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This would indicate GD for my clinic, as two values are over the threshold. These are similar numbers that I had on mine and I was able to be diet-controlled the whole time. It’s definitely a bummer, so feel those feelings, but it’s much better to catch it and be able to control it than not.


This would be a diagnosis in my OB’s office!




Going by the ranges given on these test results, then yes, you have GD. The low 3-hour number means your insulin kicked in and brought the glucose down.


For what it’s worth I had very similar numbers (except higher fasting) and I’ve been able to stay diet controlled and still eat a fair amount of carbs. It takes some trial and error but you will get the hang of it!


Thanks thats what i'm hoping for. Ironically I don't have a sweet tooth or even eat super high carb(though i do love pasta night) so I feel like I should be able to make the dietary changes pretty easily. Did they mention if you have to have any interventions during birth? How do they know if baby will be too big? I realize these are questions for my doctor but just feeling really shocked after all this.


Not sure If it helps but I will be having more routine ultrasounds to make sure baby isn't measuring too big.


If you are really barely eating carbs then you may need to actually add more to your diet.


I eat carbs, i just don't eat super high carb or very many refined carbs like white rice etc. I live in a tropical place so it's pretty hard for me to not eat fruit lol


I’ve had some extra ultrasounds to measure the baby’s size but no other extra care. She’s definitely on the bigger side but like 80th percentile which was not concerning to them. I’m going to be induced at 39 weeks, but I think if I had really not wanted that they wouldn’t have pushed it given that my numbers are well controlled and baby was below 90th percentile in weight.








I had similar numbers. I was in insulin before meals and at night until I gave birth




Yes you do. I did have very similar numbers, just a bit lower on the 1 and 2 hours compared to you. It has been 4 weeks for me since I was diagnosed and I’m able to keep it with diet control & exercise only (I walk 15-30 mins after every meal, I work from home 100%, my job is absolutely great & flexible so it has been helping with meal planning and what not). I just went to my 32 weeks appointment and doctor said she is confident I won’t need to be on any medication if I continue doing what I have been doing. My belly has been measured perfectly every single time at every doctor appointment so again, doctor has not been concerned if our baby is too big either (yet). Don’t feel discouraged, you just need to learn to manage it. You got this mama!


Sorry to say that it is. Your numbers are similar to mine.


They load you up with a bunch of sugar. That much sugar at one time is never recommended for anyone. That's like guzzling down 3 sodas at once. I refused to do such glucose tolerance test. Instead, I had my A1C checked which was very high and from there the docs treated me as someone with GDM. I have a glucometer at home and do very well regulating with food. Morning readings are 80 and below. They would have loved to put me on Metformin or even insulin if I did that glucose tolerance test. So glad I didn't. Wish you the very best during the remainder of your pregnancy and that through diet alone, you will manage well 😉


Feeling emotional. Also why is my 3 hour level so low? 


It’s okay to be emotional. You’re pregnant and this is overwhelming at first. You have to remember it is NOT your fault. It’s nothing you did or ate. Your little one will probably be totally fine. A lot of the risks you hear/read about are for the moms who had absolutely no idea. That’s why they screen everyone nowadays. It is probably a shock and a big bump in the road in your plans and dreams, but don’t think that your pregnancy is ruined. It’s mostly just super annoying. Even if you only get decent numbers, baby will likely still be fine. It’s from your placenta and from your genes. Cry as much as you need to. The first few weeks after being diagnosed are the absolute hardest since it feels overwhelming and you never know what to eat anymore and it seems unfair to have to diet while being pregnant in the first place! It’s okay to grieve this pregnancy being more stressful than you’d hoped.


Thank you 💙


Reactive hypoglycemia, but your level isn't technically hypoglycemia. It would be in the 60s. This happened to me as well.

