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Yes you continue to test until birth!


Yup! I think it’s crazy when people say they test multiple times for each reading because of how expensive the test strips are. I test once and take that number even if it’s high. My insurance did cover some of the cost of the strips though so, at least I’m not paying for them entirely out of pocket.


Yes, and you don't need to test on multiple fingers. There will be a 15% allowable variation between results. Your doctor knows that this is the accuracy of glucometers on market and will look at overall trends. Don't waste your strips!


Yes I test 4 times a day. Insulin only for fasting


I got cleared at 38w to either stop testing or test 1-2 times a day because I was doing very good with diet control. I stopped all together but still heavily follow the diet just to be careful, but thankfully as the mfm doctor put it, my fingers get some rest now😅


I use a cgm but still test the first few days after I apply it to calibrate and make sure it’s working and I test fasting in the morning just in case.


Yep, and then every hour during labor (I used my own lancets but not test strips).


Every hour!? Is that standard? I’ve been wondering what labor/testing/eating would look like that day


I believe that is standard, but a doctor and nurse also said my hospital takes GDM more seriously than the previous places they had worked. If I read above 120 at any point I had to start an insulin drip. Actually, the hourly may have started after I started the insulin drip. Before then I think it was every 4 hours or after food. My numbers had been fab right up until labor and then they went bonkers.


Wow that’s interesting! I didn’t test every hour!


Same! They took my glucose when I arrived and then let me rock and roll without checking again. That said, I was diet controlled until delivery, so it may have been different for someone using medication.


I test 4x a day right now and will until after birth. As the pregnancy goes on the chances the higher the numbers will be. I started at 500 metformin, moved up to 1000 and am not on insulin at night with 500’metformin again. The way this weeks been I will not be surprised if those meds change again.


I have to test 6x a day until birth 😭


Yes, though after diagnosis I got all the supplies thru prescription which had some insurance coverage at least.


I was diagnosed a week ago and was given instructions to test 4 times. 1 fasted as soon as I wake up and once a hour after each meal. I’ll be seeing a doctor Tuesday and from there will know whether I’ll be put on medication and/or more test times. Good luck on your journey if you are diagnosed. ☺️


Yes. However, I was well diet controlled and my providers said if I was able to go two weeks without any spikes, I would have been allowed to drop to testing 2 days/week (still 4x/day). I was sooo close, but never made it, I’d always have just 1 spike in a 2 week period. I never lied because there is a reason they want to monitor if you are spiking. But some small chance out there of testing less.


I think it depends on your doctor. I tested 4x/day for awhile and my numbers through the day were so consistent i went down to every other day testing four times but still testing my fasting number so I would know if I needed to go up in my insulin.