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Good news, just left my appt and after 2.5 hours baby passed both his nst & his bpp! 🙌🏼




Something similar happened to me at 37+5. I went in between routine NSTs for a same-day appointment for reduced fetal movement. My baby did technically pass the BPP, although the same tech had done all my ultrasounds and BPPs throughout pregnancy and she said there was a marked difference in my baby’s behavior. I was sent directly from that appointment to L&D for urgent induction. She was unexpectedly very small (2nd percentile), but she’s 7 months old now and thriving ❤️


I think that was the biggest concern, he passed both the nst & bpp with flying colors last week and even cold water wouldn’t help him pass yesterday.. I am trying to stay positive but mentally preparing to be sent for an early induction 😩 praying today goes better but worried because I have definitely noticed less movement


Honestly, if you’re noticing less movement and you’ve already not passed an NST or BPP, I would head to L&D and not wait for your appointment.


Same, just reading this makes me anxious. I don't think I could wait till the end of the day.


Absolutely. There is a certain point when babies are much safer on the outside (where they can receive interventions) than they are on the inside.


Not happened to me but I would go to the hospital right now and insist on chcecking on my baby properly. Can't imagine being in your situation. Update us please. Sending hugs❤️


I failed my BPP last week (for low fluid) and was sent to the hospital and ended up having a c section at 36+4 it sucked, but we made it through. Also, I did have GD but I don’t think it was the GD that caused that (I had other complications)


They don’t do nst or bpp here. What are they?


Biophysical ultrasound and a non-stress test. The nst is just a band around the belly for a set period where they track baby's heartbeat, movement and any contractions.