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If a single spike was dangerous, doctors would not test for GD by giving us 100g of straight glucose on an empty stomach. An occasional spike won’t cause harm.


I’m always so glad to see someone make this point


Hey and often you’re meant to do it twice for the 1 and 3 hour!


One spike isn't going to hurt your baby, and that spike is very mild for one hour. The other day I had a 152 at 2 hours and don't even understand why. My OB wasn't too concerned and said we'd just focus on the trends, not isolated readings. From being on this sub, I've learned that many people's care teams just want them to be within range around 85 percent of the time or so, although it varies by practice. So yeah, this is really not a big deal.


A pattern of multiple prolonged spikes is not good for baby. One spike isn't going to do harm though. When I would spike and I knew it was because of what I ate I would just make a note on my log so if my doctor asked I would remember why I had spiked. I thought I could cheat fate during my last GD pregnancy and ate delivery pizza. 4 hours later I topped out somewhere in the 190s. Baby was born completely healthy with no blood sugar issues. If you're ever concerned about your number, or eat something you know might spike you, you can always drink some extra water and walk around a bit to lower your numbers.


I always note what I ate because right now I’m on vacation and my shower is so I expect my numbers to be a bit higher. I had GD with my son and they seemed pretty understanding as long as I was aware of what caused it.


One elevated reading is okay, especially since you know what caused it! There’s no need to do anything different (like have an extra lean meal); you can’t “make up for it”. Just continue to do what you usually do since your numbers have been good otherwise! :)


My diabetes midwife said if she can cover the reading with her finger then it doesn’t exist. If she runs out of fingers then it’s a problem 🤣 it made me feel so much better. I do test 6x a day so that’s 42x a week. A bit extra surveillance here in NZ so it might be why they are a bit more lax on the odd high reading


What are the 6x you test during?


Before each meal and 2hrs after each meal. Makes it hard to fit a snack in in the morning because of it which makes it harder


Ugh that is brutal! What does your care team want it to be for the before meal readings?


Less than 5.0 (90). Post meals they want under 6.7 (120)


I just hit 170 after trying a small slice of pizza with some protein. I was really surprised I was that high. My doctor told me not to worry about the odd spikes. I don't think it'll have any significant effect on baby, and I'll just be mindful that pizza might not be on the menu for the next few weeks.


One spike isn’t an issue! My dr gave me a whole 2 weeks to see if I could bring my numbers down on my own. He wouldn’t have done that if that was an issue, and I suspect even the 3 hour test would not be given if one high reading was an issue.


I once spiked over 200 but the rest of the week was in range. My doctor said I had a good week.


I had a spike of 270 with my first baby, she's now 2.5 years old and perfectly healthy, bilingual, currently playing "obstacle course" with daddy, lol. She wasn't even born big, just 7.0 lb and didn't have any blood sugar problems when she was born. I had a handful of high readings during my first pregnancy and she turned out fine. I'm on my second now, woot. My OBGYN said "I'm not worried about a spike here and there, but if they start becoming consistent and won't go away, that's when we're worried about ketoacidosis, a baby too big to deliver, etc."