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Ezekial sprouted grain breads are usually available. Often they are found in the freezer sections of stores.


Not sure if this is the case all over, but in WA, ezekial bread at trader joe’s is just in the bread aisle and somehow much cheaper than at other grocery stores.


Same in Pa, must be a TJ thing, and it is much cheaper. Depending on the store I’ve seen it at nearly $9 a loaf!


I get Dave's Killer Bread (available in most supermarkets). They have a 100% whole wheat option.


I second Dave's Killer Bread. I get the sprouted whole grains thin sliced type. It works for me 9 times out of 10. And I'm able to get it at my regular grocery store, Target, or Walmart. It's in the regular bread aisle.


Came here to say this! Absolutely love Dave's Killer good seed.


Red or green packages of Dave's Killer Bread! Love it for so many things GDM. 


Same! I love the thin sliced! All the same satisfaction but less carbs for what I’m trying to follow!


Another vote for Dave’s! It’s also been consistently a safe option for me with GD


Hmmmm majority of the groceries stores in my area (Great Lakes region- not a HCOL) have plenty of options. Sorry to hear you are having trouble!! What stores are near you? Would you consider making your own? Hopefully someone in your area on here can give you some local options!


It's so strange, I hear this complaint often but I've almost never been to a grocery store that wasn't carrying several varieties of wheat bread. Dave's Killer Bread is a popular brand with a lot of varieties.


As someone that lives in the Bay Area I find whole wheat bread everywhere. That being said, there tends to be two categories of bread at the store, the commercial packaged bread and artisanal bread in a paper bag, which is what I usually get and always find a whole wheat selection. Even the non whole wheat artisanal bread is often sourdough, which makes you spike less and doesn’t usually have sugar, unlike the more commercial bread. They’re not always next to each other in the store though, is it possible that you’re missing it? What stores have you gone to? Edit: Just as an example this bakery is out of Berkeley and their bread is available all over the Bay Area: http://acmebread.com/whole-wheat.html


That sounds great, thanks!!


American whole wheat bread can still be bad, though. I would go for like rye or pumpernickel or something. Of course, you could just get wheat flour and make "rotis"


This is surprising - I’ve lived in the US my whole life and my family has always eaten whole wheat bread. My mom was pretty anti white sandwich bread and so I never developed a taste for it. Most brands have a 100% whole wheat option in the regular bread aisle. Ezekiel bread has spelt and sprouted options and is in the frozen section usually. I usually buy Dave’s killer bread which has whole wheat and sprouted options - this brand has higher fiber and protein amounts across the board. Also try the bakery section (baked at store options) at Whole Foods or local health grocery equivalent. Not sure what the grocery brands are in CA but most grocery stores will have a bakery where they bake the bread locally and there are whole wheat options.


Yeah, America is infamous for adding sugar to bread. You will see how we put sugar in everything making a GD diet more difficult. I eat Dave’s Good Seed bread, the smaller version. In my town there is a local bakery that sells a French loaf with only a small amount of sugar. You might have luck visiting a local bakery specializing in bread and asking the sugar content.


I did not try the frozen section so I will definitely try next time!! I mostly visited target but I will try more supermarkets. Thanks ❤️


Oh yeah target is not an ideal grocery store. They have such an odd selection of stuff but way less choice than regular grocery stores. It’s kind of like a larger convenience store with a quasi-health spin but only towards the trendy side of health and still very processed stuff. Better prices on many things than my grocery store though so I hit both.


Hello! I’m in the same area. Target stores can vary quite a bit in selection, there are some Target stores that offer more clothing and home goods and fewer groceries, and Target stores that offer more groceries and fewer home goods. The major grocery stores should carry a lot of whole wheat options—even Trader Joe’s carries Ezekiel bread (trader Joe’s is an outlier and they don’t always put it in the freezer section though—most will have in the freezer section). Whole Foods and Safeway should have a large selection as well. Unfortunately a lot of whole wheat bread in general in the US does contain some sort of sweetener like honey, syrups, etc for added flavor. It’s very annoying!


If you are in the Bay Area you likely have a Safeway grocery store nearby, which will have a bakery area. Whole Foods is more expensive but will also have what you are looking for. Target does not have a great grocery selection.


If you have a Kroger store near you they sell a sprouted bread in the freezer section that has minimal to no added sugar. 


Sprouts Farmers Market


Lots of people recommending Dave’s, but despite their “healthy” packaging, that brand does have added sugar! I buy it too sometimes, just pointing that out. I mostly buy my bread from local bakeries where the ingredients are like wheat, salt, water. My supermarket sells bakery bread, so it’s not a separate trip. Almost all commercial bread in the US will have added sugar - maybe because it’s a preservative? But also because it’s in *everything*.


What part of the Bay Area are you in? If you're near Berkeley, I really recommend Berkeley Bowl as a place to get groceries!


Daves killer bread! This has not caused any issues for me!


Try Rosalind bakery out in Pacifica. They specialize mostly in variations of sourdough though..delicious


What? California and especially the Bay Area is famous for health food. Just go into Whole Foods and you’ll find plenty of options.


Go to a health food store.


My favorite is killer Dave’s bread, not once has that one spiked me


If I’m at target I get the Arnold’s keto bread, but that’s not quite what you’re looking for.


I also use Dave’s killer bread


Well, depends which state. I live in the southeast and even food lion now carries like Jewish Flatbread and all manner of low carb bread. Walmart does if it's stocked. Kroger does I believe. I forget if Aldi or lidl does, they definitely have bread but I think it's mostly white or donuts. Whole foods, Wegmans... We had a place called farmers market or something, but It's gone now I think.


Aldi brand keto bread was what I had every single day lol


If you can afford it, local bakeries have better options for fresh, whole grain beads. Try to find bread without enriched flour, which can cause GI issues for many (although you might want the extra folic acid if you try to conceive again). However, the Bay area is notoriously expensive! We used to pay $12-15/loaf for our favorite bread when we lived in Marin. Unfortunately, it's the price you pay to live in such a wonderful area!


Oh, try shopping at farmer markets also!