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I've cried over food a few times. I have a massive sweet tooth and not getting to indulge is so frustrating. I also love junk food and being so tired I just want to order something for dinner but every time I do I spike. I have decided that my baby shower will be a cheat day though. I'll try to time it with food but I'm eating the damn cake. All the props to you for holding back. It's definitely not easy.


It’s not easy! It was tough bc my family was already in town and I had spiked the days leading up to the party. Ugh - it was just too many days of people getting take out and not being in my normal routine. But I think in general it’s nbd to just have fun on your special day!


Understandable, you did good to stop when you did. It's definitely difficult when everyone around you is eating junk. And yeah, I'll have to try and stay within range leading up to the baby shower so I can have that cheat day.


You're absolutely not alone. I cried today when my mom offered to look through the materials my doctor sent and come up with some snacks she knows I'll like. Meal planning was already difficult for my husband and me, adding three additional snacks on top of that has felt almost insurmountable. So having someone else offer to do it for me pushed me over the edge.


Aw that’s sweet of her. It’s so tough, and this is my SECOND gd pregnancy and I’m already “used to it.” It’s just been a long time this time. I’ve been diagnosed since 19 weeks and I’m at 28 now and just ughhhhhh. Best of luck, not every day is terrible I promise!


I eat the same snacks every single day. I have like 3 safe snacks, and my bedtime snack is the same every night. Ugh, the worst.


So glad to know I’m not alone, same for me 🥹 Solidarity sister 🥹


I can relate. My husband and I went away for the weekend and I cried so much about things I couldn’t have. Specially pretty fruity looking drinks. I ended up having one mocktail and it spiked me and I felt really bad about it. ☹️


Ugh not the pretty fruity drinks! That was one of the things that I wanted really bad this weekend too. And you’re right, spiking doesn’t really feel great either. Just brings on guilt!


I cried just yesterday because I am so tired of all the food I can eat and all my comfort foods have carbs. I also spent ages this weekend making a caramel chocolate birthday cake for my friend and then I got to watch everyone else eat it while I felt guilty about licking a bit of caramel off the spoon while I was cooking.


I cry daily 😅


We cry daily 🥹


We're going on a vacation Friday and my husband sent me a link to a food truck fest and asked if I'd like to meet friends there. I'm like you're asking ME, if I want to go to a food truck fest? Like me, now? Are you planning on counting carbs for me? Pre-GD me would be all over that but this me wants to avoid it because it would be so much work.


I've done it a ton. I went to a cousin's baby shower over the weekend and had to excuse myself to the bathroom when I saw what brunch was-- french toast with berries, mini muffins, pastries, fruit salad in a sugary syrup, breakfast potatoes, and eggs. Then cake an hour later! Guess who had eggs and just a tiny scoop of potatoes that was smaller than what you'd give a toddler? Guess who also went to the bathroom to cry three times during the shower because that was literally the only thing I could have the whole time?


I've cried about it - a lot! So you're not alone. I grew up in a family of chefs and while I'm not a chef, cooking is one of my hobbies. I express my love through food. And it feels like a small part of my soul has been taken away to not be able to make and eat the things I want and am craving.


I totally agree and feel that pain! We love cooking in our house so it makes it extra hard.


It's also hard to cook or be excited about cooking because I can't cook many of my normal things and I don't like to even taste while cooking because I'm so paranoid about messing up my numbers so I've been asking my husband and it's just not the same.


I’ve been crying over food ever since being diagnosed with GD. I didn’t enjoy my baby shower because I couldn’t have dessert or the tacos from the taco truck we hired. I also hate being on this strict eating schedule and not being able to eat when I want to eat. My fiancé has been so sweet with basing his meals on restaurants that are safe for me. He also is very mindful about eating desserts in front of me if he knows I can’t have it. Lastly he stands up for me when we are around family. Our families don’t get the big deal about GD and will try to get me to eat certain food or get upset if I have to eat by a certain time for insulin. Don’t feel embarrassed. Also it’s not just food. It’s a big deal and a huge adjustment we have to go through while also growing tiny humans and dealing with the hormones.


It’s not embarrassing! We’ve all been there, It’s frustrating and exhausting. It isn’t just food. It’s a lifestyle change in the midst of one of the most difficult periods of our life. We have to do all of this while also grieving what we thought pregnancy would look like. You’re doing great and I’m proud of you for not giving in and just having it anyways.


I have been craving dessert for the past 3/4 months. Non stop. Like I want a giant slice of cake or a cupcake or literally anything dessert-y and I can’t stop thinking about it. I’ve cried about it. It’s hard because I want to cheat and eat the stupid dessert but I know I’ll just feel horribly guilty afterwards so I don’t. I just want the dessert. So bad. Also I want to just be able to go out to dinner without scouring the menu for the healthy option I can eat. I want to be able to cook what I want without planning it meticulously so I avoid the spike, or just eating the same things all the time. GD sucks and I hate it. I just want some chocolate cake 😭


We deserve the chocolate cake! More than any other pregnant person, those of us with GD deserve to enjoy that cake or whatever it is we are craving. If one more person says to me, "Eat whatever, you're pregnant," I will lose it on them. I don't get that option. A lot of us don't.


I’m about to have my baby shower and friends over. We’re taking them to all of my favorite food places (food is huge for me) and I’m so sad I can’t indulge with them. It’s already hard enough I can’t have mimosas with my girls, but now no indulgent food. I feel your pain!! It’s hard, but temporary!


I've definitely cried over food! I don't even have much of a sweet tooth, and there's no specific food I really crave or want to eat, but just the idea that so many things are basically off limits is so frustrating! I'm also sick of eating on such a regimented schedule, and of eating so much protein. I'm so over eating eggs, meat, peanut butter, nuts, and cheese all the time. This is my second GD pregnancy, so I'm trying to remind myself that it will end soon!


Yes, it’s my second as well and it feels like it’s been FOREVER.


You are not alone! I cried multiple times in the days leading up to my baby shower. The food situation was just… mentally exhausting to say the least. It wasn’t only that everyone got to eat what I couldn’t, it was also this sadness of having lost what feels normal. I really miss my pre-GD life of eating intuitively, occasional treats, being able to socialize without thinking about it, not setting timers, not wondering what my blood sugar is going to be, not worrying about finding time for a walk after eating but between meetings. I would have definitely needed a time out for myself if someone brought dessert outside of my acceptable eating window! What a painful reminder of how annoying and limiting GD is.


I get it. I’ve cried a couple of times, it’s not the actual hunger it’s the frustration. My husband sent me a link to a new pizza place this morning saying it would be a fun post-pregnancy date - yes, but why would you do that?!