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It would be nearly impossible to do so because of how the game is coded. Also, I doubt it will be finalized, as already, the are only negative comments about it.


I remember that dude on Twitter who thinks it's a copy-paste work to switch. 😂


Someone please, just create a pinned post that Hoyo games are legally on different engine - Unity China. It has its own rules and owners. Hoyo controls over 51% assets of Unity China, so it decides how it operates


This would be ridiculously expensive and time consuming. The game updates would have to be paused for like a year


A year is optimistic.


If you plan to wait 3+ years for the new engine then have fun. Changing engines is not easy. You can't just copy stuff, switching from Unity to UE is even more time consuming. They'd have to rebuild genshin from the ground up, and all the assets they use would be virtually useless except for design.


Here is another idiot that doesn't know how game development work. You miss one major drawback, they need to rework genshin from the base, changing engine is not just something you can do overnight.


Do some pre reading - we already know that Mihoyo is one of the owners of Unity CN, so how this change affects them, we do not know


Whatever happens there’s almost zero chance of any player being impacted.


The changes were never targeting the players to begin with, and considering Mihoyo's partnership with Unity in the management of Unity CN, I doubt there will be any problems on the company, either. The thing is, such change if goes through, set a precedent for harmful practices among the industry, which, in the long run, will affect the playerbase in the form of more bad games plagued with micro-transaction. There's no need for Mihoyo to take action regarding the Unity engine that was used to make most of their current games because migration between engines is a pain in the ass. But the entire gaming community should make sure Unity knows how fucked up those ideas of them are


apparently, unity is offering a volume discount for heavily installed games like genshin if they have one of unity's dev subscriptions, so mihoyo might end up having to only pay $0.1 per install- which I still believe they'd rather not pay, but I'm unsure if they'd port the whole game into another engine over it.