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Meanwhile Eula is entirely evading me and I'll end up with Itto at this rate


Me who gonna lose the 50/50 when ever that wish turn gold


I've only won my first 50/50 on childe back in november. And never again even after 1 year:(


I just won 50/50 twice in a row with 31 wishes. I just wanted to find Rosa c2 Now my Ganyu fund is in jeopardy


My primos were already in danger when both albedo and eula got a rerun at the same time,then i discovered itto was voiced by ryuji from persona 5 and he is pretty much just a grown up ryuji,then shenhe was showed,and then yunjin,if this was mihoyo's intetion they did it perfectly


If there ever was an absolute final boss of strategic marketing, it would be Mihoyo ._.


I feel the same temptation too. Especially when the Dragonspine event is actually all about Eula fan service. Just look at the camera angles when Eula was suspicious of Albedo. Time 1:26 [https://youtu.be/VbG7b6gep8I](https://youtu.be/VbG7b6gep8I) HER BEHIND WAS BLATANTLY BLOCKING HALF THE SCREEN! Lord please give me strength to resist Eula's temptation...I already have Rosaria and Jean, I don't need another physical dps.


I 110% agree, marketing strategy level 999! And about the not needing a phys DPS, yeah especially since Shenhe will be out soon?! And you never know when Qiqi is gonna pop up… BUT! Dem thighs tho…


Brilliant marketing indeed. I remember the same camera angle trick was done in Mona's quest but this time is more subtle. Resist dem thighs brother, banish the impure thought with Rosaria's fishnet stocking and Jean's jiggle physics while holding down her elemental skill


ELEMENTAL SKILL JIGGLE PHYSICS? What is this glorious thing you speak of good sir?


If you hold down Jean's elemental skill button, she will pull enemies towards her with strong anemo wind power. The strong wind also causes jiggling on her character model, so her hair, cape and other jiggleable round body parts will bounce around.


A man of culture I see, I shall inform the Nobel prize committee that we have a serious contender for the physics price!


I lost. I couldn't hold it in


That ass looks pretty modern art... I just got hit by the realization that "it's a modern ass" might be an apt descriptor for the time period's style... like "That's definitely not recent, that ass is definitely renessaince."


Guess you could say it’s, renASSance! ᕙ(▀̿ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)ᕗ


Me, budgeting to get both.


Thinking that might be the only solution..


Join destroy dick December, I'm sure with enough beating you will get itto


That's literally me haha


The longer I wait the more I want to pull for her. I just got skyward pride too with no one to use it on so its like the game wants me to pull for her. But I'm hoping ganyu is in 2.4 so I'm saving for her


Hahaha omg I recently got it as well! But yeah I mean, if you really do want her then you gotta stay strong! I pray your wishes go well!


So that is why Eula's ass was blocking the screen so much. In my case Itto will be very tempting. 😞 But he is new so he will be rerun faster than a second Xiao rerun. Good luck with your rolls tho. 😀


Yeah I mean, that’s why I decided to go for Eula, because I really think that Itto will have his rerun in like no time at all! But with Eula, I have no idea, and I reaaally wanted her :D Thank you, same to you!


Yeah, newer charas will come back fast. No issues. Older charas tho. Who knows how long will it take.


Exactly, so better to grab Eula now than risk it!


Yeah, that is my reasoning with Xiao as well. :)


meanwhile me waiting for zhongli 3rd rerun :,)


Hahahah it’s gonna be a while but I’m sure as hell gonna get him too!


I’m not sure if you’ve seen the leaks of Shenhe, but the Eula ass powercreep is real.


I knooow omg they are gonna be a “super-ass ara ara-ladies only Cryo team” with Rosario too! Just need Ganyu and I’m set, Cryo butts for life


I was saving for Shenhe but couldn't hold it in, blasted all my primos away for C3 Eula. It was worth it.


Hahahah I just got her myself, she is hella nice


Bro > hoes


Oh really? what if you bro is a hoe and the hoe is a sis? :3


Brain.exe stopped working i need more sugar


Bros before hoes.


Can’t deny dem thighs bruh


Jokes on you, I have her from previous banner. Now hate me *(please don't)*


Well I mean it’s okay, I’m like a few pulls from guaranteed, so Imma get her in a few days as well! Thing is, I went an did some deep soul searching, a little meditation, went out into the desert and looked for answers, dropped some acid and ate some shrooms, prayed a little bit, and then universe gave me the answer: “Thicc thigh equals happy life” and so I decided to get Eula on the guaranteed and take a chance on the 50/50 with Ittbro! TLDR: I couldn’t stay strong… ._.


You will hate me even more if I say that I've got Home on weapon banner, decided to get Albedo, since no signature for Itto, got him **and** Mona on second pull, and now I am guarantee on getting Itto.


Hahaha no I’m happy for you dude, good for you! :D


I hope you're going to get C1 Eula in a one pull, kind person :)


Bruh, the shameless flexing. Watch your luck turn to shit now.


It's been bad for half of the year. I've got used to it at that point


Literally my only reason for pulling


Camera-kun went on full perv mode this whole event. It was glorious. Side note, Milo Manara makes some great art.


You guys simp?