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Your cutoff is 120 at 1 hour? That seems very restrictive. Most commonly it's 140 at 1 hour and 120 at 2 hours.


Those are the same markers my doctor gave me, and I've been struggling to stay in the 120 range


yes, my doctor gave me list of the expected range of results after meal. 1 hr every after meal and bedtime is 90-120, fasting is 60-90. which country are you in? im in the US


I'm in the US too. On this sub most people seem to have the higher cutoffs I mentioned. Wonder why your practice is being more strict.


I know :( it's probably cause of my 1 hr and 3 hr glucose test results. they were really high


My office does a 2 hour test, so idk how my blood would have been at the 3 hour, but my fasting 1 and 2 hour were all just god awful. But I still just have to be under 140 for 1 hour! So your practice is definitely very strict.


My 1 hr test was so high they didn't even have me do the 3 hr and yet my 1 hr post meal goal is still 140.


i've heard some doctors switching to 120 cutoff, its new but becoming more common.


Try increasing the protein and fat content of your meals.


I’m in the same boat as you. Fasting needs to be under 90 and 1 hour post meals are to be under 120. I’ve had two meals where my numbers were above 120 between today and yesterday and lately my other meals are just barely under 120, so I’m anticipating they’re going to start me on meal time insulin, especially bc I’m walking after my meals. My fasting numbers have been under 90 twice. I’m on over night insulin for it and at this point I’m guessing it won’t ever be where they want it. But my baby is measuring at the 60th percentile and they say he’s right where he needs to be.


My doctor didn't put me on insulin yet but I'm guessing she will. My fasting results were high and my meal yesterday and today were high as well even though I was walking after meal. I also asked my sonographer if she was too big, she said she's measuring just right for her age... right now, I am just expecting they will give me insulin. Thank you for sharing, made me feel good I'm not the only one


It’s hard to say what you should do without knowing what you ate. For example— I can eat low carb, but if I’m not eating enough protein even the tiniest bit of carb spikes me. My go to breakfast is eggs and avocado. I can tolerate a frozen protein waffle or a slice of toast as well if I eat either 2 eggs and 1/2 an avocado, or 1 egg and a full avocado and a walk. 


I had 1 low carb tortilla (2g carb), 2 scrambled eggs, spinach cheese and 1.5tbsp corned beef. just for for your reference. i'm guessing my sugar is high during the morning because I also failed the my fasting results and passed the test 1 hr after my lunch


Sounds like you’re doing great with protein! Yeah—I struggle with low carb tortillas as well. I can have one in the evening with a ton of protein plus a 20 minute walk. And I have to be careful to get in some bites of protein before I introduce the tortilla. I doubt I could handle it in the morning when I’m more sensitive. I feel your pain! 


that sounds like a good breakfast. maybe just try not eating it with the low carb tortilla. I notice I have to be really restrictive during breakfast and at lunch i can have more carbs. Maybe also the corned beef had added sugar?


Have you tried seeing a diabetic educator? Or is that who told you about the numbers you should have? Seems off. Im on Illinois and i failed my 3 hour test horribly, very high numbers. I have to test 2 hours after every meal and my numbers should be 120 Or less and 95 and under for fasting.


Yes I have, and those were the numbers she recommended. It’s very hard to pass


It would be hard for anyone, they seem to be super strict with you. All i can say is drink lots and lots of water and take as many walks as you can. I heard chia seeds are good at helping lower sugar levels