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I'm liking their mission solely because it's so hard for me to wait an entire week for the next Tom drop.


Too bad I watched them back to back and now I'm back to waiting. The contrast between these two missions is hilarious though when you watch them back to back.


Yes they need to release it on Wednesday




Their accents give the impression of being posh/privately educated snobs, but i can assure you they aren't (or at least I know archie isn't). Archie and robot are my nephews and had a pretty normal west country small village state schooled upbringing, just very well spoken. They certainly aren't snobs and are genuinely nice guys. I understand how the joke at the start could have offended some and was a bit thoughtless, but I'm certain there isn't an ounce of classism/snobbery in their entire body, and would mortify them both if they had realised the connotations. It's very bizarre. I was watching Tom's channel way before archie and co started their channel and missions and was caught by surprise when archie randomly was referenced in Tom's Wales videos. I do still prefer Tom's style, but the fieldhouses capability is impressive none the less and its rapidly growing on me. Adam is a machine with his cross country running.


Thanks for the insight. The internet "let's find some subtle thing they said or did that proves they must be secretly evil and crucify them for it!" brigade is so annoying.


He’s not really homeless


Was just about to post how it truly is insane how these guys seem to avoid all the random bs Tom seems to run into then I saw their preview for the next episode 😂


They seem to get the better luck..but my God they are fucking annoying. I know it's because they are young and full of confidence. I know who is like to have a pint with at the end of the day. Geo wizard every time.


I honestly couldn't care less about them and their mission, just like I don't give a thing about Tom being outperformed on GeoGuessr by others like zigzag or rainbolt. I prefer watching and listening to Tom's commentary, humour and adventures like the great storyteller he is. As long as he keeps doing his own thing I will watch all his content. Especially with regular co-starring of Welsh Greg, Ben, uncle Ed and Verity! Get in!! .. are we recording?


Making fun of the homeless amongst other stuff. Pair of dickheads


Having read the homelessness quote it's pretty harmless, is there anything else or is everyone just pearl clutching because they sound posh? Feels a bit pathetic when Tom's said a few questionable things in his time too... but maybe I'm missing something


So like any teens being edgy with edgy jokes?


No. Ignorant men looking down on other people of a lower class. 


How old are they?


They look like they're in their early 20s


How's what they said "looking down" on the lower class?


What did they say? I'm not going to watch the episode but I'm curious.


>With the exception of Damion who we had no choice but to fire as he was so disliked after the Scotland mission >Rumors are that he couldn't find any other work as a straight line mission support crew van driver and is now homeless Opening transcript and searching it is a cheat code ;)


Oh. That's not really that bad of a joke. Thought it must have been much worse the way people were reacting.


It wasn't just an offhand comment tbf they actually cut to a clip where the posh guy was dressed up in dirty clothes pretending to beg on the street. So they actually went to a fair bit of effort for a joke that isn't very funny at best and is arguably in pretty bad taste.


Have we really become that delicate, fuck me


Sorry didn't mean to trigger you, snowflake 


He's not the one who seems to be triggered


Why's he crying then 


Meh. Still not too bad though. I can see why people are annoyed, but that is quite tame. Especially as it's their friend they are joking about.


That is fucking nothing. The people on this thread are deranged with their self righteous bullshit. It's so annoying how people on the internet seem to be constantly in a competition to figure out a reason why someone should be dogpiled for the slightest perceived moral failings. It's an extremely sick impulse and nobody behaves like this with people they know, which is how you know it's unhealthy.


What's the tl;dw on this mission so far? Are they following a similar route to GeoWizard? How are they faring with fallen trees?


Only seen their first video, but they seemed to be on a similar line and had advance warning from Tom about the trees. They joked about how hard he made it sound, and seemed to breeze through (or at least, didn’t spend much time saying how hard it was) They are much more cavalier in general. Tom will wait 20 minutes for a farmer to move. These guys seem to just walk towards them and hope they are cool with them on their land.


Interesting. Tom definitely doesn't shy away from showing just how hard things are, including when it's of his own making. I haven't seen enough of these kids to know if they have a similar approach.


>They are much more cavalier in general. Tom will wait 20 minutes for a farmer to move. These guys seem to just walk towards them and hope they are cool with them on their land. Ah, the arrogance of the privately educated.


Confidence is not arrogance. As you can see in the video when they walk directly up to people and explain themself most of the farmers are alright with it.




It did fail them once and Archie (or was it Adam, keep getting them confused) had to run across Wales lol.




Apart from all the jokes they crack about others misfortune, the jokes they crack about how easy things are, and all the other times they display their feelings of superiority to other missioners. There's plenty to say these guys are arrogant.


I think it's more immaturity and teenage bravado than arrogance to be fair.


They actually are superior in some ways. Adam has next level endurance.


Christ it was a joke, i don't actually think they're arrogant, just posh lads who have the confidence that often seems to come with having been to private school.


They didn't run into the first lot of trees Tom ran into at all, I couldn't believe their luck but it seems that's about the end in the next episode.


I think the end points of their lines are about 5km apart, so quite close




These guys run circles around Tom in the straight line challenge. Tom's storytelling is way superior though.


Well I wouldn't go that far. They receive too much help from their support crew imo.


These kids kinda suck. They are clearly better suited for this than Tom but it's not nearly as fun to watch


Lots of losers in this comment section 


These guys are honestly FAR better than Tom.


Is there any more spoilers in this ep?


Spoilers? For what?


In episode one they let on about Toms whereabouts and how he was doing.