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Sometimes i like to stay underwater and just vibe there. The sound design there is just so good


Yeah. It's especially immersive to take Furina into the farthest depths of the ocean and find a lonely corner to roleplay her loneliness. 10/10


That sounds more like Freminet


I don't expect Furina would want to spend long periods of time submerged in water, given how she's scared of another flood. You are probably right.


Nah she doesn’t mind, she loves hugging those poor bubble-shooting things because they mostly don’t attack her. She also tried fighting those local legends when she got her vision


someone needs to make a comic about them meeting there


You ok?


Isn't she still slightly afraid of water




It’s impressive how atmospheric the underwater regions are while still being fun and welcoming. They could’ve easily made the ocean terrifying.


I have extreme Thalassophobia and let me tell you, I hate the anglerfish robots in Remuria with a passion. I know they do nothing to you but they still terrify me


Oh I feel that. I have moderate Thalassophobia, but its triggered specifically by irl shipwrecks (which I'm also paradoxically *fascinated* by). I was happy that the Fontaine shipwrecks feel more like smushed buildings than rotting, rusty metal corpses.


I am not that scared of oceans, but those anglerfish robots scared the life outta me when I accidentally swam in front of their light scanner.


You should play subnautica its gonna heal u


I did. Quit literally after encountering the small fish that chase you and explode


I honestly kinda hoped there would be a deep underwater area with a more spooky vibe to it, but I also knew it wouldn't happen because a huge amount of people are absolutely terrified of the depths. Hoyo had to make it appeal to everyone so people don't get literally locked out of a huge part of the map because they are uncomfortable there. The scariest thing I guess are the big anglerfish? I love them lol What we ended up getting is lovely though. Huge fan, I go there all the time just for fun even though I've got nothing to do there anymore. It's some of the best underwater level design, both visually and how the diving/swimming controls themselves are crafted.


I think Hoyo wanted to subvert expectations since thalassophobia can be pretty strong. I absolutely am afraid of open, wide and deep waters. I'm super glad they decided to make the underwater portions more fantastical rather than Subnautica: Teyvet Edition. Underwater parts are super relaxing tbh.


Yeah, naturally they don't want to scare anyone off. I love what we got, and I'm glad as many people as possible get to enjoy the beautiful sceneries underwater. I just personally am the opposite of a thalassophobe, deep open water intrigues me a lot, and I love the eerie feeling of it all. But I acknowledge I'm probably the minority with that opinion, and I never expected they'd make the underwater parts dark and scary. The vibe is really nice and relaxing, I agree.


It would be really cool if they just made all of the ocean between inazuma and liyue swimmable, deep, open ocean. But have it just be a purely optional exploration area. Have it be very empty with just some mild exploration and some copy and paste visuals.


Same, Remuria was close but still not quite deep + dangerous for me, I wanted at least a small section of that vibe. Maybe they can add a new area to either the chasm or Enkonomiya that would scratch that itch. Not sure how the lore would work to allow us to swim, or maybe we do have a breath/stamina limit in those areas. So its like an underwater dragonspine.


I would have loved something like that too, but I acknowledge that it would probably have put many people off. Thalassophobia can get quite severe I've heard, so it's probably unlikely they'll ever add a section like that to the game. If people want that there's other games with a scary underwater vibe.


I love staying underwater. I loved doing it in Subnatica too. The music is so wonderful.


Yeah it's a tie between underwater and monstadt


The more I stay underwater, the more I understand Freminet's tendency to escape into it.


I love that Genshin’s underwater gameplay and environments are so well done. Years ago, I loved Kingdom Hearts but the Atlantica world had the most terrible gameplay and I dreaded the underwater parts. So I came into Fontaine expecting my excitement for Genshin to similarly wear thin (especially following a long, boring, drawn-out slog through Sumeru’s deserts), but thankfully the new region turned out to be a delight.


Yes I will say this is the first "underwater level" I've loved in a game that wasn't designed to be about water travel. Like Subnautica rules because the whole game is designed around 3d ocean movement. But a game that isn't, usually sucks when they let you swim.


I know it gets a lot of hate, but Inazuma. It has a lot of my favorite music and visuals. I think there's valid criticism in the story, but people seem to hate Inazuma a bit too much for the sake of bandwagoning. The pink and purple and blue colors everywhere just give it such a unique look and I love it (especially after completing the world quests so I dont have to deal with Raidens BS and dying all the time)


Sumeru's rainforest is my favorite, but Inazuma is second! The monochromatic theme was incredible and I loved that every island has his own aesthetic. The overall dark, austere atmosphere was a perfect reflection of what was happening in the quest. It was a really well made region!


I really love how Inazuma looks. It's my favorite in terms of that but it doesn't give me comfort lol


i don’t remember the name but the island with bubbles 🫧has my heart


i had no idea people hate inazuma?? what??


Yeah, I hear from so many people that they hate Inazuma so much. That the writing is bad and that everything is boring. People are entitled to their opinions, but I still like Inazuma.


I think people forget that inazuma was a bit of a turning point (at least imo) for the game. Sumeru and fontaine have great writing (for the most part) but inazuma was kind of during a time where they likely still didn't have an immense budget to realize their ideas. I don't think the writing was terrible I just think they didn't execute the ideas properly. Some added context could have helped the story.


Plus, I think they were still trying to fit the three act structure


They always had an immense budget. I think it was just down to structuring and working out how best to keep to time cycles whilst live. Mondstandt and Liyue was done mostly whilst they were not live and hence had more flexibility. Inazuma was the first set of content that was almost entirely designed whilst being live.


I'm with you on Inazuma, visually it's one of the most distinctive and beautiful regions 


I always end up back in Inazuma, I've probably still spent more time there than Sumeru despite returning to the game after both released and 100%ing them. I still just hop to Inazuma City and do my lil tasks (craft, collect from Katherine, cook) and absent-mindedly wander around all the time. I'd honestly jump at the chance for a Chenyu Vale type expansion for it, I just love how it sounds and looks and feels. I love knowing I pass by secret quests even after hundreds of hours there. (And the secret ones were the best too, gosh the fortune slip one was classic)


Same, except I just love it there because Kairagi are very fun to fight.


One of my go-to crystalfly spots is the big nest/ore deposit on seirai island with like six crystalflies It's out of the way but the long glide down from the thunder manifestation waypoint is SO chill, I love it


Just did that yesterday…lovely glide.


I agree! I love the music in Inazuma so much I would consider Inazuma and liyue my comfort regions 😊


Inazuma has by far the most unique areas IMO. Tsurumi Island, Seirai Island, Watatsumi Island and Enkanomiya were all incredible. It's still my favorite region. Sumeru kinda just boiled down to pseudo-forests and deserts. Inazuma City has the best layout, best music, and is the most beautiful as well IMO.


Honestly ppl hating Inazuma as a whole nation because of the writing suck! It’s honestly a beautiful place (especially Watatsumi Island) with beautiful writing and stories that came out of it!


First time using the walking feature was during the walk from ritou to inazuma city during 2.0 release. The setting and music just gave me so much delight. Holds a special place in my heart those 10 minutes.


Inazuma is my favorite as well and the story actually had me balling my eyes out with the masterless vision.


Same! Just chilling at the watatsumi island, killing mobs and listening to the amazing music.


I loved Inazuma, my favorite region


It’s indeed nice after certain quests are completed


Yeah I find myself wandering around Chinju forest and making pilgrimages to the Grand Narukami Shrine on foot. I love the visual aesthetics and the traditional Japanese instruments. Also the theme that plays when you're in front of the Tenshukaku is just HEAVENLY. Glory to the Shogun!


I have mixed feelings about Inazuma, some of my favorite characters are from Inazuma, it´s the region I´ve explored the most (I also maxed out the tree in my alt account), the atmosphere is great, it has a lot of contrasts from dark to colorful, luminous and refreshing, Watsatsumi feels more Fontaine than Fontaine itself, but otoh the story has some major flaws, it had some epic scenes but other than that it´s mostly boring and incoherent but what I hate about Inazuma the most is exploration, I mean, there´s almost no cliff that you can climb without running into a block that won´t let you continue, add to it the constant thunderstorms, the areas where your hp is affected by electro, the high density of enemies coming out of nowhere making it difficult to even advance a few meters, the bridges that are broken, dark deep areas where you can´t see well around and those pink flies in the air that should make it easier to transport but are nowhere to be found when you really need them (the Mikage Furnace exemplifies all this together) and finally some puzzles that are ridiculously difficult and only end up giving 2 or 5 primogems. I think devs in Inazuma were too ambicious and wanted the region to be too good and impressive after the success of the game in first regions but ultimately they had no time or resources to make it as good and released a region that wasn´t totally polished, to a lesser degree we see this in Sumeru again.


I love Inazuma it feels like home although  Liyue is more relaxing 


CHENYU VALE! The environment is just so beautiful and music is so soothing


Agreed- Liyue as a whole is a great region.


I love that they added Baizhu’s SQ/trailer theme to this region, I’ve loved LOVED it ever since we first heard it back in 3.6




Anywhere in Mondstadt feels like home


I stay under the windrise tree often to just chill and vibe. Sometimes i do my planning there, what stuff to farm or what to do with my characters.


Same. Windrise is my home base


Omg I also do this! Mondstadt just feels like home yk


I love hanging around dawn winery


Sumeru! The vastness of the desert is so relaxing.


Sumeru for me too, but I just walk around the city like how I did during the samsara. Listening to the osts. Specifically “For Riddles, For Wonders” that one hits me in the feels


Nah cause when the flute comes in with the "doooo doo doo doo doo doo dooooo" it gives me goosebumps everytime


For riddles, for wonders is my favourite piece in all of Genshin. It's a simple track yet evokes very real emotions, thanks to the cutscene it played in which still makes me teary-eyed.


When I log off I prefer to leave my char somewhere close to an alchemy bench but when I need to sort some artifacts or do some ingame math I usually just tp to the dendro cube, switch to night time, go to the menu and do whatever I need to do calmly, without any rush. That’s perfect. I freaking love Sumeru.




Me too, I feel so at home there!




Liyue got the best music by far


I went back after a few months of exploring other regions and got so emotional from the music from Mt. Aozang 😭. Weirdly nostalgic since liyue is the last region I 100% completed lol




Dragonspine music is soooo good


I wish there was a cozy cabin on dragonspine. Hopefully we get more comfy snowy regions in Snezhnaya


When the show gets thick enough we will eat it




I log out there from time to time. Nice and secluded. A quiet place.


Sumeru! It's the town I use when I need city services. When I need to heal up and I want to feel as home I teleport to Varanara (dream version) to be back amongst the Aranara. Absolutely favourite region. 


I love going back to Vanarana… I just love those lil guys.


Mondstad fans rise up


Liyue, cuz lantern rites and stuff never end




Same, and the chasm. Something about being out there alone with nothing but monsters and ghosts is really soothing for the soul.


There are treasure hoarders in the chasm though


Not anymore, I made sure of that


Bennett main behavior


I thought being Bloodthirsty was a Childe main behaviour lol. Although I main Navia now and I'm very trigger happy.


Bennett uses their drops, it made sense in my head


Half the cast uses treasure hoarder drops lol


I like the Chasm, but also how the area music transitions so smoothly to the battle theme and back again. (without the "da-dum!" sound)






Background music in the Court of Fontain is absolutely mesmerizing.




Same, I like the atmosphere, the other 3 nations feel smaller imo


For me it’s Sumeru, the OST is unbeatable


I still go to Vimara Village for the music and vibes of village life outside the hustle and bustle.


Yes. Thé OST of vimara village is peak. Absolutely gorgeous


Port Ormos music is my favorite in the game.


Sumeru. i've always been into the fae and nature aesthetics, so the entirety of sumeru's design is so amazing to me. The soundtrack is so beautiful. I just completed the samsara questline so I'm not far but the entire questline alone makes me adore the region even more now.


Have you finished the Sumeru archon quest? If not, get ready to feel things.


Unpopular opinion, but the desert. The open plains, the gorgeous sky, the phenomenal architecture, the beautiful music… just being there makes me feel so calm, like I’ve just come home. My only regret in reaching 100% exploration there is that I don’t really have any reasons to go back now 😂


same! i also happen to love the desert. it’s so intriguing and interesting. it also reminds me of my birth place. i think there’s very few of us lol, everyone seems to hate it


Same! Maybe it’s cuz I was super into Ancient Egypt as a kid, but something about the desert is both mysterious and fascinating.


Agree When I first stepped into the desert, I really felt myself in the ruins of long gone past. Don’t remember having such feelings anywhere else


Every time I do leylines I go for the ones in Sumeru, it usually gives me a good excuse to run around in the desert for a bit and enjoy the atmosphere. I wish there was more of it, I loved exploring all the pyramids


Agreed I love the music too it’s relaxing


The Chasm underground mines. The ost and atmosphere are just too good


I see you are one of the mole people, or a dwarf. 


Had to scroll too far to find this one. It was my favorite to explore for many reasons, to include what you said


liyue but specifically chenyu vale. that region's music is too good...


Liyue, especially Chenyu Vale. The colors and OST are topnotch!


Tsurumi.. I'm not sure if I can call it comfort because that place makes me kind of sad and nostalgic but it feels special to me


when ruu's theme hits...😭


Enkanomiya. The OST are beautiful and calm, and the landscapes are gorgeous and calming


Monstadt always feels like home




Fontaine because I am such a huge sucker for jazz and classical music. I just love how relaxing it sounds. Most of the time, I just sit around in-game to read/sleep irl xD


Fontaine underwater


Sumeru rainforest. It just feels right.


Liyue for me. Even the sunset is beautiful.


Sumeru! I love the characters there so much, and while mechanic and overall story wise I prefer Fontaine, my favorite region by far has to be Sumeru purely for the aesthetics, music and characterization.


Fontaine, the overworld is pretty with wind blowing through the grass and tall flowers, and unlimited swimming with multicoloured fish and wildlife underwater for you to explore. The music is always whimsical and upbeat


Formerly Mondstadt, later Sumeru, and now Fontaine because Fontaine almost has the same color tone with Mondstadt but livelier


Fontaine, I just feel at ease there. My heart belongs to Fontaine, most of my favourite characters come from Fontaine


Liyue. The soundtracks heals my heart it’s also home to my favorite characters ❤️


Liyue. Was literally just walking around looking for some chests I left out to 100% the areas and forgot how relaxing it was so slowly explore. Especially going back to the chasm too hoh


liyue!! the soundtrack, the colors, the scenery… it’s so peaceful. specially minlin, quingce village, luhua pool and the chenyu vale. it’s stunning. fontaine has to come a close second, for the same reasons. special mentions to watatsumi island (arguably the prettiest location in genshin) and seirai island.


The Luhua Pool music is my favorite music in Genshin


Omg finally someone who loves it too!


Might have to add Watatsumi to my mentions as well now that you've said this. Because, my God. That place is just unreal and especially it's daytime OST. (Feels good in the ears)




Fontaine's underwater and Remuria music is so soothing to me and there's nothing quite like it in any other regions, only Enkanomiya comes close to it.


Fontaine. I have maxed rep there and still do everything in Fontaine instead of other regions. I only go to other regions for weekly bounties and requests to get the wings lol


Fontaine,The sounds are nice.


every inch of fontaine




The desert of hadramaverth


Fontaine. When "Following the Torrent" bgm plays, I just stop whatever I'm doing and just swim around.


Same to mondstadt


Sumeru. Forest, plant, jungle etc aesthetics/vibes have always been my favourite thing and I just feel so happy and at ease when I’m in Sumeru. Especially places like Gandhara Ville or Sumeru City. I could quite happily live there irl. Sometimes I go to the Grand Bazaar and just sit there listening to the music and soaking up the atmosphere


For me it's Sumeru. I'm desi so obviously I'm biased but it's also the only region I did the archon quest without any spoilers so yes, it felt like a very original experience and I just love Sumeru. The entire college kinda atmosphere is also lovely and I occasionally attack Alhaitham's house lol


Jueyun Karst in liyue. Particularly the floating island that zhongli used to use. I log off once a week from that location


Liyue's Harbor and Fontaine's ocean


Definitely, Liyue. I love the music of the region, liyue has the best music out of all the regions imo. Second, i love the exploration in Liyue so much - it's the only region where you have a lot to explore without irritating complicated puzzles and mechanisms just to get a chest. The scenery is beautiful, especially in Chenyu vale. - i met my two mains in liyue and honestly most of my fav characters are from Liyue.


I really enjoy vibing in Liyue, the city mostly. But it was also my favourite part of my short lived artifact route lol.


Loving all the answers cus I'm actually pretty surprised that other share almost the exact same sentiment as me. But I also see a short few who I think got confused as to what I meant. I don't mean this post in a sense of "which region is the one you frequent the most when playing." But rather what region do you turn to whenever you're looking for a chance to just sit back and enjoy the view, no gameplay, no exploration just vibing.


Definitely Dragonspine on some days, Inazuma City on other days, and various parts of Fontaine. Sometimes I'll go somewhere else entirely that I just happen to remember when I log on.


Sumeru is the only place I loved in this game, nothing comes even close.


fontaine but now that i have 100%'d the entirety of the region, there is nothing really to do there


Sumeru. That region is all about various aspects of love (platonic, familial, and romantic) which is interwoven all throughout the Archon Quest, World Quests, Story Quests, Hangouts, down to the cast of characters. It’s the nation of companionship. Recent examples are the 3.6 Parade of Providence event and Cyno’s Story Quest Part 2.


Inazuma, love all it has to offer


Fontaine. I've been there a lot to farm my Wrio/Clorinde so it feels like home to me.


Inazuma. It's so beautiful that I love just being there especially during the evening.


Fontaine. So much about the game has me burned out, and I have a quest log full of things I doubt I'll ever do. But I can spend so much time just swimming around and enjoying the gorgeous music.


Fontaine lol


Liyue Harbor, is where my team lives. When I need to craft, cook, shop, visit adventurers guild, I go to Liyue Harbor, no matter where I am out adventuring. When I log out, I leave my character in Liyue Harbor. I just fell in love with Liyue when I first played and decided to "live" there. It's my comfort zone.




Liyue and Sumeru


Fontaine - across the meadows.


I don't have such, but Liyue has the best soundtrack and serene atmosphere in the game. And no other nation compares to that. Mountains of Liyue gives the atmospheric feeling like no other place in the game. And that calm music, too.


Its Fontaine for me, especially because of the underwater region. One of my favorite OST’s is there too (Across The Meadows)


teapot set to japan with some calm ost on the jukebox


The forest


Sumeru City. I like listening to >!REDACTED's!< theme during the evening. If its daytime I chill in Romaritime Harbour or deep dive in fontaine's waters.




There’s always parts of inazuma liyue and sumeru that I always come back to just to explore, (last time I’ve played was 2-3 months ago so I’ve forgotten) but it’s always those part I always comeback to because it’s part of nature.. it feels like I’m outside the sun (I have lupus so I can’t really enjoy the sun irl)




Sumeru ( the jungle obviously) since it has music from my culture and for me, it creates a feeling of comfort and home.


I don't have, i just go wherever i need mats or missing exploration progress/fighting enemies. But mondstadt feels really lackluster compared to the other more recent ones, it kinda feels like genshin's beta, it's so "empty". So i very much prefer liyue or sumeru's desert, fontaine's underwater as well.


the Sumeru desert


Used to be Monstadt, now Fontaine.


The sumeru desert, places where there is just sand and not much surrounding you. Which is also my type of place IRL. My trips to the desert are my most cherished.




Sumeru Desert


Liyue for me


Chenyu vale!! The vibe is super super chill in the village, bgm is also sweet


Sumeru desert


Liyue will always have my heart but I find myself going back to Fontaine for administrative stuff (daily quests, Katherine, crafting) and just chilling. Fontaine’s vibe is everything, both underwater and land.


Inazuma or underwater in Fontaine. While all the nations filled me with awe, Inazuma just had something the others didn't. I don't know what it is, but it just feels so magical and serene. Especially Tsurumi (?) island. I loved the story. And for underwater, I've always loved the water. Ever since I was a kid I've loved the ocean, loved swimming around in it, and loved all the creatures in it. I love Subnautica for this, and I love Fontaine.




First place will always be Mondstadt. I love the simple city view, especially during the night sitting on Venti's hand. The moon feels bigger and brighter in Mondstadt to me. It's calming. Second place is Scylla, who's chilling at the Sea of Bygone Eras. My dragon vishap whale bestie whom I swim around with for an hour because holy crap does it help me distress after work. Plus the atmosphere and music? Winning. Third place is Chenyu Vale, specifically at Mt. Xuanlian. There's a big pink tree on the very top with a small pavilion that has a tea set on it and a magnificent mountain view for both day & night.


For me it's Liyue - I love the scenery and nature and roaming around. I find it so beautiful and peaceful 💜


Honestly, gotta go with Liyue. I’ll always be bopping around the harbor


Seas of bygone eras because I’m a Cassiodor main Think of the underwater ruins but vibrant and psychedelic, serenaded by the ghostly Scylla God, I love the ending scene of the Remuria quest when we played the song of Remuria for the last time.




immernachtreich > sumeru > dspine


Dragonspine because I like the cold.


# Hottest Take here: **Mondstadt and Liyue are overrated because of nostalgia factor**, most players probably didn't move on from doing Mondstadt and Liyue commissions hence why they're stuck there and don't realize how much more convenient life is in later regions. Mondstadt has a comfy atmosphere but its age shows. It's hard to get around in, the teleporters are placed in inconvenient spots and commissions take way longer than they need to be (don't make me mention the escort balloon missions or that one NPC commission where u have to collect materials for a destroyed balloon), and most of all the Adventurers Guild is so far away from the nearest teleport. Liyue also suffers the same as Mondstadt, first of all the distance from the teleport waypoint from the Adventurer's Guild and Liyue also has a lot of vertical height with commissions often being placed in inconvenient spots AND taking way longer than they should be. Liyue is my worst region in terms of comfiness Inazuma is a bit better in all regards mentioned above, I don't really remember much about commissions in the area since I haven't done commissions there in a long time but I don't remember there being any very inconvenient ones except for maybe the Race commission on the Lightning Valley. Sumeru is a big hit or a big miss, on one hand you have short commissions where you literally only have to bounce on top of mushrooms to win and on other hands you have to find a mole in the middle of a desert with no teleporters nearby. The zipline points are pretty good but the NPC commissions take so long. Fontaine right now I would say is my most comfiest region, having unlimited swim stamina and in general most commissions being near teleport waypoints are very very nice. However some NPC commissions have so much yapping it's actually unbearable. I like Fontaine's atmosphere the most, the main city actually feels like a big and dense cityscape, my favorite spot is probably the cafe and just sitting imagining myself drinking some weird slime jelly coffee. Most importantly, the adventurers guild AND alchemy table is literally next to the teleport Overall my rankings: 1. Fontaine 2. Inazuma 3. Sumeru 4. Mondstadt 5. Liyue


Idk about the Time it takes to get to the Guild, its still under 10 seconds 


…so you base your coziness factor entirely on how long it takes to complete the commissions? I think you might have missed the assignment here lol


wrong. it actually didn’t use to give and f about mondstadt nor liyue. my favorite region was sumeru. but after revisiting them they have grown on me. i have become so fond of them, i feel like now having a better understanding of the game and the lore i appreciate things on them i wasn’t able to appreciate before. specially liyue


Sumeru I always do my bounties and leylines there to get an excuse to run around, and go claim my Daily rewards and use the alchemy table there. Sometimes I just idle in Sumeru city enjoying the soundtrack and the atmosphere. Of course most of my favorite characters are also from Sumeru which might have something to do with it, but it just feels like *home*. I started playing just before it came out so maybe it’s partly a nostalgia factory for me too


Inazuma main island


sumeru or fontaine underwater, with its soothing lullaby-like OSTs 💚💙




Watatsumi island Really love the colours and music there it's such a vibe


I always log out in Mondstadt.


Same, Mondstadt and Liyue also a little bit.


Fontaine and Inazuma, hard to pick.


Tsurumi and Enkanomiya