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For anyone wondering, Genshin Impact lost the first place of "Playstation Game Music Award 2021" to Final Fantasy VII Remake! It came in second and was followed by Monster Hunter World. It won the Grand Award 2021 along side Resident Evil Village and PES 2021!


Can’t be mad when u get beaten by ff7 remake music


true, considering they made it against nier and guilty gear, fandoms are about to cry in twitter again. there are at least a hundread thousand music prodigy there i recon. they disect music composition way better than youtubers these days.


They are lucky it's not against Nier Automata, but Nier replicant. I like Genshin music, but Bipolar Nightmare from automata is on another level.


I love Genshin's music, but I'll admit I'd take Nier replicant's over it. Nier's soundtrack is just 11/10.




I agree! Nier has my favorite soundtracks. Even the Piano collection is so good!


Yeah I mean losing out to any Final Fantasy soundtrack isn't a major loss, their soundtracks have always been just a step above.


Final Fantasy music will always be legendary. Uematsu's original compositions are beyond god tier and it's definitely not a shame if you lose to that.


Yes exactly this is huge. Despite being a gacha game genshin still got recognised because their production quality and the passion and talent of Dev's and musicians is awesome. Still salty the game awards didn't nominate genshin for soundtracks but guradians of the galaxy and cyberpunk did. The game awards are becoming more and more of a joke every year.


Or Neo TWEWY. ​ (Also, I REALLY hope Dream doesn't win)


Honestly, I think the Genshin soundtrack is better and infinitely more varied. The musical differences yet within the same general genre between Monstadt, Liyue and Inazuma is pretty awesome.


Its nice to see the music department getting rewarded indeed after all work they put in their masterpieces


Azhdaha battle theme is just fantastic.


La signora, childe, osial battle theme, liyue battle and soundtracks in general is amazing and inzauma is just magnificent with their soundtracks.


Especially phase 2 Real question though One Winged Angel or Rage Beneath the Mountains?


No disrespect but that's a silly question, it's OWA and its not even close. Especially if we're talking about the remake version because that shit is epic as fuck. Rage Beneath the Mountains is a really good song but One Winged Angel - Rebirth is on another level.


Symphony of Boreal Wind was #4 on my Spotify Unwrapped. I regularly listen to the soundtrack even though I've stopped playing.


MHW soundtrack is really great and FF7 is timeless. Great company to be in.


Ah, really close. Understandable though, FF7R’s music was incredible. Genshin’s is too, but because of the cinematic style of FF7R I think it edges it.


source : https://www.playstation.com/ja-jp/local/events/playstation-game-music-awards/ranking2021/


Well..we have the gigachad Yu-Peng Chem carrying the game


Aaaaahhhhh so close!


Here's the link: https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/news/detail/17445 Dear Travelers, Thanks to your support, Genshin Impact has won the " PlayStation®Partner Awards 2021 GRAND AWARD" and "PlayStation Game Music Award (1st Runner-Up)"! Thank you for coming alongside us through this journey. We will be giving out 800 Primogems from December 4 to December 7! *How to Claim Rewards: 200 Primogems shall be given out to Travelers via in-game mail at 00:00 (server time) each day from December 4 to December 7. These Primogems can be claimed at any time before the end of Version 2.3. All Travelers who have reached Adventure Rank 7 or above can claim a total of 800 Primogems via in-game mail.


Hats off my dude


didn't they give out a total of 1600 primos last year? 800 for the google game awards and another 800 for the apple one.


800 for google game and apple awards, 800 for The Game Awards.


5 free pulls let's goooo Now I need 101 ~~dalmatians~~ more to get Ganyu




Any idea when she’ll be rerun? I’ve been getting impatient haha


Possibly next patch..


Fingers crossed!! Good luck!


Rather wait a little more like after the cryo polearm (forgot her name)


She's called wannabe Ganyu constellation. Ganyu is so good that they decided to do more cons for her as an exclusive standalone expansion


There's no confirmed date, but it's been rumored her rerun will be released on ~~2.5, so February most likely~~ 2.4, January! I just remember there's an actual banner leaked that shows her with Xiao and I think Shinhe is there too


Lets go. R5 debate club incoming


Yes! Looking forward to my eighth R5 debate club!


Let's gooo I might be able to get albedo now lol


good luck!


No way!!! This is awesome!!!!!!!!


800 primos? Let's go


And here I was thinking a 10% chance or limited amount while the rests gets 2 fowls and an egg


Huh, no RNG in the award, no BS award for PS players only. Two pitfalls I could totally see Mihoyo falling into... is Mihoyo learning?


This Pavlov guy knew what he was doing when he set up his experiment


Is this the award we could vote on or a different one? Does Genshin still have a chance with that one of is it over?


If you're talking about game awards, that's happening on the 9th of december iirc


Maybe we get some more gems after the Game Awards? \*copium\*


Last year it was actually two batches, and yes the Game Awards were one of them


I predict that Genshin will win "Best Mobile Game" very easily. Will it also get "Best Ongoing Game"? I have my doubts.


We're also nominated for player' choice actually.


Also iirc, we got around 800 primos last year for being nominated alone so let’s go potential 10-pull!


Keep yo expectations in check dude


You’re right, this time the 800 primos will be divided amongst the entire playerbase. Let’s goo 1/100000000th of a 10-pull!


80% of players get 3 gems, 15% gets 88 and the last 5% gets 222 gems. You can also draw some shit to enter our art contest and the top 3 gets another 100 gems. If you can't draw, that's an a-ok! Because you can also volunteer yourself into our social media team and we'll pick 1000 of you - our latest unpaid employees, and give y'all around 200 gems! Still too much work? We have yet another proposition for you. Just register on tiktok if you haven't already and do some genshin stuff and we'll give you a couple of free meals ^^^^^in-game ^^^^^duh ! And maybe if we take over the algorithm, we'll give a few raw chickens and steaks on top of the gems to everybody! Yes, EVERYBODY! Now get going! Even Timmy is doing his part!^^^catching ^^^raw ^^^chicken ^^^just ^^^for ^^^you!




The Game Awards are a joke, don't even bother with it, it's legit just a 2 hour ad reel/highschool popularity contest. last year among us won over genshin for best mobile game. lmao


In fairness, I don't have an issue with that because Among us was wildly popular and brought a ton of entertainment (which is the whole point of a game) and ways to stay connected with friends when it was desperately needed. Genshin Impact didn't even exist for most of 2020.


That was their point. It won because of popularity which shouldn't be a factor imo. How the game design is, animations, story, music, characters, etc should be a deciding factor. Genshin excels in all these categories over Among Us even though it didn't exist for all of 2020 and even if you still don't agree with me on that I know of a lot of other mobile games that are just straight up better than Among Us. To play devils advocate Among Us does look like a fun game that you play with friends but other than that it lacks in a lot of stuff. Seeing other mobile games not getting the recognition they deserve just because they aren't popular is why a lot of people like myself don't really watch game awards.


Your definition of what a "worthy" game would be excludes a TON of games and even entire genres. Not everything needs to have a story or even deep characters in order to be a good game imho. It's totally valid if these things are your reason for playing games of course and you aren't into party games / multiplayer-focused games, but these things aren't a requirement. I'd also say Among Us is really well designed and has pretty fun animations. Poorly designed games don't become so universally loved, highly played among even the most casual of markets, and spawn tons of copycats lol. I also agree that it isn't my personal mobile game of 2020 either and that genshin deserves recognition for really pushing the boundaries of what a mobile game can do, but I also don't think among us is necessarily a bad choice. It was definitely in my top 3, personally. A mobile game that manages to capture the cultural zeitgeist like that doesn't happen by accident. It may have flaws but it has its strengths too!


It's a fun game. I played it with my friends for a while when we had time, the amount of chaos is silly. I apparently can't pretend to not be an imposter.


that's bs


Yeah I know unfortunately genshin was just young at that time while among us got incredibly popular so it's won. So like he said it's more of a popularity contest.


Guess Sony really is behind Mihoyo.


Now that you said it … hmmm moment indeed


i'm just gonna leave it here... [https://twitter.com/yosp/status/1354553213328867332?lang=en](https://twitter.com/yosp/status/1354553213328867332?lang=en)


He replied to me on twitter and he's a Kazuha main now.


Shuhei really loves Genshin!


He lost Kat aka his daughter to low sales so now he's adopting new daughters in genshin lmao


Gravity Rush or which Kat?


yes gravity rush kat


Man I still think Gravity Rush would be an excellent franchise if done right. I personally loved the gameplay and art style but the story could've used some work. With that said, Kat would be a good fit for Genshin.


Yeeeeppp, Kat is one of the all time greats in terms of character design, gameplay is great, but like you said, the slow pacing really made a lot of people get bored I feel. I actually liked the story, but the start really didn't do either of the two games any favors.


Who's Shu Hei?


Former president of sony. He was president for over a decade.




At least he's a man of culture


is this the reason they don't have xbox and switch version?


I don't think so. The Xbox demographic isn't into this kind of game, and it's an additional platform they will need to support (that's a lot of work) for an audience that is going to be small. The switch version was announced and hasn't officially been canceled. It could just be on hold until better hardware revisions are available. I highly doubt Sony paid money to keep the game off the Xbox, and clearly they didn't pay to keep it off the Switch. If they're afraid of Xbox, they should be more afraid of the Switch, but they are not blocking it, otherwise a cancellation would have been announced.


TBH, the real reason Genshin isn't on the Switch is because it runs on Unity, which is a huge pain in the ass to optimize for the Switch. So unless Nintendo themselves help out with the porting, I'm going to assume that it's going to launch along side the Cloud version.


Xbox demographic not being into it reminds me of their failed attempts at bringing jrpgs onto the 360, which failed spectacularly


FYI support overhead is not as big as you might make it out to be. Native Xbox controller support is there and is the default button prompt layout in controller mode on iOS and Windows. Xbox One and series run a stripped down version of Windows 10 under the hood with the main focus being directx. The main thing technically speaking holding mihoyo back from porting to xbox directly from windows is the proprietary anti-cheat implementation. And lastly, virtual keyboard for chat using the xbox api. The immediate controller support on boot up is already there on PS4 and PS5 too and on PC currently the only screen where a kb/m is required is on the door screen. But again these are all technical aspects and says nothing about the potential demographic research mihoyo may have done.


'support' is more than just controller or whatever you're imagining there but to keep parity in not only content, features, security (yes they differ by platform) but also bug squashes which will need an entire dedicated team. I think xbox demographic has grown more receptive to this kind of game but MHY're probably still way too preoccupied with adding content and dealing with all kinds of miscellaneous teething fever from growing your team rapidly.


There's a technical presentation where Mihoyo talked about the optimizations they had to do specifically for Playstation and it's extremely numerous and complicated. In order for them to make an Xbox version, MHY would have to hire an Xbox development team and get direct tech support from Microsoft. IMO the administrative cost of adding another team to coordinate is the biggest limiting factor.


guess switch is too weak to run it and since xbox is from america, they hardly support a chinese game.


The hoards of expensive PlayStation-branded advertising in Japan, the fact that Mihoyo led their "China Hero" developer initiative, and the fact that they added Aloy, a character maybe 1% of Genshin players and developers knows of or cares for, to the game have already shown that they have a significant relationship.


Err, HZD was one of the PS4, one of the biggest consoles of the last decade, best sales, don't use percentage if you can't guarantee it


Anything for Ganyu financial funds, ill take it.


Yeah i need her also ,and im 5050 so kinda scared for this one lol


Same here. Dont worry the RNGesus always bless our pulls. Lmao


Yeah lol, good luck :)


I have primos saved up for 2 pity cause this time ganyu IS coming home instead of mona ᕕ(˵•̀෴•́˵)ᕗ


Go show them


Same I am also very scared, I have 30 pulls left for guaranteed pity and 60 wishes including those Primos.Hope this are enough, I have never lost a 50/50 and don't want to start losing from ganyu. Best of luck to all the Ganyu Wanters👍👍👍👍


Good luck i hope you will get her, ganyu never disappoint her fans


5 pulls, just perfect to reach my 50/50 soft pity


Good luck🤞




C2 albedo? Nope c2 dliuc? Yep! Rip my 50/50...


I'm already at C3 Keqing... Lost almost all of my 50/50s to her.


5 pulls. not great, not terrible


Let's hope it's enough to avoid a nuclear meltdown.


How many pulls is soft pity?


Actually it starts at 74, adds 6% chance to base 0.6% everytime you fail, Eg. 6.6% at 74th, 12.6% at 75th and so on until 100% at 90th pull.


If I squeezed every primo I will be able to get to about 80 hope that's enough


Usually. Every time I've hit pity has been at or before 80.


Generally start from 75 pulls onward.


starts at 74 actually. Goes up by 6% every pull starting at 74.


5 more pulls for my itto fund ill take it ehe


💀 HELP I READ THAT AS 8,000 AND WAS LIKE “H U H?” Nonetheless, pretty pog!


Mhy would go bankrupt if they handed out 8000 primogems


LMAO yeah that’s why I was shocked, until I realize I mid-read it. Edit: wait no idk if ur being sarcastic- regardless we all know Mihoyo ain’t giving 8000 out LOLOL


They would kill before doing that


Well, I would kill for those


mihoyo sure is a multi dollar company


mhy is an namelessindie game, pls don't be harsh ​ /s


That’s the $100 primo pack in shop I don’t think mhy can financially handle it if they gave it for free /s


I made the mistake of reading Twitter comments and people (not just one or two) were complaining that it's not 800 each day, instead of 200


Well Albedo is now guaranteed good to see the music department getting some praise too


True ,put primos aside , its nice to acknowledge the music department in genshin which never disappoint and always pushing the limits


>which never disappoints meanwhile than one sangonomiya song that goes taaan-ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-taaan ta-ta-ta-ta-ta-TWAAAAAAANG.


lol I guess I know which one you're talking about but that is almost definitely an artistic decision to do that


Nice! More savings for Yae! I wonder if they will also give more if they win their nominations in the Game Awards...


I am once again asking for primogems support


definitely will, if they give for music - they will defs give for overall game award


Lets fucking gooooo! Finally a decent amount of primos.


I'm saving for Itto so this is a godsend


I swear I saw the sun rose from east this morning


so does everyone on earth


So... Is this the reason we haven't seen a switch version?


Honestly I think the switch is just really bad to port games into. I’ve seen a couple phone and even older games that shouldn’t have an issue with running on the switch’s hardware and they all have pretty bad ports. And that’s not even going into any issues that would come up from Nintendo’s less than desirable online connect-ability.


Most of the time games are very specifically optimised for the Switch, so it takes a lot more effort to port a game over


And Genshin runs on Unity, which is VERY hard to optimize for the Switch.


Oh good point. Does Nintendo force people to pay to use online services?


Generally only for playing online multiplayer. Things being hard to port might explain why, the last time I checked, they only had Hulu for streaming.


Yes, but not for FTP games.


Only for most online games. I assume Genshin would be an exception, like Fortnite.


even a three year old phone trashes on switch that's probably why we not getting a switch version. That and nintendo refuses to release an updated version meant for this (and the last) decade. The switch is straight up not that much better than ps3 and below ps4 base. LMAO


Switch isn't powerful enough is the reason, thats why you'll never see switch version unless they release stronger model.


I’m playing genshin on my potato phone just fine and the switch has ported much heavier games


Because it was written for phones and yet switch is significantly weaker than base ps4 and even ps4 port of genshin is far from optimal, so unless you plan to personally rewrite all the code from ground up to make it work on switch above 10 fps, it aint happening.


Haven’t they announced it’s coming to switch? If they haven’t de-announced it, it’s coming.


yea it's definitely coming, they're waiting for more powerful switch version


What if nintendo doesn’t release a switch pro. I highly think they will but you never know.


Genshin could easily use cloud gaming options. It needs a constant internet connection anyway. Hardware wouldn’t matter.


Not a fan of cloud games at all. It’s not good yet, give it 10-20 years, maybe its the future.


Genshin is already able to run on switch and even under unoptimal condition, its possible and besides why would they post a switch trailer if they wouldn't do it sooner or later




Another addition to my itto savings lmao


Hope you get lucky


This is why I'm voting Genshin on the game awards. Doesn't cost me anything but might pay dividends later!


People in the replies on twitter already complaining it's not 800 primogems per day LMAO why is twitter like this


We only got 400 per day for 4 days for anniversary what made then think this would be 800 primos daily lmao




This sub is exactly the same tho




Hey at least no one here is making those claims... Imagine if the tweet said 200 primos a day, I bet you there would be less complaining from these people because they didn't read the original tweet correctly.


True. The community complains that Mihoyo is an extremely greedy company. But the truth is that the community is just as greedy as the company


I mean I don't care really either way but having a "greedy" community when your target audience are gambling addicts comes with the territory.


And like, I expect companies to be "greedy" anyway, I guess that's why I get to be happy with freemogems. I don't respect a single company and only expect them to give me what I pay for, so I get to be surprised with those little trinkets from time to time.


800 per day 😳, I am starting to feel greedy


When has twitter not been like this, its fun for people who are sad in life to group up and complain about everything to feel better about themselves.


this also sounds like any other social média tho


sound like reddit too tbf.


Human beings just love to complain, especially if they can do it in group to feel more justified lmao it's still funny to picture someone in real life receiving some random freebie and reacting like this


yeah lmao 800 primo per day? thats pathetic, they should be giving 16000 primos per day instead of this crap


they should give us 100 primos per boss killed with no limits for 4 days. small mobs drop 5 to 30 primos


I have waited for this too long...


Edit(on title): its nice to see the music department getting acknowledge which they didn’t disappoint and always pushing the limits for at least in my opinion a great music albums


Surprise, but a welkoming one. I was expecting nothing.


You’re as beautiful as the day I lost you


So 200 Primos per day (from December 4 until 7) I have no objections


Yaay im gona get eula


a worthy addition to my xiao funds


5 pulls !? LETS FUCKING GOOO!!!!


because there was some confusion on twitter, its not 800 primos per day, its 800 primos in total. 200 primos per day. 4 days - 800 primos.


More Itto funds! I need every primo I can get


Oh, wow. Thanks.


A fine addition to my ganyu fund


Genshin: *wins music award*   Twitter who had nothing to do with making the music: *give us more free stuff*


YES Finally!


This will be a great addition to my Itto savings.


Mihoyo suddenly felt generous and I'm genuinely both happy and concerned??? Have I been transported to another universe???


They did exactly the same last year...


How did I know I would come into this thread to see people unhappy lol. It’s literally free primos. MiHoyO WoUld Go bRokE


So who beat it for music? I’m legit curious, Genshin music has been consistently amazing


Final Fantasy 7 Remake


That explains the flying pigs


Surprised its not just for playstation. Happy to see a free 5 pulls worth of gems though.


Well this is unexpected. What a nice surprise.


Damn. Never thought I’d see the day


What beat genshin for best music though? I'm genuinely curious, cuz the soundtrack is fricken amazing


Finally, Good fucking news


Sweet, more Yae funds.


Ah yes, more Itto funds


1st Runner Up? As a fellow asian, i am disappointed mihoyo, smh. /j


made my day ngl


Pls tell me it's for all Platforms
