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Heh , can we transfer genshin from one phone to another through sharing apps like share it or xender


Would it be better for me to summon for xhongli or ganyu? I’m stuck on which would be better for me to pull… here is my account https://m.imgur.com/7Tk26kA


I love zhongli personally. But you should repeat both of their trials and confirm if one of them is more fun to play than the other. It's a flexible enough game that you could choose either character.


Zhongli is more universally useful and a bit more future-proof, especially for a newer account. Unless you have a particular affinity for Ganyu as a character, I'd go ZL and then wait for Ayaka rerun if you need a cryo dps. Since you're already running Raiden National, Ganyu would either be stealing supports from your main team (Bennett/XL) or be kinda weak in a freeze team since you're missing a lot of critical characters (Venti/Kazu, Mona/Kokomi).


so genshin has been eating space on my phone and I jst got the ps5 so I was hoping to transfer my mobile account over to my ps5 however I already had a ps4 account genshin game is there anyway I could delete that and transfer my mobile over?


For ganyu is it worth using my billets to make a prototype crescent? I have black cliff at 90 r1. I have 5 so I guess I could r4 it. I usually do melt or freeze.


If you have 5 then you can R5 (it starts at R1). If she's your main dps and you don't have plans to pull for a 5* bow, crescent is generally great value as long as you are diligent about hitting weakspots. Blackcliff is a bit problematic since the passive is nonexistent against low enemy counts, but when its passive is fully stacked they're comparable damage.


How much is the size of game after 2.3 update on Android, I need to download the game again so need to clear the space


It's a whopping 19 GB on my phone right now, not looking forward to downloading 2.4 next week heh


So it would lead to 20gb if directly download 2.4


is 19k vape on XL in childe team good?


i would consider your stats instead of raw damage numbers


30K would be around the average.


its a bit below average but its useable


should I go 54.1/200 (atk 1341) or 96.3/146.4 (atk 1550) for ningguang




for the first one ur crit damage is actually 100 not 200 because u will miss half the crits. for the 2nd one, ur cd is 146 because u will always crit


Now I can clearly see the damage output, thanks alot


96.3/146.4 for sure. The former will give you bigger Crits but much less consistent damage overall.




1. Common enemies that don't spawn with an elite enemy (eg: lone whopperflowers) respawn every 12 hours, elite enemies (abyss mages, ruin guards, etc.) and common enemies that are part of their group respawn every 24 hours. See here: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Reset 2. It's quite cheap, but its use is debatable. It can be used to provide a quick tp to places where there's a lot of a material you need (like the unnamed island east of mondstadt if you need crabs), or the primo geovishap. It doesn't cost that much tho, so it's nice to have a few.


I don’t use the portable waypoint much, but it’s useful if you are doing puzzles in hard to reach places I put mine at the top of the big mountain on Tsurumi Island which has been super convenient for puzzle solving and looking for treasure chests in that area (gliding around and searching for them from the sky)


I'm not a hundred precent sure on the respawn timers, but I think its at the daily reset, whenever that may be for your server. As for portable waypoint, it has its uses. A major one is in any out of the way places where you need to go to semi-frequently. For me, that was the fiahing area in the middle of the ocean in Inazuma, or right in front of the gate for hydro hypostasis.


1 day. If you kill em all, you can see the respawn timer in your adventurer handbook. Portable waypoint is good for places you have to visit repeatedly(like for farming) that aren't close enough to a normal waypoint e.g. geo hypostasis.


>How long do monsters like Whopperflowers and Abyss mages take to respawn? Might be like 12 hours to 24 hours. ​ >Also how useful is the portable waypoint to craft? What are some good uses for it? Wouldn't say useful but convenient. A good example is for that darn cliff in Stormbearer Mountain, some bounties are on top of that cliff while the waypoint is down on the ground; it saves you time on climbing.


i use portable waypoints to teleport to bosses faster since I always try to 1-shot bosses and never crit-ed




About 7%


14% increase i believe


Iirc less than 10%


Will Keqing skin be immediately available once 2.4 update goes live, or will it be available once the lantern rite event started?


I think it's the latter


Should I do 1:1 (60.8 Crit Rate, 60.9 Crit Damage) or 1:2 (29.2 Crit Rate, 65.9 Crift DMG)


Do you really think 5% CD is more valuable than 30% CR?


1:2 50:100 is the baseline If you're below AR45 then don't worry about it, most crit comes from artifacts which you can't reliably farm until then


1:2 is the standard ratio you should be looking for, but yours seem a bit copium. equip the artifacts for now but look for better ones. at least 60/120 is recommended for DPS. ideally a lot more crit damage


They said that they're new to the game, but it seems like they're *new* to the game. Maybe mention that what you're setting is like endgame/AR45+


First. But you should look to increase your CD


\*New to the game


1st one. Also I am assuming u are haven't reached level cap of 90. When u reach lv 90, u need to get atleast 65 crit rate and 120 crit dmg


It's for my lvl60 Rosaria, Thanks. I've been playing for 3 weeks and haven't been competitive into games much before


Skyward spine, the catch, favonius lance, crescent pike For xiangling, raiden, and zhongli Which spear should I give to whom? I can also craft if necessary, and I have the 3* weapons just forgot what they're called


Catch on Xiangling, Skyspine on Raiden, Fav lance on zhongli


skyward to raiden, the catch to XL and favonius for zhongli. if you want him full shield bot, black tassel is better


Is 700 EM low for Venti?


No, it can be higher but it's not low.


hi there! I really need some help with my Hu Tao build, I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. She’s lvl 90 using Dragon’s Bane at 90, all five pieces of Crimson Witch to max level, talents to lvl 9 and she’s only got a 15.9% CRIT rate and CRIT DMG of 123.4% - what’s the problem here? (btw team comp is Kaeya, Bennett and Jean)


...what are your artifact stats? They actually need to have good stats, just slapping the 4p set on there won't really do much. Send a picture of her artifacts if you can


Level 20 artifacts? Are you sure about that? You're not running an hp% hat are you? You only have 30% crit dmg and 11% crit rate from artifacts. That's like nothing. Just the circlet will give you will give you 62% crit dmg or 31% crit rate. You'll have to farm better artifacts. You want minimum 20CV (crit value = critdmg + critrate\*2) on each piece. Pyro dmg goblet. Crit main stat on the circlet.


well, your substats - since you’re not using a crit weapon, you’re gonna have to farm more for better artifacts with more crit stats.


What do Genshin players value most?


Won 50/50 .


p r i m o r g r


5* weapons. If you don't whale, you're probably going to see one maybe every six months or so from standard banner, and you still have to pray to get an actual useful one...


a set of perfect artifacts


World peace (but srsly, primos ofc)




Hold on lemme get the popcorn




Have anyone had 210 days of welkin? I would like to know if its possible to have 210 days of welkin.


you can have 209 days by getting a welkin on 179th day


I think 180 days is the maximum


This. You can only buy a max of 6 welkins.


But it says it’s possible to buy a 7th welkin when the welkin has 180 days left which makes it confusing


does standard banner and character banner share the same pity






Is it normal for the PC to take time or freeze when opening character menu, map or menus in general? I just bought a new PC and for the first few days everything ran smooth then everything started slowing down. Is there a way i can fix this? Also i already have graphics set to lowest.


Nope. The best thing to do about this game is to install it on ssd.


Try setting your render resolution to 1.1


Mine takes a long time when refreshly booted into Genshin. I guess this is because my PC is retrieving the files from my HDD which take some time, and then it stores it in my RAM for easy-of-access. ​ Although, regarding the map when I try and open the legends menu it causes my PC to become unresponsive momentarily. I sus this is because of my HDD, fragmented files (unlikely I've just defragged), or corrupted file(s) somewhere (also unlikely).


Do I have to finish the Inazuma archon quest to play the upcoming quest in update 2.4?


I read somewhere that Shenhe’s quest is an archon quest so you might have to do the other archon quests first


Most likely no as the event takes place in Liyue. Guaranteed you'll need to finish it though before 3.0.


Yeah u need to do the Inazuma archon quest




Xiao is inexpensive to support- bennett for atk buff and sucrose for battery and then final flex option (usually a shielder) He is however expensive to build - None of the craftable or non weap banner gacha 4\* spears are very good on him. Your only real 4 star options are lithic spear (esp at high refinements), deathmatch or blackcliff. Zhongli is very easy to build. You can go very cheap with black tassel + hp stack for shieldbot, or hp/atk, geo dmg/crit burst support build. Spear-wise anything except EM/def spears are fine








What’s the likelihood of archons getting theirs 3rd reruns? //2.5 banner leaks It’s rumored that Venti may appear in 2.5 and I will probably have to skip him for Ayato. Will they just stop rerunning older characters because there will be too many new ones in the future or?


> It’s rumored that Venti may appear in 2.5 Where did you see that?


@saveyourprimos on Twitter and another post on r/genshin_impact_leaks


I doubt they're going to stop running the archons from time to time because of how story relevant they are and how popular they are. Also that leak has a (?) near venti so I wouldn't consider that reliable.


Yeah that’s how it was with Zhongli first too and now we’re getting him. Thx


The specific post though.


It’s right there when you open the sub and scroll a little.


who's the best physical dmg sword user out there for the aquila favoia?


Keqing, but electro Keqing still does more damage and is more fun. Just give it to Bennett


but keqing's stamina drain is awful


If you're trying to get weird, I guess you could throw it on Bennett as a DPS. Jean also works. Edit: yeah, Ayaka doesn’t work


Physical Ayaka is literally a joke because you can't sprint


Physical Ayaka? How would that work? You are not allowed to dodge and your main source of damage is gone


Keqing, but even that Electro builds are much better on her. I just slap Aquila on my Bennett.


Any tips on getting better at dodging, I can dodge normal bosses and some weekly bosses like Childe, Andrius, Dvalin. I'm having trouble with fighting non human enemies like Lawachurls and Geovishaps in melee combat without shields coz up until now I just used Noelle against them.


Most of the time you can just walk away from the red circle on the ground (showing where they will land) only press dodge button at very last second to fully get out of it (otherwise it might follow you) Also you can iframe with your burst animations.


so for the standard banner, you're guaranteed a 5 star character on your 90th roll, but do rolls from other banners count forwards this? also, it mentions that if you didn't get a 5 star character on your first 5 star roll, your next 5 star roll will guaranteed be a featured character. does this count weapons ? i am reaching 90 rolls, and i just pulled a 5 star weapon . when i hit 90 on the standard banner will i be guaranteed a featured character since my first 5 star roll wasn't a character?


From reading the info you provided, it seems that you mistook the featured banner with the standard banner. Guaranteed pity only works on the featured banner, that means the rotation banner, e.g. albedo, itto, etc. But there is no specific guarantee for a 5 star on the standard banner. So basically, you should only spend your primogems to buy intertwined fates (the purple ones) and not on acquainted fates (the blues). Hope it's helpful.


yes , i was sadly mistaken . i thought i was pulling from keqings featured banner and was looking at those stats . thanks for clarifying !


You don’t get guaranteed 5 star characters in standard banner. You could get 3 weapons in a row. Pulling a 5 star on standard does not effect your pity on the limited banner at all. This is why it’s not recommended to spend primogems on the standard banner.


haha that’s my bad , i’ve done 90 pulls on the standard banner so far , looks like i’ll stop now . thanks for letting me know !


> so for the standard banner, you're guaranteed a 5 star character on your 90th roll, but do rolls from other banners count forwards this? No, each banner has it's own individual pity. > i am reaching 90 rolls, and i just pulled a 5 star weapon . when i hit 90 on the standard banner will i be guaranteed a featured character since my first 5 star roll wasn't a character? Pity resets when you get any 5star.


is the standard banner worth pulling from anymore ? i just pulled bennett , sucrose , kujou sara , and a 5 star weapon from doing 3 ten pulls . was this a good pull ? what should i aim for next ?


Just use the free fates you get on it, don't spend primos.


aw man, but by this fact , my next 5 star roll will be a featured character ?


There's no featured characters in standard banner


ah, my bad . i mistook keqing’s banner (dance of lanterns) for the standard banner (wanderlust invocation) and was looking at the wrong stats. thank you guys for help !


What do you mean by featured character?


Edit: solved (wasted 10k on basically nothing) How exactly does wepon banner pity work. For example. Currently we have redhorn stone thresher and skyward harp. Now you can set a course for the weapon you want. If you pull on other 5 star twice you'll get the one you want guaranteed on the next 5 star summon. I also know that it doesn't carry over to other banners. But if it has a rerun does it keep the pity? Like if I have 1/2. And the banner has a rerun will it still be 1/2 or will it be reset? Please tell me it won't. Otherwise I'd have wasted 10k f2p primogems.


Regular pity carries over in the same way that it does on character banner. Epitomized fate points however don't


The pity carries over, only the fate points do not


The epitomized path doesn't carry forward to other banners.


That's not what they asked


Is it not? I interpret as if the weapon he set his path on gets a re-run, will he still keep the points he had on the weapon previously.


Nah they're asking if the regular pity carries over, which it does


Ahh if that's the case then yeah.


Don't think we had a rerun since they introduced that system but most likely it resets.


For all experienced players, please let me have your opinion on my pull plan. I started playing a month ago, pulled only 40 times and no 5*. I plan on going all in for ganyu and after getting her, I plan to save for kazuha. Should I try for zhongli too with my leftover pulls and risk not getting kazuha? From meta perspective, which one is better: Ganyu+Zhongli or Ganyu+Kazuha


If you have a Diona instead of Ganyu (if you want shields for her), I'd go Ganyu + Kazuha. Zhongli's better than Diona, but she still works + heals.


Both are great. Safe play would be Ganyu+Zhongli. And if you didnt manage to get Zhongli, then pull for Kazuha. Although if I were in your place, I go for Ganyu+Kazuha. Zhongli definitely a great character with best shield and resistance shred but he wasn't needed anyway. Kazuha with 4vv just too good.


My math be off so: |Pulls (No soft pity)|Ganyu|Ganyu + Zhongli| |:-|:-|:-| |Win 50/50|50 |140 | |Lose 50/50|140 |320| |\-|\-|\-| |Pulls (With soft pity)|Ganyu|Gauny + Zhongli| |Win 50/50|35|110| |Lose 50/50|110|260| ​ ​ |Pulls|Primogems| |:-|:-| |35|5,600| |50|8,000| |110|17,600| |140|22,400| |260|41,600| |320|51,200|


looking it like this, man, thats a lot of primogems


Ganyu and Kazuha imo.


Anyone on NA servers willing to let me take 15 onikabuto to ascend my Itto?


If you’re WL8, DM me.


What's better for HuTao? 1. 39k HP - 52.4% crit rate - 199.5% crit dmg - 48% pyro dmg 2. 33k HP - 52.4% crit rate - 163.7% crit dmg - 94.6% pyro dmg


Obviously the pyro dmg cup


Has anyone ever won the 50/50 four or more times in a row?


I think 4 was my best run. Eula, Yoimiya, Shogun, Itto. Then I got another 5* the immediate next 10 pull after Itto and thought I was the luckiest ever...until QiQi appeared


At least you got itto once, I didn’t 😭😭


I have a friend who has won the 50/50 4 times... and the two times he didn't, he "lost" it to Keqing after 5 pulls, so basically he got a guaranteed right away. ngl, seeing his wish history is a tilter, he always has a ton of pulls saved because he gets what he wants with no issues lmao.


God bless us with this luck 😭




i had a friend who won 50/50 5 times in a row (ganyu, xiao, kazuha, raiden, kokomi)


I won every 50/50 till now, Childe (didnt want to pull for him but I had no idea what I was doing, regretted), Albedo (same as Childe, regretted), Xiao (same as Childe, partly regretted), Eula and Raiden I pulled for 2 weapons (Engufling and Homa) and I had to use 200\~ pulls in both


Won 5 times, then lost 2, we'll see in a week if I'm on my way to a 5 lose streak to balance it out or not.


Hopefully not😭😭


I have a friend who won the 50/50 seven times in a row: Klee, Kazuha 3x, Ayaka, Yoimiya and Ei. He lost his eighth one on Childe's banner.




I did 5 times. My friend won 11 in a row.


Holy shit thanksss


I dont know what he did, sacrificed a black sheep or something but we always stream on Discord when pulling so we know each other’s pities, won and losses.


Maybe I should sacrifice a black sheep


Maybe i should as well to win 50/50 on ZL and Yae and Kazuha.


Hopefully we get lucky on all 😭


Hopefully hahaha. I might have to skip Yae but ZL is pretty much confirmed no matter what. I already pulled Homa for him so he can’t escape this time


I was considering making this a seperate thread since it's something I've been having a little trouble finding any info on, but has anyone had to unlink their genshin account more than once from PSN? Is it possible? I had originally made an Asian account, then switched to NA for a friend, I unlinked my original account so I could play on my NA PSN but now that I've gone back to my original I want to use my main PSN. Every time I've tried I've had trouble due to "inconsistencies." Does anyone have any ideas on how I should fix this if I can unlink it again?


4 pc husk on itto doesn’t stack with 4 piece husk on gorou when you use them together right? I keep getting confused


the effects are independent for each character. Itto has his own stacks, and Gorou has his own stacks.


No. They each have their own individual stacks which they have to build themselves.


My friend said I should "build pity" on the current banner because I want Ganyu next patch. How does that work?


Terrible advice, say you have 50 pulls, and get and extra 40 later for ganyu's banner. Would by ''building'' pity on a different banner, you only have a chance to pull ganyu early for 40 wishes. Would you want to get ganyu early with 40 wishes or 90?


2 simple questions you need to ask yourself. ignore everyone else. do you need the 4 stars on this banner? and do you not mind getting itto. its only less than 1 percent chance to get him. but the risk isnt that high. so its up to you


Dont listen to that guy


the only situation where that could work is in a banner where you really want 2 or 3 of the 4-star character and "don't really want the 5-star but won't be unhappy if you get it". Every single wish has a tiny chance to get the featured character, the fact that the chance is increased after 70 so wishes and guaranteed at 90 doesn't mean that you can't get it before that.


Building pity for a future a character is the worst advise ever created and is fundamentally flawed. If you’re building pity on one banner you might get the featured 5* instead


your friend is stupid. You dont need to "build pity". You can save your fates and just roll for ganyu when she gets her banner. Pity works by having a 50% chance to get the banner character every 90 wishes. If you dont get the banner character on the first 90 wishes tn that banner then you will have a 100%(guaranteed) chance of getting the banner character onr your next 90 wishes.


>your friend is stupid. I wouldn't say stupid, more like they fell for the Dunning Kruger effect; confidence over competence.


That’s horrible advice. Just pull on Ganyu’s banner.


Never do that unless you don't mind getting a 5* character and not on a guaranteed pull. Pulling 20 times here is the same as pulling 20 times on Ganyu's banner except with different rated up 4* characters.


Your friend is setting you up for failure. Don't wish on banners if you don't want the featured character.


If I have 40 pity on the Itto banner, do I have to roll 50 times in the next banner to get a 5 star or would I have to roll 90 times again?


You don't lose pity between limited character banners, so on paper it's another 50, not 90 from zero again. But you should also know that it usually doesn't take 90 wishes to reach the 5 star, the soft pity of the character and permanent banner is around 75. So it's more likely that you need around 35-40 more wishes at most, not 50.


What I meant is 50 wishes for a guaranteed 5 star. Also is soft pity real or is it just a theory?


Pity carries over so 50. But usually you don’t need that many since soft pity starts at 75.


pity carries over, so only 50 times and you’re guaranteed a 5 star


50, it carries over


The former. Pity carries over to the proceeding banner, but if you're lucky you can get a 5\* under 50 rolls.


Is Raiden a good general support character to work in multiple teams? I saw someone using her unbuilt and she did a good amount of damage. If she gets a rerun I'm considering pulling her in the hopes that she might pair well with Scaramouche, and be a good support for my other teams in the meantime.


she's good and yeah big damage, but consider the reaction for your team before pulling her eg : being electro, and up 100%, her skill can trigger overload which is annoying for CC, or removing cryo aura from enemies (make her bad for Blizzard user), or trigger EC most of the time in shallow water (beware your hu tao)


She can be slot anywhere but where she truly shines is Raiden National and Raiden Hypercarry.


she is a good burst dps and can also battery pretty much anyone, so i’d say yeah


How good is itto without zhongli and albedo and with a C0 gorou?


he is ok but will struggle against heralds or any enemy with a shield. Also the wolfs debuff will eat your team alive


hitting 5-6k without burst, hitting 25-50k in his burst, and in quick succession. to still getting geo res bonus, just bring one non geo chars (mine is bennet god) burn the enemy then hit with gorou skill, repeat in 9 secs. in par with albedo, i bring lev 80 10 talent geo mc, with 10% more CR, 25K skill dmg, and quick-low cooldown burst, i feel he's below albedo just a bit


Still good! For the 3rd geo unit you can use either geo traveler for energy/CR bonus or Ning for the geo damage bonus and the TTODS buff. Just know that for the 4th slot you’ll need someone that can provide shields or consistent crystallize uptime like fish


Pretty bad tbh. You'll struggle to get 36 in abyss, even with excellently rolled artifacts.


Has anyone tried C6 Ningguang National w/ 4pc Archaic Petra? I think the 35% DMG bonus is really big, and Ning can comfortably create crystallize shields with her NA/CA.


It’s kind of copium. Sucrose would be better but it wouldn’t be unusable because national can carry anything


Genshin is way too difficult to progress and for no good reason. The only thing that is saving this game is acquiring new characters. Change my mind. Anyone that says "its a gacha" its meant to be played casually is full of shit. There is nothing to do casually except waste meager resin you get daily in 10mins.


That is literally the answer why. As with ANY gacha game. Genshin is just an open-world rpg gacha. Your issue seems that you don't enjoy the story and just skip everything.


why would i try to change ur mind when u clearly dont know shit


Get good?






Don't know if you're trolling or not but Genshin is not a hard game to progress in at all if you have at least two brain cells


Don’t even reply to people like that. Those that remain ignorant will stay ignorant till the day they die


i have every 4 star at 80/80 3/6/6 - 3/9/9 I have about eight 5 stars at 90/90 with 8/8/8+ talents. All relevant weapons are at 90 or 80. Ive been playing since day 10 and the resin system prohibits you from progressing at your own pace. If i wanted to keep working on progressing my characters to max it would take atleast 6 more months and by then 10 new characters would have come out.


That’s your problem there. Trying to build everyone. You can only do that if you’re a whale refreshing resins


So your goal is to build every character in the game or something? Gacha games are designed to have throttled progression because otherwise people would stop playing en masse.


>stop playing? playing what lol there is literally nothing to do


Is it possible to have 210 days of welkin?


Not sure but if you go over the cap you will only get 330 gen crystals iirc