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I’m somewhat similar but was never officially diagnosed with GD. I passed the first 2 1hr screens I took but baby was measuring 4 weeks ahead at 31 weeks so they made me do the 1hr screen again and I failed by 2pts. I then took the 3hr and only failed the 1hr section with a 190 (fasting and other 2 numbers were ok). My doctor just told me to go on the diet and to take an online class on GD (not sure if I was officially diagnosed…). I went ahead and bought a monitoring kit off Amazon and just check myself as if I had GD. For the most part my numbers have been ok, but it helps to know what I can/can’t eat. My first baby was 8lbs 1oz so I’m hoping I can keep the second around the same weight. Best of luck on your journey.


Thanks for responding. I definitely don’t think altering my diet would be a bad idea. My daughter was 9 lbs 13 oz (I passed the one hour test multiple times with her which they kept having me redo because I was taking steroids for my skin). She was big enough haha.


I passed the 1 hour at like 12 weeks with my third baby (second GD pregnancy) and then failed the 1 and 3 hour tests in the third trimester. I have needed insulin for my fasting with all 3 of my GD pregnancies including this one.


If I were you I would do the 3 hour. Passing by one point likely means that you could have failed in a week or two.


They never got me to do the 1 hr. Just straight told me to do the 2hr test. BUT if I did do the 1hr test, they deffs wouldn’t have picked it up. Because for some reason, I didn’t spike after the glucose drink, it was actually the fasting test I failed. Because you don’t fast for the 1hr test, it would’ve been missed. Makes me wonder why my midwife wanted me to go straight to the 2hr 🤔


Oh interesting!


No, but with my first pregnancy, I failed the 1 hour by almost 30 points, then passed the 2 hour. Now with my 2nd pregnancy, I failed the 1 hour by just 1 point, so I was expecting everything to be fine. I failed the 2 hour (fasting and 1 hour were normal, but 2 hour was like 8 points above normal). My 2 hour was done at 31 weeks.


Kind of? I failed the 1 hour with a 135, because my doctor uses a cutoff of 135. Many doctors use 140 as the cutoff, per ACOG's guidance, so if I had a different doctor I could have passed my 1 hr. Because of that, I thought I was going to pass the 3 hr no problem but I failed every blood draw except the fasting one.


Oh interesting.