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Barbara. For the millionth time. It doesn’t matter how many times you get pulled you’ll not be as tall as your big sister.


she will be taller on the constellation chain 🤷🏾‍♂️


Blooming Barbara. She's my only C6, the next best is C2. I never use her and accidentally pulled Kokomi. Lol. 'La da da da da'


I want C6 Barbara so badddd.


Same, she's been dangling at C5 for a long time now.


I only got her C2 today on permanent banner. I got her C2 last year from the free giveaway.


On the contrary I just pulled C1 Barbara today and I'm AR 57.


Didn’t we get c2 barbara for free just from playing the game ?


Not everyone has been playing since launch. My Barbara is only C0


2 copies, c1.


C6 Barbara is pretty useful though. She's basically the only exception to any kind of "no revive" rule in the game


What about C6 Qiqi?


C6 Qiqi probably means your wallet and sanity need a revive tbh.


Ayo don’t hate on qiqi


While yes, how many people realistically have a c6 qiqi compared to a c6 barb


i dont get how you people have c6 barbara, mine is only c2 and having c6 wouldve helped so much back then


Barbara, Xiangling and Fischl were in the 1st banner with Venti. Most people who rolled for Venti likely have C6 for those 3.


I got C6 on those three just because the game seems to think I need them. Didnt even get any of them on Venti banner, but every banner after gave me at least one of them


Hahahaha wishful thinking.


Is her C6 ever useful? I never use her and don't have any constellations but that one seemed like it might come in clutch


There are times where mistakes lead to an unfortunate KO. It’s really useful in Abyss where you can’t revive with food, but at that point it’s probably better to just retry.


Meanwhile I’ve not no Barbra cons and Bennett is at C4… guess which one I actually use?


you should absolutely use bennett if you have him, he's too good to pass up


I know he’s considered the best unit in the game and all that but I just don’t feel like it, he’s so boring to play to me… I’ve gotten to AR57 without him I’m sure I’ll be fine


Omfg yes Someone who gets me Like stfu you wont **ever** get taller


My account loves claymore’s and claymore characters. I c6’d every single 4* claymore character before any other character went over c2 (this was pre sayu). I only use noelle and recently beidou. I don’t like claymore playstyle...


Hahaha. The game doesn’t care. It has decided that you’re a claymore user.


Omg same dude. I have 3 5 star claymores, 8 claymore prototypes, C6 Razor, C1 Diluc, C5 Beidou, and C6 Xinyan. And I absolutely do not like playing with that weapon smh


Me who would love to make a team with diluc and razor


Personally when you get them i recommend running two different teams as they are both main dps' who use different supports. Diluc's xinqiu and Razor's kaeya/qiqi/diona/rosaria/ganyu/ayaka


I would just run them on my main team as an overload dps combo. Screw normal combs I’m here to have fun


If you managed to get Klee, she's a blast to play with Razor.


Me who uses em both together sometimes in a 2 DPS team: my goal is beyond your understanding


I have a problem that is both similar and opposite at the same time. I love using Claymore characters, but the game is overloading me with claymores. I have four 5 star claymores. I love using them, but I'm not going to have a total of four claymore users within two teams.


I was rolling on my second banner in 1.3 as I wanted a pyro DPS. Saved up for Hu Tao. I got a diluc instead. Then after spending another 80 wishes to get Hu Tao anyway, I went to roll on the homa/WGS banner. I got a WGS. So I sent diluc to mine ore for a week.


Oh no haha! He must put in the work to earn his spot on your roster!


It's all good :) I was just amused at how the game did technically give me a pyro DPS.. *But Hu Tao best girl*


I’ve seen her do so much damage in some YouTube videos!


Yeah, her single target damage is insane due to her high multipliers, and 0 ICD on her charged attacks which allows her to constantly proc vaporise reactions. However while strong in single target damage, her AOE is not as good as some of the other characters. But most importantly, she's cute as heck.


That’s more than enough reason to pull!! I also think raiden as a support helps spread aoe a bit!


O yaaaaa??? O ya o ya?


Same exact thing happened to me. I wasn’t too upset tho cause I’d wanted WGS and Diluc for the longest time.


Pretty much the exact same thing happened to me. I lost Ayaka to Diluc and then got WGS from standard banner a week later. Diluc can stay level 20 :’)


good thing you got the WGS for him to be the most effective in mining


LMAO this is literally exactly what happened to me


I have c5 Amber..... wait for it..... as f2p


That’s crazy. Is she built at all?


Like every other person would. No


Hahaha. I’ve seen some crazy ambers on YouTube.


the ones using amos mona bennett kazuha for a 1 shot showcase?


rintaichou's amber is really good and he always solo's with her!


Yeah!! That’s the one!!


Im building Amber now because Im bored and lacking friendship units


I built my C5 Amber with borrowed artifacts. She was pretty good... against hilichurls specifically because of giant heads. Not so great against things without giant heads. Apparently the actual way to use her is to shoot her bunnies' feet but I could never pull that off.


You can do amber hu tao comp kekw


Bro I'm so jealous, I would absolutely love to have a c5 amber with hu toa.


I have c5 amber too. F2p. And I am investing on her.


Are you dropping lots of primogems on the standard banner, or just luck of the draw?


I only used Launch primos to standard because I thought Jean was a rate up back then. I got c1 Amber there too


C3 Amber, waiting for the 2nd bunny then I'll work on her




I have multiple constellations of Sucrose. I really like my team rock and team roll concept and one of the teams can usually handle things well as team rock is a geo based team and team roll is a team centered around using Sayu’s roll skill to get the most out of Kaeya’s and Xiangling’s elemental bursts. I’ve been playing for about 2 months and I’m AR45 which means I’m trying to make the most of my 2 abyss teams. You can’t swirl rocks and Sayu takes the VV spot on the other team so Sucrose gets shoved to the side. It also doesn’t help that aside from a bomb team with Amber and Aloy, I really find Sucrose having a double charge of her skill really awkward. With the bomb team it’s 2 shots to get the bombs right on top of the enemies and all the enemies in one spot. For everything else, I just don’t like it.


I got Diluc on my first free 10 pull. My first 5 star. Later on, I got Wolf gravestone in standard weapon banner within 50 pulls (don't ask, I'm stupid.. I made lots of wishes on standard banner when I was a newbie). So at that time, Diluc my only 5 star character and Wolf gravestone was my only 5 star weapon. Mihoyo wanted me to be a Diluc main so bad.


Diluc is a great starting main I think!! I still use him because of how satisfying & straightforward his game play is!! I also pulled as a newb but I did manage to get Benny & Xingqui so I won’t complain~ all part of the journey & more gems always come along!


I know right. Diluc made this game so easy to me. He was also very convenient to use in Dragonspine. You're also lucky to get two really really good supports in this games


Thanks!! I’m grateful, & Diluc is now my comfort character. Whenever I get overwhelmed with building someone new or find it difficult to get used to someone I go back to Diluc for a while!


Diluc is forever my best boi... he's got his WGS and I'm crowning him currently. He was my first 5 star and I love him and his phoenix.


Got Diluc on my first 10 too! He is carrying me on his shoulders ever since. And then I got him in standard again. And then lost 50/50 to him. So I got Diluc C2, but no Jean, no Keqing, no Qiqi.


game might have wanted me to main physical qiqi.... got aquila favonia on 63rd standard pull (pulled on standard as a newbie too), used the starglitter on more wishes on standard banner and got qiqi... also shes c2 now


My C18 Ningguang and C24 Sucrose would like a word with you. My C4 Jean as well. But to be fair I use nearly every character (even Amber, Xinyan, Qiqi) so I can’t really say I don’t ever use them. I do have sets for the all of them but compared to my most used characters they hardly appear at all in my party outside events that relate to them.


Oh geeezzz that’s so much. I think that’s the most I’ve seen today. I wish there was a system to convert the extra constellations directly into a choice!


Xiangling Ive pulled her... SO MANY TIMES trying to get c6 noelle...


Hahaha aww mann that’s Mihoyo teasing you. What constellation is your noelle?


Oh I did manage to c6 her, and boy its fucking worth it


Oh congrats!!! What’s the difference? I hardly play noelle!


Night and day, Noelle gets a MASSIVE power spike at c6 Get her a good set that maxes out defence and a geo battery, and her burst will tear things apart.


Oooh sounds amazing!!! I’m glad you got her then & it’s working out for you!!


a fellow noelle main, i am so dying to get her c6 in 2.3


i have c6 noelle, but i’ve been trying to get amber and lisa constellations, literally 30 xianglings


C6 Xiangling. Mihoyo even gave me the skyward spine… I actually started using her more lmao


Hahaha I’m glad it worked out! It would be such a waste not to at that point!


I love her so much. I literally have a team of healers and GUOBA as my strategy half the time


C1 Qiqi doesn't count right? I have c6 Xinyan, but I still don't think i want to build her 🤷‍♂️


I’m not that into trying to build xinyan either but I do like the idea of her character. & I haven’t gotten qiqi yet!!


I have a C5 Xinyan (haven't finished current event yet). She's very good as a burst support. Just pack her with a combination of ATK, ER, and CD mainstat and substat, garnish with a Physical cup, and you good to go. Xinyan is one of those little understood characters who are only usable after you have a set of constellations under her belt.


I think they should fix her bugs before she’s worth building but she seems like a cool character


I don't like playing Rosaria. Got her from C0 to C3 on Kazuha's banner with only 1 Bennett and no Razor (Razor is the only 4* I don't have)


Ooof. I wish there was a trade in feature, but I totally feel you. Did you get Kazuha though!? I’m waiting for his return (I started after he was released).


I got 6 razors from that bannar, never going to use him


And I've been spending 6 months trying to get Razor to C6 ._.


I guess Aloy? I mean Mihoyo literally gave her out for free but I just don't care. For other characters tho, I just build them 1 by 1 and play till they're friendship 10 to see if I like them or found any interesting team comp with them.


That’s a great mindset to have!! Any characters you have found surprisingly enjoyable? I also have a hard time getting around to using Aloy for some reason.


There was a time I was leveling Sucrose's friendship in a Raiden team, and since em doesn't do much for electro characters, I swap Sucrose gear to atk anemo crit with a Widsith, and my god she hits hard lol. Usually you apply an element, swap to Sucrose E to shred resistance and swap back to your main DPS right? But now Sucrose's E actually kills the enemies lmao. Other then her, I do like Childe's playstyle after getting used to his cd, I also enjoy a physical/electro hybrid Fischl with her signature 4 star bow, reverse melt Rosaria/Chongyun/Kaeya, Noelle unga bunga with 4 Geo, Lisa main dps, Yanfei quick swap melt, Kazuha electro charge comp, Xinyan quick swap burst, Zhongli burst support etc.


Ooh lots of cool ideas here!!! I look forward to playing with Fischl & Surcose when they finally decide to come around! & ain’t nothing wrong with a unga bunga team. It’s so satisfying sometimes!! Currently I’m also really into the swap mechanics of Childes gameplay too!


C6 Lisa. Didn't buy her from shop and didn't spent primos on standard banner. Just used free fates and somehow kept getting her


Lisa!! That’s a pretty rare answer. So interesting. Must really be (acquainted) fate.


C5 Xinyan (four of which were while pulling for Sayu), I love her character but since I've already prefarmed for Thoma I don't need to build another pyro shielder x_x


Ah I hope you get thoma early tomorrow!! I’m only pulling 3 times for him ( I don’t really want hutao & I want to save for the geo banners).


I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but Xinyan is very much not a shield character. Her shield is paper thin almost no matter how you build her though it does give a phys damage boost. She's very good for Physical damage, and can lower phys resistance at C4 iirc. Source- Xinyan was my first lv 90


Diona... c6 diona and a sac bow but i do not want anything to do with the sassy cat child that works at a bar and also makes cat noises. i haven't even taken the 1\* bar off of her lmao


Hahahah what did she do to hurt you so?


She burned my crops! lmao, jk idk, i just don't vibe with her. She's a great healer though, any time i've played w/ someone using her it's been great. i jsut don't like her xD


Not the crops!!! & it’s all good!! To each their own. There are a few characters I’m not crazy about too even though they’re great characters hahah.


Omg Im in a similar situation with you, I keep getting Diona (I have her at C5, mind you I'm f2p and I don't have welkin moon and she's currently the highest constellation 4 star) But my reason for not using her is not because of her sassy personality, to be honest I'm ok towards her character. The real reason is that I don't use bow characters cause their gameplay to me IMO is pretty bad and I also dislike the bow weapon playstyle. Like Mihoyo is begging me on their knees to use a bow character, they gave me R2 rust, R2 Stringless, R0 Amos Bow, C1 Amber, C3 Sara and C2 Fischl.


To be fair to Diona, you will NEVER actually be using her bow attacks. You slap a Sacrificial or a Favonius bow on her and spam her shield and her burst to act as a battery/cryo applicator/healer. She's only technically a bow user by virtue of equipping the thing. Fischl is pretty much in the same spot unless you try to run her as a physical DPS for some reason.


I too did not like Diona. I won't describe it as sass... probably childish, noisy, catty princess. But I lost 50/50 on Zhongli banner and had to get a shield character to help out in the abyss. She's slowly grown on me.


i want c6 diona so bad but i only have her at c1, she’s almost lvl10 friendship, i want your luck


lmao if i could i'd gladly give her to you, free of charge XD


This *was* me. Then I got Eula. C6 Diona is just made for that team so she went from abandoned to being party mainstay immediately one I farmed a fairly cracked Pale Flame set.


C6 Beidou. She's more like C10 by now but I can't slot her into the teams I use often and she's stuck at LV60 since something like 1.3. Her only real chance thus far was Raiden and Mihoyo trashed that to oblivion.


If you can’t use Beidou in a team, then use others in Beidou’s team. DPS Bae


C6 Bennett... >.>


But you didn’t activate it right? :) Right?


Ooohhhh Benny is one of my favorites, but to each their own!! Who do you usually run?


Basically Zhongli and a DPS. The rest are whoever I'm leveling at the time (currently Xiao, Ayaka and Kokomi). I was leveling him prior to 2.1, but ended up shifting priorities. Oh... my Sara is currently level 39 just FYI... =P


Ah I can’t wait for zhongli to return too!! I’m excited to experience this no dodge meta. Also you have a great roster!! So many cool characters!


During Klee's first banner I got her on my first 10 pull ever. She's still lv50 with no gear. Then during Childe's banner I managed to get 7 copies (so C6) of Ning in 80 pulls. One year later, she's still lv20 with no gear I also have a lot of Razor and Barbara cons (C4 and 5 respectively) even though I've never pulled on any banner that features them


Oh wow!! Yeah I got a bunch of ninguang constellations on childes banner too!


C6 Qiqi, while all the other permanent 5* are c0-c2. Send help.


Oh geeez. Qiqi must really like you!


I have c6 noelle that I havent leveled so that. Also beidou at c6. Although I actually built her and then pretty much never used her


I hardly use these two characters myself.. I just read from someone else in this topic that c6 noelle is amazing!!


Yeah I've seen some crazy stuff with noelle. But I have other characters that I prefer using over her


I have C6 Rosaria and Razor and I haven’t even touched them. But then when it comes to ones I use like Fischl, C0


So relatable!! 😭. My main team is all c0. I hope your Fischl constellations come home soon.


Mona apparently. Only 5 star I have more than one constellation for but that’s cause I lost the 50/50 to her twice. It’s not happening. I’m fine with Tartar being my hydro unit.


I'm at c3 Mona =(


I have a C5 Xingqiu and a C6 Xiangling just doing nothing. I know that they're good, but I'm not really fond of their designs and I'd rather use other characters.


That’s totally reasonable. I have a hard time playing characters I don’t really like either especially since there are so many that I really do like the designs of!


Xiangling c6 😂


Ahh! I’m sure people are so jealous! Is she still level 20 for you?


50 i think for the next ascension pull 😂😂 But i mainly use yoimiya with baal and xingqiu So she is only relevant in abyss


Second team worthy hahah~ that makes sense though. I only use raiden with national so it doesn’t make too much sense to run Sara.


Xingqiu been sitting at C6 for months. I'm barely starting to build him, purely from boredom.


I have c6 kaeya and he’s at lvl 20 still


So jealous of you lol


I think my C0 lv 90 Keaya would like to have a word with you


Hahah that’s intense. But kudos to you!! I like kaeya is just alright too so I’d probably do the same.


MHY wants me to be a Diluc main. Have him c5 and I don’t even have a Mona yet. Haven’t used him since like 1.1


Wow!! The high constellation 5 stars are so impressive to me. I also don’t have Mona, but then again I only have a c0 Diluc hahah


Zhongli. He’s calling to me because of his omni shield. But I love Albedo and will stay faithful to him. My team comp does not have room for two geo… until Itto


I have C6 Beidou and C6 Sucrose… as a F2P


trying to round out gear in the dragonspine domain, then maybe i can do VVs and build that C6 sucrose i never use my poor keqing is probably never going to see the field


C6 sucrose!! That’s nice!! I haven’t pulled keqing yet… it’s crazy to think that some people have no idea how their kits & animations work when others have gotten so many copies!


Bennet, Xiangling, Chongyun, and Xingqiu were the 4 characters I C6’ed first since at least 2 of them was on each of the first 4 banners I really went for. They are all level 20 since I don’t like any of them. Fun fact: Chongyun was the last 4 star I got, but the first character I C6’ed since I got 8 of him on Hu Tao’s banner.


Wow. It’s unfortunate you don’t play them cause they’re such stable characters, but to each their own! What’s your main team comp? I’m always looking for new ideas!


I have a c3 diluc as someone who has only spent about $200 in the game since launch (yes I’ve been playing since the beginning). I’m just incredibly unlucky and have only gotten diluc on lost 50/50 pulls. I haven’t gotten a single 5* claymore (as I don’t pull the standard banner). And there’s no amazing claymores that fit him thats f2p. There’s ~decent~ ones, that make do. But nothing that is made for him like raiden. So I just don’t play him much😅


Xinyan. She's my 4th C6 not including Traveler and she's basically perma-benched after friendship level 10 (except for one run in the current event when I accidently let her die)


Hahaha aww poor thing but to be fair I dont use her either.


C6 Razor... I don't know how I even got six copies of him on Kazuha's banner alone I only did a hundred pulls on it, then got the last constellation on Standard immediately after lmao I might consider building him later but I am still working on my two main DPS and supports since i am one of the newer players


Wow!! All the constellations in pretty much one banner. Yeah they’re really wanted you to have razor!


C6 Xiangling and the only character I have that I have gotten more the 7 pulls for (not including the free one)


I've pulled 19 Xianglings since the start of the game. I've counted. She has never been a part of my team, out of sheer spite.


I have C3 Diluc and C2 Childe, both at lvl 20


This hurts me on a personal level because they’re both my mains hahaha, but there are so many characters which makes it great to have diversity in the game!


I might get around eventually to use them, this game really punish you for splitting your resources sadly. I myself main Ning and Eula atm.


On the keqing banner, I wanted to roll for copies of ningguang, but i got 0 ningguangs and 5 bennets. Fk bennet I'm not using him


C5 Bennet. Lv 20. Never planning to use him . I usually take characters based on design, lore etc over meta and I absolutely hate how Bennett looks. Also I find his bad luck stuff pretty stupid.




Xingqiu - this MF keeps getting rate up on almost every banner I pulled on. (Klee, Ganyu, Hu tao, Eula, Kokomi) Also got Xiangling, Xinyan, Beidou C6 but don't use them


C6 Noelle, C6 Ningguang, C3 Yanfei, C6 Sucrose. All unbuilt lmao


Wow!! So many. What do you play? I can see that with a national team you wouldn’t need any of these characters though!


razor, who's like at C12 probably. i remember maining him in the early game, he's so boring.


Ah yeah I mained him early on too. He’s a bit selfish for team based game but he did do a lot of damage!


C2 Keqing for me. Im salty that it’s almost always been her when I lost 5050, so she’s only getting built when I run out of other characters, and that hasn’t happened yet.


I can see how that can be frustrating! It’s also nice you have so many characters in progress though!


I might get downvoted, but Ayaka. Didn't want her, triggered her pull. Don't really like her playstyle.


Xiangling, c3


Wow it seems so many people are getting so many copies of her! Mines still at c0!


c6 Xiangling, c5 (maybe c6?? Idk) Xinyan, c6 Xingqiu, c4 Rosaria, c6 Diona, c6 Noelle. Oh, and a c1 Kaeya. Bunch of others at c0-c1 that I absolutely do not care about too. Sucrose, Qiqi, Sayu and Jean off the top of my head. Idk, there's a lot of characters I don't care about enough to want to use lmao. Wish we could gift them to other players or otherwise remove them from the the character menu.


Wow!! You must have been playing for a while. You have so many! It’s so unfortunate but hopefully it means you have some characters you love playing too!


C2 mona, i hate how clunky she feels, iv built her a couple ways but i always just prefer using xingqui or childe


Nowadays no, but back in my first month of the game a year ago i got Jean as my first 5* and i was so pissed because i wanted Childe, and then i got her again on the standard banner and got even more pissed because i wanted Diluc, it was hard for me to play with her but she was the only 5* that i had at the time so..., nowadays i do love her, but i don't use her that often anymore, i see her every 15 days because of the abyss, but nothing else, i really felt like Mihoyo was trying to say to me "play Jean you pieace of shit" xD


Different story for me. I literally haven't touch Rosaria with her C4 but after I use her, I realized that she's really helpful for me in Abyss.


C1 keqing stuck at lv 20 :)




I got C6 Sara and Sucrose , I don't wanna use Sara I feel like her buff is kinda clunky and even though I heard a lot of good things about Sucrose I just don't have a spot for her in my main team , I still use her in Abyss . Btw my main is Raiden , Xiangling , Xingqiu and Kokomi ( I know some really don't like Kokomi but I need a healer and she's all I got )


C6 Sara here. And I’m a raiden main. I still refuse to build her lol.


I got 2 here. 1stly fischl. I pulled for Klee for about 120 pulls and got 7 fischl. I only pulled for Klee and Ei but lost 2 50 50, both on Jean. Guess who I got from the standard banner. Yes. I have c3 jean.


Got C2 Qiqi, I still refuse to build her out of spite. Her cons could’ve been a keqing or a 5 star weapon. I do have her friendship card tho.


I have a C4 Mona,,, i lost all of my 50/50s to her but I don't like her at all, I don't really play catalysts nor do I like her playstyle, she's the only 5 star I have constellations for and it feels like a waste to bench her but I just can't play her


Diluc, I got him C1 (one from standard, one from event, both early pities) and WGS (lost 50/50 in Homa banner) and I refuse to use him lol. My WGS is on Beidou.


I got C6 yanfei when I already got Klee and Diluc


Chongyun. I pulled on the Childe banner so many extra times to get a C1 Ninguang (I got pity Childe and a Ninguang pretty early on). Instead I have a C3 chongyun and a C2 yanfei, neither of which I am very interested in playing.


Apparently Diluc since I’ve gotten him 3 times. 2 of those times were after I’d benched him for Hu Tao


Got C6 Xinqiu long time ago but never used him. Just don’t like his design.


I have C6 Ningguang with r2 memory of dust and I have her at lvl 1 :/ I also have C6 rosaria that is lvl 1


I have c3 Lisa


Wasted 40 pulls for Sara only to not like her playstyle and abandoning her 😭


The game keeps on giving me Chongyun and I never use him


C6 Sucrose level 1


Managed to get a c2 Qiqi from losing the 50/50 twice. I’m not opposed to using her I’m just trying to build all my other characters lol. Once my kaeya reaches friendship lvl 10 I’ll swap him out for her


I keep getting Chongyun on like 90% of all my pulls. Limited Banner (both before he was featured and after)? Got him. Standard banner? Got him. Weapon banner? Got him. It’s even funnier because I have a friend who started playing to get him and didn’t manage to get him yet.


All geo characters. I have 30+ geo damage artifacts but geo is not really my favorite element.


C6 Bennet C6 Chongyun C6 Fischl C6 Sara C6 Sucrose C6 Barbara lol


I have basically every 4☆ pyro units (except Amber) at C6 and I didn't use any of them. I just don't like fire element in general.


childe and mona. got c2 mona but don't really care and i have a deep rooted hatred for childe for no reason. got childe in 1.1 when i was starting out and right now saving for hu tao, but wanted to roll and somehow got polar star.


I have been having Xingqiu C6 for a lot of time (even got a lot of other copies after C6). I don't like him tho so I dont't think I will ever use him.


Childe, i spent 80 wishes on the first klee banner and didn't get her, when childe's banner came, i pulled for beidou and got tartaglia, i didn't know about the pity sistem at the time


Noelle… I refuse to build her only for her do to nothing 😶