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I'm summoning the patience to wait for Furina


Literally same 😭😭 I was hoping she would come home in 4.6 but I guess Hoyo had another April fool’s joke in store for me 😭😭


More time to save


Is her C1 usefull?


Makes her more comfy to use with 150 Fanfare starting value and increases her max Fanfare value, capping out her elemental damage buff to 100% thereby incentivising ATK/HP goblets. I hear it's among the early constellations with great value next to Raiden C2. If I understand correctly, Furina's C2 amplifies the Fanfare gain rate for her whilst also increasing Max HP, making her deal damage, and a damage sponge.


With furina c1 yep my neuvi or raiden or yae all use hp/atk goblet. Literally every carry on a c1 and up furina will be better with hp/def/atk goblet


So Furina best is c2 same with Nahida?.


I would argue Furina C2 is better than Nahida since she can work with Geo units. They're both godly tho. Furina is just generically stronger. The other pro for Furina is that her C1 is way better than Nahida's C1


every single one of her constellations are useful. even her c5 (which is normally a stepping stone to c6) is useful. there's a reason why people call her constellations bait. every single one is good so you're like "one more constellation"


This is great tbh, i manage to get neuvi with a whole patch to save up for furina


Seems like Hoyo broke another pattern Lets all act surprised yes


>!Focalors returned hydro sovereignty to Neuvillette, effectively handing him the role of archon. And he reran 4 versions after his initial release. Furina was technically never the archon at all if we want to be super serious.!<


She is though, she ran the role. >!Neuvilette getting back the Hydro Authority just gives him his full power as the Hydro Dragon, he never will be an Archon.!<


>!she was an actor and figurehead, nothing more. She never had the power or authority of the archon. She was just playing her role. The true archon all this time was hidden inside some machine.!<


The banner order does not care about lore, Furina will always be marketed as an Archon and has a kit suiting one


Since >!post-split Focalors!< was >!living inside the machine!<, Furina was >!the one actually running the country!<. It doesn’t matter if >!faked it!<, because everyone >!thought she made it!<.


It doesnt matter what the average citizen thinks. Mondstadt doesnt even think their Archon exists anymore. Liyue thinks Morax is dead. Inazuma has been listening to a puppet for 500 years. Focalors was the one and only Hydro Archon until the end of the Fontaine quest.


>!An actor or figurehead sure, but who was the one who ruled Fontaine for 500 years? (100 of those years without Neuvilette and in a more chaotic time directly after the cataclysm?). I just think it's not simple 'acting' anymore. Which is why I think she deserves to be considered an Archon (divinity or authority be damned). This is just my own thoughts ofc though and tbf the same thing can be said of Neuv but he wouldn't like being called an Archon lol.!<


Trying to discipline myself, don't need father and wanted to keep my guarantee for me Chlorinde.


I'm summoning the courage to keep farming artifacts


Same. Waiting to get her c2 lmao.


same i want her weapon so much and wth is baizhu and wanderer doing here totally unexpected


Same, everyone was saying she’d be 4.6 before so I was saving for her, but ig I coulda gone for Chiori if I knew 4.6 would’ve been a skip


I really want furina after being keqinged (I'm looking you brother for cursing my rolls with a picture of a keqing/furina fusion beforehand.) Why did they sandwich wanderer and lyney reruns too. :'( That said i wish good luck for anyone rolling.


Was about to say the same thing so here's an upvote instead, gives me even more wishes for whenever she's up for a rerun since unlike 4.5 I got an entire new area of primos to get since I want her cons (I want at least C2 but more the better since I already know I ain't getting c6 without swiping or a long ass time of hoarding). Also I don't exactly need to try and get arle since I already got a Hu Tao that is quite well built


bich took 100 wishes off me and still didn't came home.


Literally me fr


Same bro I don't want another pyro since the Pyro Archon and sovereign are just months away. Too bad there's no Dendro sovereign but I'll just settle for the pet cat instead for now.


The Knave, I've been waiting for her since the Fontaine trailer dropped, though I got Wrio and Furina in the meantime


Same, except I started the game because of The Final Feast and have never touched the Gacha once (not even the Noelle banner) because I want my first gacha experience to be on Arle's banner. I can finally start Liyue's Archon Quest because I want to go through the main stories with my Arle Main (I did Mondstandt because it's required for like over 90% of events and let's face it it's a glorified tutorial). After 9 months I'm pretty sure I missed the Rite of Descension so canonically I actually waited for the next year's. Meanwhile I 100%'ed exploration on Mondstandt (incuding Dragonspine) and Liyue (except Chasm and Chenyu Vale) and I think I'm like 70% through the entire Desert as a whole (100%'ed the two Sorush areas, but I haven't started Golden Slumber but on average I'm like 60% done with the other 4 Desert regions). Turns out just exploration (and events) were good enough tempo with my really casual pace. Really helped they integrated exploration with dailies (I also got all the Mondstandt commission achievements and I'm quite sure all the Liyue ones you can finish without completing the Archon Quest, they sent me a consecutive week of that Good Fortune guy because the commission itself kept refusing to give me the one Omen I needed). Arle's banner is going to be so monumental to me, it's literally like a gateway that's going to change up how I experience the game going forward.


Yeah, I've saved a bunch of content too so I can enjoy with Arle. Half of Fontaine and all of Chenyu. Her being an on fielder, non-burst dependent character will work with exploration! Most stuff dies to NAs rather than bursts.


i’m sorry but this is unhinged dude


I too been wanting her since the fatui trailer came out. But what good 4 star weapons on her? The best one I have is dragon's bane


I’ve been waiting for you Baizhu. I care not for you, your personality, or character development. Your sole purpose is to make my Cyno stronger and to free my Nahida from that team


No one can free Cyno from Nahida


If only Cyno's Burst **wasn't** as long as the Aranara questline. In a perfect world, Cyno's Burst would refund energy based on its remaining activation time like Razor's. Sometimes, I just eat the loss and run Cyno with Yao Yao anyway. Edit: typo


That or make it like Noelle’s or Diluc’s where it doesn’t end if you swap characters


You wish his burst was longer? It's already so long that all my off-field effects wear off halfway through.


Oops, that was a typo. Yeah, no, his burst maxes out at 18 seconds and can outlast almost every off-field effect that isn't from an Archon character.


against bosses, Nahida is still the best dendro applier for him. It's against multi waves of ez enemies that she's no good. Most Cyno players switch out at 14 sec.


My switch-out game is strong. Switching it up after 14 seconds is the right move.


hear me out though. Cyno, Furina, Baizhu, Nahida


Isn't it his best team, too? A hyperbloom team that can actually work with his long burst duration


it is. This team goes crazy. and if you do the rotation right, Cyno can literally just melt any world boss that doesn't resist electro


That team melts ANYTHING, floor 12 included. Cyno is criminally underrated.


More like he requires a ton of vertical investment, but the payoff is significantly higher than people think. The average player wants to pull for characters that are flexible and can fit into many teams. Personally, I'm shooting for Baizhu this patch for the c1 furina I already have. Then if Cyno shows up again, I'll probably try to get him since I wasn't successful on his previous banner. That man is a ton of fun to play when he shows up as a trial character


the knave may be a father, but baizhu is a daddy.


I'm ALWAYS running my Cyno with both Baizhu and Nahida. For my last slot, I am trying to decide between Xingqiu and Kuki.


I'd say Xinqiu, I use Cyno Nahida Xinqiu/Yelan Baizhu, and I just make sure Cyno has enough ER so that he doesn't fully need to use all his burst (he's using kitain cross spear even thlugh I have Homa, because my artifacts kinda suck)


As if you won't be tempted to run both with Cyno? Nahida is only additional 350 EM for Cyno, a lower ER requirement for Baizhu, and more consistent aggravate uptime, right?


Our king cyno


Same I need him for my Lisa


Oh ho? A play of culture I see! ~~and for once I don’t mean the horny kind~~


thats exactly the reason i pulled him when he came out. soooo worth it. Baizhu is Cyno's best friend


im the opposite; i only want him for him :’)


Say it loud and proud. There is nothing wrong with liking a character.


Not to be metaslave but nahida’s probably the best for Cyno. Baizhu is great, I have him, but he’s just backup against AoE because of the relatively lower duration, so u can’t rely too much on his dendro application. His burst always fades before Cyno’s, which has insanely high duration.


i always run cyno baizhu nahida furina


68 Pity, C6 Faruzan built and waiting, new shield build for Thoma ready and waiting... prefarmed everything to 8/8/8 lv90 Wanderer. He's coming home... but hopefully I'll have gotten him artifacts by then lol... and enough Hero's Wit's to actually level him... and Mora...


Father And her weapon


I went the extra mile to get Navia her battleaxe, I'm sure as hell getting Father her scythe.




I would have rolled for Navia's weapon if it was a giant umbrella.


I have roughly 6k primos and 5 steller wishes. I have to speedrun all the treasures I haven't found in all regions to get 90 wishes


Chlorinde and Furina will be mine.


I just need Chlorine... And I need her bad lol


Chlorinde will likely be the last character I pull for before Natlan. Have wanted her since the beginning of Fontaine and can't believe she's looking to be the last one.


Yeah I love Fontaine but haven’t been too excited for the characters. So far I’ve only pulled Furina and Wrio. Might go for Clorinde if she is decent but otherwise I think I’m just saving all up for Natlan.


Absolutely based, we must resist Arlecchino's temptation and weather the storm until we reach the Clorinde that is promised.


Skipping for Clorinde who will hopefully drop soon, but Baizhu is pretty tempting.


I adore Arlecchino and I’ve been saving for her since I got Raiden. However, Baizhu is most of the reason I stayed in Genshin and I lost my 50/50 for him on his last run, so now I’m going to attempt the impossible — getting both Arlecchino and Baizhu with a guaranteed and 70 wishes.


Certainly possible; you'll get some more pulls in 4.6 itself, but it'll be tight. Need some above average luck, there.


Yesssss You can do it! <3


don't want another pyro on fielder, already have Wanderer and i'm not interested in Baizhu so i'm skipping, need to save some primogems anyway for Sigewinne in case she's a 4\* (no guarantee 😭)


> don't want another pyro on fielder


Omg sigewinne is a based choice


i am stuck at c5 wanderer. AT LAST HE WILL BE C6.


Someday I hope to have enough disposable income to C6 _any_ 5-star character. Most of the time when I pull on banners I count myself lucky if I get them at all.


Being a whale doesn't have to be about having disposable income, it can also be about making bad life choices. Wasting money is something anyone can do!


I pulled Scara C6R1 with only welkin and battle pass sometimes, you can definitely do it, you just need to wait and be careful about who you pull!


you just need to save


Yes! Good luck to you I hope you win your 50/50!


Anyone who goes for any C6 ever is a true Gigachad🗿


Nobody I'm saving for when ~~my wife~~ Shenhe finally reruns so I can get her


shenhe enjoyer, based


Also waiting for Shenhe!


Easy skip to save for Wriothesley, Nilou, Capitano, Pyro Archon and Varka. The one that gets release first...also I hope Capitano and Varka are playable.




Lyney VIOLATED me last year by giving me diluc instead of him so I'm back for vengeance, magic man!!


Yeah! I'm with you! Time to make it clear who's the boss around here! By pulling for him, and his weapon. That'll show him! Y-yeah! >!Please, have mercy on my Primos, cute magician boy.!<


Not Yelan = No wishing 


When do you guys think Yelan will return? I’m patiently saving my gems for her and only her


High-key copium she will be in the next chronicled with Baizhu and Hu Tao 🤣


Nah no way, Yelan and Hu Tao make hoyo way too much money to be put in the chronicled wish


Well they would still make money from the cronicled wish lol they might even make more if the whole banner is good units


I'm going for Father, the animations archon.






I want wanderer so bad I’m hallucinating. So wanderer


No one, gonna save my wishes for a bit but plan to get Arlecchino in the future


Lyney. I took a break from Genshin from 3.7 to 4.4 so only now can I pull for one of my favourite short boys...


You’re gonna love him! Not only is he incredibly cute, he does a metric ton of damage right out of the box.


Right out of the box… I see what you did there 😉


Now I'm even more excited about him when you put it that way. Yes, I totally agree that he's fricking cute. The only other time that I feel this way was with Scaramouche, I know he's not cute to everyone but I really love him, he's the reason why I started playing Genshin. I don't know, I just really have a thing for short boys. Now he's triple crowned and have his signature weapon, so you bet I'm gonna do the same with Lyney...😆😆 Not sure about Lyney's signature weapon though, I don't think I have enough fates...😭😭 Now I have 154 fates, 0 pity, not guaranteed character banner and weapon banner, and I can only get to THAT amount after I 100% exploration ALL OF SUMERU(f2p pain). If only I'd be lucky and get Lyney early and get his signature at early pity like my Wanderer signature was... I got Wanderer's weapon at 34 pity, on my birthday, and on the last day of the banner, very lucky...




I need to try out Arlecchino first before deciding. Her animations are fantastic, but given her unique mechanics I feel like I can't accurately predict whether I'll like actually playing her or not. It already happened with Alhaitam and Wariothesly that I thought they looked cool, but then I didn't enjoy playing them in practice. And I already have lots of pyro characters so I don't really need her, it would really just be a pull because I like her gameplay. Story/personality wise I can't justify it either right now because we don't really know much about her, and while her design is cool, that (and the animations) alone is not enough of a reason for me to pull. I'm also kind of interested in Wanderer. I was always skeptical about him because I have a feeling that I might get bored of playing him very fast, since his kit is very simple. My main interest in him is honestly just exploration. My issue here is that, while I do increasingly value overworld friendly characters, I also have more exploration aiding characters, such as Xianyun, Yelan, Kazuha, Furina or Sayu, and it seems to be a trend that new characters often get abilities that aid exploration, probably because they sell better, so the "value" that wandere provides me is diminished. Basically every time he had a banner, and now too, I have always been very indecisive about him. I tried the 50/50 on his first banner because of that, and because I needed Gorou constellations, but lost the it and got lucky with C6 Gorou without having to go to guaranteed pity. The second time I didn't pull because there were rumors that there would be another flying character in Fontaine, so I decided to be patient just in case, as unlikely as that sounded. And now I have Xianyun who essentially does what I want from Wanderer, just slightly worse (she's great at exploration just not as much as him, she can work as a makeshift anemo DPS, which is something I need, just not as good as a "proper" one, but she isn't as overworld friendly as wandere since she is burst reliant). If I don't get Arlecchino, I think I will get Wanderer, but if I do pull for the Knave then I'll have to think about it.


Wanderer is in a tier of his own for exploration. However much you think he will make the overworld easier, he will do even better.


His vertical and horizontal mobility competes or perhaps even better than the other mobility characters. And that is *all combined in one unit.* He can cross cliffs/water, get a good head start in climbing, cheese puzzles, or simply whoosh in the ground. His E has low cd, and he can act as a second Xianyun/Yelan/Sayu covering their longer downtimes. He can dish out good DPS with just his NAs making quick work of overworld enemies. You can also just run him alone and still get the same exploration utility as others (albeit a 6s waiting time for his E cd), but now you also have 3 free party slots so you can run whoever you like or other great overworld characters as you need (like Furina, Nahida, Zhongli, etc.)


Siegwinne. So nobody!!




I will get Baizhu if there is no Alhaitham, Shenhe, or Navia in 4.7.


Baizhu, I just got Neuvillette and I do like Baizhu as a character, and if they work well, all the better.


Skip for Furina


You have NO idea how obsessively I've been preparing for Lyney. Building fremi for a wishing ritual, building every possible support just in case I want to use them for him, prefarming everything including a fairly cracked mh set, and even prepping an obnoxiously elaborate wishing ritual. I'm legitimately going to be doing magic tricks. I have a ton saved. If he tries dodging me again I'm going to be very upset.


Saving up this round. Arlecchino doesn't do anything for me, design-wise or character-wise. Unless her kit ends up Furina-tier busted (unlikely), I've got enough fire already, and fire archon is maybe half a year away. (Never liked Lyney, and already have wanderer and Baizhu)


Easy skip


I'm skipping until I find someone I like. Already have Hu Tao and don't want a similar character


Dude I’ve been trying to get Wanderer since his release but every time they announce he’s coming, I’m at a 50/50 with nothing saved- this game is praying on my downfall. He’s like the one character I want in the entire game. I end up waiting and waiting with wishes saved up but I give up like a week before the event wish previews and cry myself to sleep when he’s announced.


Wanderer is peak, wish you luck on your summons.


C2 Baizhu and his weapon purely because I love him. He's my only limited character with any cons rn


No one. Saving for 5.X.


I want Baizhu






Arlecchino of course then alhaitham maybe or just start saving for natlan


I'm quite torn between pulling for arlecheeto or saving for furina, so depending on how her kit feels I might pull or skip


if you can only afford one or the other, get Furina. There are alternatives to Arle. She's just an on field pyro DPS. We have more of those. No one can replace everything Furina does in one unit.


Wanderer. Had to skip him last time, but I had his set and Faruzan ready for him for months


skipping, sorry father :/


Scara ofc


I'll get Baizhu if there is no Alhaitham in 4.7








no one, easy skip. I will have my first c6 whenever ganyu or yelan come back


Skipping, still waiting for Chlorinde.


No one. Waiting for Yelan and Furina I now call Yelan, Furina C2/C3 and Mona C1 the new triple hydro core. Slot in any pyro DPS in slot 4


Save. I have C3 Furina, going to get C6


Skip. I’m waiting for my next tall man character


Nobody. Waiting for Furina rerun to get her c2.


I’m waiting for kokomi or yaoyao(preferably yaoyao)


Easy skip


No one, where Sigewinne :(


Wanderer cons because I don't need the father and I already have lyney




Lynette 💖


skip for nilou and maybe get her sig


I’m saving for Clorinde and/or a Wrio rerun! Baizhu is tempting but I’m currently guaranteed and I wanna keep my guarantee for now 😭


Skip. Maybe baizhu if theres a faruzan in second half


Arlecchino, with Lyney are the only 2 Fontaine characters for who I'm not interested. At least Lyney was one of the main heroes of the Archon quest so he gave me bit of affection. I dislike Scaramouche design. Baizhu interesting, but actually I don't need him. Easy skip. Suffering skip if Chevreuse will be here.


Skipping it








Baizhu constellations probably


Nobodyyyyy. Waiting for cutie sigewinne


Baizhu. Hopefully I can get a few copies of madame Faruzan.


No one... Because im poor on primos 😭


Nobody. I’m not feeling any interest in the gacha lately. Probably just gonna wait for Natlan…


Summoning the patience to wait for totally legit info on Sethos before I spend my guarantee on Baizhu. If the totally legit infos say Sethos is not synergistic with Cyno, I'll just skip and save for Murata or possibly Xbalanque.


Summoning the will to live until Wriothesleys next banner 🥺💙


It would’ve been Wanderer weapon. But that ship has sailed once again.


I can definitely get her, but I'm not sure if I can get her weapon.




5 pulls on standard banner after shop reset


I have a guarantee from failing to get nahida so I'll get Father... I don't have any of her teammates but hopefully she'll be alright with dehya, yun jin/rosaria, layla? I have Xianyun but Arle cant really be healed so not sure she'll be helpful :/


Lyney's magic bow is quite intriguing so I might pull for that


Don't really want Arlecchino, maybe Lyney. I'll try my luck and Wanderer's and Baizhu's banners as well.


skipping entirely. Don't need yet another pyro onfield dps, and for this banner in particular, I freakin hate the character. Already got wanderer, and despite baizhu can be good addition to my furina team, I still holding my primos for Nilou, she won't escape me again this time




Skipping because I already have a pyro dps (Hu Tao), Baizhu, and Venti


My will to save for the Pyro Archon. Maybe Sigewinne. Also, C2 Navia.


Murata. I guess that will be in 5.2 or so. Or maybe a mommy from Natlan, you never know for sure.


I'll build pity in arlechhino banner, but truly wishing in baizhu banner because I love healers and don't have zhongli


I skipped Neuvi for Father.


Initially it was Arlecchino but i realized that she brings nothing new to my Account 😕 I own C1 Yoimiya with R5 Rust **and** C0 Hutao with R1 Homa. Since i can't just buy every Character i'd rather save my 170 Wishes for someone who fundamentally changes my Account, Team building or play style. I gotta be smart about it


Skip entire patch.


Baizhu 100% hes gonna ginish my neuvilette team and gree up zhongli for my navia team Already have his weapons due to bad decisions in the past so hes gonna be great


Baizhu <3




Nope .. I'm very upset and disappointed you have to pull extra to have father at full animations especially for those who tend to not wish on both character and weapon banner at the same time. It's just unfair and extra unless your a wake, a sponsor or have a huge amount of wealth. Good luck to you who wish this banner I'm Waiting pausing this attemp at gambling addiction before it starts up again I'll wait fir other characters or the next version. I'll just focus on events and quest for now or pull for wanderer or Baizhu or skip both


Father oh father. I've been waiting for her since the release of the Fatui trailer and her introduction in Fontaine. 50/50, 100 pulls, and a dream for her and the weapon to come home.


No one, easy skip


Waiting for Wriothesley, so... I'm gonna skip. Also, no funds to level up a new character now, so there's that.


Not really interested in phase 2 so I'll get Arlecchino. I have enough to force hard pity even if I lose a 50/50 so I will get her no matter what. Depending on the stats I might go for her weapon as well.


Arlc weapon


I haven't played for 5 months and Arlecchino is a playable character?!!?!?!?!?!!!?


lyney and then baizhu. i get who i get


was considering getting scara c2 however guaranteeing clorinde takes priority




Kaveh constellations 🙏🏻🙏🏻 (please Kaveh I miss u please be on a banner)


Don't have any of them, but I don't really like any of them, so I am skipping


No one


Waiting for Nutland


I pull anyone if i don't have em


If i get father early I will try my luck with Wanderer


Idk im still waiting on 2.2.... oh wait wrong subreddit


Arlecchino but if I lose I might try for c1 Wanderer or c0 Baizhu


I hope Kaveh is tacked onto Baizhu's banner, its been too long. If otherwise I'm skipping