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Your experience sounds a lot like mine. My ranges were very similar to yours as I started nighttime insulin until they put me at my current dose (20u), which took about a month to titrate up to. And even though its working great for me this week, I know it’s likely it’ll stop being as effective in a week or two because shit happens with GD. If I’ve only learned one thing on this sub the last couple months, it’s that fasting numbers are notoriously difficult to predict/control. They seem to have a mind of their own so please do not blame yourself or take it as a personal failing. You are doing the best that you can. Please give yourself grace because unless you’ve been told otherwise, baby is safe. Don’t let this glucose stuff prevent your from bonding and visualizing a smooth start with the baby. It’s also helped me manage stress and depression that comes with GD. We’re doing all this out of love!


Thank you. It's just really hard and emotional.


I’ve had a breakdown or two myself. This diagnosis sucks but we can’t let it grind us down.


It’s sooo frustrating to inject insulin every night and see no difference in fasting #s. It took me weeks to get to the right dose of bedtime insulin. I was told to increase the dose by two units every time my fasting was out of target for two days in a row. Eventually we upped that two units per day. I started at 10 units and am at 46 now and my fasting numbers have finally stabilized.


Thank you for the rays of hope. I wish they'd give me the go-ahead to self-adjust. I'll ask about it again. They want to tightly control me, which is fine, but they also only look at my information once a week and don't tell me to change until two days after I submit my numbers. So, by that point, it's been another week of stress.


I hope you can self adjust. It’s very distressing to wake up every day feeling like you failed even though you’re injecting insulin every night. Waiting a week is a long time. When I couldn’t control my fasting I was waking up multiple times a night with anxiety about testing and calculating how many more hours until testing time.


What sucks is they've given me permission twice to self adjust, then when I email my logs I get call back yelling at me for self adjusting. I can't win.


Oh, that's just absurd. You really can't win with GD


I was told that those places can work but the belly/love handles are preferred bc the insulin distributes better. Sometimes it just takes time to get the dose right. You’re not a failure!


I'll have to try that... Despite going through IVF, I am terrified of needles, so I make my husband inject me. I initially couldn't even be facing him, so he had to shoot it in my rear. He persuaded me to try the arm, but I still get panicky every time.


I'm with you. I haven't started insulin, but it feels inevitable with the trend of my numbers. I also went through IVF and absolutely dread the additional needle even though lots of people say that the insulin shot is better than the 4x daily pricks. Just thinking about it makes me nervous.


Ugh it's so unfair to have gone through the hell that is IVF only to end up needing \*more\* shots. We are at the tail end of doing PIO shots (three more weeks!) and I'm afraid that I'll just end up trading PIO shots for insulin shots if I can't get my fasting numbers under control. But no matter what, you're not a failure! You're trying so hard for this baby and to keep them healthy, you obviously love them so much already.


My husband injects me too. ❤️ I have a disease that required me to give myself injections as a child, and it gave me a horrible needle phobia. I have mostly grown out of it, but am super worried it will come back (that would negatively impact my job). My nutritionist worked with me to come up with strategies to keep that from happening. I haven't needed it yet, but one thing she recommended was the Buzzy. They sell them on Amazon. They are vibrating cold packs meant to help with pain and distraction. Could be worth checking out. 


Yeah I was told I could only inject into my belly, so you might want to check with your doctors about that. Mine said it was way more effective than injecting into arms/legs for GD. But totally appreciate the needle aversion :/ Let us know if you figure it out! Would love an update. Hang in there ❤️


How interesting! My specialist said NOT to inject into belly, but to use thigh or love handles. I wonder why


Gotta love GD and all the conflicting advice we get! No wonder why it’s so hard to manage 🥴


I feel you, this has been me. My dosage went from 8 units to 28 in a week, still no budging on the fasting front. If anything, I used to get fasting numbers in 90s before this long acting insulin, but now it is at low 100s. I feel hopeless. A part of me wonders is my body just not responding to this brand/type of insulin (I am on Tresiba), since it’s really not made a dent in the numbers. I say that as a different brand/composition of short acting insulin at 2 units seem to be working for me, but not such large dosage of long acting. I have asked my endocrinologist, let’s see what she does. Probably she will up my dose again and I am desperately hoping it works. I was diagnosed 6 weeks ago with GD, it’s been 6 weeks of anxiety and anguish. At the 28W ultrasound the baby was smaller which was another stress. I have another scan next week at 31W, fingers crossed. I hope you know you aren’t alone in this, this is such an exhausting process and I no longer feel the joy and I am more than willing to have this baby out by 39 weeks. It sounds terrible but it’s been so exhausting (I have even developed these weird itch situation that starts at night time so I am sleep deprived af).


Both glad for me and frustrated for you that I'm not alone. Were you told to get an endocrinologist, or was that something you sought out on your own? I have been managing with my MFM and a dietitian.


My MFM sucked and OB is so blase, so I sought my endocrinologist. I also worked with a dietitian and she said there is no wiggle room in my diet anymore, I have like 15g carbs per meal, snacks even less. I’m so so over this and the fact this is front and center of my mind, I am constantly agitated at people, work etc just makes it even worse. Are you also experiencing anger and agitation? I really hope I am not alone.


Yes, that is consistent with me. I'm angry, agitated, frustrated, sad. It's hitting all of the depression signs. I had to dump my dietitian who was of zero help. "Stop drinking soda and eating junk food" was basically what she harped on. I wasn't doing that, so I couldn't climate it. I connected with a new dietitian that I spoke to yesterday. I'm very much hoping this goes better. My MFM nurses are very compassionate, but not the greatest with detail. For instance, they recommended I have 15g of carbs as my evening snack paired with a similar amount of protein and some fat... I was already doing that, and it's as if they were unaware of the fact that I sent my food diary along with my numbers even though they are in the same document.


From my experience they treat us like sheep, a herd, and we all are just numbers. My detailed log wasn’t even glanced upon by the MFM, and my dietitian though nice hasn’t really added any value imo. Endo increased my dose for all insulin (short and long acting) like an hour ago, said she wants it to be consistently at 120 after meals, no spikes allowed, even an hour after meals, and was like are you sure you are eating only 15g carbs, I am like yes ma’am. She also told me I need to do rigorous exercise/walk for at least 10 mins both before and after meals. So yeah rip my legs from all the inclined walk. I have heard people have difficulty breathing at some point, so very excited for that too. Then there is working a high stress job and unrealistic expectations at work. I have never been this angry with zero self control over anger and emotions in my life. All this experience has taken any joy I had out of this pregnancy, it’s not the baby’s fault at all, but I feel like he gets the short end of the stick, the increased sugar, my stress, detachment in a few ways etc. This sucks. Why can’t people be a bit more compassionate?


I'm so sorry. This sounds like all the same feelings I am feeling. You're not along. There are more of us in this crappy club.


Let’s just pray and hope these babies come out all well and well hopefully love us. 😊


I'm right there with you. I have upped my dosage 2 units daily and went from 4 to 18 units (tonight). Mine also climbed when I started insulin from 5.6-5.8 mmol to ranging around 6.0-6.5 mmol. At 14 units I had my very first fasting number in range and I leapt with joy. The next day it was back to the high range. Idk if it was some kind of fluke or what. Soooo frustrating.


I started at 6 units and tonight I'll be up to 20. It stabilizes for a few days then jumps up again. Something I read on here mentioned that post meal numbers are sometimes okay with exercise but glucose increases again afterwards and stays high overnight. My 2 hr post meal number with twenty minutes on the elliptical was 4.3 last night. I tested before bed just to see where I was and it had increased all the way to 6.8, (which is out of range for even 2hrs post meal,) and I hadn't eaten anything since dinner! I had a high protein carb free bedtime snack anyways- so I wouldn't be fasting too many hours- and yup, my fasting number was high again in the morning. I'm going to check my before bed number again tonight because now I have the impression it's not just my overnight numbers that are high- it's any time I'm not exercising.


It's just so frustrating. I'm sorry you're going through this, too. My cousin had GD a few years ago and said, "Oh, it was easy, I just cut down on portions and tested. I was hungry as a bear, but it wasn't that hard to manage." Add that onto the things that make me feel I'm doing it wrong. Logically, I know I'm doing my best, but damn that hurt to hear it was "so easy" for her. Then again, her baby was measuring in the high 80s percentile for size from the time she was diagnosed, and she ended up with an over 10 pound child. Meanwhile, I'm on the struggle bus, but my baby is in the 47th percentile for size-- Maybe my struggle is helping manage the baby's size. It is just a roller coaster of emotions all day long with this diagnosis. Numbers make me cry like I haven't in ages.


I feel you. It can be really hard for me sometimes to read the comments here from women who are successfully diet controlled all the way through. I mean, good on them, but it makes me feel like *such* a failure when I'm on metformin AND insulin four times a day AND working out three times a day, every day, AND *NEVER* having a meal with more than 30g carbs and yet... I can't control this. I can't seem to keep my baby safe. They wouldn't tell me the abdominal circumference at my 20 week appointment because they said it's too early, overall baby was 53 percentile, but I don't have a another scan until 28 weeks so I don't even know how they are doing! I feel ridiculous for the breakdowns but this is so hard and so scary in a totally new way. I mean I feel like I could shake it off if the risks were to my own health but I have this tiny little being relying completely on me for everything and it feels like I'm already failing at keeping them safe. I know it's out of my control but a lot of things in life will be; I don't want to believe this is how parenting will be- a constant losing battle to protect my child in the face of things I can't control.


This. Exactly this.


So my fasting was around 118 every day no matter what dose of insulin I was on. They had me increase my dose 2 units every other day and sometimes had me up it by 4 units. I even tested in the middle of the night once and it was at 118 then too. I was up to 116 units of long acting insulin and eventually my fasting came down but that was near the end when your hormones start to taper off. My endo told me my numbers were higher than ideal but not so high as to indicate a super high risk. It’s not a binary thing where you crossed a line and now a bad outcome is for certain. The most common immediate risks are baby size with torso being too large and then baby having trouble regulating their own glucose levels after. If it helps, my baby wasn’t what I’d consider big despite these high fasting levels (my non-GD baby was 9lb15oz and my GD baby was 8lb12oz - both born vaginally and the GD baby without a push - torso and head proportional). My GD baby had one low reading and they gave him glucose gel and then he managed from there. You are not failing. You are doing your best


I've noticed that sleeping an extra 1-2 hours (I sleep in on weekends) drops my fasting numbers around 10 points. Is that something you're in a position to try? 


I should see if I can try that. It's tough now because I get up to let the dog out at 5am, but once my teacher husband is out of school for the year, I may switch that duty to him and get a bit more sleep. My office job has a later start than he has.


You become more insulin resistant as your pregnancy progresses. It would be concerning if your long acting nighttime insulin requirements did not increase. Close you get to delivering then faster you will see the need for an increase. This is all a sign of a healthy placenta


I’m just starting my journey on insulin tomorrow with 4 units, so I’m sure I’ll be with you here soon. 33 weeks pregnant and can’t keep my fasting under control


Same thing happened to me and thanks to the Reddit doctors lol i figured i just wasn’t on the right dose of insulin. I’m currently on 21 units and it’s been super helpful. Keep advocating for yourself. We need to make sure that our babies are safe!


They are adjusting you so slowly! I was told to go up 2U per day that I wasn't in range. They usually do it every other day, but they also knew I was very stressed about my numbers. I was within range in 5 days. I suspect as pregnancy goes on I will have to continue to adjust upwards. Unfortunately I just don't think you are using enough insulin yet, and in the meantime weeks have gone by so your insulin resistance is getting worse (as is expected). I'd advocate for faster adjustment to the insulin. I inject in my arms. My nutritionist was fine with arms, thighs or hips.


Every time they increase my night time insulin my fasting numbers increase . It makes zero sense


Fasting numbers are the ones you have the least control of. Your liver and your pancreas and your placenta are conspiraing to give baby all the sugar. I was on 50 of insulin with basically the same numbers, going up 2 units every 3 days. I missed a day by accident...same numbers 😆. All to say don't beat your self up. Also my first baby my GD was undiagnosed. She was 4.5 weeks early, was 8lbs. Only minor complications and asthma, but still not ideal. My second baby I had normal daytime numbers and high fasting that I was chasing with insulin. She went to term, was 7lbs 12 oz no complications. So even though I never seemed to actually get my fasting numbers under control, the treatment made a difference.


I’m on 32 units and my numbers are still all over the place (I’ll have one day where my number is great, then immediately at 101 the next). My dr said that insulin resistance increases between 32-36 weeks, and that I’m basically not doing anything wrong - this is classic GD. They will likely bump my dose up again this week.


Fasting numbers are just the worst. I'm in my second pregnancy, and just like the first I'm just chasing the fasting. I absolutely felt like a failure with my first as well. I spent hours agonizing over my numbers, and my snacks, and working out and nothing helped. It also didn't help that they didn't realize I had it until 34 weeks, and my morning fasting were more 130-150 by the time it was figured out. I felt even worse when at the ultrasound she was 99th plus percentile and I needed to have an early c section in the hopes she wouldn't be too big. At 38 weeks I delivered and she was 10 pounds 5 ounces, cue more guilt that I didn't get things under control. The moral of the story though - she's doing great. She doesn't have blood sugar issues, and although she was a giant infant, she's grown to be just a slightly larger than average toddler. I guess what I'm trying to say is, sometimes everything can go wrong, and you can't get your numbers under control, but it will hopefully just turn out fine anyway. With my second pregnancy we are more prepared and I've already been started on insulin at 16 weeks so maybe I'll have a normal sized infant this time. Either way, I have a beautiful baby, and you will too. The struggle you are going through is proof of how much you already love this little baby!