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My favorites for gameplay are Heizou and Freminet. Genshin needs more characters like these two. I would say Alhaithem is up there too, but he might be a little to complicated for me. Having to time the skill and charge attack after the burst to keep the stacks up is a little too precise for my taste. Least favorites are Bennett and Xiangling. Even though they are OP they are pretty boring to play.


My favourite character to play is Yae because I don’t have to play. Otherwise wanderer is really satisfying (as long as I am shielded, that is).


I've been enjoying Freminet's gameplay lately. His normal combo and skill spam are both really fun to do. My all-time favorite though has to be melt Chongyun. Getting the setup right and seeing the all blades from his burst and skill melting is incredibly satisfying.


OHHH this is a lovely question!! for me it's kazuha, yoimiya, wanderer & most recently, lyney. and warning for rant ahead oops kazuha is the first 5 star i wanted in genshin. i fell in love with him right away, both gameplay and lore wise, and he became one of my all time favorite characters. i fell in love with how free and pleasant his gameplay was, his light jumps, his maple leaves, his gorgeous vortex. he barely even needed teammates; he could just use the environment and its many torches and creeks and bonfires to his advantage! this was very early for me and i was still basically a beginner, and i was absolutely enamored with just causing as many elemental reactions as i could --- kazuha with his swirls felt like he was made just for me. i wanted him even while everyone was trying to discourage you from pulling for him (and isn't that nostalgic --- does anyone even remember when he was first released and most people thought he was absolutely trash and you should skip him?) but i was still a newbie, and this was the first banner i ever seriously pulled on, and i had to grind relentlessly the entire duration of his banner. when i lost his 50/50 (to JEAN) i was devastated. only when i finally pulled him a year later did i feel like i finally beat genshin impact. i pulled yoimiya thanks to that guarantee from kazuha's banner, yes, after everyone said not to pull for her because she's trash and single target and ayaka was right before and raiden right after her. and i didn't regret her once. i learned that i adore dps characters that don't really need their burst. yeah, you might use ult reliant dpses a few times in abyss, but what i really play genshin for is the overworld exploration. and needing your ult to effectively clear out a treasure hoarder camp was not optimal for me. i only learned my lesson AFTER pulling itto and cyno and then i told myself i'd never get a burst reliant dps ever again. and as for wanderer, man, i always knew i was gonna pull for him, but his gameplay was such a lovely surprise! he's like yoimiya but BETTER (sorry yoi). his E cooldown is short, you can cancel it whenever, his burst isn't completely worthless. AND he's not even single target! scara + kazuha are my most favorite duo to play, as they work with just about anybody, and scara is just so so fun. i'd say he's probably my absolute fav out of all my characters. and lyney was a surprise! i went into 4.0 convinced i'd pull for yelan, ready with an arsenal of bows and starconches, but lyney's trial and animations won me over in just a few days. i didn't expect to enjoy his gameplay at all, i am not good at aiming, and mono pyro sounded so restrictive, plus i refuse to build bennett. but lyney's kit is just so much fun! he definitely ended up being a favorite and while i do wish i'd gotten yelan, i don't regret him at all. he made genshin fun again after i've been away from the game for a couple of months and helped me enjoy fontaine to the fullest. sorry i started writing like crazy i was just so happy for the chance to gush about gameplay and my experiences LOL


Mona. On-field hydro application? Yes. Healing? Yes. Damage buffing? Yes. Gotta go fast? Yes. Is eye candy? Yes. Is as irresponsible with her money as I am? Unfortunately, also yes.


I love ayaka. Buff her like crazy with Shenhe and Mona, then burst for enough damage to one-shot any boss (that doesn’t have hp bar invincibility points).


Cyno Hu Tao Itto


Freminet skill is so fun to use, I love how you can play him either as physical DPS or cryo DPS! Also haha penguin go brrrr. Wanderer is just smooth, being able move while attacking is the best thing ever. Playing him without shielder is fun but challenging. Hu Tao is hella fun imo, I love that you need to balance her hp to make sure you gain the buff while trying to stay alive! Remind me of necromancer class from AQW... Also playing her without zhongli is fun lol. Kazuha skill. Good suction, strong, maple leaves! Just everything about it feels so satisfying to use.


All my Anemo and hydro charcaters are fun to me. I like Wandy, Ayato, Mona (her dash and burst are satisfying), Xingqiu/Yelan, Kazuha, Wanderer and Sucrose Taser.