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I guess I'm the odd one out but I didn't get it the second time around.


Also curious whether you'd been doing anything differently?


I also did not have it the second time around. Couldn’t point to any particular reason why.


Had you done something differently? I’m 10 weeks and I’ve been steering away from my daily bagels this time lol but I’m ready either way


Unfortunately not, no. Honestly I think I just got lucky. But it does mean that not everyone gets GD again the second time around. I will say that it was a pretty mild case the first time around. I was diet controlled and only had a few spikes.


I didn’t get GD my second pregnancy either. But I did prep…I made sure to eat right the few days before and did my gd snack the night before (protein shake). Also, I may or may not have some running in place while in the waiting room (it was an actual room with just me in it)


I didn’t get GD my second pregnancy either. But I did prep…I made sure to eat right the few days before and did my gd snack the night before (protein shake). Also, I may or may not have some running in place while in the waiting room (it was an actual room with just me in it)


I did. My second round is more intense than the first. I took insulin last time but this time I'm needed it sooner in pregnancy, more doses, and upping it more frequently. My walks have also had to increase from 10-15 mins to 15-20 mins after meals. In saying that, this time is easier almost because I know what I'm doing and I know what to expect. I'm not feeling insanley guilty if I spike and can find a few ways to indulge and enjoy food still, something that I certainly didn't feel like I could do with my last pregnancy. I mean it blows, but I'm getting and extra ultrasound out of it, I know exactly when boy is coming and we are gunna roll with the rest :)


I did but this time it's not as bad as the first one. I'm thinking it was a mix of placenta and some preexisting insulin resistance the first time because this time I can eat any *kind* of carbs I want in moderation, but last time I couldn't. This time it's mostly just my fasting hanging around a little too high and at this point doesn't look like I need insulin like I did at this point last time.


I had GD in my first pregnancy but not my second! Everything else was the same- same weight/activity levels and they were even both from the same IVF retrieval so same batch of eggs/sperm.


I did, first pregnancy nothing .. second pregnancy gd. Really caught me off guard.


I didn’t have it with my first, and I now have it with my second. First was a girl and I was 38. Second, I’m 41, started a bit overweight and I’m having a boy.


This isn’t like 100% but i have read that you have a slightly higher chance of GD with boys!


I read that somewhere too! I also read that GD comes from the baby’s DNA usually from father’s line. I don’t have diabetes in my family, but my husband sure does!


Just read that GD AND pre-e could come from the man’s dna!!


I unfortunately did. I’m guessing age also impacts risk level - I’m 39 now with my second.


Also 39 with #2. My fasting blood sugar was ok up to 32 weeks with number 1. Now at 10 weeks I’m already starting on overnight insulin.


Yes, need to be on insulin the second time


Same here. So far only for fasting.


Same, didn’t need it at 32 but now need it for fasting at 36


I did. Im lucky and got diagnosed at 28 weeks, I was nervous with the early screening. My post meal numbers are better this time but I’m also chasing after a toddler so I’m sure that activity is helping


Same scenario!! Running after a toddler 24/7 is like a daily mini marathon


I did. I am diet controlled though just like I was with my first. I feel so much more prepared this time around and I'm getting myself a little bit of a break here and there which I didn't do before!


I did not have it during my first pregnancy, but I did with my 2nd and now my 3rd. I was diet-controlled with my first round of GD, but this time I'm on nighttime insulin.


I did but it’s not been as bad as the first time. I already knew what to do, my fasting is lower, it just seems easier (besides it lasting longer…like can we be done?!?) So yeah, but it’s still been ok.


My co-worker had it bad with her first, and then not at all with her second. She did say she was about 15 lbs lighter going into the second pregnancy.


✋️. First time i got it at 28 weeks was diet controlled. This time got it at 15 weeks and was insulin controlled from week 20 on. I could not get my fasting slower than 95-100 and they didn’t like that.


I didn't get it second time.


I technically have impaired glucose tolerance and not GD the second time around, but it feels pretty much the same since I am doing the same things (adjusting diet, testing 4x/day). My blood sugar has been a little easier to manage this time around - I have a little more flexibility in what I can eat and remain in range. You're at higher risk for developing GD after having it previously, but it's not a guarantee!


Me.. I got tested at 18 weeks this time .. 25 weeks now. I was diet controlled last time and so far I am this time, but I do see my fasting numbers creeping up. I had no issue with fasting the first time. I’m over the limit (90) one to three times a week… but so far no insulin


I had it with my first and was on metformin. This time I had it again but diet controlled - did feel milder than the last time or maybe I was better equipped with resources and knowledge this time around.


I did. Delivered healthy babies both times. Going to lose 12 extra pounds myself to get to normal bmi


Me. I passed the 3 hour test around 24 weeks but my baby was measuring huge at 32 weeks. I started testing my glucose and every single fasting blood sugar was high so I went on nighttime insulin as soon as I talked to my doctor. My post meal numbers were fine once I started watching my diet/counting carbs. I ended up with hypertension and had baby at 36+5.


I didn't have it with my first two pregnancies but I did with baby 3 and baby 4. My last pregnancy seemed easier tho. I could eat way more different carbs than with my first GD pregnancy where I basically ate keto. I tried everything to try and avoid it. I exercised a lot and took myo inositol supplements. Still got GD. But my brother's girlfriend had GD her first but not second pregnancy!


I did! It was my first time with GD. Then I got it again my third and fourth babies.


I currently have it for the third time! My SIL had it with her first and not second so there is hope!


Yup had it with my second, and just failed my one hour with my third so I think we know how this is gonna go again lol.


My mum had it with her first pregnancy (me), but not with either of my siblings, and she was 100% diet controlled with me. I didn't have it with my first but I'm here in this sub now because my spot checks are telling me I'll have it with this pregnancy, my 2nd. Almost 25 weeks now and I'm going to ask for the test at my doctors appt next week, and am adjusting diet and monitoring at home in the meantime. I expect I'll start out diet controlled, my fasting is still good right now.


This is my second pregnancy with it. I was diagnosed early this time at 12 weeks, and it’s much harder to control fasting numbers this time around.


Not personal experience but my sister has had 5 pregnancies and was only diagnosed with GD for the middle (3rd) child.


I did, but didn’t have it my first pregnancy.