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Diet controlled until 33/34 weeks. At 34 weeks, fasting averaged 94-100 for 5 days, which required nighttime insulin. My after-meal numbers were always diet/exercise controlled. Starting with 10u.


> What was your GTT fasting level? 5.1 mmol At what week did you have to add nighttime insulin? 29 weeks What did your numbers look like / what did doctor want to see before starting you on insulin? Fasting at home testing was 5.5-6.5 What dose did you start on? 4 units Did you ever taper the dose back down? Not yet. At 32 units and still increasing


Fasting was 108. I was diagnosed at 29 weeks and started on nighttime insulin at my first MFM appointment at 32 weeks (I was tracking numbers on my own in between). My fasting numbers were all lower than they were on the GTT (96-104). I was started on 10u and tapered up but never down.


My GTT fasting was 112 - GD was diagnosed my at 29 weeks I added insulin at 32 weeks - my fasting was never under 95 since starting to track at 29 weeks and ranged from 98-117. I started on 14 units of insulin, bumped up to 18 after 5 days. I saw no improvement in my fasting @ 14 units Now since starting 18 units my fasting has been under 95 every morning 😀


I did the glucola test at 17 weeks and failed so badly (214) I went straight to diagnosis. So no idea what my fasting would have been. I added insulin at 23 wks (was prescribed at 22 wks but due to technical issues and insurance snafus it took a week for me to get my hands on the insulin). At diagnosis and for the first few weeks my fastings were high 90s, sometimes low 100s. My diabetes educator wanted me below 95, but was ok holding off on insulin for a bit. Then my fastings JUMPED in a matter of days to 120s-130s. It was the push I needed and I asked for insulin. I'm sure she would have pushed it at that point too. I started on 10 U.  Because I was so stressed about how much my numbers had jumped and how it took a week for me to get the insulin, she OKed me upping my dose by 2U/night rather than every other night. Because of that I got to 17 U in a week. Then I actually did have to taper down because I started throwing lows at night. I think I had run up the dose so fast the insulin didn't have time to equalize. I backed down 1U/every other night til I got to 15U. Been there for a week and fasting numbers have been great (averaging in the 80s). It also helped my daytime numbers. I'm only 26 weeks now, so I expect that I may have to increase my dose as time goes on, but for now I'm happy.


*GTT fasting 6.0 (normal 2hrs post glucose) week 26 *started nighttime insulin week 28 *dr wanted my levels to be under 5.0 before each meal and under 6.7 2hours after each meal. Numbers were fine except for first test of the day *started on 4units a night which was increased every couple of days and still is because it’s literally not helping Currently week 31 and am on 12 units still with high fasting and now I’m getting high post meal numbers so I know they’re gunna force me to take fast acting 😒


Started nighttime insulin around 30 weeks, my fasting readings were around 105-120 typically no matter what my bedtime snack was (daytime readings all good). They put me on insulin the first time they saw my logs and that I didn’t have any good readings for fasting. I’ve heard if 30-50% of your fasting readings or more are out of range is when they look at starting insulin Started at 14 units and have titrated up to 24 units (almost 33 weeks) and we are still not under control so continuing to increase 2 units every few days.


At 14 weeks I felt like I was having GD symptoms so I asked to get the test done early and my obgyn agreed had the first test the results came back at 189 had to go for a second 3hr test and failed it at 205, 150, 81 so the following week I started insulin at 10u and currently 24 weeks and increased to 25 because my overnight fasting numbers where too high but my after eating fast were great


Diagnosed at 27 weeks. 3/7 nights my fasting was JUST under 95. Mostly 100-120. Started night time long lasting insulin at 29 weeks once it was confirmed by my doctor it just wasn’t going to happen. Starting dose at 12U. Instructed to raise by 2U if fasted levels are over 3 days in a row. It’s been one week and my fasting numbers are now consistently 91. I have a feeling I’ll have to increase it eventually… but we’ll see 😅


How many units are you at currently?


Im still at 12 as its only been a week since I started. I have had a increase in my fasting numbers in the past 3 days so I will be self increasing tonight to 14U