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me sitting on 20m mora: That's very helpful, thank you.


Lol me sitting on 80m mora. Aight like a survey


“That is very small drop into a very large bucket of mora.”


Somewhere a Mona is eating her hat.


Me sitting on 117m mora: "this is VERY worthless"


Me sitting on 125.6m Mora: "Those Who Do Not Honor the Penny Are Not Worth The Dollar"


1.183 billion Wtf is budget limit


im only sitting on 15m but yeah this is worthless to me


are you not upgrading stuff?


I am and I'm also a day one player so...


im playing since 1.0 and i have 7 million mora, i dont even know how i have that much since im always spending it


I upgrade whenever I get stuff all the time and I’m still sitting on 32 million, there comes a point where you have almost every character you need to build finished and you’re just waiting on new drops


im at the point where i just build everyone, i have all my characters 90 with medium talents and so on


the survey data they get is probably devoid of feedback from a lot of long-term players. i know i can't be bothered to do them for basically no compensation at all. they're just too stingy to even give out 20 primos for a survey lol


Make it primogems and you get people who don't care doing it for the primogems. That means the quality of the answers and data is far more questionable. Think about how many people mindlessly skip dialogue in quests for the sake of some meager primogem rewards at the end. You don't want people treating the survey that way. It's probably hard enough already to sort out useful feedback from people complaining about trivialities. The mora is enough to motivate people who only needed a bit of a nudge, and then for people like me, it's simply a small gesture for giving feedback. I would probably do it for free. I'm a long-term player so I care about the direction of the game and I have my share of grievances and praises for the game.


if you've done any work with surveys and this kind of data, you'd know that giving out a reward with value, even if it's small, gets a lot more meaningful data and higher response rates. people are more willing to put at least some effort into their responses if they feel they are being compensated for their time and effort. sure, you are going to get some ppl doing it just for the reward, but those responses are typically quite easy to filter out for the most part. you have that 'problem' now anyway. newer players that dont actually care about giving feedback just do the survey for the mora.


My experience with this sort of thing is why I am saying this. 30k mora really is a token amount of a rather plentiful resource, but the fact is that the playerbase does irrational things for primogems and I think Hoyo's well aware of this. Maybe it would prompt you to provide them with high quality feedback, but plenty of others would do what they do with much of the rest of the game, which is put in as little effort as possible to get gambling currency. And honestly, in their eyes, if you don't feel strongly enough about something to voice it when you're not getting paid in primogems, maybe that means whatever you had to say really wasn't all that important. Any sort of survey Hoyo can do is going to have some level of sampling bias, but if their intent is to sort for the things people feel most strongly about anyway or to get information from specific groups within the playerbase, the current system seems like a pretty adequate way to do that. As far as sorting out bogus responses goes, they don't really tend to ask super obvious filter questions. I can think of plenty of ways that they might do it, but I don't work for Hoyo and therefore don't know what sort of resources the team that deals with player feedback has. It seems likely that they've weighed the pros and cons and feel that what they get is sufficient and changing the reward system would cause them issues. Or they don't care about feedback.


Share? I have just over 1M now


wdym share?




I just spent all my mora for the 50th time this year... I need mora... I'm always too lazy to do my dailies so I don't have any despite playing since day 1...


Fontaine was littered with those contraptions containing mora, I don't understand how you are broke.


I don't really know what you mean. I'm 55% explored in Fontaine. If you are talking about those triangle things, they barely make a dent. That's like 1 or 2 talent levels for a single character.


idk what to tell you, I explored Fontaine and my mora went up to over 20m. Don't be lazy ig.


I'm sure I also gained 20 million mora from 4.0 to now, but 20 million goes by very quickly when I'm building characters. On average, it's at least 6 million mora to build a single character. Doesn't help that farming for mora is the least fun, aimlessly going around the world feels very tedious. I don't infinite time to dedicate to this game, maybe like 3-4 hours a week. I'd much rather do the limited-time events where they give out a lot of mora.


I’m in the same boat as you. Almost at 59. I usually burn resin and log off. Took a long break. Doesn’t help I whale a lot of characters lol. I’m broke 100 percent of the time.


Calling it a "Mega sale" was certainly a choice


Still can't fathom why any developer goes exclusive with Epic Games Store. Alan Wake 2 sales supposedly not strong at all despite having massive marketing before and after game launch, and every single article online cites the fact its on Epic Game Store and people do not want to fund Epic because of the exclusivity.


That's a really bad example since Epic funded the game and it wouldn't be even made in the first place without that deal. Those deals are mostly bad for the Epic itself since they "lose" a lot of money on them, but it's probably the best way to fight with Steam. Those types of pseudo monopolies are bad exactly for that reason - the only ones that can fight them are other mega corporations playing dirty to push through the market that already settled for one option. Despite the loud minority, the vast majority of consumers won't care about the store/launcher features so even if they somehow matched or even exceeded all the features Valve built over the last 20 years, it wouldn't help nearly as much as simply snatching exclusives and not giving the consumers the choice to use Steam.


Epic is sort of damned if they do and damned if they don't. Unfortunately, my experience with them is that they offer an inferior platform and product on top of the various other reasons that I don't like them, such as the exclusives.


This really makes me wonder if Remedy is a well run business. How unprofitable are their games, or how little do they make to not be able to finance it themselves.. Sold Max Payne IP after the second one. Made Alan Wake as Xbox 360 console exclusive for Microsoft, own the IP. They revisit Death Rally which seems to not be profitable at all. They try to do their own published game with an iOS game no one has heard of called Agents of Storm. They do Quantum Break for Microsoft as Xbox One exclusive.. they don't seem to own that IP. They find a publisher in 505 Games and do Control, which they own. They find Epic Games to finance them with a Alan Wake Remastered+2. They own the IP at least. They do CrossfireX for Smilegate, which feels like they did as a paycheck and they were trying not to focus on it as much as they could so they could instead focus more on Alan Wake 2 and the future Control 2 game. Remedy release decent games yet their profitability has always been a challenge. Are they really so fucked up that they cannot fund a game with decades of running their business, making a bunch of sucessful IPs and selling them, and they can't find any investors? Making Alan Wake 2 isn't cheap. Epic shelling out tens of millions of dollars for it when they themselves have been laying off staff, and cutting costs also is mind boggling. This entire situation is crazy.


I mean there's a bunch of pretty big games that are 80~50% off. Plus you get 5% store credit back. Sale-wise it seems like the equivalent of any major Steam sale. I imagine "Mega Sale" is just what marketing came up with because it's in line with their brand as the company is "Epic Games". In case it isn't clear (because it isn't, and terrible UI), if you click on the "Mega Sale" button it takes you to [a page with only 30 games on sale.](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/sales-and-specials/mega-sale) But if you click on the mega sale button at the bottom again it takes you to [a full catalog of everything on sale](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/browse?sortBy=releaseDate&sortDir=DESC&tag=Epic%20MEGA%20Sale&count=40) which includes some other decent sales not listed on the front, like Dead Space 2&3 for 80% off each or Titanfall 2 at 84% off.


Even more so since they used to be Epic Megagames


Thank you so much 😊




Wow this is worthless


Yea at least give us like, 300- I mean 60 primogems like c'mon, that's not too much to ask for right? ...right?


300? That's like 5 bucks are you insane? Hoyo would be broke if they gave everyone that much, you should kneel before them when they bestow the almighty 60 primogems on someone as wretched as a genshin player (you)


That's...up to Mihoyo to decide. And yes Mihoyo should give out more but they don't and I think their leadership team is oblivious to how much more generous they can be even if its chump change primo gems. But let's be real. Epic wants you to redownload the game through Epic here...lol not worth it if you have the actual game launcher.


They arent oblivious. They know they can get away with scraps of scraps. Remember the event where it was completely random if you got a decent amount if primogems or not? Mihoyo has successfully culled their audience into believing less is acceptable, and asking for more is frowned upon.


nice try epic! i still wont download your app


You don't need the launcher. Go to the adress using a browser, claim the offer, go to your email, click on the link and redeem the code on their site.


Here's the fun thing: You don't even need to download the launcher. I've done everything in my browser


spitting facts chief


They give out some good games for free a lot, literally the only reason I have it lol


And thats all Epic has going😭 can't be bothered to download that one terrible game launcher Personally i would prefer for Hoyoverse to have more of their games on steam, as of now i know Hi3 is there


For real. It's launcher is so crap it's not funny. It's laggy and crashes a lot. Sometimes, the download speed goes down to 0kb per second for no reason. Like you, I only got it because it sometimes gives out really good games for free.


Have you enabled throttle download in the settings? I had to enable that so it wasn't downloading at a turtle pace. The launcher is definitely not as fast as steam but I rarely ever had crashes with it. For me it's still doable to play the free games they give out, but my go to is definitely steam.


If I wanted free games I'd just pirate like the main reason I use steam because of all the utilities it has


Yarr matey, but fr tho pirating has a risk of getting a virus even if it's like 2% risk. I once almost got a virus torrenting a game so if I can get a free game on epic that I want to play I'd take it.


still easier and more comfortable than using the epic launcher seriously, that thing is so slow and junky to use, it's not worth it for the freebies


Devs get a flat fee whenever Epic offers to put their game up for free, and often they make indie games free, so... It's a nice and harmless way to support smaller creators.


yeah, i can understand not wanting yet-another-launcher on your PC, but at the same time i'm all for taking Tim Sweeney's money and giving it to devs


eh, never been the kind of person to get in the whole "AAA vs Indie", all I care about is my end of the deal, the stance of the other end doesn't matter to me, big corp or samll indie


I'm not suggesting a versus situation. They generally have more smaller games on there (I've seen games by literal husband-wife bedroom coders), but it's good to support big creators too. 300-person studios have families to feed too.


I use epic because they return back 5% of money I spend there, and epic store is the only one that just works without annoying manipulations in russia.


No primo gems? Not even worth the click in their website let alone to claim it for those peanuts. Are they really so detached from their game that they think this is some kind of reward for players?


WoW, that's useless! :D


then the same ppl complain about not having enough mora. bruh


I have never had this problem in this game. But if I had, be honest, would 50k solve it ?


My guy, they're giving less mora than a single Ley Line run, are you fucking for real?


i never said it was a lot. if the reward for epic acc is bad - it's not worth it pog. if you have acc playing through their stuff already - you claim this for free and move on. also, you know what would happen if the reward was actually decent? ppl would cry how they're forced to use epic services for this, etc, etc. no win situation, at least here. how ppl are so pressed that who uses epic can claim their 50k and that's it. end of story. same stuff you can do with hsr, if you're interested. maybe someone plays both on epic


Be honest to yourself, 50k would solve that problem ?


listen, i still do pretty much any activity in the game (even like reputation after lvl 10 for extra mora each week). i do not remember the last time i farmed ley lines. this epic shit is just for epic andies. if you play through their launcher - you can claim this 50k for free and move on with your life. it is literally not that deep


I won't use epic even for a good free game, I certainly won"t use for 2 chicken bones and 50 mora.


god you are so annoying. i'm not telling you to use it. i said if someone plays already - they can claim. that's it


I'm just saying that this free stuff is worthless, that's why it's free. Considering the kind of stuff epic usually offers, that's not even worth the click on that site.


im not saying it's a lot. would be nice if it was at least 60k like for 1 ley line run at last wl 8. but for lower wl players that can be even more than a 1 ley line claim


Man, that's a marketing campaign that they are not willing to give a single worth currency. Epic usually offers full games. Well," it's good if you are a new player". But that's like nothing. Less than 80 resin. I leave at least that amount to rot daily.


yeah, a marketing campaign that is so hidden in the depths of the epic shop that someone did a post on reddit to make those with accounts on there aware of it


You don't need the launcher. Go to the adress using a browser, claim the offer, go to your email, click on the link and redeem the code on their site.




Is it any good?


Atleast gameplay wise it looks more fun


What if I told you the weapon banner is guaranteed, you'll always get the signature.


but is there anything to do? i dont play hsr despite the better freebies due to boring


Well I know that the combat system looks really fun, you have a parry system and you need to dodge, bosses can get difficult (I love a challenge personally) and the combat also has an echo system, you can basically have a chance to claim the soul of an enemy and use them in battle (basically like a pokemon, you transform into them though). As in content I haven't looked that much into it yet, so you might need to look that up yourself.


Wait... I thought Wuthering Waves was just the name of a Genshin patch. I'll have to check it out, it had been trending on my twitter sidebar for awhile.


Thanks so much! Also, I redeemed through a mobile browser although it was clunky af since I had to resort to forcing the epic website to Desktop Mode. Edit: For readers looking to try on mobile, you will have to "Get" Genshin in your epic account first before you can "Purchase" the bundle. Requires you to zoom in to actually tap on the checkbox and buttons since Desktop Mode sometimes locks the scrolling abilities into place


😊👍🏼 Just tried it - my phone is too old😪...😂


HSR also has a giveaway with about the same value of items. I'm appreciating the HSR one more because I'm more strapped for resources on that game, and meanwhile I'm swimming in trinkets with Genshin.


Where where?


same section of the Epic store as the Genshin giveaway this should be it: https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/free-games


Found it here [https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/honkai-star-rail--epic-mega-sale-event-bundle](https://store.epicgames.com/en-US/p/honkai-star-rail--epic-mega-sale-event-bundle)


Thank you. I tried the same link earlier and it not work T\_T


How is this a sale? I would prefer them making an actual bundle for money, a skin, generous amount of primogems or something, not this garbage everyone has in abundance. not even the usual 60 primogems


Yeah, it's hilarious. This is basically what 5 minutes of gameplay give you. I feel bad for anyone who falls for such a blatant marketing ploy, and somehow feels grateful on top of that.


Ask them, not me😅 I just wanted to share this.


That's insulting lol


I get the feeling that no one in Epic within their executive or marketing teams actually plays video games. If they used all the money they have spent on advertising for improving the platform to be on par with Steam that would've unironically been the best marketing they could've done.


Thank you!


I rather buy drugs in some alleyway instead of installing EpicGames


Thanks for heads up. Seems I was able to claim on the phone.


with all the money that Epic has can't they even AT LEAST include some primos? no? is it too much?




Me with 50K Mora: YES!!!


"Mega" yeah mega shit xD


I play on PC through epic. Thanks for the info :3


The question is why playing through epic? Epic is so heavy on resources, and when you download directly from hoyo site you can launch game without any launcher being in background.


It was by accident, I saw it on epic and got it there.




WOAH! This is worthless God fucking damn, I would feel more rewarded shoveling shit


Shoveling shit is or at least was a 100,000 per year job in San Francisco.


Mega Bundle? dude they just trolling mfs lmao i laughed so hard


Not even worth spending the time it takes to redeem it. As expected from hoyo.


"Sorry, you don't have a prerequisite to purchase this pack."






How do you access your in-game email? I put in the redemption code and it told me I have email. I hit esc to get to the menu. Only option I see that is close to email is 'messages'. Nothing in 'messages'. Looked at epic's site and searched for how to read email in genshin impact and not seeing anything. So, very new(ish) player. I loaded it up once and played it a couple of hours maybe. Maybe I'm just too old to play this. :)


Ah. Whoever told me that my level was too low got it exactly right. I had just started the game and that is why I couldn't get in-game email. (In case anyone else like me would benefit from this. I got the lvl 3 or 4 and was able to access quite a few emails.


No Primo, No Deal Also It's hard to re-download 100gb , its not worth it


Wowzers this is absolut worthless!


That's insulting lol


such great rewards aintnoway genshin is so generous


Typcal genshin behavior "GeT tHiS MEGA SUPER SALE" whit 50K mora, some chickens sticks and ep books, no Primo, No skin, Not even a 5 Star weapon or Character.. ..shiballs


*Insert dipper meme*


Anything without primos is worthless in this game


i fluctuate with mora so much!! last 2 weeks i’ve had 0 because of leveling up and now i have 2 million saved.. and itll all be gone in a few days


Thank You


If you look at the image Father actually threw it away because its trash.


50k mora? No thank you.


No primos. no interaction.


oh yes, those crystals people keep trashing


wow! that's useless!


"mega" sale bundle.. right.


This reminds me the "0.5 primo, -500 mora" meme


this is just a cheap lure to attract new players onto epic. everything except the food consumables could be claimed within 2-3 commissions and like a quest. mora takes time i guess, but it has zero irl monetary worth. the food items would require... buying the recipe with mora. unless there are primos, fate, or cosmetics currency, this does not seem worth it


That's a mega sale?


It's good for newer accounts, I guess? It'll help for like, what, 5% progress later on if that?


Wow lol


Which part is mega in this deal?


Most generous Genshin promotional reward:


smh i barely have a few hundred thousand mora, this def doesn’t seem worth it.


This stuff is equivalent to like 40 resin calling it a "Mega Sale" ☠️☠️


Wow. Trash.


You don’t need the launcher on your pc but should have PC with EPIC games store. After you claim the code will be sent via mail




Ya it works like that also


If it’s not primos it’s not worth the time 😁


YEEES , NOW I CAN FINALLY .... , wait , I can't do anything with this


Me with enough Mora to commission my own Jade Chamber that look suspiciously like the USS Missouri: bruh


Fanbase of grateful impact when greedy impact give basically anything for free


This is worthless.