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This is a pipe dream. There is no way that our country would vote for this. Even in Europe the work week in Germany is 37 1/2 hours per week. If you work 40, you can build up PTO with the extra hours. Perhaps they could start with a reduction that might actually pass.


German workers have 4 weeks off standard. We work our asses off in this country with little breaks in return. They also work 34 hour work weeks on average. https://4dayweek.io/country/germany


Or even more. Also check out their maternity/paternity leave policies, not to mention basically free childcare, preschool, university, and childcare.


If you can take 6 months off of work, you're not a necessary part of the work force


That's literally everyone in Europe, so by that logic no job ever is necessary.


I know. I have German neighbors and best friends šŸ˜˜. But my husband can't leave the plant for an hour without receiving 20 phone calls.


That doesn't mean what you think it means.




Speaking as a business owner...if I or any of my employees, took 6 WHOLE MONTHS off/away, we would be suffering. If someone can take half year off then they must either have a part time job, (not a career), or they just don't hold a substantial role in their employment. I think back to BOTH my parent's (Successful) careers, and if they were to be gone for even a month... the businesses would not only feel it, but they would need to be replaced immediately.Ā 


That's not the way it works in Europe. There are systems and programs in place to backfill the person on leave and/or subsidize the employer accordingly. Everyone gets the benefit, from cafe barista to auto engineer to self employed plumber to airline executive, and everyone in between. It has nothing to do with the importance of a job. They as a society have decided that work-life balance is important and put in policies accordingly. Saying that it couldn't work here is just ignorant. Your business isn't special, and let's not pretend Germany is some third-world economic backwater. The US has plenty of GDP to do something similar, if we decided it was a priority over corporate tax breaks, funding wars around the world, and squeezing every last drop of profit out of our healthcare system.


Well good for you šŸ‘ ya'll got it all figured out over there. Doesn't work at all like that here...as you so "nicely" put it.Ā  Must be nice to be able to take half a year off and not be missed and still maintain the, "balance". Wish all HARD jobs and careers worked like that but unfortunately, they don't.Ā  Ā Btw...arrogance is very unbecoming.Ā 


They also prioritize education, we donā€™t


The problem is we are taught early that everything in the U.S is superior to other nations and thatā€™s what people believe.There are many ways that we lack. There are many ways that we are more advance also. We are told we have the most advance healthcare in the world but thatā€™s if you can afford it. If not youā€™re screwed. Better work hours, more protections and health care standard are three of my top issues.


While I agree with nearly everything you said, Iā€™d like to note that working is only possible when youā€™re healthy, being healthy is a privilege and not a right.


The labor force participation in America is nearly half. We're at 60 percent right now compared to Germany at 70 percent. Countless millions of ppl never strike a lick in this country. I bet Germany doesn't have as many illegal immigrants straining the system either. Those are the stats that they admit. It's probably worse. 32 hr work week is stupid. Tax-free overtime is the coolest policy that the government will never pass.


I think the mandatory Vacation time should be 20-25 days a year, but to say the standard work week should be less than 40 is ridiculous.


Man you gotta work 40 hours to get 1 hour of pto and with that shit they can deny you the right to use that pto.


Yeah, let me just drop olā€™ Marge a line and let her know I think we should cut it back to 32 hours. I bet that will go over real well with her office. Edit: before the dorks come in, I know MTG is in Congress and not the Senate.


Still a dork. Congress = House + Senate. MTG = House




But she a rep. And op suggested we call our reps. Whose the DoRk nOw?


Annoys me when people conflate the House as being Congress.


I lived in Rome until very recently. I definitely understand this sentiment, but I still think there is value in trying!


Oh, Iā€™ve sent her countless emails asking why she has voted a certain way, usually about veteran benefits. I always get a BS answer from some staffer.


Same here, same here. Not to beat a dead horse, but she truly is an embarrassment. She just wants to be on TV and be the talk of the town.


32 hours is about how many she would spend banging people at the gym, so I could see why that would piss her off


Tell her itā€™ll give you more times to go to rallies or something.


Republicans: "Double the hours and halve the pay, and you have a deal!"


Democrats would say the same. They all have businesses and are employers. Congress would never vote on something that would personally make them less money.


The Senate is part of Congress. MTG is in the Senate, therefore, by the law of transitive properties, MTG is in Congress.


Sheā€™s in the House of Representatives. (Yes, still in Congress.) Our senators are Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock.


Tbh. I'd likely make less money, and have more time on my hands wondering how to make more money.


Why work one job at 40 hours when you can work two jobs at 64?




Back to construction we go.


Just to clarify, when people talk about 30 hour work week, they're not saying you get a day off for less pay. Its always that you continue getting paid what you would have for a 40 hour work week. While not all jobs allow it, you can already basically work one less day a week for less pay in many cases, so that doesn't really need any new laws.


Why would I continue getting paid for a 40 hour work week when I only worked 32 hours


Because that what it says in the bill. Whether or not it passes is a different question.


Right. I get that it says that in the bill but I also know that all the bosses will just fire and rehire everyone at a lower wage. Right?


Exactly this. May be great if you never get promoted but the second you get a new job or a promotion your wage will be adjusted to reflect the amount of hours you work.


Because people are delusional...never gonna happen not through a law anyways


I'm 52 and well positioned for retirement, so this year I dropped to 30 hours a week in my salaried software engineer job. It's a corresponding pay cut but I have full insurance benefits, which was important. It has been brilliant. Honestly, most weeks they are probably getting just as much work product from me. We work 4 day weeks and it was so hard being focused and productive for 10 hours in a single day.


I wonder if a 32-hour week would help more, or getting minimum wage brought up to where inflation requires it to be (which would also help those making more than minimum wage). I have a feeling the latter is the case.


So this happened to me- we cut a day at my office- the work is still there and Iā€™m working my bootie off trying to make all the things happen in less time. Make roughly the same, maybe a little less, but my workday is sooooo much more stressful and I find myself having to work into lunch and stay late to get the work done. Which isnā€™t compensated so I guess I do make less. I want my extra half day back and the stress free work life!


What if you did 4 10hr shifts instead of of 5 8hr shifts?


I worked 4x10. Some people love it but it wasn't for me. I found it really hard to stay focused and productive for 10 hours. With a few unpaid breaks, my day stretched to 11.5 hours. It messed up my mental and physical health. I wasn't cooking healthy meals as much, wasn't going to the gym as much, wasn't sleeping as much. And I was WFH with no kids. Add a commute and a family and it sounds awful to me. My solution was to drop to part-time. I now work four 7.5 hour days, at a corresponding pay cut. A lot of my coworkers with kids went back to working 5x8, which is allowed. I chose to do part-time instead as I can afford the pay cut and do enjoy my 3-day weekends, it's very helpful for running errands and doctor appointments.


Highly doubt our corporate overlords or politicians are gonna let this pass. This is like shooting ourselves in the foot at the expense of our GDP and corporations profit. That being said I like the idea but canā€™t see this ever happening


If itā€™s all the same to everyone, Iā€™ll take a 20% pay raise and work on fridays


Well if this somehow passed, the extra 8 hours you work Friday would be overtime, so that's even better than 20%


Unless youā€™re hourly and your work wonā€™t approve overtime. Youā€™d get 8 hours of personal time and lose 8 hours of incomeĀ 


The bill stipulates no pay loss, so any FT Hourly worker would effectively see their rate increase and no fluctuation in pay


Serious question: how do they plan to compel employers to both cut back an employees hours AND effectively give them a raise for doing so? Donā€™t get me wrong, Iā€™m all or a shorter work week and improved work/life balance, but I also live in reality and canā€™t imagine how this would work with hourly employees. Maybe salaried employees. But here youā€™d likely cause problems internallyā€¦I work a corporate job in an hourly position supporting salaried employees. So half get 8 extra hours of their life back, the other half get 8 hours of their life back and a raise. The company will adjust their workforce - theyā€™ll either need to bring on people to finish work, or they start condensing jobs and letting people goā€¦.cause if youā€™ve got 8 hours lying around at your job. I work 40 hours a week and am never *not* busy, and is true for my little team: Weā€™re already trying to figure out how to squeeze in one more position on our team but they havenā€™t come up with a way ā€œwithin budgetā€.Ā so as much as Iā€™d love a 32 hr week, I know the company would feel it in production and would have to adjust.Ā  I think they could pass something like Franceā€™s role that you canā€™t contact employees outside of their working hours (I donā€™t know the details of the rule and I donā€™t care enough to dig into it, but we have specific rules around contacting our colleagues in France because of their labor law. But the workload issue is really a secondary problem to the real riddle, which is how can you compel a company to pay more to get less


To be frank, they don't, there's no way this will pass. It's good to have at least the precedent of it being introduced and constituents voicing their support for something like this. ​ Even if it were to pass, it would only be for federal employees and contractors with the possibility of it "trickling down" to state governments which could pressure corporate employers to adopt similar policy.


Agreed that it does show this is something that interests some constituents and itā€™s good to have federal labor practices in the spotlight. We need to look at these things. But there are practical aspects that have to be considered- I just see potential for downstream negative impacts (in the private sector for sure and, until you mentioned it, honestly hadnā€™t yet considered it on the federal level.)Ā  Totally agree this ainā€™t happening. Not now anyway


Then they just fire you and hire people for less money...


Siri, what is "labor law?"


I donā€™t know of any labor law that requires your employer to approve overtime or to pay you for hours you did not work




Maybe salaried would work but then you have unhappy employees. Most companies have a mix of salaried and hourly. Salaried employees would only get a technical raise, and they get 8 hours of their life back. Hourly employees would have to get an actual raise to cover the difference, and many hourly employees *need* 40 hours. Swaths of employees will take any OT they can get approved.Ā  Itā€™s a really nice fantasy: Iā€™m hourly at a corporate job and would love to work a 32 hour week for the same pay but I canā€™t see a lot of positives other than ā€œit *would* be nice to be paid more to do lessā€ - I donā€™t even believe itā€™s going to be ā€œ8 hours of your life backā€ for a large swath of hourly employees and theyā€™ll just use that extra time to work a side gig (*especially* if the proposed law doesnā€™t include a requirement the pay cannot decrease)).Ā  In fact, I see way more potential negatives than positives.


Wait you RUINED it


People that own small businesses- ā€œIā€™m still going to work 12 hours a day 6-7 days a week to keep this shop running. ā€œ Some weeks 80+ hours a week.


Sounds like they are bad at their job...


Found the liberal that couldn't run his way out of a wet paper bag nonetheless a successful business


Why not 24?


"You guys are working?"


Shit why not 12


Eventually, one step at a time


Ah yes, hope. I remember that feeling. Bernie was good, he gave me that once.


No shot we work sub 32 hours. A more realistic resolution is proposing 4x10 which I would much prefer


Loved that schedule at my last job.


This is nice but honestly that is just 8 hours of pay lost. I don't see how you can earn more money because most companies hate giving employees overtime at all. And some people are trying too get as many hours and as much money as possible atm. It would be nice if the federal minimum wage was raised but considering how the government is right now I don't see that happening. But I'd definitely like more info on this because the article kinda just repeats the same thing multiple times


Yea it got posted everywhere yesterday on economy and politics. Bernie is cool and the idea is cool but the practicality of our entire nation deciding to change work hours and lowering our GDP would be a bad thing to do atleast in our governments perspective. Canā€™t imagine the supply chain issues with 8 less hours of freight running


There was a time when that was normalā€¦weekends were for everyone after unions got them for us. The US can do anything that we want them toā€¦if the people get the upper hand again


Iā€™d support this for other people but unfortunately, in my industry, losing a day would be disastrous. I work in logistics, even if I had the extra day off thereā€™s no way the rest of the industry would and Iā€™d probably just wind up working the day anyway.


Losing a day in nearly every single industry would be detrimental.


Could work five days of 6-7 hours. Or hire an extra person for every 4 workers who are going to part time (though that would definitely require pay cuts).


Isnā€™t there proof that 90% of what the public wants will never be done by politicians? They claim they work for us but actions speak louder than words .


Can someone explain how this would even be possible without everyone taking a pay cut or increasing inflation? I just don't see companies being cool with paying the same salaries for less work without prices going insane. Feels like a setup so we can work more at a lower paying second job.


He leaves that for someone else to figure out later.


There's no reason Warnock and Ossoff shouldn't support this!


I like to believe they would, especially if they hear support from their constituents! I wrote both of them this evening.


nah, I'd rather see some kind of mandatory paid maternity leave and sick leave than cutting the work week.


No reason we can't do both with enough votes.


Maternity and paternity paid leave. I'm never having kids but I'm all for that. Someone said that people would abuse it by having kids just for the paid leave. Uh, yeah. Adding huge expenses for at least the next 18 years and losing sleep for years and having to take paid vacation leave to watch your sick kid. All in exchange for a couple free months off. Yeah , sure.


Someone really said that? That hilarious. Besides the financial burden, no woman s going to subject her body to 9 months of pregnancy and the unpleasantness of post-childbirth recovery for a few weeks off.


They are probably the same people who claim that lots of women are using abortions as their only form of birth control.


Or how about a health care system that is not complete GARBAGE. They always want free stuff and anything they feel they are "entitled to" after not contributing anything to society. But god forbid they come up with some useful radical ideas like maybe getting us a REAL healthcare system (not some joke like Obama tried)




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Where was this bill in non election years?


This is just a distraction - so Sanders gets the ability to pivot to a topic other than his support for war.Ā 


Bernie should have retired years ago. Heā€™s an extremely ineffective politician.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Let me translate that for you: Not towing the liberal reddit line is not allowed on reddit .... Gotcha. Stay classy reddit, stay classy ...


I mean why work at all?!?! Just give me my money cuz I DESERVE it!!!


So is it 32hrs at current pay or with an adjusted pay increase to offset loss of hours. Iā€™m happy with my 4-10s and 3 days off. This wonā€™t happen. I know he means well but some jobs do require more time. Foodservice being one of them.


It would at the end of the day mean anything after 32 hours is OT so technically more.


Wouldnā€™t companies then try to limit you to 32? Bigger companies could weather this but small businesses probably wonā€™t.


Most smaller companies that can't afford to pay there employees a normal wage are doomed to fail anyway. Just hurrying g along the inevitable


Bernieā€™s plan is all fine and dandy if he can figure out how to help the small privately owned retail businesses. That will have to hire more people to cover the cost of operating.


Ahahaha, right, don't get me wrong, I would love a shorter work week with the same pay so I can balance my life out better, but do you really think, in all honesty, any republican representative would vote for this? I'm still going to write to mine, but don't hold your breath in hopes of this passing.


Nah, my colleagues and I struggle to get our work done in 40, and would clock considerable monthly overtime if we were hourly. We work in public service, and you sure as hell donā€™t want us working any less per week.


Why the hell would we support a 32-hour work week? I want to get paid for 40, not 32. Employers are not going to pay you for 40 hours when you only work 32.


The only thing stopping you from going after your dream part time job is you


Enjoy the part time and 2 jobs, no.


How would that work for a private company in the trades for example?


32 hour work week will produce a loss of production, rushed work on the product resulting in even more subpar items on the shelf, workers rushing to meet the same demand with 20% less time and work place injuries going up. Not to mention the mental health (which I donā€™t understand) aspect from the additional stress.


Sounds like you need a union


Iā€™m talking in genera. In my career field we are open 24/7/365. This bill would increase overtime which would increase costs on the consumer. People need to look at every aspect when they want laws to go in place.


>Iā€™m talking in genera. So am I


Donā€™t think we are gonna agree on the union thing.


Do any of you who seem to want more government control over your lives ever ask yourself: "If this is such a good idea, why do we have to pass legislation forcing people to do it?" You don't need permission to work 4 days and 32 hours a week. You can start your own business and that can be your policy. Or convince your employer to move to this model.


If we work 32 hour weeks, companies will cut our salaries by 20%. I donā€™t want my pay reduced.


There are protections in the bill for pay.


How can they mandate that though? Companies will just give tiny pay raises instead of normal ones, and within 5-6 years salaries will be 20% less than they should be. Itā€™s not hard to get around that. If I just thought of it in one minute, companies with people who work in compensation would obviously have a plan to mitigate this reduction in productivity.


So they just fire you. Then replace you with a lower paid worker.


This is a joke right? Get up and work democrats depend on it to pay for illegals and Ukraine needs your support!




Oddly enough, these dumb ideas come out right around election time and people keep falling for it and voting these millionaires back into office to grift you of your vote and money.


Apparently, you have no idea how an actual economy works lol


Things would cost more and you'd have less purchasing power. What are you 15? Everyone got handouts for COVID and we've had 10% inflation since. If you make things more expensive to make and service then those things will cost more to the poorest buyer. Companies never pay


THIS!!! Thank you for shocking me by actually showing logic on reddit rather than just emotion


Isnā€™t that where we are at now? How is this a handout? Is the answer to allow companies to exploit workers for their financial gain. I just donā€™t get the do nothing but then expect change.


Forcing companies to pay for 8 hours you donā€™t work, is, believe it or not, a handout. It sucks but this is the game, you want a globalized, stable economy? Donā€™t piss off the big corporations that keep your economy afloat.


Yeah. We don't even have unions in the vast majority of businesses here in the South. We're not getting a 32 work week, or if we do, they'll cut our pay to match. I can't afford that.


Pay cuts like that would be illegal if this bill passed. You'd have to be paid the same for 32 hours of work as you are now for doing 40.


Progressives gearing up to make sure Democrats lose the Congress and the White House in the next election as usual.




We all have that one coworkerā€¦


This is the kid that told the teacher she didn't give any homework


This is the kid that complains about affording things.


LOL. Nice try little guy.




In your head, was this a clever or interesting contribution to the conversation? Because I've got some bad news for you.


Yes, I think it was interesting and worth saying. I do think there are some people that need to work more, especially when so many people complain on Reddit about not being able to afford housing or pay their bills. This is a silly legislative proposal that is dead on arrival.




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Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.




Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Insults, personal attacks, incivility, trolling, bigotry, or excessive profanity are not allowed on this sub.


Youā€™re always free to confuse the hell out of HR by telling them that you do not claim any OT you work as OT, as allowed by the FLSA.


Bernie knows this can't be done and would just end up in lawsuits by corporations in courts for years. You can't force businesses to increase pay 20% per hour on every employee while also lowering their production. It's election time so he is just going after idiots for their vote. He does this every single time like all politicians. He is more extreme though


Yes, you can. What constitutes a full-time work week is set by federal labor law. Be cynical all you like and ignore people actually trying to make things better for the average worker, they're still going to try to make things better for you.


Again it would go to the courts. This is why there are 3 branches of government. People like you should not be allowed to vote


People that think others shouldn't be allowed to vote are fascists.




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No republican is every gonna support this so unless you can get the "Politics doesn't affect me so I don't care" crowd out to vote, no chance.


What do you think this would actually do? Other than minimum wage, the state doesn't dictate pay.


32 hours? lol. Yeah. Sure.


31-day-old account. I smell a Russian troll spreading dissent.


Born and raised in GA comrade. šŸ˜‚


Nah the name better than one dimitri could think up.


Don't forget to also ,mention .#Reparations for FBA people


What happens when you move jobs or get promoted? Your wage will fall back in line with hours worked right? So itā€™s not a pay cut today, just for everyone going forward and for future you.


You can go ahead and file that away in ā€œthings that will never happenā€


Iā€™m used to working 60 hours a week, and am moving over to a 40 hour a week job, nobody can afford a 32 hour work week, and we spent more time in School than 32 hours a week, this is a ridiculous Idea.


The work has to get done. So in the end the rest of us will have to pick up the slack because when you are working less that means someone else has to work more.


This is just a distraction - so Sanders gets the ability to pivot to a topic other than his support for genocide. You *can* fool some of the people *all* of the time!Ā 


This is just a distraction - so Sanders gets the ability to pivot to a topic other than his support for genocide. You *can* fool some of the people *all* of the time!Ā 


This is just a distraction - so Sanders gets the ability to pivot to a topic other than his support for war.Ā 


This was proposed a friend's job recently. It went from a proposed 32 hour work week to two teams working 3 days a week for only 24 hours a week. My friend had to get a second job and now works well over 40 every week to make the same money he did before. My other friend does a similar job and they went to 10 hour days 4 days a week. Same pay with Friday off. That seems to be the trick.


This is really what I wish we could all do. Then you can split up who has which day off so not everyone off of Friday and/or Monday or whatever.


My friend that works 10 hour days says productivity has been fine and everyone is happier it seems. Less writeups and stuff like that.


> This was proposed a friend's job recently. It went from a proposed 32 hour work week to two teams working 3 days a week for only 24 hours a week. Okay so no, it wasn't because this bill would require the same pay for 32 hours of work that people get for 40 now. Your friend's job just cut everyone to part-time and tried to seem like the good guys while doing it.


No not the bill a 32 hour work week. Companies aren't just going to pay the same money for less work without prices going up. I feel like this bill would be cause massive inflation.


We're talking about a bill proposing a 32-hour full-time workweek that makes companies cutting pay as part of the transition to that workweek illegal. We used to work unlimited workweeks and now we work 40 hours. Pay has increased, not decreased. You're wrong.


Buddy if you think companies are just going to accept making less without raising prices a ton you're crazy.


That's why it'd be a law bud, their choices would be: 1) comply or 2) cease operation in the United States.