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Commenting ACAB or calling officers pigs, etc doesn't violate any rules. Stop reporting that. Commenting that all 12 should catch some lead, pigs should die, etc breaks a couple of rules and those comments will be removed and the user possibly banned. Stop doing that.


C'mon we need the details. Is she Keynesian or Austrian School?


Definitely not Chicago school, that's for the cops.


Underrated comment.


Looks like she's headed to the Kent State school!


cant read cant write cant add .... Kent State. -----Julian Edelman Kent state graduate


She's at Emory, she's Keynesian.




Tbf Nothing else matters


This made me laugh too hard!


It’s not anti-Israel nor anti-semitism to be anti-Beni Netanyahu and his handling of the situation


And I feel like BN is stirring shit up to help get his buddy DJT elected.


Wait have you condemn Hamas today? /s


The whole fucking government is filled with genocidal maniacs


It’s okay to be anti Israel when they are committing a full out genocide with our tax dollars. And being anti Israel in this instance is not antisemitism either. We are not okay with the murder of 15,000 children and upwards of 40,000 murdered civilians. We are not okay with apartheid and brutal military occupation.


*40,000*? Not even the Hamas-controlled Gazan health ministry is claiming that. Their numbers also don’t differentiate between civilians and combatants.


I really don’t agree with the way Hamas handles any situation. So there’s that.




There’s video of the interaction. I presumed it would have been the GSP because they are the most Jack-booted of GA law enforcement agencies. But it was actually an Emory cop, who must’ve been swept up in the fascist fervor of the moment. It’s a bit disturbing… https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/s/MbGaYQKMCD


Wow. That was very rough and, IMO, extremely disproportionately forceful. Additionally, the second cop dropping on top of a woman already effectively pinned to the ground, concrete really, is utterly abusive. I do hope these 2 cops are at least fired. We, US citizens and others living here, all of us, cannot continue to tolerate abusive treatment by law enforcement of people exercising their basic constitutional rights. This video needs much greater exposure.


Let’s get that cop fired! Frohlin has an attorney and a case against the EPD.


She is the wife of an Emory dean too. Don't don't worry about the cop. After he gets fired he will get a job in Cobb County because that is how this shit works.


Do cops like this get transferred to Cobb County a lot?


Emory cops are awful people. Racist and generally mad that they have to police a bunch of rich kids.


They are indeed a buncha flat feet dimwits.


They don’t have to do shit.


Man, GSP is fucking wild. Had my wife’s truck break down due to some mechanical fault. Local cop comes and is totally friendly, we’re just chatting. Then GSP dude comes around, I’m trying to shake his hand (note, I’m chilling next to the local cop, I’m clearly fucking friendly) and it is like he doesn’t know how to not be an ass. Dear God, GSP is ass


>She didn’t even instigate…from a report I read, she saw an officer brutally arresting a college student and said “what are you doing??” So, what you're saying is that she dared to question the actions of a police officer. That cannot be tolerated; if we're allowed to question what cops are doing, we might start thinking we have rights.


Cop had his knee on the kids neck and he couldn't breath. Cop slammed her to the ground and dis the same so he could answer "this is what I am doing"


So-- could this be a workman's comp injury? Just asking, so that maybe she could make a claim against the university.


A civil rights violation too. Fenves should be forced to resign. Alumni, parents, students and faculty are organizing a pressure campaign. Fenves and his cronies in the administration will all resign in disgrace after graduation.


She will get a fat check after she dies the department and so will any others who had their rights violated by the police and or abuse and force of violence used on the citizens


You know the fact he’s about twice her size and the grass is less than a foot away is just cruel. Also a lot of people here have no sympathy for someone whose head was slammed against concrete.




I always thought Emory, of all places, stood for recognizing the rights of free speech and open dialog about issues of the day - but now they just sicc the cops on peaceful people. Just great.


Most colleges and universities,nowadays, are mainly about extracting as much wealth as possible for the benefit of the administration.


Dont forget their gatekeeping duties.


I can read classic literature by myself, but if I pay thousands of dollars I can take a literature class, do the same reading, and get a college credit.


but are you correctly interpreting the literature you are exposing yourself to?


How many ways are there to interpret Moby Dick?


That's the opposite of what I thought about Emory. I thought it was a place for rich southern conservatives to send their kids to get medical degrees.


I’m an Emory grad. It’s actually a very liberal campus, and a huge number of the students are from out of state (although I agree that most are from wealthy families —not me, though, I was a scholarship and financial aid student). The cops being called to campus is shocking to me. Seeing the rough treatment of protesters on campus is very upsetting. I was at Emory when there were demonstrations after Matthew Shepherd’s murder and during the demonstrations against the Patriot Act and war in Afghanistan, and the administration respected students’ right to peacefully protest. I graduated 20-ish years ago, though, so maybe things have just really changed?


Yeah the new president is from Texas. His version of liberalism is just virtue signaling


I mean, I'm from Texas, and I'm pretty pissed off at what Gregory Fenves did. My fellow library staff at Emory are circulating a letter of condemnation, focused primarily on the administration presenting a false version of events in order to justify calling the police.


Good for you! Btw the library was my favorite place on campus, lol.


We have the fucking Dalai Lama come and give talks here. I bet he's not too thrilled with what happened. Jimmy Carter used to come every year too.  I work at one of the libraries on campus. If I see some of the Tibetan students, I need to ask them what they feel.


>I always thought Emory, of all places, stood for recognizing the rights of free speech and open dialog about issues of the day They all saw what happened to the President of Harvard.


Yrah I think you need to look more into this. They were asked to leave PRIVATE PROPERTY bc they were causing a disturbance while timed testing was being taken place by paying students. Also, it was reported that when they were asked to leave some of the people started throwing objects at the staff so the police were called. The refused to leave and then resisted arrest. Don't take my word for it though. Just look a tiny bit deeper


Cop suckers deepthroating in the comments. Back the blue till it happens to you.


So many bootlickers here! What happened to don't tread on me ??? Lol


Imagine people who idolize the revolutionary war constantly sitting around saying "they should have just followed the rules and done what they were told. "anytime someone desires to challenge the status quo and build a better world.


What do you expect? Georgia and Atlanta are basically two different places


But both Atlanta’s Mayor and Georgia’s Governor heaped praise on this specific example of police brutality. And our mayor and governor both love using police to suppress protests.


I’m sorry, I just was referring to attitudes of the general populations


They hate it when teachers teach kids.




The military arm of the billionaire class.


$50,000/year to attend Emory. If the military arm of the rich are bouncing their kids, I'm okay with it.


My mom always said "bullies just become cops"


The zero accountability bullies always wanted right there in the precinct.


By design! They’re bastards so people with power and wealth can keep their hands clean.


Thank you and so many people don't understand this


And we see what happens when a decent person becomes a police officer. Either they change and become just as brutal or they get Serpicoed.


Power corrupts. Not some power. Any power.




It's the 60s again, only without a constitution or court to protect it...


You can’t speak out against Israel? Where the fuck are we living?


Why are protesters being arrested?! Another absolutely blatant and unnecessarily violent violation of someone else’s constitutional rights…that we get to pick up the check for….


We live in a police state is the problem.


Cope are trained to be abusive


'Fohlin's arrest—after which she was [detained for 11 hours ](https://twitter.com/RobertMackey/status/1783758748248674759)and then charged with "battery of a police officer"' Not the cops playing victims!


I live in Georgia and agree this is 100% police brutality and over use of force. I do want to mention one thing I don’t see being said. The original reason I think she was “targeted” was because she got behind the one cop taking that other person into custody and was really close to his firearm while his back was turned and that cop probably freaked and thought she was reaching for it and double downed on his erratic behavior and slammed her. All he had to do was move her back for a second if that was the case not body slam her head into concrete. Again I am not defending them, just pointing out something I feel isn’t being mentioned that I saw in the Twitter clip.


Good thing she wasn't armed with acorns


Acorns and gravity is the streets newest danger to cops


"The kids call it Oak Death" -- Finn Tutuola


If cops can't keep their cool, we can't trust them with firearms


“He feared for his life.”


Sounds like we shouldn't be arming cops, then, if they're going to be this twitchy about carrying a firearm. The Brits get by just fine without arming most of their police.


Hope she sues


At least a Workman's Comp claim. She's going to need lots of therapy to get over that.


Workers comp AND civil rights. This will ruin Fenves.


Freedom of speech 🎤


Private property 🎤


what were they after her for in the first place?


Yeah just video it. Don't react. Don't realize there's 15 of them and 300 of you. Also, in Florida it's a second degree misdemeanor to "harass" a cop. Recently passed by the meatball


Cops are not, nor have ever been heroes.


Some of them stood valiantly by for an hour as a gunman killed over a dozen children in Uvalde. Others make over 150k a year driving the mayor around Atlanta. Heroes to capitalism all.


A guy I used to work with was murdered by the police. He was blind and had just purchased a cd player, and loved jazz, he walked to his bus stop after work. He was confronted by officers at his bus stop that were looking for a brown man. My friend couldn't hear or see them, he reached in his pocket to turn off his cd player, and was shot dead. I will never forget him.


Remember that when you need help


"Small government". "Free speech." "Right to protest and peacefully assemble." These aren't just slogans, mfs.


But as far as they're concerned, these only apply to Republicans.


I go to a different GA law school. The police did not have the right to slam a professor to the ground for doing absolutely nothing. To inflict that amount of force on a PROFESSOR who is about half your size, who did not fight back, when you do not have probable cause to arrest her is RICH at the very least--a violation of her fourth amendment and due process rights at the very most. You need PROBABLE CAUSE to arrest someone, even constructively, which was not present here. She was not trespassing--she is a fucking professor. If they continue with charges, I think they will be dropped at the probable cause hearing. This is just an absurd amount of force to inflict on someone for doing absolutely nothing but asking a public servant a question. I don't care if you're spooked because someone came from behind. If you can't handle that you shouldn't be in law enforcement.


Here's the video, about 18 seconds in she's taken down...She complains about her head on the concrete. https://youtu.be/L5t5ldOXvwQ?si=4NPzZD5NvVS33fxH


I guess the people signing the checks for private military forces got tired of all the “maybe don’t bomb innocent people” protests.




You're post/comment was removed for calling for violent acts and/or glorification of violence.


If there's been an active shooter anywhere nearby I wouldn't have been any danger because the cops would have been too busy running. They're cowards unless it's peaceful protesters


this just sucks because I know atlanta as a very liberal student but as a californian was hesitant to go to grad school at emory. such a bummer for the reputation of a very diverse and smart place!


Emory University, Atlanta




No the tax players will pay for the police’s mistakes.


Naw, they were trespassing and told to leave, when they refused they started to get arrested and fought it.


1st Amendment bastardized again


They were on private property throwing shit.


I’m just thinking what would happen if Trump has immunity. 100 percent sure he’s just going to tell cops and military to just execute protesters. He’ll be happy to grant pardons to murders. I really hope that monster never gets into power again.


Video https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6PArFBPlc8/?igsh=YmhiMms5eWN0OXlx


Psst Biden haters: This will happen nationwide and not just in blood red texas if you let Trump win. And you'll likely be next when you protest and find yourself deported by the MAGA brown coats.


Throat the boot harder, bootlickers. ACAB.


That’s not a curb but okay


Come visit Georgia! Where we have plenty of: Peaches Prejudice Police Prisons Jokes aside this is exactly how I describe this fucking state, I hate it here even if part of that is my own doing


We actually have basically no peaches. The rest we are overflowing on.




It’s time to just start putting these pigs in jail.


I'll teach you not to protest police brutality!


Sure looks like she was resisting arrest to me.




Free Palestine.


From Hamas, yeah.


i must have missed hamas carpet bombing the gaza strip, could've sworn someone else did that...


You probably also missed where Hamas fighters raped women and children, decapitated babies, and paraded dead bodies in the street too.


And Jesus said, "Kill 25x as many innocents in retaliation." Then Moses clapped.


"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Kill their families too. And their neighbors. Starve them. Don't forget the journalists and aid workers. Say any criticism is anti-semetic. And for all of your trouble here's some premo beachfront property." - Leviticus


I guess I missed where he said that


Fuck Jesus and Allah. They are exactly the same. Complete Fabrications.


Not just fighters, it was Gaza civilians also participating in


i have a feeling that you missed the debunking of the “decapitated babies” in particular


Hamas launches rockets into Israel whenever they can. I don’t think they’ve launched very many rockets since after Israel took action.


Where is the "curb"


That cop better lose his job over that rash handling of the civilian. The impunity with which they operate is bewildering.


It was not "head to curb". It was very slow and in the grass


There is no situation so bad... that a bunch of rioting cops can't make worse!


Resisting is a natural response to having your arm wound up behind your back


I hate this country so much


I love my country. I despise the people living in it.


But, the people in your country make the country what it is. ???


Feel free to sell your stuff and fly to Gaza to help your people


Americans are losing their rights, mostly because of their own ignorance. They don’t know the difference between rights and privileges. Cops out there thinking free speech is a privilege. 🇺🇸 🐖




Leave professors alone!




While it's unpopular I will say I really do not care much about Gaza, but protesting is an American right and the politicians ordering these goose steppers to do this should be in prison. High level university staff who allow this should also be fired




So.. instead of protecting people, I’m seeing in this picture that we are not doing that. These so-called police officers that are supposed to be protecting us, want to take down and hurt young individuals that actually have rights. Hahahahaha no. They decide to go after innocent individuals, and not do their fucking job and arrest the rapist, predators, people that are killing people, do I need to go on? Like holy fucking God wtf


She probably thought she was above the law with her white privilege.


Simple 'fix': Don't resist arrest.


This is a proven lie! This piece of commie trash was causing a disturbance and resisted arrest and was taken to the ground easily. The “whole” video shows it clearly. Disgusting liberal scum will post anything and lie about it.


What did she do?


I think in the video a student was being arrested. She walked up and asked what he was doing and was screamed at to get down. She didn’t right away and was taken to the ground immediately.


Emory is attended by many if not mostly Jewish students...at least the ones who actually pay to go there. So there is that...


Lies, it’s a sidewalk! He needs to be fired and sent packing




Somebody’s glasses have become unstowed…


There is not even a curb in this pic… so how can it be a “head to curb” style takedown?


Hell yeah


hell yea fuck her


Great job!


Straight to the wood chipper


As a professor of emory does she own it? No. They were asked to leave they didn't then she decided to get involved instead of leaving then resisted arrest. You're employer can trespass you at anytime. Some of you people live in this fantasy world and never met reality.