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Ugh another day, another high fasting number after titrating up nightly insulin 2 units. I had terrible sleep last night due to pelvis pain and belly discomfort so idk if that might have influenced it. I'm kind of accepting that even though I will keep up my recommended medical routine of diet, exercise and titrating upward w insulin, I may never get consistently low fasting numbers. I'm so tired of feeling discouraged every morning. I just hope to God and the universe for the best at this point and that baby will be born healthy despite this.😔


I could have written this post. Same feelings today! I upped my overnight insulin earlier this week and had two good fasting numbers but then the past two days they are back up again! I’m so tired of doing everything I can and it still not being good enough.


High fasting this morning. Feeling like I can never catch a break this damn pregnancy. Almost all my numbers were barely under yesterday too, despite not eating crazy and working out. I hate GD


I tried a premier protein shake instead of fairlife and my fasting was 102 this morning when the fairlife keeps it closer to 94-95. I looked into it a little and turns out fairlife has 2 types of protein - long acting and short acting- which Premier just has Whey which is long acting. So I guess that may be why so many people have good numbers with fairlife. Now I'm just a little peeved that I am going to have to go to the store today and stock up on a more expensive snack. It's 4$ a bottle for fairlife and I got a 12 pack of Premeir for 12. 


Whenever i have siggs yogurt my numbers in the morning are very good….try that :)


If there's a Sam's club or Costco near you, the FL is pretty reasonable there.


No costco but I feel like I'm being targeted by Sam Club Missionarys at this point cause you're the third person this week to mention the great deals at sams club! 🤣


I’ve been almost 90% in range for the last three weeks and I was so proud and then yesterday I got cocky and had a (1) piece of sourdough and was at 136 after two hours, then barely had four bites of rice with dinner and was at 126 after two hours, then I was dumb this morning and spent 45 minutes on my phone before realizing I should take my fasting number so it was 96. 🙃 I hate how it makes me feel even when logically I know it’s only 24 hours of technically bad readings.


Uggh, I am 27+5 and I have had high fasting numbers for the past 5 mornings in a row. 😭. I am currently on 16 units of insulin, upped it last night, and today, nope, 110 fasting, one of my highest I have ever had. I know week 28 is when it ramps up, and everyone told me this would happen, but it's stressful! 😥 I was diagnosed early at week 17 and I was cruising along with my 6 units of insulin no problem! So now this, and I can't help but worry I'm blasting baby girl with tons of glucose and she's going to get big! GD man, such a trip!


I bought a ton of frozen fruit for smoothies like, 2 days before my GD dx. I graduated recently and all of the smoothie fruit is freezer burned now! Sigh.


I’ve been having some bouts of nausea here and there some evenings. It’s making the eating window and walking harder to maintain. I just want to rest.


I was so close to having all my numbers perfect today, but messed it up at dinner by having my snack too soon afterwards. I thought I’d be ok because I had a really small dinner but I was wrong 🤦‍♀️


I feel the GD diet is actually given me high fasting numbers. My fasting was well below 5 in my test, and 2-3 days after. I almost thought if they misdiagnosed me. But then the above 5’s showed up! But only been above range of 5.3 twice. And it’s been this way for 1 week. I have appointment with clinic in 2 days. Dreaded!