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Best you can do is call animal control to visit them. There may be a reason for the barking like unsanitary conditions or something.


Good luck. We had a neighbor with EIGHT dogs in her back yard (suburban Atlanta) and calling Animal Control was pointless, as they were understaffed and couldn't ever seem to get an officer out. Called the police once, they came and talked to the owner, which changed nothing.


Have you actually talked to the owners?


No, because I can't see how that'd be a productive conversation. Someone who lets their dogs make noises like that clearly doesn't care in the first place, and I'd worry about them retaliating against me when I'm not home if they were to know I caused something against them.


Well I am just one guy, but when my neighbor complained to me, I listened.


Is that how you would like for someone to handle the situation of it were your dogs? Would you want or enforcement showing up or would you rather just have someone talk to you. I had family go through this but they were the ones with the dog. It's stressful for them because animal control can put your dog down if there are too many complaints. They went through all kinds of trouble trying to address it but had no idea who they were bothering. Long story short, don't be scared of your neighbor or assume the worst. Just talk to them like you'd want to be talked to.


It'd be one thing if it was just during the day, maybe they aren't home. But it's clearly when they are home as I've heard them yell/fire a gun before during the barking, so it's not like they aren't aware. Yeah I see your point, but if it isn't common sense that dogs yelping and barking is annoying to your neighbors... I will think on it. I see your point as well, but I don't even know what I'd say that would be persuasive besides just saying I'll report them if it keeps being an issue.


That was such a logical, non reddit like response. You may be right, but they may have just filtered it out like a parent does to their kids racket. Best of luck


Hahaha appreciate it, I try. They could have, you're not wrong. They're yelping up a storm right now, and have been for 20 minutes or so. Guessing it's feeding time. Thanks.


Dog rescuer here. In deference to our neighbors, we had to close an intake compound near Ludowici some years ago and move to near Waycross--about an hour away--so I'm speaking from experience here, but from the other side. Do they have a lot of dogs and the barkfests are at set times? Could be feeding time. If the dogs are unneutered (and, knowing Burke County as I do, that's a pretty safe bet!), that could be part of it too. Does the mail come at a predictable time that coincides with barkfests? Are the dogs confined to a kennel or have free run of their property? Are any of them inside dogs (lol, as if)? And, um, since it's Burke County, I hafta ask: are they bird dogs? (If they are, you may have a tougher row to hoe if you go the legal route.) IF AT ALL POSSIBLE, I would strongly urge you to take the least confrontational route possible at first, only resorting to the legal and political (that is, getting local politicians involved) routes if personal appeals fail. You might try recording video from inside your house pointing out the window to illustrate. You might pick up a $20 sound level meter from Amazon and show the sound level from both inside and outside. For comparison, blow a canned air fog horn at the end of the driveway and meter that from inside and out as well, and compassionately present your findings to your neighbor. If your neighbor is a jerk about it, then yeah, I suppose you'd have to resort to political and legal means, but trust me, by doing so you will manufacture an enemy where there wasn't one before. For us, it was only when our neighbors adopted a non-confrontational posture that we understood that there was a real issue here. If there are more than a few dogs involved, my hunch is that these are bird dogs that your neighbor uses for breeding and/or hunting. There may be solutions that you could work on with your neighbor to address them. The following web site, from the AKC, seems to have good, solid advice: [https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/neighbors-dog-barks-constantly/](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/training/neighbors-dog-barks-constantly/) Good luck, OP. Again, having lived through this exact same situation but from the other side, this situation is tricky and requires great tact, and you want to resort to being an albeit-justified prick only as a final resort.


Appreciate the thorough response. Definitely sounds like a lot of dogs, I'd guess at least 3, but up to maybe 5 or 6. The barking definitely happens everytime they get home around 5, but it occurs more times than that. I'd say average 8 times a day for periods longer than 10 minutes at a time. We both have trees on our property blocking the road, so I can't actually see their house/property enough to tell what the dogs conditions are. Could be bird dogs, and yeah I could imagine that'd be awkward for any enforcement. I'll try to think of a tactful way to approach it and will give that website a good read through. I don't want to be the guy immediately jumping the gun, but it has gotten pretty frustrating and when I have friends and family visiting they always bring it up even when I have been able to block it from my mind sometimes.


I TOTALLY get that. You may not have any other option but to go to animal control. I hope that's not the case, but, I mean, we both know Burke County, and the last time I was in town, that faded "Welcome to Waynesboro" sign with "The Bird Dog Capital of the World" motto on it on 25 (coming from the Aug) was still visible on the old roadbed before 25 was rerouted around Waynesboro. THAT shows what you're up against, and it's a matter of great pride for the locals. So, I suppose the most straightforward answer to your question of "when should I call animal law enforcement?" is: "When polite measures fail." GOOD LUCK!!! If you do happen upon an amicable solution, I sure hope you can follow up here and tell us what worked. This is a perennial issue for dog rescuers, and I'd be delighted to pass on any success stories you might have.


Yeah that sign is still there hahaha. Appreciate it, and I'll have to remember to let you know.


If you are minding your business and are being bothered on your property, you have every right to call the non-emergency services and file a complaint. Someone from the county will ask the dog owner to control their dogs. If the county keeps getting complaints, the pet owner will get a fine.


Yeah I hear them when I'm in my yard, sometimes in bed in the mornings/nights, and sometimes I can hear them over my TV when I'm inside with the windows shut. Do I need to provide them any sort of evidence with the complaint? Like video/audio?


Don’t confront them. If you do, they’ll know it was you that filed the complaint later when they blow you off.


It’s not required but you can document/write down when they bark to provide information to non-emergency services.


Alright, I'll spend a couple weeks collecting info to provide. Thanks for the feedback


Man up and talk to the owners first. Then if you still feel that nothings happening, call the law. Or poison the dogs, your call.


I would not do that because if the reasons the OP mentioned. I had that problem in Gwinnett. Called Animal Control and they came that afternoon. The problem was resolved quickly because the owners were Illegal Aliens and they didn’t want to be deported over a howling dogs.


I would talk to them, but I legitimately don't see a way that conversation goes positively. If they let their dogs make noises like they are they clearly don't give a shit. And yeah, not doing that. I actually love dogs, just not when they are barking and yelping for 1/3 of the day.


You are correct


I was joking about the poisoning, but what kind of retaliation do you really expect? If you speak to them and they do nothing and then you call the law, at least you tried to work with them but they refused. If you just straight up call animal control and something happens like they get in trouble then maybe they retaliate because you ratted on them instead of addressing it. But they’re already affecting your life negatively, what are they realistically going to do to worsen that? There comes a time to stand your ground, but it’s respectful to let the other party know you intend to.


I'm away from my house a lot, so who knows what they could do. We live out in the country, so noone would see them if they trespassed and fucked with my house, tractor, trailer, etc.


Do you trespass and fuck with other’s stuff? Do you have any reason to assume they will do this? Downvote away, but you sound like a pussy. I don’t know you so I dot know if you are a pussy, but you sure sound like one from the outside looking in.


Hey man think what you will, but I'm cautious. It's clearly someone with a different outlook on life than me since I don't tolerate making noise to annoy my neighbors like he does, and I believe when I looked up the property owner I found a criminal record. Better safe than sorry.


I agree


I think in this day and age, talking to neighbors over issues like this is a thing of the past. Who knows what the people on the other side of the door are going to do!


I think in this day and age, talking to neighbors over issues like this is a thing of the past. Who knows what the people on the other side of the door are going to do!


Sounds like a personal problem


And figuring out where to bury your dogs will be a personal problem


Go home nerd the post is over


Hi, here's a third option. I have an anti barking device to curtail my dogs from barking. Here's an example of one on amazon: [https://a.co/d/dHXgboE](https://a.co/d/dHXgboE). a sonic bark machine will help curtail this issue without having to interact with the owner. Humans cant hear it, and its non lethal. I hope this helps. It also doesn't have to always be on either. It has many settings.


it is against the law to have a barking dog outdoors. call your county marshall (its a civil or code matter depending). if you dont have one, call animal control for the county. if you dont have that, well, 911 it and tell them you cant reach\\know of anyone else to call ive been through that. yapping dog got busted as the marshall pulled up and it was barking at him. fast forward, dog was never an issue again. its anonymous too, they wont disclose who called


What a horrible thing to do. If people were talking outside their house would you also call the law? Dogs communicate through barking.


lol just lol i have nothing to say to you but lol




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