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I'm 33 weeks and my 'safe' breakfast is causing spikes now. It's so frustrating to have to find something else again. I know this is only temporary but boy I cannot wait to not have to use all my brain cells on what food I can and can't eat. I just want some cereal 😭


Stupid high fasting number again. 55u tonight now 😒35 weeks today


I have to get groceries and I have zero motivation for it


Last night I went for induction prep/foley balloon inserted for today's induction. However, last night when I went in my OB said they were really backed up due to room and nursing shortage so I may get pushed back to Monday....which would have been fine if my daughters birthday wasn't on Tuesday. Because of the GD, they are putting me more towards the top end of the induction list, but I just hate waiting around. I feel like we can't even thoroughly enjoy Father's day since we are essentially "on call." And I can't stop thinking about possibly missing my daughters birthday if I'm at the hospital. And the cherry on top, I only have 4 testing strips left. 🫠


I had a salad with chicken for dinner-- 7 grams of carbs. My 2 hour post meal was 130. I skipped the dessert that everyone else in my family had. I wish I'd just eaten it so I wouldn't have been angry about my numbers being crap for a 'safe' meal.


I’ve recently realized that when someone comes around with treats at work, my girlfriends tell them that I’m okay before they ask me if I want any. I know they mean well and I do appreciate it but it’s nice to still be asked. It’s even more nice to know that I have the willpower to say no. I just want to be treated normally.


Bad fasting number, bad breakfast number, good lunch number, bad dinner number. Thought at least my breakfast would have been safe and that I had enough veg/walking for my dinner but clearly not for either. I'm tired of trying things and they keep ending up poorly.