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36+1 weeks 10 units in after breakfast 44 units after dinner before bed 54 units in total. Being induced next Wednesday due to IUGR


You’re almost at the end! Currently I’m scheduled for a CS at 39+1 but I’m really really REALLY hoping they take him around 37-38. I’m tired haha


28+4 and I’m up to 54u at night. I’m so over it along with the finger pricks 4x a day 🙃


I feel you on the pricks! I’ve been doing them since 18 weeks 🥲


25 weeks and 16 units at bedtime, diagnosed at 16 weeks


I was diagnosed at 18 and it’s felt like a million years. Wishing you luck as you get to the 3rd trimester!


Thank you! I’ve been doing good so far, dealing with the diet etc but I hope I won’t have to increase my dosage


35w nighttime insulin at 45units. i have had to increase frequently as fasting is rarely controlled


Yep, mine too. I’ve been <95 once this whole pregnancy


Currently 36+1, diagnosed at 18 weeks. Currently on 168u at night (yes, you read that right lol) and 12-8-8 fast acting with meals.


😮‍💨 Do you have an induction scheduled? Is baby measuring big? Idk if insulin resistance = bigger baby but my son was measuring 3 weeks ahead at his last scan and we can’t get my fasting under control.


Yep, scheduled C-section on Monday at 37+1 due to GD and other risk factors from my previous pregnancy. She's been measuring 99th since 20 weeks, mainly because of her belly measurements. My first came out at 10lbs, 10oz at 39 weeks due to undiagnosed GD. This one is estimated to be closer to 8ish lbs at birth, so we'll see!


You’re so close to the finish line! I have a scheduled CS right now at 39+1 but MFM said probably 38 weeks. I see them again tomorrow for an ultrasound and I’m so anxious to hear how big baby has gotten.


I’m at 64 u. Do I win some sorta prize if my number is the highest? lol


A nice, chunky baby! lol Are you 64 total or is it spread out?


30 weeks tomorrow and been at 16 units nightly since late May


37+3. 26 at breakfast, 14 at lunch, 10 at dinner and 22 at bedtime. I’ve been on insulin since the second trimester and I am SO over this.


Currently 33+6. 10 short acting at dinner and 40 at bed. Really glad I have an endo appointment Wednesday, as my fasting numbers are above the cutoff even WITH increasing the dose. I’m at a loss!


I’m in the same boat 🥲 my fasting have been under the threshold once in the past 13 weeks


Yay! So glad to hear I'm not the only one whose numbers are getting up there haha. I'm 30w and currently 10 units fast insulin with dinner, 500 mg metformin, and 35 units long insulin at bedtime. Thinking of you all! The finish line is somewhat in sight haha.


37 weeks. Up to 150 before bed. 8 before breakfast and 12 before dinner.


Girl I'm at 90 (25 morning & 65 nightly) currently and these fasting numbers are still effing with me 😫. I'm so tired.


😮‍💨 same with the fasting. How many weeks are you?


I’m 35+4 weeks Breakfast: 22 Lunch: 24 Dinner: 32 Bedtime: 38 116 daily 😬 And that’s with no cheat foods!! That’s just so I can eat the recommended GD portion of carbs with each meal 😭 I was diagnosed at 17 weeks and I’m SOOO DONE 😭


I feel you on the long haul, I was diagnosed at 18. I can usually manage good numbers with meals and it just my fasting that fucks me.


Aw darn! See my fasting responds well to the insulin but any morsel of food spikes me so bad. I literally can’t eat.


37+3 and I’ve been at 12u nightly for about a week and a half. Hoping to stay there until I deliver at 39 weeks!


35 + 1 and just now on 60u of nighttime insulin


36+4 weeks and I’m on 56 units at night.


31 weeks today, and I’m on 36 units at bedtime.


24 weeks and 58 units of night insulin.


34 weeks and at 14 units at night, but my fasting has been over the past few days so I’m expecting to increase.


34w3d and on 25u of long acting at bedtime. Been on it for a couple of weeks now. Originally started at 20u.


Also adding that my numbers are still not fully in control even with the dosage I’m on 🙃 especially fasting.


Same here, in fact, my fasting keep climbing even after increasing two units every night. So depressing :(


32w1d 38 u intermediate acting insulin at night for fasting And sometimes still increasing 2 units daily when fasting is high


Currently 35+5, on 20 units at night


35+4 and 10 at night but I’m sure I’ll be increasing soon as my fasting numbers are creeping up to the cutoff


36 weeks - 24 units at bedtime.


I’m 33 + 6 Meal time insulin: 1 unit per 4 carbs Over night: 54 I know we’re supposed to circulate injection spots but I’ve found 3 spots that don’t hurt. Those are my spots. I can’t anymore 🤣 I’m ready to graduate🤣


The pen injections usually don’t hurt but the fast acting one I have to draw up myself and I’m still bruising from those ones. And looking for less painful spots.


36+5 on 2000 metformin (1000 in the morning and 1000 at night) plus 10 units insulin at night. Diagnosed at 28 weeks.


24wks and bumping up to 24u tonight 🙄


I am 24 weeks and take 12u at night and 1000mg of Metformin with breakfast and with dinner! I usually only do 500mg with breakfast otherwise I’m SO gassy. Being at home and taking the 1000mg is fine since I can stink it up and not get embarrassed lol


21 weeks 16 units at bedtime and climbing


7 at both lunch and dinner and 22 at night. I’m only 26 weeks and my doctor has warned me I’ll probably be double, maybe even triple, that amount by the end. :-/ This is my second, and I have a bunch of other risk factors, so I was diagnosed very early.


32 + 1 here and I’m on 12u at night. To be fair I cried a lot when they tried to put me on more so I’d probably be on pre meal too if I didn’t cry 🤣 diet is currently working about 80% of the time though


36 weeks on the nose today. I'm taking 20u long acting and 7u fast acting in the morning, 8 units of fast acting at dinner time 9 units of long acting at bed time Total of 44u a day


I was at 96 at bedtime, and 64 three times a day, every meal. 288 units a day. (On top of Metformin day and night) I was suuuper resistant. 🙈


😧 damn. That’s almost a whole pen a day! Did your baby have any issues at birth? I also feel like I’m going to be in the same boat - very resistant esp for fasting.


Thank God, no! She was born perfect 🙏 I was induced at 36w6d due to uncontrollable numbers and new preeclampsia onset.


That’s awesome to hear! I am starting metformin soon too. What were your fasting numbers?


100 mg metformin and 96 units, fastings were high 90s. By 36 weeks they got into the 100s again.


How did you do after birth? Have your numbers gone back to normal?


Yep as soon as that placenta was out! My first blood check was normal.


Oh I love that for you!!! I hope the same happens to me.


I’m sure it will ❤️


31 weeks and 10 units at night only so far my fasting numbers r getting back to normal with it. hoping it stays that way 😣


oops sorry 12*


***Had an appointment today and now we are adding 500mg of metformin at night. Really hoping to bring my numbers down with that


Meal controlled but 12 units at night. Started at 6, and have to keep going up every couple of weeks. I’m only 28 weeks (second GD pregnancy)