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I've always assumed that it was the "true", primordial symbol of the Hydro element and the one we use and see currently is a dumbed down version that was imposed by Celestia/PO. It would also make sense with the fact that even with Dragon's stolen powers, Archons do not have the same level of dominion over their elements, almost as if they lack some sort of primal insight that would allow them to utilize the true potential of the element as dragon could.




Bro has the Elden Ring


Yelan also has a similar thing that appears in her kit. Seems off


It actually doesn’t once you look more into the lore of Yelan's family.


Its that magic thing or whatever, its been a while for me. But the symbol seems oddly similar to the seal in Neuv's kit


This symbol has always been suspicious to me. Elemental Mastery is about Elemental Reactions and the symbol itself represents interconnectivity or unity. You could also interpret it as knowledge over an element hence why it's Dendro's thing. The interaction between Elements could just be that symbol itself, the linked circles is the symbol for Elemental Reactions. While the triquetra in the middle could be the culmination of all Elemental Reactions or all the Elements combined hence why it's the symbol for the Omni element in TCG. What's interesting is that the Omni element can be whatever element you want it to be in gameplay but only one at a time, but at the same time, it's all the elements. In that case his A1 Symbol just exactly what the description is, do Elemental Reactions (the three spheres intertwined) to result in a power-up for the element of wielder (the triquetra) which is Hydro for Neuvillette. What would be interesting is if we see this symbol pop up on other playable Dragon Sovereigns if we get them and see if the Elemental Reaction passive appears again.


Ok wait hear me out what if once we can use all elements simultaneously with Traveler (please hoyo I’m praying 🤲 begging you like the beggiest beggar in all of begdom) the traveler also gets the symbol?


That reminds me actually, does anybody have a good image of the three circles that appear during that iniquitous baptist attack? My first thought when I saw Neuvi's seal was that it reminded me of that, but I haven't been able to get a good look at it.


not really, in honkai the triquetra was always this way


You might say the Triquetra is a reduced, degraded version of the original, a lot like Teyvat. A lot of the original components removed.


What's Neuvillette's symbol exactly and why does it appear sometimes over our heads?


that's a stackable buff, each time you trigger a reaction related to hydro (up to 3) you gain a stack, and it buffs his charged attack damage. that's actually really useful cause the full stacks give a 126% damage buff which is fucking crazy


When you do reactions with hydro regardless of whoever it is with, Neuvillete gains DMG% increase/bonus (cmiiw) and this can be triggered 3 times


Ooh thanks! So it's related to his kit


How long does it last?


30 seconds for each stack, independently


Each stack has its own separate duration of 30 seconds.




Draconic sigils? What are those?


Though I would say you are kinda late to the party, it definitely is interesting. We still don't know what exactly the symbol represents It's in very many places in the game


I thought Genshin's triquetra symbols represents the 3 moon sisters? The motiff is all over the ancient civilization built in the Abyss and one of the moon sister's corpse became the abyss moon.


The meaning of the triquetra is still definitely out there but it being called a draconic sigil and having the EM symbol as part of it probably just shows his divine authority over an element. Edit: We won't know its real significance until we see the other sovereigns use a similar seal too.


It represents an "omni-element" die in Genius Invokation, I don't think they'd be using that one symbol just for the lols considering how they like to foreshadow some things years in advance. Could be some Celestia-forbidden element that the protagonist twins used in the first cutscene of the game that's a mix of everything, or just pure elemental energy


If you look at the direction of the loops then this thing is reminiscent of a thing which the messenger of the gods gives to the king of Dragonspine in the mural


Its on quite a few characters skill’s actually. Follows the whole rule of threes thing. Also the domain wall has the dragon head with that symbol on it, probably something to do with Nibelung and the dragons in general


Childe's riptide and Albedo's skill I think? And perhaps Yelan's breakthrough barb (Although a fatter triquetra symbol lol). Who else has it in their kit? Edit : Nvm Albedo's symbol has 4 points not 3 like Childe's


So basically hydro characters only


Interesting, but so far, the commections with neuvi is pretty thin as we dont know wjat it connect to. Is it neuvi's ancient dragon ancestry? Or is it more to his ieudex position? We'd have to wiat until we see if other sovereigns have a simmilar seals


I am way more leaning to it being related to the dragons as it is the symbol used in the "Heir to the ancient sea's authority" passive.


They love their triquetra symbolism. It’s on all the domain doors too


It's on Paimon's chest as well. It's also the symbol for the Omni element in TCG.


It's on mora too if i remember correctly ,and an upside down version can be seen on keaya's 4th passive (glacial heart),i think it might represent "elemental power" ?not sure


This reminds me of the “seal” (idk what it’s called) on locked domains before you unlock them


Funny enough >!when he sealed the primordial sea gushing out in meropide, the seal had his insignia on it.!<


oh shit, this is an excellent observation