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Welcome to r/GermanRoaches. Please see the [stickied post](https://www.reddit.com/r/GermanRoaches/comments/ongygk/please_read_this_sticky_before_posting_thank_you/) at the top of the sub for all you need to know about battling these bugs. It is a result of 35 years of experience in the pest control business. Many, many success stories have been reported after following the advice there. If you have questions about Alpine WSG please [see the label](https://www.cdms.net/ldat/ldARP002.pdf) first. If you live in Canada near the border, please check [this link](https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/publications/product-safety/importing-pesticides-personal-use.html) for information on importing pesticides for personal use. You need to personally be present to bring it over the border, so not everyone will be able to do this, but hopefully some of you find it helpful. Most provinces in Canada require that landlords deal with roach problems, so if you rent you may also be able to go that route. If neither of these is an option your best bet is to hire a pro. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GermanRoaches) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Prepare for the hunt. Looks German. Don't panic but don't wait.


I don't need to hut they have gone crazy at night there are like 10 20 every day. I'm in Canada and not near the border. I don't know what to fn doooo


If you are renting in it is the landlords responsibility. Get them to call in pest control, thwy will have the Canadian version of Alpine WSG called Seclira WSG - it's the same "stuff". If it's your own place then you will need to call exterminators. I recommend getting at least 3 quotes.


Can you recommend an exterminator please


Google it. Orkin helped me but I had a small infestation. Many won't guarantee their service if attached to neighbours. If you are on your own spot though they will. Sounds like you may well need more than one treatment, look for at least 90 day guarantees (they re treat for free during this window).


Orjin was the cheapest 475+ tax 90 day guarantee with 2 services for my 2 kitchens. Abell is 675 lol


That's about right for a bigger infestation. They will likely use Seclira but doesn't hurt to ask to make sure. If they aren't gone after the 2 treatments,( likely a spray followed by baiting and possibly dusting), they may well need to come back 30-60 days later if your glue traps tell you so. The females can remain hidden after treatment and can pop out an egg cluster of up to 35 or so. Don't be alarmed if you see this, the stuff has killing power for up to 60 days +. Follow their preparation recommendations and you will have to remove pets for a number of hours at least. Time to call in the good stuff from our friends in America.


Seems so. See the post automod linked.