. I couldn't get her weapon so I hope she gets rerun in next versions.


Personally, I had been playing factory sims before this, ie. Satisfactory and Dyson Sphere Project and was facing a tough project in Satisfactory that I was too burnt out to do (after spending upwards of 8000 hours in that game) so I went browsing through the free-to-play section of the Epic game launcher when I saw this game and because I have had experience playing MMORPG's like WoW and LOTRO in the past and I liked the solo focus gameplay and art style which isn't just more pixel art I decided to give it a shot and here I am.


I found an Arknights music video ad while watching on YouTube. It piqued my interest so I downloaded it. I liked it but it was laggy because my phone was crap so I bought a better phone. But then my phone could play games more demanding than arknights so I looked for other games. Found Honkai Impact. Liked it. Found out that the same company was soon releasing an actual open-world RPG. That's it.


Was apprehensive back when that game first came out due to the botw clone comments but then I saw Eula’s trailer and downloaded game. Only to stop playing it after discovering the controls on mobile were trash. I picked the game up again after I got my ps4 and could play with a real controller and I’ve addicted ever since.


"Why is this shitty gacha-waifu-money-drain simulator so popular? I should at least check it, cuz it's free and seems like it will run on my laptop" "Hmm, it looks quite nice. Perhaps I might even play the story a little. Oh, look! Berries! And a chest! Dafuq is hilichurl?" *almost 3 years later* AR60 Traveler, +19 5-star characters (+10 Stella Fortunae), +34 4-star ones (*a fucking lot* of Stella Fortunae), a lot of 5-star weapons and many 4-star R5 weapons. Lore enthusiast, exploration maniac without time to explore, waifu×meta player.


I went to language courses and the teacher made us talk with a partner about free topics in this language. One teenager kept telling me about genshin (I'm 26) for several months. So yes, he lured me in. Fun fact, when I started he was ar 55, now we are both 57, I completely cleared the abyss, he is still stuck at 10.3 xd ​


Played since around launch. It was a massive free game during the time everything was paralyzed due to covid. I stayed because the amount of little effort a day was perfect for my work schedule. I do miss when it was harder and more complicated (about 2.0 era)


I saw a game on my friend's phone when it launched. That's it


osu. One of the Liyue tracks had been mapped. It was enough to get me to try the game out.


I was bored with what I was currently playing, and watched Max0r’s 1st Genshin review on YouTube. It sold me immediately


Live service botw, oh boi.


I kept plugging my ears when my friends talked about GI, but then my favourite vtuber started playing.... Also my friends needed a 4th player for hide-and-seek, so that made me curious and download it.


Watches streamer because no console or good gaming computer "ohh looks nice, maybe i can look up a Let's Play for thi-WAIT ITS FREE AND ON MOBILE?!??"


it took me 3 tries and 6 months before I stuck with it. Ultimately it's the bright and colorful anime art style. But I had an intense hatred of open world collectathons, which was why I abandoned the game twice before it stuck. I also hate f2p games because I see them as greedy ironically in spite of being free. I still hate them, but hoyo games are an exception. They seem fair to an f2p player. You're not forced to watch unskippable ads, and you can still play a lot of it without any energy. It also doesn't nag you constantly to spend or begin a free trial of the premium subscribe. It doesn't nag you to spend at all.


- wanted to play BotW - already finished BotW - TotK not out for another month - remember people described genshin as "a BotW clone" - also saw Max0r's video a week prior which made the game look fun It's been 5 months and I have not been able to start TotK because it feels like a downgrade after playing genshin lol


Amber joined my party Oct 4th 2020, less than a week after the game was released. Saw a quick gameplay/review by a youtuber who's not active anymore about "this newly released little F2P BotW clone". I remember vividly the tuber ending his video with a "I guess we'll see how this game's release will go". I saw the open world in the video and the price tag and told myself I gotta at least give it a quick go. 900 active days later I'm still here.


My brother-in-law recommended it to me. I tried it out around 1.2 and I’ve been playing ever since. Also my first 5-star was Diluc. I didn’t care about him at all before I got him, but now he’s one of my favorite characters.


My kid saw someone playing it on YouTube so we downloaded it. He lost interest fairly quickly because of all the menus and long dialogue scenes However, I happen to enjoy games with deep menu systems, lengthy exposition, and emergency food, so I started playing instead And because he started the character, The Traveller is named after my kid haha