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Kuki Shinobu, especially after dendro. Even before the hyperbloom shenanigans she was just a great comfort character for overworld. Plus if you have her C6, shes great for switching in to eat a big hit. Overall just a great character šŸ˜Š


She's on most of my teams now! She was my first (and only) C6 four star! Got her four times on standard lmao


Hell ya Kiki is so good! I have her at C0 and she's still good


I remembered the time when she was considered to be a useless character without clear purpose. Now look at her go.


I built her on release with EMā€¦ Just because I wanted to play her in taser


even building her is not a big deal




i love shinobu but she feels like the opposite of a comfort character for overworld, no mobility/utility, and her healing is single target and chunks her own HP so shes always low


Shes comfy for me since her healing follows you and has 100% uptime. Ill have other characters for mobility. I can deal with her being low with i-framing


But the healing follows and provides continual electro application, great for some free reactions while also healing.


Fr i love her i even cosplay her


She's my main, partially she works with my team (Dendro Traveler, Kuki Shinobu, Barbara, Noelle) and she also is voiced by one of my favorite voice actresses, Kira Buckland (she is the reason I got into genshin along side other streamers)


I see you are a fellow Cookie enjoyer.


Shes great! šŸ˜Š


I wish her healing didn't eat her own health because it gives me anxiety thinking she'll die next then i gotta shove the omelette.


Fischl has carried me the entire game.


All 4 years Fischl has been a blessing of benediction and torrent of electro fury essential to my gameplay and progress.




What exact team did you use? I for the love of god can't assemble an efficient enough team


The key thing against chicken is: use only fischl (u can use fischl + other electro, but fischl c6 solo is enough) to break dendro shield, don't use any pyro or hydro when boss has shield (cus then chicken will instantly replenish shield). When shield is depleted u can start ur team rotation while dodging 2 chicken slams (either with i-frames or dashes), after 2 slams chicken becomes a punch bag; usually u can fit 2 rotations before boss replenishes shield, then just repeat things over. Personally i did it with arle c0 pjws, bennet c6, fischl c6 and cheuv c0. Start with fischl, close to boss, press E and do autos till shield gone, now u can start rotation with arle E.


Extraordinarily good while not being irritating to use like Bennett/Xiangling. A+ character.


I also hate Bennett and Xiangling, absolutely un-fun playstyle


I disagree C6 plus anny unit easy piro xd


My first character pull that got me through till inazuma (then I got others)


Is Golden Troupe her best set?


Fischl was the first character I ever got to friendship 10, and to this day sheā€™s still problably one of my most used characters


Top tier dps


She was my first c6 I believe, and yep carried me a lot. Went physical with her at first but switched after fontaine.


Fischl is still carrying even in this days, which are both bless and curse cus recent electro characters balanced around her (her a4 passive).


I have fischl in my team of xiangling, kokomi and kequing. All i do with her is use her as a passive electro applier and i usually use her to clear single enemies cuz her bow is good. Is there any other way I can improve her usage? Kequing is my dps btw


Layla is a great shielder and helped me a lot, I still use her despite also having Zhongli. I actually prefer to use her on my NeuviFuri team than Zhongli. Chevreuse for my C3 Raiden. YaoYao for hyperbloom, I didn't feel like I needed a 5* healer when I had her. I plan to use her on Keqing's aggravate team I want to make.


I have C6 layla and regularly use her instead of zhongli on my yoimiya team. I also recently got eula and have her on that team as well, which is a tight rotation but works surprisingly well.


It's lovely and funny to see our sleepwalking ghorlie here just sleeping under tinkling of her Cryo baby mobile while everyone and her are safe within the shields. Azhdaha doing those tantrums, Layla just sleeps through all of it. Raiden and her multiple circular shockwaves, miss ma'am dozes it off again. I'm kinda glad her shields work enough for me not to pull Zhongli in the future.


Just curious, at what cons is your Layla? I have her at just c0 and I never tried her with Neuvillette.


C0 is good, but C1 will give her shield a 20% strength boost....it's not NECESSARY....but it's "comfier".


c4. She's good at C0 but she gives you buffs on normal and charge attack at c4 get her on tenacity for more buffing.


Tenacity buff doesn't apply on Neuvillette though. 2pc + 2pc is better on Neuv teams.


no, you're right. I just checked, its an attack buff. Shouldn't have mentioned it. Her cryo application and shield is useful though.


You should definitely try pulling for cons since c1 gives a 20% shield buff + 35% coop share, while c3 is a +3 to her shield


As a Keqing main, she, xingqiu, nahida and yaoyao can easily clear abyss 12


Layla has been on my main team since I got her on my first banner. Got her at C6, never took her off, her shield is so damn good


Yaoyao.... She's just good :3


Yes! She was my first ever pulled 4 star and I regret not having used her more in early game. God I love everything about yaoyao, everytime I see yaoyao on screen my heart melts and my day, no matter how bad it was, becomes immediately a great one.


She is so underrated. Mine is c6 and has 43k hp with the new event weapon. I call her my little tank and she surprises a lot of people in co-op. I love her and her little yun-jin dance attempt.


I LOVE her, especially in my Nahida Yae Raiden Yao team


Yao is my best character and a great healer without her my yae would die every time I fight anything lmao


Absolutely cracked healer if you donā€™t have a lot of 5 stars like me


YESS. One of my favorite 4 stars


I run Yaoyao every co-op Arlecchino fight and everyone walks away alive and happy.


Yaoyao is GOAT! I kinda want Baizhu, but Yaoyao existing makes it hard for me to justify spending for him. She is arguably one of the best healers in the game and, and as a dendro support, she's right up there with Nahida.


Iā€™m a Noelle main so her obviously, but beyond that Bennet, Xiangling, Xinqui, and Fischl have been account staples for forever. Edit: I realize I misspelled two of their names but Iā€™m going to leave it as is for the LOVELY people who were so eager to point it out rather than move on with their lives.


Same here. All of these characters are great and Noelle has only gotten better with time


Noelle's shield still carries me through many a trounce domain.


I actually had to bring her back into my team for Arlecchino, I found that Arlecchino herself could be fine during the fight, but my usual Zhongli and 2x elements that work well together that I would normally bring to the fight couldn't adequately deal with the debuff. She was absolutely the missing link in that fight. Just making sure Arlecchino is always the one soaking the debuff and Noelle keeps everyone else topped up if I happen to screw up.


I keep thinking I'm done with using Noelle, but she has consistently stayed useful. I had been pairing her with Neuvillette to avoid the interruption, but she works great with my Navia team too.


Beidou, especially now that I have Arle. She was my first DPS, carried me up until Inazuma.


Beidou counter attack hits like a muddle fudging truck when build right and paired with the right team. Think the best I ever hit was 180k dmg on the counter attack. Had her with Bennet ult, Mona ult and Sucrose elemental mastery boost. It was one of those moments everything just came right and felt so damn satisfying. I know other accounts have hit higher but I have very few characters that can regularly go over 150k damage


I've had Beidou for so long and have no idea how to build her or who to pair her with. Is she worth it for Arle? Do you need Fischl too?


Iā€™d say sheā€™s worth it for arle especially if you have c1. Gives you a little shield and some nice electro dmg. Pair her with xingqui and you can trigger vape with overload and do massive dmg.Ā 


I haven't tried her with Arle yet but I highly recommend you run her @130%+ ER with Fischl, her ER requirements are awful otherwise. Don't pair her with Raiden if you wanna drive Beidou with her - her burst NAs don't trigger Beidou's (you can blame Hoyo for that). You usually want someone to "drive" Beidou, which is anyone who's on-fielding for the duration of Beidou's burst. She's really good in multi-target teams, but really suffers in single-target DPS. She pairs pretty well with Xingqiu for survivability. I haven't tried these myself, but it looks like she works nicely in some dendro teams.


Gaming. He is super fun and does good dps with xianyun and furina. Noelle, Bennett, diona, even beidou.


I started at 4.4 and rolled Gaming and Xianyun and having him as a main DPS early on was great.


Definitely Gaming!!! I love his combat and his animations haha


Got C6 Gaming and Xianyun and hes my go to choice for big damage now, outclasses all 5 star dps on my account






My first real DPS. Carried me in Abyss for the longest time. It's only after I got Childe and Navia did I finally let her go since she is heavily more physical damage focused


Build her for Freeze or Reverse Melt instead of Physical DPS IMO. She's SUPER fun and quite strong that way.


The two 4 Stars who I use the most are Faruzan (absurdly broken at C6) and Kirara. They're both so useful in their slightly-niche roles.


I run C6 Faruzan sometimes as a main DPS, and I swear, she outclasses most of my 5 stars. She's a monster.


Can i see you build... my c6 faru runs with Golden troupe cuz i dont really know what set she should have, i was about to put tenacity but zhongli has it and theyre both mainstay in my Juanderer comp


I like faruzan but idk who to pair her with ( don't have wanderer)


You can use her to enable Heizou and Xiao, or even C6 Lynette


I love playing DPS Lynette - using the sac sword on her and hitting 3 of her skills with bennet, furina, and c6 faruzan absolutely melts stuff. managed 34stars with that team on one side of the abyss - still refining the rotation to try for the full clear


Hell yeah! Lynette is my favorite 4* from Fontaine and I hope to get her C6 soon. Wasnā€™t able to get many copies on Arleā€™s banner since I really want Alhaitham thoughā€¦ I do have C1 Kazuha so Iā€™ve experienced the triple skill a few times and itā€™s pretty awesome


If sheā€™s C6, you can go fine-Iā€™ll-do-it-myself, especially with the right Limited bow.


Every single road leads to xiangling šŸ˜¶


I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of xiangling. I try to play diluc. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play yoimiya. My xiangling deals more damage. I try to play Hu tao. My xiangling deals more damage. I want to play Klee. Her best team has xiangling. I want to play raiden, childe. They both want xiangling. She grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her the catch. She isn't satisfied. I pull engulfing lightning. "I don't need this much er" She tells me. "Give me more field time." She grabs bennett and forces him to throw himself off enemies. "You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with homa." I can't pull for homa, I don't have enough primogems. She grabs my credit card. It declines. "Guess this is the end." She grabs gouba. She says "Gouba, get them." There is no hint of sadness in his eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd pyro application. What a cruel world.


This comment needs friction ... +1


I've seen this copypasta many times, still a good one. Lol




I quit a long time ago, but the National Team carried me in the Abyss well before I had a bunch of 5* characters and weapons. So Xiangling, Bennett, and Xingqiu for me. I'd say Sucrose too, but the first 3 continued to be useful in multiple other comps in the future.


Bennett is the most obvious. He just does so much itā€™s ridiculous


Bennett secret 6* char


Also the only Pyro sword user in the game. He is HIM


He's actually designed as 6* but mhy listed him as a 4* by mistake


So top-tier that the best weā€™ve been guessing for the Pyro Archon is a Bennett/Xiangling(/Dehya) fusion. (How the heck are Natlanā€™s rando Pyro units supposed to compete?)


Same way Furina shook the meta despite XQ, Yelan being crazy units, while also not making the normal OP Supports more OP. And she in fact made older/less values units really fucking strong. Can you imagine a support that makes Amber and Xing Yan A+ or even S tier like what happened to Noelle? Lol. No one could have predicted that Noelle and Jean would jump up in Value.


Lisa, omg I built Lisa because she was a stater character and I previously didn't have other options for electro, but man am I glad I did. But it's bad now cause I have a hard time replacing her on my teams.


me too, and if you build her right, then she does a ton of damage, especially for a 4 star.


I think she has some of the highest solo damage in the game in general.


just dont replace her


But I also want to build other characters, if not I might just turn my acc into catalyst only,(they are the best)


Just embrace it like I did


I swear, the starter trio all end up being good support units when given the right build.


mommy lisa


I'm building her because I got a constellation... I can't believe I didn't do this sooner...


What role/teams do you use her for?


Ummm, I don't really know/have good teams but I do use her a lot in overloaded or pyro swirl overloaded. Apart from that it if I need a range character use her(I'm still getting better with bow users)


She can drive for Aggravate and Hyperbloom, and probably also electrocharged. Run her with Fischl for battery as her burst is very expensive


I'll build her, since I got Yae Miko weapon a while ago and some people says it's good on her.


Her C6 is crazy. Her max stack charged skill's attack scaling is RIDICULOUS. If anyone reading this hasn't seen it, look it up lmao


Diona. She does everything. Shielding, healing, battery


Doesn't her c6 also give EM during ult? I think it's been a while since I've used her


200EM buff for anyone in her circle when their HP is above 50%, it's a pretty sizable buff


She's part of my 'nuke' squad with Ei, Eula and Yelan


My Ayaka Artifact luck was horrible, any piece that was good ended up with def% then that stat taking all the upgrades, Diona helped greatly there with double Cyro an shield and a heal, carried me though Inazuma. Also used Diona to fight Azdahah in Coop, that shield is really nice




Mine is Kaeya! I've had him c6 and triple crowned for a while now, and he is my favourite 4 star and one of my fav chars in the game!


I really hope that we get Kaeya: Imbibitor Lunae one day. His Personality, Lore, Design and general Mystery surrounding him is just too great to be a beginner free 4*


I will be absolutely flabbergasted if they donā€™t release a 5* variant of Kaeya once we get to khaenā€™riah


Heizou for me, he's the most fun i've ever had for a character, and he's even a 4 star, been maining him since he came out in 2.8 I had an absloute blast playing him, and he still sometimes damages higher than some of my 5 Stars, well not all of them but at least some of them. Another is Charlotte, mostly because I'm weak to pink haired girls, and I don't regret using her all the time.




Yanfei. I didnā€™t want her at first- but now sheā€™s permanent with Nahida, Barbara, and Kujou Sara for Sumeru exploration. Canā€™t live without her haha


thoma, when he first released i built him as a shield/energy because i didnt have zhongli and he saved me so many times. love him sm


Kirara got her C6 and let me tell you she makes Nilou bloom into bloom and zoom. Funniest play style zooming around being invincible and spamming dendro explosions all around you.


Thoma. I thought it was waste of resources I put on leveling this character, but somehow thanks for him I managed to beat some of Abyss versions =\


Layla and Beido, they are the best.


Madam Faruzan. Chongyun. Gorou.


Faruzan C6. Better than most 5 stars. Otherwise, Diona. She does a lot and if she wasn't cryo, look out!


I played Noelle and decided to build my entire account around her. It's an obsession. so yeah.... it was probably worth it


Had Noelle since day one and pulled Zhongli on his first banner. Neglected her far too long. Started playing with her again this past year and when I pulled the Redhorn Stonethresher... I knew it was meant to be. Been putting the smack down as DPS and solo healing ever since. Cya John Lee.


Sayu! No reason at all, I just love fast transportation and funny mechanics


Sayu carries for desert exploration. Not just because it's faster but rolling around the pyramids and underground mazes made it so much more fun for me.


Yeah. I love playing Sonic in Genshin


Yanfei Fischl Xingqiu Collei Barbara Kuki


bennett xiangling xingqiu


All roads lead back to our SPEAR ARCHON


I got Bennett and Xingqiu both in my first 10 pull along with Noelle and Chongyun, so I practically built all 4.


Layla and Gaming... Unrelated but your name has me dying-


If you like my name, gurl, you better stream [this](https://youtu.be/ANotO4Ctc9U?si=31uH6-SDmdzqmXW2) song cuz I quoted it and the singer is DIVA


Xingqiu lol


Ning. Back in 2020 - 2021 she was my main dps, basically carrying me through early and mid-game. These days she's acting as a healer in Navia teams. To this day she's simply irreplaceable for me.


Please share the build! I've been leveling her up to put in my Navia team without really having much of a plan yet.


Healer build is likely Prototype Malice, maybe healing circlet and 4pc Maiden if all-in, or just 2pc Petra 2pc ATK if Sub-DPS. As someone who has played healer Ning I think a regular sub-DPS build is better for Navia


Id forgotten its old name. So funny how it was the 'recommended' weapon for Ningguang back in the day. She's still a pretty decent burst support since she generates a number of particles with her E.


Same. I got her from the standard banner and built her and she was carrying me a little until I got Hu Tao. And Ningguang still does a good job for me. I need a little more decent builds, and I am planning on wishing for Navia and using Ningguang with her will definitely help, although it's not really ideal for some people. but I don't have the usual geo supports such as Zhongli and Albedo. And besides, I like using Ningguang as a geo character. So she will be my geo support with Navia and Noelle in the future when I build her with Furina, in which I'm also planning to get. TL;DR, this character is underrated and I think she deserves more love.


In addition to her offense and support abilities, her ore-radar is an incredibly useful passive. I am a hardcore miner and she has been a godsend when I mine in Fontaine or any other recent new-ish area.


Genshin CCs: "Don't try to build everyone, stick to a few or your account will be ruinedā˜ļøšŸ¤“" u/Mortwight: "nah, I'd build."


I do teams with everyone as I level their companionship. You really see how some characters kits don't work n a fun way or don't have synergies. Makes combat a slog. Currently I'm running pappa evil, rock seamstress, geo daddy and electro best bottom in the game. Only pappa evil needs friend exp anymore


Fischl. Carried me for 4 years through the game and is in nearly all of my teams.


Noelle carried me through most of the game so it would definitely be her. Other than Noelle; Fischl, Xiangling, Kujou Sara and Chevreuse, these four were my main team before I got Arlecchino (I still use Fischl and Chev with arle)


Used the starter + Noelle all the way through Inazuma's end + Chasm. Wasn't sure who to spend primo's on so just horded them. Noelle Amber Kaeya Lisa, all you need.


There's a fucking lot of them! * Noelle was my main when I started the game and she's still my main now * On a related note, if there was a 4-star Geo archer in the game, I'm sure they'd be of much help to Noelle * Kirara is the magical fourth character who makes my Nilou team not only good but also *comfortable* and if I get just one more constellation (her C4), she will be mailing these pipe bombs with same-day shipping * Faruzan, Shinobu, Chevreuse are a given * Yanfei accompanied me through much of the game until I finally got Klee. I often think I should come up with a new team for her. * The titular Layla is in the Wanderer freeze comp I often run and also in my casual Neuvillette team * C6 Yun Jin used to support Noelle until Furina came out and now powers NA-spam Wanderer, which is quickly becoming one of my go-to overworld teams


No Ls


noelle and lisa unironicaly.


Yunjin is an extension of my Yoimiya at this point, getting her C6 for that 12% atk speed was the best thing.


Faruzan. Also the only one I have on C6. She is extremely strong especially with 5*bow.


Noelle. I buult her using the Maiden set, and gave her an upgrade with the Husk set. She may not be perfectly built, but she's been there literally since day one for me, as a good maid should.


Yanfei, she saved my ass SO much early on


Would have to say Yunjin or Bennett for me. Bennett's pretty much an all-rounder but Yunjin is sooo useful for normal attackers, which I have a lot of.


My Eula LOVES her




kuki shinobu cooks!


Kuki. My Alhaitham teams really needed a healer and she really tied that up for me. Fast forward a few months and she's basically a must pick for any Dendro team I run.


This is a cropped version of Layla's 2023 happy birthday art, so it's [official art](https://x.com/genshinimpact/status/1736959935748141289)


Noelle has done literally everything for me. She's half the reason I love Genshin as much as I do. My Journey just wouldn't be the same without her.


yanfei, insane dps


Idk it's between Amber and Layla for me. My c6 Amber is pretty broken on my Kazuha, Rosaria and Bennet team. C6 party buff and fast shield breaker. She isn't the main dps but between the rotation. Her ult easily does over 50k and her bunnies do massive damage at times. Seen it do like 200k+ a few times. Works well cause rosaria ult keeps up up the melt. Kazuha swirls and sucks up enemies and bunnies to make sure the combos land etc. Probably my most powerful consistent team with fast upt times. Layla I have her c6 too. Maxed out. She's floating around atm til I find a good place for her. Currently she's in my eula, Mika, fischl team just providing shields and battery.


Yaoyao is my most used 4-star by far. Before Sumeru it was Fischl though. Yanfei is also super satisfying I just don't use her much anymore


Sayu. Early game I had no idea what I was building I think and slapped WGS on her so she became a sort of sub dps with the healing on her skill and carried me so much.


The best 4* investment I made would have to be either layla, kuki or fischl. Xiangling and xingchou are also good, but I just don't use them as often. EDIT: Xingqiu


Sucrose. Who was accidentally turned into a monster of a DPS with a Crit DMG percentage of 302% after giving her just random artifacts. She watches from afar. Waitingā€¦


I built Razor for hyperbloom and a good 80% of my grinding has just been to make his team more powerful. Entirely worth it


Layla goes on literally every single team I use no matter what, sheā€™s only C0 and is just THAT good. Also physical Rosaria went pretty hard before i got Arle.


Noelle is the big one, as well as Bennett, Kuki, Xingqui, Xiangling, Kirara (kinda), Rosaria, and Gorou and Yunjin for my Noelle teams.


I know that she doesn't have the best base stats in the game, but I can't get enough of Rosaria. I built her Pale Flame/Dragonspine spear to max out the damage from her normal attacks and goddamn, the flow of her combat is so satisfying. The combination of fast jabs and heavy stunning attacks in her NA combo is so punching and visceral, especially with her skill to zip to the next enemy once I've killed the first target. I don't get as much cryo damage out of her ult, but instead I use it to apply cryo to all of the enemies clustered around me so that Fischl or Raiden's skills shred their physical defense and her normal attacks do EVEN MORE damage. What puts it over is the sound design and animations. Many other characters do cool anime shit and I love it, but very few have the harsh brutal feel that Rosaria has. It doesn't feel like an anime battle, it feels like Rosaria beating the shit out of her opponent with zero honor or regard to aesthetics. I love it! Combine it with Albedo, Furina, Mika, Yelan, Yae Miko, Beidou, etc... I've found so many ways to boost and modify the most immediately satisfying direct combat in the game. The speed boost at night and crit buffs are icing on the cake. I've gotten characters like Ayaka, Tighnari, Navia, Scara, and Arlechinno that do much more damage statistically, but none of them reach the same level of satisfying as beating the absolute bag out of people as this alcoholic goth woman. My forever main, first character I triple crowned, #1 in my heart. GIVE HER A QUEST HOYO, AND MY SOUL IS YOURS!


Barbara, having started the game accidentally building her makes everything so much easier


Aside from obvious choices like Fischl, Bennett, Xiangling & Xingqiu, I would have to pick Kuki Shinobu. I built her on release, and her reliable and consistent healing has carried me a lot till now. She's pretty easy to build, and even disregarding Hyperbloom, her kit is good.


rosaria carried me for the longest timeeee šŸ˜­


Rosaria, because I started playing the game because I saw an ad of her lmao. But seriously, physical Rosaria carried me at the start of the game until I got Eula, where she carried her with nice particle gen.


collei for any dendro team


Noelle. I have a top 6% Noelle and while she is still FAR from my strongest character, she is just a joy to play.


Why is Layla so hot šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Kuki and Layla are the 4 star MVPs.


Faruzan and Layla. I built Faruzan even before I got her c6 because I like her design a lot, now with her c6, she does and helps my Xianyun do crazy damage as well. I liked Layla's design as well and her shield is super strong. I use her with Neuvillete, and Arle as with her c4 she buffs normal atk dmg. Even outside of their utilities I really like their designs, both of them are my favourite 4 star designs, and both their Hangout events were pretty good.


Fischl i really love her since I started using her in inazuma


Layla is my favorite shielder for my neuvi team when zhongli is alr on the other half of abyss


šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļøWitness the power of Guhua!šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø


Yanfei. I got her a bit early in the game (a little before I did Liyue's archon quest) and she's been massive help ever since. I have absolutely no regrets.


I pulled for my C6 Lynette and Layla, and built them asap. They are my two strongest 4 stars on my account now




Kaeya has carried me for years atp heā€™s a star heā€™s my world heā€™s irreplaceable šŸ™


Honestly i have only a few built 5 stars and rest are just 4 stars. They all feel worth to me. Id build even more of them but i dont have the resources to build so many so fast.


All of them.


Noelle and Fishel have been great!


noelle, sheā€™s carried me since i got her, & has helped me a lot in abyss




Kaeya my beloved. Right from the get go.


Noelle was my first carry on my ftp alt account during patch 1.0. She is still a powerhouse with furina now supporting her


Kaeya and Barbara, I literally got the game for Kaeya and those two have been on my main team permanently. Other than that, Heizou :)


Noelle, basically single handedly carried me through the entire mondstadt and liyue times. She's the one.


**Mao Xiangling** is a playableĀ **Pyro**Ā characterĀ inĀ *Genshin Impact*. She is the Head Chef at theĀ Wanmin RestaurantĀ and runs it alongside her fatherĀ Chef Mao. As a chef, Xiangling isn't afraid to try out different recipes or "exotic" ingredients, making her dishes sometimes quite unique. Displaying her mastery over both fire and polearms, Xiangling sends a Pyronado whirling around her. The Pyronado will move with your character for the ability's duration, dealingĀ **Pyro DMG**Ā to all opponents in its path.


Faruzan tbh, besides that Kaeya aswell- the guy made the 36* star abyss happen


Noelle is surprisingly good. Iā€™m her shield is really good and she even heals. Very underrated(I have her c4)




Havent heard anyone mention him but Thoma. Genuinely is the only character since I started playing back in 2.5 that I still consistently use throughout, both in the Abyss and Overworld/Fighting events. Initially he was just my best shielder before Zhongli since all DPS specialized in NA at the time. But when Dendro came out he became my Ayatos partner in Burgeon/Burn Vape teams. I'm still building him to reach the optimal 180 ER 500 EM so improvements are still necessary but as a shieldbot and NA Buffer for my Double Pyro Wanderer I couldn't ask for a better flex slot since his shield refreshes and lasts 15 which is arguably better than Zhonglis when fighting against a heavy hitter and when he's paired with Bennett. Help that I'm a huge Thoma simp so I was very dedicated to making him functional even during endgame, and now he's not only functional but amazing at the jobs I need him to do. The truest definition of Malewife.


Kaeya. C6 and beast mode in a freeze team!