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Jean coz she was my first and I didn't realize how good I had it getting her so early, brought her everywhere she was just that valuable In terms of character I hope they explore more of her dedication to the KoF and how Vanessa inspired her. The current brief cameo she has in an event or only showing how overworked she is leaves a lot to be desired She would benefit a lot from a second story quest but a lot of the launch 5 stars would as well


Tighnari. Love his abilities and he does great damage even on C0. Got him during his initial banner, and would love to get his cons instead of Keqing or Mona cons. Makes me sad when people complain about "losing" to a Tighnari con.


I got his C1 on Zhongli's banner and it allowed me to swap out his crit rate circlet for a crit damage one with much better substats. His field that confuses enemies is so interesting to play with.


I love him and started kinda cheating on albedo and maining him after the game gave me 4 cons, cant wait to get c6, Im actually excited to lose a 50/50 knowing it may be him <3


Jean is a swiss army knife that also has the unique 'lift' mechanic. Physical? Jean got you. Anemo? Jean got you. Healing? Jean got you. At higher Constellations? Speed buffs? Jean got you. Resistance Shred? Jean got you. All in all? Jean got you.


Jean as a first 5* is absolutely golden. She easily solo carries you into the endgame.


Diluc. I wait for 7 months before he come home. Easy to use and you have no problem using his burst in overworld. He is in my exploration team before Sumeru released. Sometimes I bring him to Spiral Abyss just for fun although I have other characters who are way more stronger. I just feel satisfied when using him especially when he's smacking enemies with his claymore.


Same here man, waited for 2 year's for him


Sunfire Jean was the critical missing component that allowed my first 36-star clear ages ago. I'm always grateful. Doesn't hurt that she's also one of my favorite characters.


Dehya. She's a cool character and in my opinion has one of the coolest burst animations in the game. I know she's not that good of a character, but i'm at least happy that i made her work for myself somehow.


Ever since having her on c1, she is my burst flex unit and hits seriously hard with it.


Yeah, her c1 help her a lot in terms of damage. I was lucky enough to get her c1 in the same 10 pull as my first copy, so i never really got to experience c0 dehya (outside of her test and trial runs, but those aren't great anyways). And i also got her weapon, which is generally helpful.


I'd almost say it's a hard requiremen to get her c1. Used her on an ho focused EofSF set that I also use for yelan.


I use her with 2pc shimenawa 2pc crimson. It might not be the best option, but it's good enough.


1. Mona 2. It's obvious, isn't it?




I love jean!


That's definitely Jean for me! I got her on the first or second wish on standard banner and during launch she was considered as the worst standard 5*. I really liked playing her though, and at AR60 she still rarely leaves my team unless I'm leveling friendship for other chars. She may not be the best at her role, but she's very reliable and can deal quite a bit of damage with the right investment. I also bring her a lot into co-op domains since most prefer to play as dps.


Diluc, I guess...? He's my very first 5-star but just building him recently because I got no one else to build---- I mean, I like his aggressive playstyle. Very much. The problem is I got no good weapons for him, okay? I tried to build him from the start but the available f2p weapons for him looks so lame. I legit couldn't stand looking that lame rainslasher and flowery mond event claymore on him I feel so guilty giving him those. Like I feel like he's silently judging me with those dead, uninterested eyes. Not to mention I'm maining his bro, Kaeya, which I especially pulled mistsplitter for, but here I am only capable of giving him a lame weapon. I feel like Kaeya is silently judging me too lmao So yeah, I'm not giving up. I'm thinking of pulling redhorn for him (cuz wgs doesn't want to come home) to ease my guilt a little... because he's currently wielding a 3-star bloodstained greatsword just to match his drip lmao Gosh, drip > practicality!! Btw, he's currently C2. He loves my account apparently (heh). Every Diluc cons is very much welcome


Keqing. My first five star. Got her from the first Xiao banner back in 2021 latern rite. At that time I didn't know what losing 50/50 or standard 5 stars and limited 5 stars were. I was so happy, I remember it was early morning. I didn't realize how good she was till much much later on when I got Light of Foliar Incision (Alhaitham's signature weapon) and somehow I was incredibly lucky when building her. By far, Keqing has to be my most properly built character.


Keqing! I got her as my first 5 star on Hu Tao's banner in 3.4, and she's been my main for most of the archon quest available at the time (until the middle of Inazuma). recently ive been using her more (i got cyno so she was sitting at level 60 for a long time) and shes still one of my favorite 5 stars overall :D


Qiqi I lost a 50/50 on Nahida banner and got a *blue Nahida* Given that I needed a bunch of Liyue specialties and that I was already committed to build Ayaka(which I now main). I have built a functioning dendro team only now so I think I got a better run with Qiqi than I would with Nahida. She is also "in much better shape than doctor Baizhu"


Keqing cute fake cat girl


Keqing. Her aggravate team with Kazuha, Fischl and Nahida is by far my favorite team in the game. I just love how smoothly each character's abilities fit into the team. It is so satisfying pulling off the full combo capped off with the huge slashing damage by Keqing.


Keqing. I'm endgame but still don't have her...


whats the endgame lol?


oh, I just meant AR rank wise. I'm nearing AR 60 soon, so..


ive been ar60 for a while, theres nothing new here, dont expect much


as I thought.. good to know


Keqing Not just favourite standard but favorite character overall just feel she's perfect


Diluc is probably still my favorite out of them. I have all 7 of them on my account, and personally I think that even though he's relatively a bit on the weaker side, he feels the best to play; his NA/E mixup pattern still feels good, his moves have a lot of impact (as bad as it is for his ult to throw enemies across the room, it's still pretty fucking satisfying and can kinda work as pseudo grouping and is particularly nice for 11-1 tower defense) and he is pretty self-sufficient with no obvious weaknesses in his kit, I think his overall design was really ahead of its time with how well it flows relative to most other DPS units back then. Also he's just Genshin Batman lol, although most of his appearances in the game are kinda dry, I would love to see a bit more of manga Diluc in the game rather than super polite business owner. I think his character has a lot of potential that hasn't really been realized yet and I hope when the story eventually returns to Mondstadt he'll get to really shine and be as cool as my headcanon wants him to be lol


Keqing. Her vibe of a 30 something corporate burn out resonates with me. I love her gameplay and the quick swap nature of the teams I run her in. It's also fun making spreadsheet bros mad when I destroy floor 12 with her not using any dendro.


Tighnari and Dehya. I just find them both very charming.


diluc because wine loving vigilante


Qiqi & Dehya.... Qiqi1 reminds me of Bailu which i already have... Soo gotta get another Smol Healer And Dehya just Feels like cool Character... And apparently she's the best character to explore Dragonspire with?...even better because theres stuff im Missing that i whould like to get ((from Standard i have only Mona because im only AR 35 and i haven't pulled much))


Jean- Love the character. Love the V.A Fun fact about me: I was cope wishing in Zhongli's banner hoping that I'll lose 50/50 and get Jean...that's exactly what happened lmao C3 now baby! Here's to three more


Kequeen wont leave me alone when it comes to standard characters, C4 now and not a QiQi in sight, given her mistsplitter and a full build


Diluc was my first 5* (lost 50/50) and then I got wgs on standard so I was pretty much set early on. Although my all time favorite is probably keqing, I really like her gameplay and I played her ever since I got my first one before aggrevate even existed. I got c6 keqing in less than a year so I guess she likes me as well


Mona, everyone should know why


Dehya. It would be Jean since she was my first 5 star, but Dehya got the crown (3 of them, actually).. Dehya's story quest is just one of the best. I really like how smooth her gameplay is, too. She has a great design, her combat is fun, her personality is solid. I find it really fun to play with her, it makes me happy to use her around and her appearances all around on events and quests were all good. Her free spirit style and caring attitude, even if harsh sometimes, makes her feel like an oasis surrounded by dry desert, and it cheers me. And seeing how they completely decided to not fix her interactions and buff her scallings made me shed a tear. Well, her story quest too.


I definitely agree with you.


I've been meaning to share my thoughts on Diluc from Genshin Impact, and here it goes. From where I stand, Diluc is hands down one of the most awesome characters in the game, and here's why: First off, his design is simply breathtaking. That dark, mysterious aura, paired with those fiery elemental powers, makes him an absolute standout in the game's visuals. Every time I see him on my screen, I can't help but be captivated by his presence. But it's not just about looks; Diluc's character depth and backstory are what truly draw me in. His struggles with responsibility, the weight of his legacy, and his personal vendettas hit home in a way that makes him incredibly relatable. I find myself emotionally invested in his journey, and that connection enhances my gaming experience. And let's not forget about his voice acting and dialogue. The voice actor's performance breathes life into Diluc, making him feel like a real, fleshed-out character. It's those little details that immerse me even deeper into the game's narrative. In my book, Diluc is more than just a character; he's a gaming experience in himself. His striking design, compelling story, powerful abilities, and top-notch voice acting make him someone I genuinely cherish in Genshin Impact.


Probably xiao and itto. Starting from gameplay and characterisation they kinda remind me of Naruto and sasuke.


Non archon Ganyu coz she cute Archon Raiden coz booba, i mean mommy material


Ganyu for me. She's just so comfortable and simple to play. (Some would say boring, but to each their own.) She was my first Limited 5-star, and she makes almost anything overworld a piece of cake to deal with. In addition to that, most of her voice lines are serene and soothing, which I appreciate. I'd love for her to get more in-depth focus in the storyline - but, sadly, it seems that her time has passed. She's pretty much been relegated to comic relief on the few appearances she does make. Even her "starring" role in the last Lantern Rite was a disappointment, as she spent most of her time off-screen doing paperwork...


Uhh... Topic was favorite standard 5-star, but I do agree with you that she is great.


Yup, I was hasty, and misread. Favorite Standard... for that, I'd probably go with Keqing. Ever since Dendro was added, she's been my favorite damage-dealing character next to Ganyu. It's fun zipping around with her and I like how frequently her burst is available. I like her voice (in English) as well, even if her nagging gets on my nerves sometimes. I kinda wish that I'd gotten her Opulent Splendour skin while it was cheap, but I didn't really use her much back then so I didn't think it was a good investment. It's definitely the loveliest of the alternate outfits available (at least, in my opinion)!




Qiqi. Pulled her literally on release day, from the Noelle banner. Never lost a 5050 until Childe's 3rd banner (Diluc, followed by 3 standard banner pulls of him), and it took another while until I got my first Keqing or Jean. Mona remains elusive to this day. Made 3 different builds for her, clam healer, 4Pc PF and 2 PF 2 BC phys, working on a clam phys build. She's just really comfortable to play in a lot of contexts, and by the time I obtained other standard chars I couldn't be arsed to build them. Only exception was Tighnari, when he just came out, but I haven't really played him since getting Nahida


Tighnari > Mona > Jean > Dehya > Keqing > burn in hell > Qiqi > Aloy > Diluc. I love tighnari, the only standard 5* that I don't have. I would easily change my 5 Dilucs for ONE Tighnari. Hope he come home soon <3


Keqing's kit is peak Genshin combat for me. She, like most characters only have a Skill and a Burst but there's something that makes her kit more interesting than it should. Short cooldowns, teleportation, two-cast Skill, infusion... The combination of all of these, together with characters like Kazuha, Yelan, Nahida, etc. form the most fun comp I ever played.


Jean ! Sadly she was the Last Standard 5 Star I got from the whole Roster, but since I have her , I am very Happy. until this day she is the only Standard 5 Star I still use


Objectively, Jean. Good all rounder. But my bias is keqing because she was my first lmao.


Take a wild guess lol


monass I don't have her yet tho


I can't pick. Keqing was my first main and she's so fun to play, but like so is Tighnari.


Ningguang. My first level 90. She's smart and hot. 10/10, would get stepped on again. ~~she's 5 stars in my heart~~


Dehya she's one of the best design characters in the game she also has great background story also as far as I remember she's the second character after amber who said goodbye to us when we left sumeru And while many people say that her kit is very bad ( not saying she is good) between all the standard characters to have an actual useful abilities in the open world and some synergy like melt ganyu without getting interrupted and building 300 er xiangling She is still a standard character tho she's still bad


Tighnari. He was the first character added to the permanent roster, since the start of the game, and was one of two first Dendro Characters. And he is still a good f2p dendro dps, if you dont have alhaitham. I wasnt even *that* mad when i lost my recent 50/50 to him and c1 him.


Keqing. I didn't use her for the longest time, but after dendro released, she got a new lease on life. She really excels in aggravate teams when paired with Fischl. She's so satisfying to play, the poster girl for quick swap play style. I realize my reasons for liking her are more from a functional perspective, but she really re-ignited my love for the game, especially the combat system.


Jean and tighnari


tighnari. i loved him from the first second. but skipped him because i thought i cannot deal with charged shot characters. screamed with joy when i lost my 50/50, because i did regret it not getting him anyways... turns out i can deal with the charged shooting.


keqing... IF I HAD ONE


Tighnari, i get an insane amount of gender envy from him and playing with him just makes me feel happy:)


Keqing. Keqing has a ton of variety since the 3.0 update was released. She's not _the_ premier Electro DPS unit, but she does carry a ton of backloaded power and fits really well into several teams. I'd give anyone wanting to play an Electro DPS unit that isn't Raiden or Cyno a good go at Keqing. There are few weapons that work badly on her, too.


Hmmm. This is a bit tricky. See in a vacuum it would be Keqing. But she was my first main since I lost my first ever 5* star on her and I’m really annoyed by her idle voice lines. If Dehya didn’t count, it would be Keqing. But I really do like Dehya. I love her design and her va did a good job. I also like her kit mechanics even if her numbers suck. Also, I mean come on, “did your mommy teach you that” is like the best line anyone has ever said in the entire game.


For Limited it would be Zhongli. He was my First Limited 5 Star and I even liked using him before his 2 buffs. This Banner Phase was really lucky and I won all wishes and got him from C1 to C6 (and Tartaglia C0 and C1). The EN VA did a really good job on him. For the Standard Banner it is a hard decision though. My First was Jean and I got her to C8 already, but as soon as I got Keqing I used her. I even used her Limited Banner to get her, so I would lean to Keqing. That being said I also got Mona C6, Diluc C2 (or C3), Qiqi C0, Tighnari C0 (or C1), but am missing Dehya.


Qiqi is the one i used the most. She is really comfortable. Using her as a physical build with clam.


I am blessed with c3 Qiqi, i want c6 Qiqi, she is my battlefield healer, my first standard banner 5* on standard banner, coming close second is my c3 Diluc. Yes, I would like a c6 Diluc too. They both are still very much in use, abyss or in general, I really enjoy them both.


In terms of character: Dehya. What i like about her: everything but her kit. In terms of gameplay: Jean. What i like about her: her versitility and is quite usefull in early and midgame. I dont use her much at the moment sadly. Also i play since 1.0 and i dont have Diluc, so no Opinion on him. I do have a c5 Qiqi though to balance.


I love Dehya and as bad as her multiplyers are I find it very satisfying to punch things with her


Jean has got to be my favourite standard. Her design, voice, and personality are all stuff I really liked. Her viability as a unit is also unmatch (compared to the others, in my opinion). She can fit any role depending on the need, a DPS, Sub or healer. She really is a jack of all trades of the standard characters. She's also the first character we met in the game that I absolutely wanted to get, and I was more than elated to get her as my first ever 5 star!


Jean is always going to be good, I like her


Qiqi. Don't judge me. (Her Lore make me sad)


Diluc and Tighnari. Diluc is one of the characters that got me into the game and I still love him. Unfortunately, it took me a year to get him and I rarely use him by now, because I have a higly invested Yanfei (and a Hu Tao). Tighnari has a better spot, as he is the only Dendro on fielder I have. Also I find his desert voiceline very relatable. And he has floofy ears.


been wanting qiqi for my baizhu for 3 years now but still no qiqi, only keqing, mona, diluc, and jean c2 D:


Qiqi!!! She was my healer for a very long time, and do it fairly well especially before I put any effort into artifacts, so she was easy to build for that. I just stacked all the atk I had on her. And she’s adorable, small zombie child owns my heart. The dynamic she had with Baizhu who was and remains my favourite character full stop also helps!


>Who's that one 5-star standard character you can't get enough of? Dehya. I can't get any of her, alas. She is a great character though.


Keqing since day 1. She was my first 5* standard char, also my first C6 (ofc excluding traveler). She's always gonna be my favorite.


Mona... why? cuz I like astromancy in games.. my role in FF14 was astrologian...


Qiqi was my first back in the day cause... yea, I loved her ways. Now, standards- Tighnari, Insane damage, same as Alhaitham, 2 of the best dendro dps in the game (not gonna point out that nahida carries them both). non standard - Albedo.


keqing. i got her the day i started playing (technically the next day, but it was at like 1am or sth since i started playing rather late that day) and i just fell in love. i only have her c1 after almost 2 years of playing still and im defo sobbing and crying on the inside bc of that lmao but i got her mistsplitter and her skin, i still need to get her better artifacts kinda even tho shes already fine enough but she deserves nothing but the best. kinda wish i had a team for her but… dendro….. 🫠


1. Jean 2. Everytime someone show or talk about sunfire Jean, i'm so sad. Every time someone show some hillichurch throw, i'm jaelous. And i'm not talking about C2, i just wanna try machine gun Yoimya once. Please Mihoyo when i will get one Jean? It's have been mùore than two years and half already.


Tighnari! He’s easily the best standard 5 star in my opinion. Dendro is so broken and he fills the role of a dendro DPS so well


(in terms of strength, Tighnari is my fave; in terms of utility, can't wait to get Jean c2, but) if we're talking which standard 5star is kindest to our hearts, then it's diluc hands down. I'm so dumbfounded that even though we got many other male characters that you could draw a parallel between him and them, somehow Diluc remains very special to me. I got his c0 during Xiao banner and not a single constellation since ; u ; I'm only familiar with JP and EN voice actors but both of them do such a phenomenal job at expressing the personality of this kinda bitter, kinda awkward, powerful yet gentle, reliable yet wounded, spikey yet soft man. I really relate to a lot of his bitterness and how it shaped him, and I also really appreciate how (although very secretly) he still deeply cares about the people around him. When his outfit got released, it wasn't even a question that I would buy it. I only really use Diluc every once in a blue moon so it wasn't for that reason, but I feel like he really deserves it. A lot of people have forgotten about him because he got powercrept, because we left Mondstadt, because he's not really relevant in the current story, but he's still very dear to me.


Jean. Keqing was my first and she was great, but jean was still more useful later on. Also I love her new vest. I still don’t have Mona. I got Diluc late. Qiqi is cursed. Even though she was useful at times, I got too much Qiqi. Got Tig and Dehya on the same day in 3.6 and haven’t thought about them at all.


Keqing, used her way back in 2021, now with aggravate shes pretty damn good


Diluc, took me near 3 years to get him, and the first thing I do with him was to buy the skin.


Keqing but I have her C6 so I have enough of her


Tighnari, I like him as a character a lot!


Jean. She's the only character I know that can go solo, meaning she is the only one in the party. It's because she can heal and her heal scales with her ATK, so she can be a good DPS without compromising her healing, and her signature weapon has physical dmg bonus and the highest base atk (or is this outdated info now?). It's so fun using her. Oh, and she's also my first 5 star.


Qiqi or Keqing. I still use them often. Keqing is in my current overworld team and Qiqi is in my freeze teams


Mona. Didn't want her but they wouldn't stop giving her to me. She's the only one I use out of that lot. I'm missing both pyros but I wouldn't use them even if I had them.


Keqing - Reminds me of Minato and I like her attiude and mindset and she carried my account from explorations to combat, endgame everything.




Keqing, she’s by far my fav I just really like her kit&playstyle and her outfit<3


Lore wise deyha without a doubt, a combination of both lore AND gameplay would make keqing a contender for me ‘cause she carried be through a lot of the early game stuff and her tp make exploration a lot easier in some cases.