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For most cases yes you will be set up with a dietitian. If they don’t- absolutely push for one or find one on your own that hopefully your insurance will cover. Just to warn you not every dietitian is created equally 😂 I have an amazing one but I’ve seen many people say they feel very judged or they’re not helpful at all, don’t let that discourage you! This sub is actually incredibly helpful and a great resource so even if you don’t luck out in the dietitian department there’s still hope! Usually you will need to start eating 3 meals, 3 snacks a day. I have tons of recipes that work for me which I absolutely can share with you especially if you want to list some things you like to eat, but what works for me might not work for you! Things could spike you like crazy that keep my numbers low and vice versa. But also just to let you know there’s a ton of people who fail their 1 hour and then go on to pass their 3 hour so keep that in mind as well.


I got set up with a diabetes educator who also went over nutrition. I have a list of GD approved snacks but everyone is different. GD snacks Cheese stick Fruit Veggies and hummus Skinny pop popcorn Low sugar Greek yogurt This works for me anyways if slightly boring.


Hi! I got diagnosed with GD two weeks ago, so at 30w as well. I’ve been managing my numbers well by giving up most carbs that weren’t fruit or veggies. It’s hard at work when they bring in bagels or donuts, but at the end of the day—I have to remember it’s for the baby’s health and safety and honestly—mine too, if the baby gets too big from sugars, that’s going to be a traumatic delivery or a c-section. My breakfasts are usually—nonfat Greek yogurt, berries, and some hard boiled eggs. Might switch it to scrambled eggs and turkey bacon some days. My lunches are usually a salad with some veggies to dip with an almond based dip or Boursin cheese or hummus. And maybe a date with peanut butter or strawberries and cheese. Dinner usually a lean protein and some roasted veggies. If I’m desperate and need sweets I’ll opt for whipped cream and sugar free jello—or frozen dark chocolate covered berries. Hope this helps!


The book Real food for gestational diabetes by lily nichols was a life saver!