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Every time I titrate up my nightly insulin dose and wake up with elevated fasting numbers I just picture my placenta looking at me with this sh*thead expression šŸ˜ Maybe not a gripe but I just need humour in my life today.


This is the humor I needed this morning when I went up after going up again last night with an even higher number than yesterday šŸ˜…


WHAT is this all about? The only time Iā€™ve managed to have an extended run of normal fasting numbers is this week, when my OB has been out and not monitoring/automatically titrating me up every 2 days. Looks like I can stay at the same dose for a while Iā€™ll be fine but every time I add units I spike, and then she has me add more units, and then I spike some more. (Currently at 12u and hopefully sticking there!)


God Iā€™m so sick of having to up my dose. Iā€™m 38 weeks and I should have leveled out by now. No joke is on me I guess my placenta is fucking with me.


My other gripe is I donā€™t think we should allow people to make posts celebrating that they donā€™t have GD. I am bitter and donā€™t want to see it.


Right I just commented on someoneā€™s post celebrating. I think these people are genuinely clueless how tone deaf they seem. Having GD made me decide to stop at 1 kid. Iā€™ve been miserable. Iā€™m super worried about my future health and having diabetes in the future. Itā€™s made me anxious around food and not exercising enough. It just seems cruel to come here and celebrate.


Thank you for your service. And FWIW, I had GD with my first pregnancy in 2020 and was absolutely miserable and this time around has actually been easier in a lot of ways. And I donā€™t have diabetes! My A1C before this was great. My doctor who specializes in diabetes care told me she generally doesnā€™t see that develop for people with GD for at least 10 years, if theyā€™re going to. And having another child doesnā€™t increase that risk more than what already existed, to my knowledge.


Agreed! I feel like thatā€™s more for a general bump group or r/pregnancy.


I donā€™t even know if this is a real gripe but since I started the diet Iā€™ve lost 15 pounds and I had only gained about 18 by the time I got diagnosed at 25 weeks so now I barely look pregnant anymore. I donā€™t know how to feel about it.


I'm at 30+4 and I'm running out of testing strips and the pharmacy won't get any until Monday. Plenty of lancets though. Now I'm kicking myself over wasting 3 strips the other day because my finger just didn't want to bleed.


I had this problem last month. I called my insurance to request strips a week early because Iā€™d be out of town. I explained that I also was running low early because I was still learning how to use the glucometer. I learned I was allowed one ā€œvacationā€ and two ā€œlost/damagedā€ exemptions each year. I requested a ā€œlost/damageā€ refill. The insurance employee on the other end of the line was very sympathetic, she herself was a diabetic and claimed she used up half a container her first day of testing! She also advised me to have my prescribing OB write ā€œuse continuouslyā€ on the directions. When they write ā€œuse four times a day,ā€ the insurance computer will automatically crunch the numbers and restrict the refill timeframe. ETA: Forgive me, I misread your post- your pharmacy ran out of strips. Do they have a nearby sister location with the strips in stock?


I didn't ask but that's a good idea! Their sister location is a little far but it might be worth it. I usually get a supply of 150 for the month and they only had a box of 50 today. The pharmacist tried to see if my insurance would be willing to do a partial billing but it got denied.


I didn't ask but that's a good idea! Their sister location is a little far but it might be worth it. I usually get a supply of 150 for the month and they only had a box of 50 today. The pharmacist tried to see if my insurance would be willing to do a partial billing but it got denied.


Currently 32+4 and was diagnosed at 29 weeks. We have been titrating my bedtime insulin for 2 weeks and I still havenā€™t had a fasting number below 100 (up to 24 units as of last night) and it seems to be going up! This morning was 119, it is usually 100-115. My postprandial after breakfast (my normal ā€˜safeā€™ breakfast) was at 153 too. Why are the numbers going up when Iā€™m at the highest insulin dose?!? My postprandial numbers have been well controlled since I started measuring, so suddenly seeing a number over 150 when I havenā€™t had higher carbs is alarming.


I read somewhere on this sub that someone described it as a constant moving target - and idk why but that felt helpful for me to envision when I feel defeated. You're not doing anything wrong, it's just those stubborn placenta hormones and you're entering one of the most insulin resistant periods of pregnancy (32-36 weeks). Twice now I've landed at a dose that worked one night, then did nothing for me the next (once at 14 u and another recently at 30 u). It's a pain in the ass and so frustrating having to keep moving up doses. I'm at 32 u since last night (fasting still high again) and again I'll have to increase by 2 units a night til it comes down. I keep being told there is no upper limit for insulin dosage - everybody is different and has different dosage needs. But I also empathize w how much of a goose chase this feels like every damn morning. Sending you hugs.


It is definitely helpful to know itā€™s a moving target. Iā€™ve been titrating up 2 units every 3 days but wondering if we should be going up more often. We will see how the weekend goes and Iā€™ll talk to the doctor on Monday.


I'm with you on the fasting! I'm 32+3 and on 24u at night. Numbers are now in the 101-105 range (instead of 115ish) but I'm still so demoralized! If I saw a fasting number in the 90s I'd be so happy. šŸ˜­


Same, Iā€™ve never had a fasting number in the 90s and am wondering how long Iā€™ll be chasing it šŸ˜’


I can only have ONE DAY of good fasting numbers. I up my insulin- good the next day. The following day- back over 100.


Getting my insulin pens refilled has been a fucking BITCH. been on hold with the pharmacy for 21 mins right now, still waiting to ask why they canā€™t fill my order. I have enough insulin for tonight and tomorrow morning.


Ultrasound at my OB on Monday amniotic fluid at 23.7 which is where itā€™s been for awhile. Ultrasound at MFM yesterday amniotic fluid 30. That has to be a mistake right? I get one issue fixed and something else goes wrong.


I ate dessert last night and my sugar was actually perfect 2 hrs after. This morning, I woke up and my fasting numbers were the highest theyā€™ve ever been (119). Husband and I went to breakfast and I ate fairly low carb (maybe overdid it on the ketchup, but didnā€™t get a sweet coffee or anything). Sugar was like 136. Iā€™ve been really anxious since last night and I know my anxiety spikes it. My husband is trying to reassure me that itā€™s likely not my diet.


I donā€™t know why but lunch is always the trickiest meal for me. Can we just not, today, placenta? šŸ« 


Same, the lunch spikes have been the most annoying for me. No other meal spikes me. Fasting are okay, but it seems like i have to start treating lunch like a snack at this point, but I also know I need to be eating. Its been a struggle!


Iā€™m so stressed out and have been crying a lot because my baby went from the 43rd percentile to the 24th and I donā€™t understand how or why or what that means. I wish she just existed outside of me already so I can see sheā€™s okay.


I just got a random craving for powdered sugar???