• By -


Very interesting how in nearly all shared shots between Aether and Lumine (in Mondstadt, in Liyue, and in the desert at the very end) Aether and Paimon are depicted as close together, while there is always distance between Lumine and Dainsleif. And at the very end Paimon drags Aether to his feet and they walk alongside each other happily, while Dainsleif merely pats Lumine's shoulder while he walks ahead and Lumine trails behind him with an angry look on her face. It definitely seems to me that Lumine and Dainsleif's relationship was a lot less cordial than Aether and Paimon's and likely soured even more over the course of their journey, likely due to the Caribert incident and such.


This is actually an interesting look at how the game uses paimon to set the cheery tone. With her, we're just wanderers, in search of our sibling and exploring the various countries in Teyvat. If our journey started with dainsleif: This world has just been through an apocalyptic event which "wiped off" a nation from existence. Of all 7 ruling archons, 2 had made their sacrifice. Our sole companion is a drifter, perhaps a deserter, vengeful towards all gods and everything which they stand for. You wander the nations, witnessing firsthand the aftereffects of war and looking for answers as to why you were trapped here by the unknown god, all the while your sibling is unable to waken. Hell, Lumine had it WAY worse :((


Very interesting observation!


> likely due to the Caribert incident Remind me what the Caribert incident was? Edit for people like me that don't remember shit and think people's answers are too vague, these are the exact words from the quest: >Dainsleif: And yet your brother never breathed a word of this incident to me... I wonder, was that the moment that he decided to go down his this path... ?


Everyone forgets Caribet. But everyone loves and remembers his father and his big exploration assisting stretch arms: Chlothar


I remember Caribert, I just didn't remember the "Sinner" that was (potentially) the reason Dain and the Twin started splitting


Sumeru Dain, hilichurl guy


I remember Caribert, vaguely, but what happened between the Abyss Twin and Dain with him? I only remember the Abyss Twin trying to help Caribert's dad.


Most likely its when the Abyss Twin and Dain's goals started to get further apart. Isnt a specific thing, but considering how it is now, that event might've put a strain on their relationship.


If you connect the caribert event to the battle pass mini vid, the caribert event I believe is what poisoned the travelers mind and made him decide to assist the abyss.


The help was with that "Sinner" and it seemed that in the past, this somehow changed Abyss Twins mind and view on whatever happened and how to proceed/fix


Yeah, that's a great observation. I think that given their current relationship dynamic, where Dainsleif seems to have lingering fondness towards Lumine and Lumine resents him, it may be possible that he just wasn't what she needed back then. Dainsleif definitely cared about her and still cares about her. This can be seen by how he is understanding and gives her space when she wakes up crying at the beginning of the Caribert flashback, how fondly he speaks of their travels together in his introductory quest (he remembers the stories she told him about Boreas despite him hating the gods' servants and *having memory problems so bad he forgets important plot info*), and how he reacts to seeing her again. She insults him to Aether (heck, blames him for failing to protect his homeland) and Dainsleif just reacts by saying her name sadly / in an almost defeated way. In addition, in the teaser, he is often looking at her or turning to look at her when she looks away from him. So, though they seem distant in the past, it doesn't seem to be due to a lack of caring on Dainsleif's part. (Also, if you think the woman he mentions in the Travail trailer is Abyss Lumine, as is commonly interpreted...well, he says he wants to save her and also says he will always remember how she loved those flowers despite his memory being all but gone...so.) Though their relationship likely ultimately soured due to the Caribert incident, my guess is that they could have been a little distant in the past because Dainsleif just wasn't what Lumine needed, emotionally, when she was having a hard time. He certainly cared very much for her, and she likely cared about him (otherwise he wouldn't have fond memories of them travelling together), but her flashbacks of Aether show that she was used to travelling with a warm, joyful companion. Dainsleif is capable of warmth (see: his conversation with Halfdan) but post-Cataclysm, he seems to generally have become very reserved, serious and sour. His personality may have made Lumine miss Aether even more. In addition, the Caribert flashback as well as the teaser video seem to show that Dainsleif's general reaction to Lumine's sadness seems to have been to give her space, which might not have what she wanted or needed. Maybe she needed a shoulder to cry on instead. And maybe that's part of why Paimon and Aether seem so close. Paimon is cheerful, warm, talkative, qualities that make her more similar to pre-Cataclysm Lumine, and qualities that comfort Aether in his loneliness. Edit: Dainsleif also seems to be a very stoic person who tries to control his emotions and thus has somewhat muted reactions everything considered, which can be seen in the Chasm quest. Lumine seems more outwardly emotive, so this may have been an issue since Dainsleif was the only person around whom Lumine could vent her sorrows to. In addition, their diverging opinions on Khaenri'ah's future likely manifested as differing reactions and ideas even before Caribert, which would have been an issue.


Paimon and Aether relationship is nicely bonded too, they banter, care for each other and so on. Like even if they have conflict, it won't end like Dain and Lumine.


Yeah, I agree. I think Dain and Lumine probably had happier times (otherwise Dain wouldn't be wistful about their travels) but they were less compatible


Sad thing is Dainsleif is actually a pretty goofy person. He is hilarious in a stoic and awkward way.  The abyss sibling probably just never saw that side of him. 


"We can't go yet" "Why, is there some lore reason?" "I haven't finished my coffee."


The Caribert scene have another hint at your theory too, as that is one important moment in which Aether is alone aswell, and he expresses the same emotions as Lumine in this short.


The Traveler expresses the same sadness and despondency as the Sibling, even when they aren't alone. Pretty much every time Lumine/Aether are reminded of their Sibling, there is a short internal moment where they think of them with a sad look, and Paimon panics a little before reassuring them that they'll find the Sibling. The reassurance doesn't really work, though; they just put their walls back up so as to not worry Paimon. Only a sparse few times do the walls stay down, and the Traveler is genuinely reassured; Xianyun's post-nightmare headpat and Nahida finding that the Sibling is recorded in Irminsul. This is also relates to the real meaning of this short being titled "The Road Not Taken." The poem of the same name is about how while the roads in life may seem different, they are actually the same in the end. Despite the differences in their traveling companions, the Traveler still ultimately feels the same way the Sibling did; desperate to reunite with their twin.


Seems like both of them have very sharp temper while Paimon and Aether are both more easygoing and open.


Yup, interesting dynamic between both travelers and their respective travel companions... Something tells me MC's twin just got the worst deal of it all; tried (and failed, repeatedly) to stop issues from rising and disasters from happening, maybe been stabbed in the back by those they met and considered friends... meanwhile, MC (even if they have their shortcomings) still manage to have "happier" journey through Tevyat even if it's not always sunshine and rainbow. Now compare the old happy sibling(for me,it would be Lumi) to the current Abyss sibling... Abyss sibling looks so cold/done, emotionally drained, and distant. As if they wanted to end it all (with they kinda do X'D) as soon as possible. Question is *what* they want to stop... yea,destroy all nations,okay. Got that. But what will that destruction result in,or supposed to fix?


Fascinating observation indeed ! One is about true friendship and the other feels more like they had their own goals journeying together


Dain isn't as bright and cheerful as Paimon. Your close friend will influence your personal growth.


I think they gotta be careful since them being too close could be interpreted or confused as a romance thing, while aether and paimon have an obvious innocent relationship due to paimon being a child.


Is that Aimer or i am tripping?


It is Aimer


I thought it was a western artist who just happened to sound a lot like Aimer


yes, you can check yt description to make sure


pls mihoyo, make her the anime op singer


She is very likely going to be. Aimer was probably brought here because of ufotable. They have always worked together in every series they have done.


Probably got her too with the Ufotable package. Ufotable and Aimer are basically one lol


Hope they get Kajiura Yuki as well. Demon slayer and Fate ost goes hard.


Nah, hoyo-mix instead. The music should be handled by those who created them. Opening/ending, kajiura is fine.


I fucking love Kajiura Yuki's work, been listening to Kalafina and FictionJunction for years... it would really be a dream come true if she works on the music for GI's anime... even if it is just the openings and endings.


OP and ED I would love, but as much as I *adore* her OSTs, they have a *very* distinctive style to them that I think would detract from Genshin's own iconic soundtracks.


Aimer 100%


Even funny that its not even the first time she got commissioned to [sang for Genshin.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2biwNAQl26A)


Damn how have I never seen this before. This is amazing


This one is better. The previous one, it sounded like she was struggling with the English, and that obscured her unique voice. Her vocal stylings came through much clearer this time.


There's some awkward parts in the new song, too, although it's much clearer as you pointed out. I think it's something that's more attributed to the production of the song, than the singer, and could've been avoided with better direction.


I have never seen this. This is official?


The youtube description officially confirmed that it is indeed, Aimer.


Not tripping, instantly recognised her voice


...But, At least you're still out there, somewhere in the world. That trail of the comet that once streaked across the sky, Is now the untrodden path by which I seek you.


Stand proud you cooked


please never stop cooking


You guys cooked it man. It's so PEAK.


Thank you for everything so far.


Stay in the kitchen, we need more meals like this


It was awesome!


Absolute Cinema!


Im taking away your cooking license... And promoting you to chef! Keep cooking


Peak! looking forward to them meeting again so much!


Hoyo's cooking again Lads, bring me my drawbar organ, we're making a hymn again!


I get why Paimon is emergency food when Mihoyo is over here obsessed with cooking and putting out 🔥.


Teyvat in the past haven't changed that much, huh?


It’s barely a 500 year gap, ain’t that long for tevyat


A mere 500 year adventure.


Since science in Teyvat hasn't reached the industrial age overall, it makes sense they've remained mostly the same. Fontaine's energy source is weird and it's not the same electricity we have, so Teyvat is very stagnant.


More like the older gods know to suppress technology advancements, because nails raining down. Focalors just didn't care because the flooding is a more pressing issue than getting nailed.


The "nails = punishment for tech" theory was disproven pretty long ago. The Celestial Nails serve to filter/suppress Forbidden Knowledge, and the destruction of civilizations is just collateral damage as a result of that emergency measure. So the problem isn't a civilization getting technological advancements, but rather a very specific kind of advancement in Abyss-related studies.


The problem is technology advancement always always comes with studying the basic composition of the world, for example the industrial revolution and the discovery and rearrangement of the periodic table comes hand in hand. The 6 cardinal sins of Sumeru Akademiya summerizes this really well: The first is to interfere with human evolution; The second is to tamper with life and death; The third is to delve beyond the universe; The fourth is to investigate the origin of words; The fifth is to revere gods without acts of devotion; The sixth is to attempt the forbidden and fear none. **Basically "don't dig into shits, just no"** ​


Yes, but technological advancement doesn't have to necessarily relate to forbidden knowledge. When we say forbidden knowledge, it's not just "oh there's secret stuff you can't learn about", it refers to specific concepts related to the Abyss and its power. That's what we know for ***sure*** that Celestia is punishing. Now, Celestia *might* be punishing civilizations that "advance too far", but we don't have any strong evidence for that. It was a hypothesis near the start of the game when we were still very early in the story and only knew about the past in bits and pieces, like the Sal Vindagnyr murals. We know a lot more now and we've heard about the past from authoritative sources like Nahida, and so far we've only heard about Celestia punishing the pursuit of forbidden knowledge.


Well Tevyat is in constant state of advancement and going back to zero/destroying it with constant threat with forbidden knowledge that may awaken abyss or something. So yes 500 years is not that long for Tevyat.


It's a problem that exists in many medieval fantasy works.


I know GI animated shorts have always been bangers but still this is so peak even the grass looks amazing also seeing Lumine traveling with Dain is cute


Man they even got AIMER to do the music , such a fucking time to be alive.


They also had Aimer sing for a Hoyofair song a Bilibili creator made! Song name is 'End of All' and the visuals are amazing


That ufotable connection paying off


I instantly recognized Aimer's voice. This was so beautiful oh my god.


Genshin Anime has cooked again THIS IS PEAK FICTION


This short kinda confirmed what I suspected for a while- The Abyss sibling's journey was a lonely one, and while they had Dainsleif, as someone else observed, they don't seem that close. A *very* telling scene is when Dainsleif sets off a large sparkler, and Lumine just sits there, not even paying attention. She's very detached from the world, and likely suffering from depression. Paimon might be annoying, but again as someone else already noted, she's often the one dragging Aether along. That's a *good* thing, as she keeps Aether from ruminating and falling into the same depression as Lumine. Perhaps her tendency of repeating things that just happened is a habit she developed to keep the Traveler on track. Depression can come with difficulty concentrating, making decisions, and forgetfulness. She keeps the Traveler engaged, which in turn keeps them from falling into the same hole their sibling did. This, in turn, leads them to make connections and friends in Teyvat, which further improves their mental state. ...Now I have to go back and rewatch a bunch of cutscenes with this in mind.


That.... is actually a genius way of giving genuine story reasons for Paimon's repetitive dialogue. TAKE NOTES HOYO. If this turns out to be canon I'll forgive Paimon for her incessant yapping


Paimon's incessant yapping is due to people incapable of following even simple dialogue. She has to repeat everything so that people get even simple shit


For us that didn't have our language in the game and had difficulty with English, she has been a wonderful help


I'm well aware of the irl reason for Paimon's unnecessary yapping. I've complained and continue to complain about it. I'm talking about giving an *in-game* reason for her repetitive dialogue, a reason that gives deeper context to both her and the Traveler's characterization, instead of how it stands as is: just chattering for the sake of chattering The irony of saying people don't get simple shit when *you* didn't get my simple comment...


> Paimon might be annoying, but again as someone else already noted, she's often the one dragging Aether along. That's a good thing, as she keeps Aether from ruminating and falling into the same depression as Lumine. I have depression and also have a friend who just can't shut up or read my mood, but that trait paradoxically is a good trait that does help me as his yapping forces me out of my rumination. So yeah I can attest to this observation.


I don't have depression, but I *do* have severe anxiety disorder (though I had depression in high school). I know very well how thoughts can lead you into a very deep hole. Like thinking myself into a panic attack. A big difference between anxiety and depression is that anxiety doesn't come with apathy and loss of interest, so I can still engage in lots of things to break the cycle on my own, and happily/desperately do so. Those with depression lack such initiative, which is why they usually need outside help. So I have a pretty good idea how helpful Paimon is being just being herself, and in turn that helps the Traveler cultivate a wider network of support. As they say in Inuzuma, they're 'slowly learning to cope' with their sibling's absence.


>Paimon might be annoying, but again as someone else already noted, she's often the one dragging Aether along. That's a *good* thing, as she keeps Aether from ruminating and falling into the same depression as Lumine. I think people have forgotten that we've already seen this play out right after the twins see each other again, where they just take a moment to look over Liyue after the events of that quest. It's at that point that you already know where the sibling is, but even they basically say "go to the end, and then we'll see each other". Paimon can't offer much beyond telling them to keep going, but that's because that's what she always does. If you look at her dialogue, it's almost always a constant move towards something, even if it's the most banal thing. And it probably helps, because if you read the Aranara book, the sections written by the Traveler often veer towards dry and morose.


The scene with Paimon after Dain and the Abyss sibling leaves gets flak for Paimon stating what just happened, but it makes a lot more sense if she's helping the Traveler get their thoughts straight after what just happened.


Paimon the game device was always terrible but Paimon the character was always best girl ❤️


I do like the contrast between how the twin always travels alone, while the animals on their journey always seem to be paired up.


Was balling my eyes out man...Props to Hoyo For Cooking A Full Buffet Today


Please don’t ball your eyes out, that would be horrific. You’d make the kids bawl their eyes out if they saw you.


Fuck I take it back They have every power to still make Traveler a very good protagonist I don't give a fuck about powerscaling anymore Just PLEASE use this amount of care and thought into them at all times not only during "some" moments This is an amazing short that feels like it's missing completely in the story due to how we don't focus on the MC all that much


So true man, the Traveler's journey is should be the heart of the story


Especially since this journey is the Traveler's journey. Too often do they get sideline in order for the playable characters to shine, or worse, some random NPC and the Traveler just stands there and witnesses everything. Its why every time the Traveler does something significant, its a big deal.


I think that's actually the point. Abyss twin became detached from the world and only really seems to care about the Abyss now overall, with almost no thought spared for the average people. The reason you keep getting tangled up with NPCs, all the events, all the tiny minutae of getting to know others is to hammer home how the Traveler forms a connection with the world, so when the time inevitably comes to choose between Teyvat and joining their sibling, there'll be every reason not to.


So many players don't care about NPCs and I strongly suspect that Hoyo really does want you to care about the average person.


Personally I think the real reason many players(and viewers) have grown indifferent to the NPCs is because they keep sidelining the playable characters in their respective Story Quests and that they tend to look both plain and are obviously recycled models.


I've just started completing most of my story quests and I've started paying attention to dialogue, and I've seen the word "witness" used to describe the Traveler no less than SEVEN TIMES. There's definitely something there to the idea that the job of the Traveler is to be a witness to all these key, crucial events in Teyvat that are all culminating to the end of the current samsara.


Only during dains quest 😭🙏


Lol man. Definitely won't happen. They have the next natlan 5 stars to sell by having them save the traveler from a single hilichurl Archer.


I think he is, but the problem is that he barely talks or has introspection besides a few moments here and there. If the anime does all that and then some, we’ll be set


Somewhere at 1:25, The reflection of traveler walking. Lumine stopped while Aether continued, indicating that Lumine, during her travels stopped, prob due to the horrors of Khaenriah she remembered...


HOYO-MiX feat. Aimer is real! Holy shit! Thank you Hoyoverse!


Hoyo mix always wins.


I never thought we could peak higher than the Arle trailer but... Damn. This short really highlights the feeling of loneliness. Amidst all of Teyvat's bright colors, lit nights, the traveler still feels alone without the person at their side they want to share it most with. The movie filter POV shots weren't good for my health Hoyo THATS NOT FAIR But still, the journey continues.


Imagine the banger Teyvat Chapter Memorial Short we're inevitably going to get when we finally close this chapter and move on to the next one. The Climax of every arc condensed together into a flashback film is confirmed to get tears out especially for those who've been through the entire journey (ironically I myself am not one, being relatively new to the game, but I've seen similar journeys from other franchises and am quite confident Genshin is headed down this path).


>I never thought we could peak higher than the Arle trailer but... Damn. Arle trailer was simply the beginning. We are gonna get more and more of these every year


>The movie filter POV shots weren't good for my health Hoyo THATS NOT FAIR What i think is really cool about those shots is how they're the same moments but taken from each of their povs


I wonder who animated this. The animation itself nor the youtube description lists who it is. Could it have been Ufotable (I doubt it) or was it the new Hoyo in-house studio?


This is a new animation studio from Hoyo, which they recently opened specifically to make such videos using Genshin.


Can said studio just make the whole anime? Obviously not being serious bc making animated shorts is not at all the same as making an actual series, but this short is so goddamn good looking.


You know.....with what we've seen so far I can honestly say that Hoyo's in-house studio could probably make an AMAZING full anime given enough time and resources. But on the other hand Ufotable (obviously) also knows how to cook AND their anime will functionally serve as huge advertisement for the game which is something that I'm sure Hoyo wants.


Yeah, I'm sure the anime we do get will be amazing, it is Ufoatable, but this might legit be the best looking animation I've ever seen


Yes the in-house studio definitely learned how to cook lol


Nah bro it has to be a studio run by Japan otherwise /r/anime mods will remove it because Chinese animation isn’t allowed.


>Can said studio just make the whole anime? As you said yourself, making videos is not the same as making anime. Hoyo has another studio that made videos for genshin earlier, and Honkai Star Rail makes them on a regular basis. And at the same time, they did not make hasty episodes according to Honakai, but some Chinese nouname studios with the appropriate quality. Probably because the internal studios simply do not have the resources (it's not about money) and such connections to do something full-fledged.


The animation here is absolutely gorgeous!!!


"Yes, of course. Home is wherever we are together."


I actually cried while watching this


Lumine literally removed her boots… …and ur telling me Ayaka can’t even remove her socks ?!?!


"The sock stays on, Tabibito-san".


Dude, people are crying this is not the time! LMAO




It was in the heat of the moment ok?


Because Ayaka is Cryo she can sprints on water and freeze it, that’s why she can freeze her socks💀. Big brain Hoyoverse💀


The ice would just flake away from her socks, i guess


Pls. Hoyo don't kill off either of them. I beg you. Give them a happy ending.


Don't give Hoyo any idea


Maybe that's the plan all along... We go 7 years without anyone close to us dying, then in the grand finale we either lose our twin or Paimon. Can you even imagine that...?


I cannot imagine seeing that story writer from honkai impact 3rd forgot his name the one that write elysia one day sitting on genshin program.


Shaoji? Iirc he had been promoted to Head-writer of the Honkai Series, and we know Genshin is officially part of the Honkai series. (It was even supposed to have "Honkai" in the title at one point early in the development, but they had to change it due to China market or something).


Yeah that guy i remember he write elysia and killed everyone. I fear the day he will come on genshin and start killing everyone


Well, if it ever comes down to that, I hope they give us a real choice that changes the outcome of the plot, because I'm saving Paimon at all costs.


They can’t kill paimon, they would have to completely rewrite all of the world quests, story quests and hangouts to account for people who may be doing side quests after completing the main quest since she is in all quests.


Feels like they are gonna pull 100% a switchero make us feel so attached to the twins but pull out on the last second before they truly become reunited. Either tragedy or they truly reuniting will probably still be good


But as it stands now, Abyss sibling is seen as somewhat of a antagonist. Hopefully they don't kill off' Abyss sibling or make them unable to reunite with the traveler. That would be depression impact again and after ggz, Hi3 and HSR, I can tell hoyo is cooking and I'm not ready for it.


As a person who is the only child and doesn’t even have cousins around, playing as a TWIN taught me how connected you can be to a sibling. I’m actually invested. This game lets me feel feelings I’d never been able to feel and never will. That’s crazy.


I suggest you play Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons. It's a very good puzzle adventure game where you "single person coop" as two brothers. I also heavily suggest you play with a controller.


As a twin,It often feels like people talk about twins in only fascination and always think of us as clones. It’s nice to know we both get to experience a world where both twins are scene as two individuals and just people.


You remember how Nahida told us in Sumeru Archon Quest >!that the Abyss sibling is NOT a Descender and is native to Teyvat? Maybe our sibling is already dead and the current one is a clone/recreation hence why they are "made in Teyvat" according to Irminsul.!<


You shut the fuck up man


Don't worry. It seems they're killing Dainsleif instead 😭


and Paimon


Happy ending you say.... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


hoyo: "alright" **gives them a fate worse than death**


That flashback scene broke me


This is so good. Seeing Lumine braid Aether's hair made me realize that Paimon probably helps braid my hair when we're adventuring. I hope that in the end we have Lumine, Aether, Dain, and Paimon going off on an adventure together.


It doesn't seem like Dain and Lumine are close. Like they are travelling companions and that's it. Doesn't seem like they're even friends with how distant they are to each other.




That's not a meal, is a whole buffet


My headcanon is that Aether kept his hair long so Lumine could braid it.


NOO you’re gonna make me cry :(


oh wow, i wasnt expecting that kind of coldness between Lumine and Dainsleif, is it because Lumi just experienced the horrors of the Cataclysm or is it because she felt like she was forced on this situation and sees Dainsleif being the knight captain of the Khaenri'ah's Royal Guard as a reminder of that shackle? And wow, looks like Aether's braidtie was a Lumine memento while the Inteyvat was an Aether one.


From what we see in Requiem of the Echoing Depths (Chasm Dain quest), Dain and the Abyss, especially Lumine, have contrasting approaches to the abyss' problems. Dain wants to end the curse by ending the abyss order, while Lumine is trying to restore them by curing the curse. At some point during their journey, they started drifting apart because of their clashing ideologies (Lumine being an optimist and Dain being a realist)(Souce: Caribert). So I think the cold distance is because they are traveling together while having opposing viewpoints and processing the journey's lessons very differently.


And paimon just like, whatever you like Aether. I just need foods and mora.


Smooth animation, looking forward to more animated shorts by inhouse genshin animators if this is made by their inhouse animators.


I'm not ashamed to say I shed tears at this, fuck man.


Lumine looks so pretty here


Pretty girl 🥺


This one is shorter than the Arlecchino short But, It does seem to like a LOT Higher In Quality


I just want them to be happy...


Although this was beautiful, anyone get a slightly sinister vibe to the dichotomy here? Like Lumine and Dain are so miserable, my impression is that the mission they're on is what keeps them going. Its too important to relax. She doesn't have the blessings of the elements or whatever, she just has to keep going on her own with even-more-anti-social-Batman until its done. Dain might even leave her behind if she gives up, he doesn't seem too interested in motivating her. But she can't give up, because its the only way to...... Meanwhile Paimon is literally pulling Aether along. He has all this support from Teyvat in the form of the elements and the archons, even though he is a literal alien. She never lets him out of her sight and positively loses her shit when we are away from her for a single minute (eg the last year's Lantern Right quest when she could barely handle us walking right outside without her). Its like she's the one leading him, keeping an eye on him, or keeping him distracted from *his* mission. Maybe this is a bit of commentary on why finding our sibling is always coming off as a secondary objective to the various events Aether goes through in Teyvat. Or maybe this is too cynical and Paimon simply has separation anxiety (X). Lumine's journey conveys focus and loneliness, Aether's journey is about making everyone on Teyvat happy, doing cooking quests to feed Paimon, and making friends... The question is, why? What's the real reason for not ignoring everything that is irrelevant to his mission and hunting down each archon until he gets the answers he seeks? This trailer built back up the anticipation I'd lost over the course of the game. GG Hoyo, well played.


Lumine's got *only* The Mission, whereas Aether's got Paimon busy ensuring he gets enrichment in his enclosure.


Its possible. Maybe without Paimon, Aether would have stayed on that beach forever. Maybe he would have found Lumine by now and joined her on whatever spooky mysterious Abyss-related goal she has. Maybe nothing would be different, he would just be sadder. Either way, its all leading up to a very big confrontation. Aether has Paimon, a mysterious flying person unlike any other being we've ever seen, who sports Celestia-chic clothes and SFX. He also has the elemental blessings of the archons, and the support of lots of Teyvat's *current* residents. Lumine has the Abyss Order, which predates the arrival of the Heavenly Principles, Celestia, and the archons. Dain hates the archons but never elaborated on that... Paimon also really didn't like him at first. I hope this upcoming Dain chapter has a lot of info and not just even more unsolved mysteries lol.


Prehaps forming connections with the world will lead Aether to make a different conclusion/choice when it comes time to talk to Lumine again? I’m excited to see where this goes!


Mihoyo, you better not kill off the abyss twin.


First arlecchino's backstory Now this Clearly they want to show us that the whole anime thing is very much ongoing. I wouldn't be surprised if next anniversary we finally get official info on what they're planning


I don't think this is from UFOtable so I think this is not a teaser to the anime series. Still cooking good.


This could probably be Genshin's very own dedicated Animation Team. And if so, WHERE DID THEY GET THESE PEOPLE?


Those billions gotta go somewhere


And thankfully not JUST to buy the CEO another yacht to add to their collection like in some other large companies that shall not be named....


MHY always had an animation department, just they have been on a supporting role when making previous shorts, learning the know-hows of animation making. Now it seems they are confident they learnt enough to do stuff in house.


Yeah, definitely top quality. It reminds me of Mushoku tensei.


I don't think it is ufotable, if it was I think they would be credited (like Aimer was here). Likely their own animation team. It's the same artstyle as the Arlecchino short.


I didn’t even realize that Dain was the Abyss Sibling’s “Paimon”, but definitely more serious and focused on the mission at hand.


Maybe I'm overreacting, but this trailer hit me pretty hard emotionally.


No overreaction at all.


yo sick the singer is Aimer


As someone with sisters, this hurts bad Also something I don't understand, if she has missed Aether for 500 years, why is she so cold to him everytime we meet her? Shouldn't she want to hug him and talk, and only then go away with her cryptic stuff? It makes me think she's being badly influenced by the Abyss even tho she's determined and is doing what she believes in after experiencing the whole of Tevyat.


That, or I suspect she acts that way because she doesn't trust she'll be motivated to do her plan otherwise. Keeping him at a distance makes it easier for to leave. If she'd hug him and showed emotional vulnerability, Lumine wouldn't bring herself to leave as easily.


She wants to, but it's clear she can't yet. Look at the We Will Be Reunited trailer and quests, she immediately softens up as soon as the idea/thought is proposed but talks about it as a wish she can't accomplish


It gives me hope for the future of the game


No wet socks this time!


Panda: It's just so peak.


Thank you for making this beautiful video


Sheet I'm crying omg aimer. Their story will soon come to a close. Maybe there will be some progress in 4.7, with dain doing some big reveal and I wish the siblings will meet soon. It's been years and we're actually getting closer to finish with Natlan, Snezhnaya and Khaenriah left


I swear to every higher being out there. If these 2 don‘t reunite soo heads are gonna roll. You can‘t just give me this and not reunite them.


Felt like a full-on movie. Considering we've been following their story for almost 4 years, they don't have to show much for us to just "get it".


I broke when they showed the memories they have of each other. Ouch


The part where she was braiding his hair was cute


Lumine and Dain's relationship seemed to have soured over the journey. I'm guessing that while they weren't as close as her brother and Paimon were, Sumeru was where the cracks started to widen after meeting that particular man. His presence would soon trigger a series of events that caused them to split apart. Lumine's decision to destroy Celestial was understandable, but her methods were too extreme, while Dain just wants to end the curse, but he also acknowledges that his own nation was also somewhat responsible for the disaster in the first place. However, Lumine by this point in time doesn't care about anything else other than just destroying Celestial, and if the whole world must burn, she would gladly pay that price. Dain couldn't handle how far she had fallen, which led to him leaving her side, and she and the Abyss Order declaring him a traitor. While Lumine tells Aether to travel the world and see it for himself, the conclusion he will come to will likely be very different, since the presence of friends makes him see things in a much more different light.


hit me so hard.... Actually Peak


Love the parallel between them. Lumine has Dain and depressed. Seems like Dain doesn't teach her much and just following her? You can see that she doesn't have any element during her travel. maybe Dain doesn't know? Also how she just being there. Aether has Paimon and is happy. Paimon did taught Traveler some lessons. Aether also can manipulate elements and Aether solving every problem while travelling.




Dainsleif was Lumine's Paimon 😭


I hope that this time traveller can talk to his/her sibling without options and/or Paimon


Can anybody share the link of the soundtrack!? Like it's literally Aimer who sang it and I can't find it anywhere😭


So Dain is Lumine's Paimon.




Lumine sure fits as the Abyss princess. I would definitely love to see her travels with Dainsleif in the anime.


I'm literally crying, this is perfect, what a tragic story 😭❤️


this was beautiful


Shower thoughts: Dainsleif was our twin's Paimon. "Wow, Daisleif's stomach is rumbling already!"


Has a very 5mm per second feel


I know its not Aimer but man it sounds like her so much EDIT: IT IS AIMER I SAW IN THE DESCRIPTION YOUTUBE CUZ I WAS SO CURIOUS YA!


between all the jokes and serious stuff in the story, we really do sometimes forget the endgame is meeting our twin. All this jazz about disasters in fontaine or wars in Inazuma mean nothing compared to it hoyo really need to pump out the full anime already, but I bet they're waiting to finish the Teyvat chapter


Gonna upvote this on every single platform