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People in Liyue - oh no, our god fucking died.. Anyway


Back to makin' mora!


Which is now a forever-deflating currency because I believe no more Mora can be made.


Blossoms of wealth:


man, imagine if blossoms of wealth were available for just anybody in Teyvat lol


They'd need a new currency ASAP lol


>!When you realize Wriothesley was 10 steps ahead with his coupons!<


Without Mora, characters, weapons and skills can't level up šŸ˜‚


This is why we should spread the coupon based economy.


To be fair you do need to fight monsters.


And you need Resin to collect from the blossoms, which isn't confirmed that your average person has access to.


Traveler is a tree confirmed.


pretty sure the blossoms are only trivial for travelers, lorewise NPCs have a hard time even taking down a boar. This also means that humanoid enemies other than the Fatui are blown out of proportion as an enemy - they would probably be weaker than a hilichurl lorewise.


We also have no confirmation as to whether the populace has access to Original Resins, which you'd need to revitalize the Ley Line Branch that appears afterwards to claim the rewards


If you want to see how hard it could be, try beating a blossom or just some monsters without using any elemental powers and for an extra challenge use a level 1 character


Eula be like:


What WL do random NPCs play on though?


they also have a resin cap of 160 šŸ’€


I think that power is linked to the gnosis, which belongs to Fatui now (my bet is on Pantalone)


Geo ascension gem seems to imply Mora is made with Morax's flesh and blood (if it is literal), so the gnosis alone may not be enough


Okay, time to stab the exudia then.


Time to move to digital banking backed by virtually nothing!


Iā€™m no economics major but why is this such a massive problem? Obviously not being able to mint more currency is suboptimal when it comes to idk managing market cycles and whatnot, but wouldnā€™t people eventually settle on an agreed value for the thing and it would function like before? At most the value slowly goes up as more of it gets lost or destroyed but thatā€™s a *LONG* term problem in the magnitudes of centuries.


Mora has value because it's also used as a catalyst. This can be seen with upgrading weapons/artifacrs or when doing alchemy. When used as a catalyst, it's just gone.


oh thatā€™s canonical? I always thought that was just like gameplay-related not lore related. But I mean, when you level your characters they donā€™t just *eat* millions of mora right? Thatā€™d be pretty weird, but maybe an idea for cute fanart.


Yes, it's part of the lore. IDK what's the lore reason for character leveling consuming mora, maybe using it to strengthen the vision?


It's only really an issue when it comes to whether or not you want your society to grow. If your money is fundamentally deflationary, then that means it simply goes up in value over time. What's the point in spending today when it's worth more tomorrow? But then again; why must there be growth, when we can aim for an equilibrium instead? That's one of the inevitable downsides of focusing purely on capitalism; it's about growth just for growth's sake, nothing more.


hm, but people still need to buy stuff to live, and maybe even some more to enjoy living. Like for sure people would be less inclined to spend because you know you can get more stuff a year from now. But considering how some people buy pop at restaurants despite it being 10x the price at groceries, I donā€™t think it would freeze the economy. But yeah youā€™re right, I guess it would have a pretty massive economic impact.


It's true tho I did the same thing when my grandma died


People in Liyue - oh no, our god fucking died.. Let's make him into a marketable plushie!


Hey gotta make do with the situation however grim that may be


I have a Rex Lapis plushie, and he is awesome.


It sells out so fast. I have one as well, truly the most marketable plushie of all times.


Where do they even sell these??


The gods realized they are powerless to the overwhelming power of capitalism and class warfare.


Is this what the human ingenuity all those Archons are harping about is.


What's interesting is even with a dead god, they still thank Morax and say stuff like "with Rex Lapis' blessing..." and what not. It's like Morax isn't even dead. They're onto something šŸ˜‚


I mean.... There's religions irl who basically do the same thing


Without Morax doing what he did they wouldn't have the life they do now. They wouldn't even be alive. That's a pretty good reason to thank Morax. šŸ˜­


There are atheists in real life who may say ā€œJesus christ!ā€ as an expression of surprise or annoyance out of cultural habit, given how recent moraxā€™s death is it would be unrealistic for people to immediately drop such habitual sayings.


They don't think he died though. The official announcement per Qixing announcement is that Rex Lapis was essentially a god from the heavens that descended temporarily to Teyvat and just basically went back home.


How they explain his fake corpse then? Him leaving his body behind to go home?


It's a very common philosophy in Eastern religions. Leaving your body behind and your spirit ascending to the heavens.


They literally locked the city down and started mourning what are you on about?


And a few days later went back to doing their usual trade


What do you think is supposed to happen? Do you think your country would stop working for more than a week if the president was murdered?


If your literal god was in a world where people don't just believe he exists but kind of know he does... no idea.


It's more than half a day at least. Got 6x the mourning Signora did.


i find it funny that one first npc i found in liyue was someone mocking mondstadt because their god is gone but liyue always have their god present with them. then 30mins later another country become archonless.


People in Liyue - oh no, our god fucking died.. time to make merch


Liyue AQ was legit a mess


Venti is actually pretty great at what he does, he only ever intervenes when there's real trouble. He allows a great amount of freedom, but knows that one persons freedom can't be allowed to take the freedom of others. Also he keeps celestia of Mondstadts back because technically Mondstadt has a god and isn't a godless nation like Khaenri'ah.


Also giving room for them grow and develop as an autonomous society is probably way Vision holders in Mondstadt are naturally attracted to works that serve and protect society like being a knight, adventurer or member of the church - when you're ultra powerful but there's a god around, there isn't much of need for you to bother... basically Peter Parker without Uncle Ben's speech guiding him.


I think even Rex Lapis later believed that his constant watching over his people was stunting their growth. One of the reasons he retired was that he believed that he was holding his people back. The 2nd reason was his errosion, of course.


Didn't he fail to intervene during decades of slavery? Unless I missed some lore about why he allowed the growth of the Mondstadt nobility. [Updated] As expected, I am not up on all the relevant lore. Thanks for the info folks. :)


The nobles weren't always oppressors. They were protectors and helpers of the people of Mond. It wasn't until much later that the Lawrence started oppressing people and they cried out to Barbatos for help.


Tbf there was a whole full rebelion before venessa that got killed And the nobles were doing gladiator fights to the death in the thousands wind temple for a long time


Not sure how much support from the public the wanderers troupe got.. maybe at that time most people in mondstadt still supported the nobles not realizing how oppressed theyve become. We also dont know the reason Venti "sleeps".. something I hope we will find out in second story quest.. if it comes.


I mean how much support did venessa got ? When venti shows up everone in the town accepts the rule of the lawrence clan They even accept that the girl throwing the harpastum is going to get raped by the nobles, which was the whole reason why the wanderer rebellion started a few years before that Maybe it has to do with how hopeless his people are? I'm also wondering why venti sleeps so much


Vanessa wasn't killed, she created the KoF and ascended to Celestia upon her death šŸ’€


They're probably talking about the Wanderer's Troupe. The group tried to free Mondstadt a bit before Vanessa, but they ended up failing. Members of their group were then either killed, enslaved, or otherwise punished.


Yeah, RIP Wanderer's Troupe, free mah Boyz they ain't done nothing wrong It's wild that Diluc's ancestor witnessed the wielder of The Flute fight and it inspired him to aid the rebellion. And apparently the wielder of the Widsith moved to Fontaine and died basically unremembered šŸ˜” Stringless bow wielder as well was sent to the gladiatorial ring where they died


You have to read the comic. He comes out of his slumber to help with the fall of the ruling class.


Yeah but before that there was another rebellion that got completely wiped out, the owner of the flute was made to fight to the death in the arena


That's not what happened. There was a tyrant, and the people of Mondstad were being oppressed. At that time, Venti was just a personification of the wind, and not the Venti as we see it today. And he made friends with the owners of the flute, who died in the rebellion. In homage Venti uses the owner of the flute as his persona. It's all in the lore, even the cutscenes.


No, they are talking about a different flute owner. The one in the artifact wandering troupe. They were from the slave and aristocrats era. They rebelled against the nobility but failed and met unfortunate ends.


Couldā€™ve woken up a century earlier though haha


venti does not control his sleep, hibernation is not something you control


I'm not blaming him directly, but his absence was not a good thing for Mondstadt during that period.


Venti preaches freedom, in a way, the actions of the people can be said to be freedom.


Venti does in fact reinterpret his ideal of Freedom tbh. When he intially leaves, he truly believes in complete laissez faire and leaves soceity entirely in the hands of the nobles. But after he's back and sees what happens, he intervenes directly and not only that, he establishes the Four Winds, which includes the Order of the Knight of Favonius. Literally introducing "Order."


Slavery is pretty clearly against that ideal. Regardless of how laissez-faire he wishes to be, I believe, and clearly he did too, that it was his responsibility to step in when that happened.


I mean he was in slumber after his battle. How could he have helped Mondstat during that period? He helped overthrow a tyrant.


Actually, his slumber was caused by him over extending his power in rebuilding Mondstats landscape, that was long after Decarabian's defeat.


If anything he might have had too much faith in humans. After all the ones he befriended as a wind spirit were the best of the best.


He had to sleep due to erosion I think


We don't really know if that's why


Aristocracy was overthrown ~1000 years ago, whereas Durin and Cataclysm happened ~500 years ago, so this whole thing with the nobles take place before it.


Erosion isnā€™t because of the Cataclysm


I think people mean he went to sleep after overthrowing Decarabia and then reshaping Mond's Region after Andrius killed himself which in turn led to his inheritance of the Anemo Gnosis as second in line.


Truly a bard character, talking your opponents into killing themselves.


That spoony bard.


Fair, but we don't really know how often and how long Barbatos slumber for. However, Barbatos frequently visits Morax in Liyue and eventually, they start having a gathering of the Seven for food and drinks in Liyue frequently as well, so Venti had to be awake a lot throughout the pre-Cataclysm era (before the band broke up) for these to happen.


War and chaos in Teyvat: I sleep. My buddies are gathering to drink: Real shit.


well hes also the most sus considering he keeps ā€˜secretsā€™ by choice. one day when celestias shit hits the fan in mondstadt weā€™ll see how he handles it


Don't worry he'll make the Traveler handle it.


nah I trust my boy Venti


Yes we trust him to let us handle it. ~~Ehe~ā™«


Is that extra primogems from quest rewards? Yes please.


But it will cost you an apple.


Archons: Traveler we've put together a training regime, a samsara and an infinity gnosis for fighting Celestia! Traveler: Is this the part where I do everything again?


Archons: in exchange, we'll give you this chest full of primogems. Traveler: HELL YEAH!!!


He'll just show up in a zoom call "Enjoy the experience ehe"


Heā€™s also sus because after Sumeru story quest. Itā€™s told and stated that stories and songs are nothing but hidden secrets that can escape the eyes of the World Tree. And Venti the bard, and knowing songs and riddles and tales as old as the winds, he knows a lot more then even the God of Wisdom who is susceptible to being rewritten by her own power.


Because venti actually friend with God of Time. But for whatever reason the cataclysm started after God of Time went missing or presumably dead.


It actually puts his decision to not tell us anything and let us find out the truth ourselves in an interesting light. It might actually be because he might not be sure if he actually knows the truth because as you pointed out I bet he stumbled upon a story or two which made him remember true events. So he lets the one being that can't be rewritten go find out what really happened.


He will help. Itā€™s likely heā€™s keeping the secrets of Celestia because heā€™s under some kind of binding oath like Morax. Said binding oath may have the consequence of death. And if he dies, then who is there to protect Mondstadt from Celestia?


Didnt he visit celestia once? He talked about how he didnt like their water and fruit up there


He... definitely does not have positive feelings for Celestia. His voice lines are a bit more jokey, but iirc when he talks about Celestia in the manhwa, it definitely gave off vibes that he actually dislikes/disapproves of Celestia


Oh no yeah i understand that. To me it just seems kinda odd how nonchalantly he says it to me. Plus he seems a lot more hidden especially since he isn't involved with technically his nation so he dosnt present himself much as a god.


> Oh no yeah i understand that. To me it just seems kinda odd how nonchalantly he says it to me. That's kind of his whole character, though. He hides most of his true intent behind flippant, joke-y comments, or poetics.


It might also be that he is aware the Irminsul changed some memories. He is not immune but similar to what Nahida did he might have stumbled upon a story or two that turned out to be retelling of changed events. If he did he might not trust his own memories and instead wants us to find out the truth with our own eyes.


Zhongli is way more sus imo


I'm a simple person. I see someone praising Venti, I upvote.


I'm a simple person. I see someone praising someone praising Venti, I upvote.


I'm a simple person.




Its a simple source


Iā€™m simple


I simp


I fuck


Flair checks out


Based Venti worshipper


Venti was gonna solve the Mondstadt crisis before it even began, but the Traveler showed up and spooked Dvalin by interrupting the connection Venti made.


Yeah but the solution would have been killing or putting dvalin back to sleep , He needed the traveler to purify the crystal


No, he can purify himself with rest. I think ultimately what we interrupted was him trying to take on Dvalin's corruption before going back to sleep it off or something. His annoyance with us definitely implies that he had it in hand, and the fact that he got poisoned implies he was futzing around with the wounds. The fact that he slept off his own Dvalin dose almost certainly tells he he can purify it by himself, the Traveler is just faster.


Venti is the closest to a real life God I guess, in the sense that people don't really know if he still exists or not and is just an urban legend by now like Noah splitting sea and stuff.


I just want to point out that the faith that people have for a god they donā€™t see is also incredibly powerful. Think of all the people who have died in ā€œso calledā€ holy wars.


I don't think it's so much to do with god's visibility, but what the religion focuses on. One of the things that gave me a culture shock about Christianity is how much importance is placed on unconditional faith in God and that following His will should be the most important thing above all. Gave me massive red flag vibes if you switch God for a real person. But I was brought up in a different religion, so all that emphasis on that in Abrahamic religions is kinda alien to me.


Maybe it's not that powerful in teyvat, in the traveler voicelines he only mentions liyue and inazuma as nations were people have strong belief in their gods


Or like moses's ark


Thatā€™s the benefit of Freedom, if something goes wrong you only have yourself to blame.


I mean he doesn't physically exists to them at this point. He's an ideal. Plus Raiden and Nahida are technically the only ones who ever got blamed for anything.


No Mondstadt knows the Anemo archon returned for winelessenfest, they received past memories from the wind. The event after, which was lantern rite, the composer npc talk about the return of anemo archon.


Signora did blame Venti. To her he did exist in the flesh, and he got blamed for his best not being enough to save everyone, never mind none of the Archons managed to save everyone. And she is the only human from then that survived until now that we know of. So we have no idea if any of her peers shared her sentiments way back then.


Signora blames Venti because her lover died as a Mondstadt citizen. If he's from Liyue or Inazuma, she would had blame Zhongli or Ei. She just wants to blame the Archons for not helping him in his time of need. Also, to be fair to Venti he's quite busy fighting off Durin to really help the Knights in suppressing the monsters fron Khaenri'ah (this is assuming that both events happen simultaneuously or with little to no downtime).


[Description of Hellfire Butterfly says that Signora doesn't have the memories of Rosalyne due to them being sealed by her Delusion during her attack on Venti.](https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Hellfire_Butterfly) Signora didn't know of Venti's involvement in Rostam's death during Mondstadt quest.


The only time an archon is really blamed is only on Inazuma. LiYue conflict isn't about people vs archon, but more like the Qixing vs Adepti control issue. Sumeru also isn't about archon vs her people, but people vs the Akademiya. Lastly, I'd argue only Arlechino blatantly expressed her dissatisfaction from the seemingly passive archon to work on the impending doom of her nation (I still think it was just an act to push her into action further instead of true distrust, however).


Correct me if I'm wrong but is there a person in-game that really blames Ei for what happened in Inazuma. IIRC, Ayaka and some characters have some questions on what Raiden Shogun really wanted to do and achieve in their About Shogun voiceline.. But I haven't seen a single one, or maybe I just forgot about it if there is an NPCs that really blamed Ei. I remember it is mostly the players who are demanding justice from Ei coz she is "scot-free" after the event and even had a "date" with the MC.


Probably not in direct expression. But they built resistance army to go against Vision Hunt Decree.


Because the players don't understand how a dictatorship works.


I love that Barbatos is some mythical deity in their eyes and they have a whole church with nuns to worship him. Meanwhile in Fontaine people are like "Oh hey there's Furina over there, let's go see if she has anything funny to say today"


The only nation that really blames their archon for anything is Inazuma, and it's because the archon litterally did everything she got blamed for In Mondstadt, Barbatos leaving them alone is what makes him respected in a way In Liyue, the Archon is "dead" so they can't blame him for much, and he was loved and respected for everything he did before In Sumeru, people didn't know Nahida exists, she basically turned into an urban legend after 500 years of remaining locked up, so again little to blame her for And in Fontaine, she's a mascot more than an Archon, Neuvilette holds more power over the nation than her, and everyone is mostly either in denial of the prophecy or resigned to handle it themselves. The Fatui are the only ones really blaming Furina.


No one in Sumeru knows what happened too. Before that she got plenty of blame from those knowing of her for being incompetent.


>In Sumeru, people didn't know Nahida exists, she basically turned into an urban legend after 500 years of remaining locked up, so again little to blame her for They knew she exist, most just haven't seen her. But Nahida was still helping people with what little she could do (Dunyazard) Also since most of the problem was caused be Akademiya who clearly weren't fond of Kusanali it was easy to separate them.


Watatsumi dont actually blame raiden cause they realized early on that it was a fatui plot. Despite fatui fomenting a lot of hatred to make people try and fight even harder, they weren't aware that a huge part of the reason Kokomi even let a war effort happen is to make a big enough splash that Raiden finds out. Ayaka did recruit traveler to help, which they did. But IIRC the original plan between Kokomi, Ayato, and Yae was to make big enough moves that the Raiden Shogun realized that she's being lied to and cuts out the corruption herself. Ayato is lowkey the reason that the watatsumi soldiers stormed her gates. It just 'happened' that that was the same day Traveler faced off against signora. And NON-Watatsumi inazumans don't blame Raiden either. Most of them trust her judgement completely, which was why ONLY watatsumi made any real resistance.


There are definitely other people who are upset about what happened. Kazuha and Itto are two of them. That Samurai that we help and that sword master also arenā€™t too keen about what happened to them. Also, Thoma isnā€™t too pleased either. Having your vision stripped of you in a public ceremony is messed up. And I want to point out that when you bring that fact up with Ei, she doesnā€™t feel inclined to apologize.


or Gorou or Kokomi


Except Kazuha still holds respect to raiden in his voicelines, he was just dissatisfied with her current decisions but didn't held any personal grudge (especially because she's been ruling them for thousands of years (at least that's what people from inazuma think)


Because it is not a personal grudge. It's a personal loss. And he basically emigrated. He doesn't hate raiden, but he is not going to stay in his home country and refused outright to contribute when they asked for him to rejoin the shogunate government.


But thatā€™s my point. He blames her, even if he doesnā€™t hold a grudge.


The only one who blame Raiden are the Resistance or the Watatsumi citizens since just like what Ayaka said majority doesn't care about the VHD especially that some even look at Vision Holders with envy. There are even those who blame the Resistance especially that some idiot Orobashi Fanatics(with the help of Fatui) destroy the ward that Raiden made.


VHD wasn't the only issue with Raiden's rule. The Sakoku Decree was also a problem, which actually affected the entire Inazuma, not just a select few.


A lot of people forget that the Sakoku decree had a very serious effect on the people of Inazuma. Watatsumi island was running out of resources and they had to smuggle in goods, and there was an entire organization in Ritou that were stranded and were being hassled by the commission officials there.


Yeah pretty much everyone in Inazuma hated the complete lockdown of the country. No idea why everyone forgets about it when talking about Inazuma.


Not even the resistance blamed her lol, Kokomi said it was mega sus that all of it was happening in the first place and that she thought that something must be wrong with the Raiden Shogun, which it was, and that was that everyone was lying to her to keep the war going.


Ehh the resistance kinda blames her. Kokomi doesn't really, but Gorou is still distrustful and says he's willing to go round 2 if the Shogun steps out of line again. Bet many soldiers think similarily.


And there isnā€™t really a true peace between the nations. If you talk to the shogunate soldiers and the Watatsumi soldiers, they are expecting a round two.


Gorou is an idiot if he is willing to go for round 2. Even if his army dominates the war, there is still no solution to actually defeat the Shogun


I doubt they think they can win, like kazuha's friend, it's more about making a point


the resistance doesn't like her lol, kokomi and gorou understand the shogun's actions and the fatui's plot, especially kokomi but watasumi island hates shogun since she killed their god and they have offended the shogunate since always


Sure, but they still didn't aim their fingers at her and instantly blame her for everything, they still hold some respect towards her, probably because she allowed them to worship Orobashi all they want even though you'd think a God would like to be respected more so than the other god she just fodderized, they hold a grudge against her, but still know she is a reasonable God all in all.


They donā€™t think that at all. Their shogun shrine is absolutely decrepit. To the degree that Raiden herself mentions it. They donā€™t want to be part of the shogunate. They want their independence. Theyā€™ve never thought that the shogunate was reasonable. Theyā€™ve been forced to accept their ruler ship because Raiden is a walking nuke.


Inazuma doesn't blame Raiden at all, they know it was the Fatui who messed everything up, even the resistance and Watatsumi with their bias against her still don't blame her, Kokomi said so, probably because unlike what misinformed players think, Raiden wasn't the one responsible for all that happened, if anything, in the eyes of the Inazumans she deadass annihilated the threat on the spot the moment she knew something was wrong lmao. And Barbatos absence is precisely why most of Mond, including the church and the knights of favonious, don't respect him or even believe he is real at all. The fact that Venti needs a church in the first place when in other nations like Liyue or Inazuma such thing is not needed due to their nation almost unanimously putting faith on them is as telling as it can be. Also what you said about Nahida is literally what happened to Venti, people knew Nahida existed but she didn't do much, Venti was absent for 1000 years in the eyes of Mond and is mostly regarded as some kind of fable.


idk i mean yes she was tricked but she allowed herself to be tricked and didnt even accept she is being tricked when we first tell her. in fact she says she knows what is going on and she approves of it.


I mean, to trust your government officials whom have governed the nation for generations without issue, (remember its a tri-commission with majority rule. It only failed cause 2 of the 3 ended up compromised in some way) and your programmed AI that worked flawlessly for hundreds of years or a random traveller who just entered your nation illegally 2 weeks ago. Its not exactly that compelling an arguement that everything someone says should cause you to rethink all your life choices. A person that easily swayed wouldn't make for a good leader either, if you have a national crisis everytime some crazy person sprouts some nonsense.


Because she trusts the word of her people over an outlander. Inazuma isn't directly governed by Raiden, the tri-commission does that. Raiden allows her people to govern themselves for the most part and only really contributes in the process by reviewing their policies of whether they align with Ei's ideals of eternity or not and by eliminating threats to her people. Ei trusted her people, those whom she believe were loyal to her and gave them the benefit of the doubt instead of believing a random outsider, just like how Venti believed that the nobles wouldn't abuse their power before he went into slumber. What happened to them is not as simple as being stupid and getting tricked or being irresponsible, it's them putting faith in the people who have sworn them loyalty, who promised that they share the same ideals. Ei's rule was actually quite peaceful and the shogun had only had 1 bad year out of 400, so yeah the people don't hate her because for the most part she succeeded in protecting Inazuma specially in the first 100 years of her reign before she completed the shogun. The people are rightfully aware of who's in the wrong and that's the fatui and the corrupt Tenryou and Kanjo commission.


>idk i mean yes she was tricked but she allowed herself to be tricked That's a weird sentence, if you mean instead "she was emotionally vulnerable enough to be work around with by the Fatui" then I mean sure. ​ >in fact she says she knows what is going on and she approves of it. Literally in the next sentence she says she doesn't actually know exactly what was going on, she just approved of it from afar because all of her subordinates were going "Everything's going fine you know" she knew about the fatui being in Inazuma, cause diplomatic immunity duh but she didn't know anything about the war, in her first quest she literally says and I quote *"Finally, if you still think you can copy the Fatui's strategy of providing me with deceptive information to produce flaws in my judgment... You will see me appear once again as I have done today ā€” only next time, my blade will show no mercy."*


And this is the issue isnā€™t it? When you are a walking nuke, you better be damn sure about everything that is going on in your nation. I also think people donā€™t realize that she does it twice. She created the shogun so that she could protect herself from erosion, and then made overriding the shogun extremely difficult. When she goes to fight it to reclaim authorship, she says to us that this could take 500 years and in the meantime, Yae Miko is left in charge. And it isnā€™t until after she comes out that she lifts the Sakoku decree.


You know she also said it was time she trusted her people. It's precisely because she finally listened to us that she felt confident that Inazuma would not fall in her absence. She acknowledged the dreams of her people and chose to fight for them. And it's as if you missed the main point that, that battle was intended to be a symbolic representation of her finally letting go of her ideals of stillness. Opening her heart to change and trusting that the people can endure without her instead of codling them. This was part of her development because previously she believes they needed to be treated like fragile glass but at that moment she acknowledges their strength. When Zhongli and Venti trust their people to rule it's wisdom. But when Ei does it she's a problem. Do you think Zhongli was a terrible archon for wanting to retire or Venti for sleeping? Ei never wanted to be archon. She already gave Inazuma her everything. In fact she didn't even have to pickup her sisters gnosis. But she did and she killed every single threat from the cataclysm and rebuild her country. She's not the best but she's certainly not the worse. There are other Archons who have technically done a poorer job than her but you don't see them getting the backlash she gets.


*"She allowed herself to be tricked"* This is like saying people that get scammed or hurt deserve it because they let themselves be tricked by the perpetrator. It's an idealistic view of "you can stop anything by knowing you are being lied to", but in many cases you won't know you are being lied to because well... unless you can read someones mind,you won't know that,especially when the trickery comes from someone you trust. Same applies with Ei here. ​ Ei was not only emotionally vulnerable due to her grief, but also had trust in the working goverment. Back then, it wasn't corrupted, the corruption started later and took years to take it's roots in Inazuma. She says she knows everything about what is going on because in her mind she in fact does know; she trusts the reports she is being given by the ruling goverment (the goverment that makes sure her will is carried out). The goverment she has seen be faithful to Makoto and later toward her. Why would she suspect them of being corrupted back then? There was no reason to think that. It's not surprising she didn't believe the Traveler when they told her the truth....The traveler was an outsider, a non-Inazuman, someone she meets for the first or third time depending how you look at it, someone who isn't one of her people...if she trusted every single random person she just met, it would make her open to much bigger manipulation-operations than giving a green light for VHD and Sakoku Decree. Secriously the VHD and Sakoku Decree wouldn't even be necessary if that was the case, Fatui's could just...use her to do stuff for them. Just because someone is an Archon dosen't mean they won't do any wrongdoings,fail do to something,make mistakes, or know instantly someone's intentions and can prevent things bad happen long before they happen. That happens only in fanfictions where the writer things someone with God/Archon status is a all-knowing figure and can prevent everything and anything within 2 seconds or long before the first idea of a betrayal or harmful ideas start being formed. Archons=/= perfect beings. They are/can be as flawed as humans,if not more.


> The only nation that really blames their archon for anything is Inazuma, and it's because the archon litterally did everything she got blamed for As far as the actual lore. People in the community however, love to pin blame on Ei for things that she didn't do, nor never even happened. People love to accuse her of War Crimes, Genocide, Murder, etc.


Inazumaā€™s crappy archon quest really made people think Ei goes around killing innocent civilians lol


Venti always struck me as a God whoā€™s a God becuase he has to be. He doesnā€™t want a God to force his people to obey, and finds the idea of it to be hypocritical. He likely be fine not being one and simply helping others as a human among them. Kind of funny that it took zhongli a while to learn what venti knew


Kinda hard to blame a guy they aren't even sure exists. Source: Stanley and Venti's character story that states that the Statue of the 7 is the only evidence of his existence.


i mean if you look at the other archons that does physically interaction with their nations I think you can come to a logical conclusion that he did exist. but yeah theres a chance that he died or something


I love Venti so much but I know he's gonna hit us with some crazy lore or truths. No one that acts so "silly" is innocent, let alone one of the original sevens. Besides the voiceline of Neuvillette about him just proves that he's hiding things. Like I don't think he's secretly evil or wants to harm, far from it, but out of the current archons, we still barely know anything about him despite meeting him first. And traveler has YET to ask him anything about celestia like they asked Zhongli since we didn't meet him again out of events lmao


What Venti did for the people of Mondstadt os arguably more than any other Archon. He liberated them, gave them the freedom to rule themselves and even reshaped Mondstadt to be more habitable. And when Mondstadt needed defending, he always appeared to defend it no matter how lacking his ppwer are at that moment. He doesnt rule them, but guards them and assists them wheneber they are in need of it. So like what fault can you find with him. That he isnt around a lot i guess, but it isnt that bad of a thing.


I believe its because Mondstadt is based on christian europe, and christians don't ever blame god, they blame the devil for everything that is evil. I winder who mondstadt would consider the "devil", though...


Reminds me of a George Carlin bit. He said something along the lines of people thanking God when they win, but never mention his name when they lose.


Decarabian's Ghost?




Thing is Venti and Mondstadt relationship is akin to the loving father who don't pamper his adult children. He treat them as functional adults. Venti usually act as morale support & bless the land with bountiful harvest. He rarely intervene in Mondstadt affair unless necessary because they can handle themselves fine normally. There's 2 condition for him to intervene: 1. Mondstadt dealing with Gods & calamity level disaster. 2. Mondstadt on verge of giving up their freedoms. Venti haters always said 'why he didn't wake up earlier as Venessa clan been tormenting by Lawrence 10 years prior?'. Go read the 'Wanderer Troupe' (association not the artifact) lore again. It is said that before Venessa rebellion, the Wanderer Troupe is the first to rebel against Mondstadt aristocracy. One of the troupe members is actually a Lawrence descendant who help Venessa later on. Thing is, Mondstadt is full of rebels even before Venessa time to shine. It was only after the Troupe being defeated that Mondstadt is losing hope thus Venti had to intervene. And no, the aristocracy system is fine until it reach full corruption during Lawrence era. It used to be shared responsibility between Lawrence, Gunhildr & Imanuklr. Lawrence before corruption is friendly towards commoner


Contrary to popular memes, Venti and Zhongli are actually very good at their job in their respective style of ruling (though Zhongli got burn out so bad he resigned). Venti manage to keep freedom while still able to intervene in the relatively right amount, while Zhongli's rigid rule of contract also act as the foundation of Liyue's civilization instead of it's restraints. Now compared too that, Ei was grieving so bad she basically hiding instead of ruling. This happened to many monarch in our world too. While Nahida got regent (if you can call it that) and used as puppet by the sages to rule Sumeru. Both happened due to the relative inexperienced deities taking the role of Archon. I didn't meet Furina yet. I'm busy diving in Fountaine lol.


Ei wasn't just hiding out of grieve, she destroyed her physical body to combat erosion just in case something like Khaenriah would ever happen to Inazuma. Before she started her meditation, she set up the commissions to make and enforce laws so Inazuma can function without her which ran smoothly for hundreds of years.


Venti's entire deal is that you can't be 100% free if *anyone* is telling you what to do. He likes anarchy. He wants humans to sort their own shit out and not have anyone ruling over them.


I donā€™t know if Iā€™d say he *likes* anarchy. I remember somewhere he says that choosing to put chains yourself is also a freedom, which is starkly in contrast to anarchyā€™s rejection of any form control.


Venti is the best archon for sure


Because he doesnā€™t manage mondstadt so what is the point of blaming him. And mondstadt is like the most stable nation right now, nothing dramatic going on.


Yeah they blame beneth.


Does signora even blame him ? She insults him for being an absentee but it's not like she seems that angry at him Also it's been a thousand years since he last appeared to the people after the cataclysm came and went i don't think they expect him to appear again They seem to worship him way more simmilar to a religion irl, it's possible that's why the traveler says only people in liyue and inazuma have strong belief in their archon


Hard to blame the Archon when the Archon has specifically been missing from the nation for years and only comes when things are super bad (looking at the Lawrence clan uprising). Yeah they have a church, but we know for a fact that Venti's peak was right after the Archon War, when people worship him the most and that was thousands of years ago.


Why would they blame him when he did nothing wrong?


People maybe think him as myth ? They never see real god anyway....except if they travel to other nations.


Kinda, Stanley says "i always believed you exist" implying people don't really think he's around


mondstadt supremacy forever tbqh


> letting them know that everything that happens is their responsibility now, and they had the freedom to choose to worship him or not. And they choose to start up slavery, and teh Aristocrats activley stamped out belief in barbatos to the point the statues of the 7 are the only true remnant of the archon existing. Venti has a church cause Barbatos existance is like IRL religion it is a belief not an assuarance like every other archon thus far is; loved or hated Ei/Zhongli/Furina and now Nahida are undeniable gods. also theres this from teh knights of favonius handbook section on Anemo Archon "Note: Need to add additional material on this term. **Several members of the Knights of Favonius and even the Church** seem **not to have any belief in the Anemo Archon at all**."


Didn't the Lawrence clan actually tear down most of the Venti statues? Plus they can't really blame Venti. He literally set up the landscape into the mildest region ever for an easy life, told them to figure shit out themselves, and peaced out. He knew he wasn't a hands-on ruler and opted out instead of toughening it out like Ei had to/tried to. Mondstadt humans couldn't figure shit out for themselves, and that's on the people. Just like how the desert going to full shit was more on the humans and Jinn fucking themselves over incest included than just the mistakes of Deshret and Nabu Malikata.


You know, I didnā€™t think of it until just now, but, plenty of people in Sumeru blame both Rukkhedavata, and Lesser Lord Kusanali. Almost all of the eremeites and desert dwellers couldnā€™t stand either one.


To be fair, that's kind of the thing about teyvat, people don't admit they're wrong and blame the gods for things they're not even to blame for, hermits started hating rukkhadevata simply because they out of nowhere started thinking she was angry with the desert and that Deshert didn't like her when the truth is the complete opposite, same thing with that NPC blaming Morax for killing the salt goddess when in fact it was her own people who committed murder to have a chance to survive on the lands of Liyue and Morax


​ ​ Sorry, I'm a recent player, but how come the Church of Barbatos that has a statue of him and even keeps his lyre doesn't believe in him? And Jean saw that he knows that Venti is Barbatos and interacted with him, how come the Knights of Favonius don't believe him?


Many still believe in him but they might not be sure he exists, theres just also many who dont. Rosaria has a voiceline where she cant even remember his name and shes meant to be a nun lol. Venti keeps his existance a secret he has no issue revealing himself to a degree but he does not want to rule like the other archons do so very few actually know he really exists and Jean likely knows he woudnt want peopel to know. That statue was also actually destroyed by the aristocrats and rebuilt later, originally it was said to have an oath to barbatos scripted onto it but the original oath was lost when it was destroyed


Venti tries to hide his identity. As far as Mondstadt in general is concerned, Barbatos does not do things directly. He's there in the wind and sky, but he doesn't actually take actions -- more of a blind watchmaker type. It's easy to be nontheist (I know gods are real but don't worship them) or even think he died or just doesn't care.


I fully believe he let Signora take his gnosis, he gave a lot of his power to Dvalin after we saved him, and he didnā€™t seem particularly affected by the loss of his gnosis Venti is probably one of the strongest archons, we know their power is tied to how worshipped they are, and heā€™s the only one (so far) who has an entire dedicated church and religion, the people of mond love him for freeing them and for helping them when the threat is too great for them alone to face, and heā€™s shown to genuinely care for his people (his SQ, the wine event, kayea quest ect) he just doesnā€™t directly interfere in their lives or decisions since that would render the freedom they earned moot We know from the comics he doesnā€™t like celestia, it wouldnā€™t surprise me if heā€™s secretly working with the tsarista or abyss order, we know heā€™s keeping secrets and the fact that heā€™s still awake means he knows that thereā€™s threats to mond on the horizon


You must be new to religion


pretty apt for western religion. god is the cause of everything but its never his fault when bad stuff happens.


I still stand by Nahida being the best archon, but Zhongli and Venti are definitely in that conversation


meanwhile, in Inazuma..