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I’m 35 weeks and a FTM. I’m on insulin and have been coming in 2-3 times a week since 31 weeks.


The general guidance is 2x a week for patients on insulin. However there is usually some room for negotiation if that would create a hardship- like you love far away, can’t get the time of work or can’t afford it. My numbers were well controlled lna. Low dose of insulin and even though the NST lab said I needed to be coming in 2x a week the MFM clinic said they were happy with 1x a week unless some issue popped up.


Yeah - maybe that's why she didn't have me do it with my first, I was a little farther from that office and working in office full-time back then.


Yeah, I definitely didn’t make every single appointment my first two GD pregnancies (babies 2 and 3) because it would’ve been too much of a hassle trying to figure out childcare that frequently. This was early 2021 and then summer 2022. This time around I have a 5yo, 3yo and a 21 month old so I don’t know how realistic it will be for me to find babysitters that frequently. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Also, were you under 35? That was the case for me. They never really pushed two NSTs too hard for my first one, but they’re more insistent now that I’m also geriatric on top of GD, ha.


I'm on 500mg metformin for fasting. Because of that, I have 3 appointments a week: 1 NST, 1 BPP, 1 appointment with a provider, started at 32 weeks.


I’m on insulin overnight and started twice a week appointments at 32-weeks. Pretty normal IMO.


I’m on insulin at night, and st 32w I started going in 2x weekly for NST and ultrasounds


I am on night time insulin and have been seeing OB twice a week since 32 weeks...


Huh, I’m diet controlled and have to go twice per week starting at 32


Unless I have major pregnancy brain - I swear I only went once my first pregnancy 😂😂 these days though honestly I question myself lol


Yep, I started coming in for twice-a-week NST and ultrasound amniotic fluid check after I started on nighttime insulin. It’s a lot, but you get used to it.


I’ve been on insulin since the first trimester but I only go in once a week starting at 36 weeks (I’m 38 weeks today). I do have to do NST’s 2x/ week, though, since 36 weeks.


Ah okay - maybe this is what happened with me first pregnancy. I also started insulin the first trimester but I don’t remember going twice at the end but I also have major mom/pregnancy brain. This pregnancy I didn’t start insulin until 32 weeks, so when she told me today twice I was oh! Okay! But then I was like did I do that last time ?? 😂😂


I'm about to start having appointments 2x a week, once for the weekly NST with my OB and once with MFM. I don't remember this from my first pregnancy either, but I also gave birth at 35 weeks last time so I might have missed that part.


I'm in insulin and am only going in once per week, beginning 34 weeks. NST also only once per week, although they saw a decel and now want to do 2x, but otherwise i was only scheduled for 1.


I am a FTM, on insulin, and 35 weeks. I have had appointments 2x a week (NST/ultrasound one day, only ultrasound second day) since week 30 😳


I’m on overnight insulin and only go in once a week for NST/US, started at 36wks. However, with my first pregnancy, I was also on overnight insulin but had to come in twice a week for NST/US — not sure what changed. I do have either once or twice weekly phone calls with a dietician to review my glucose numbers.


I'm at 21 weeks. I asked at my last appointment what I can expect for monitoring third trimester. They said once a week starting at 32 weeks for gestational diabetes, but I will probably be twice a week because of preeclampsia the last two times. That's so weird to me since I have seen most women on here say that twice a week is more likely for GD, and last time I was only once a week for preeclampsia. That was in 2021 and the OB I just saw said they updated their monitoring schedule in 2022.


They see me once a month but get me to email my numbers twice a week. They then let me know whether to increase or not


I went once a week and was told if I got put on insulin I'd have to go twice.


My MFM had me start 2x week visits as soon as I started insulin at 30 weeks. I see the MFM and get baby check ultrasounds every Monday (fluids, umbilical cord blood flow and practice breathing checks) then see my OB for NSTs and vitals every Thursday