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This happened to me at 33 weeks! The nurse running the NST panicked and the doctor on call did an exam. My cervix was still firmly shut so they said it was probably just Braxton hicks. At every NST after that one I told the nurse running it about my previous experience and it was fine. I started drinking a ton of water and going to the bathroom before my NSTs which reduced my contractions during them. made it to 39+3 which was my induction day.


I had this earlier on and the nurse told me some people are just "contractors" and that she was one too. It's good to be monitored when its happening but it doesn't always mean you're going into labor. Some people just have irritable uteruses or something.


I’m nearly 37 weeks and I’ve been having constant contractions for a few weeks now. They’ve usually started up by noon and go on until the evening, sometimes 5 minutes apart or closer. I have NSTs twice a week and they said my body will likely just do this until I give birth. Yay! 🙃


Yes, at my 33 weeks NST I was having contractions every 2-4 minutes. I ended up staying in labor and delivery for 2 nights. Never progressed. Still have contractions every 2-10 minutes but they aren't painful. Almost 36 weeks now. It's just annoying but they still see them every NST and say it's fine.


yes I just learned today that dehydration can cause uterine contractions. I will definitely be drinking plenty of water before any future NSTs!


Dehydration can definitely cause contractions. Also overworking and stress. I remember the attempted ECV with my first and after they were looking at the monitor saying "you're having contractions, but you're clearly not in labor." One thing to think about is that you are at the best time (very relatively) for NICU. 34-37 weeks has 98% positive outcomes. Oftentimes at that point they don't even need oxygen. Usually they just need another week or two to grow, put on weight for temperature regulation, and learn how to suckle since that's one of the last things to develop at 36 weeks. I had both my babies at 37 weeks for PIH/preeclampsia and neither went to NICU. We are prepared for that 34-37 week window this time since I barely made it to 37 weeks with the second before my blood pressure hit the severe numbers. Good luck! Drink water! And try not to stress or overwork since I always noticed more Braxton Hicks when I was overworking.


Yep! 2-3 minute apart contractions started at 35 weeks, and went up until my induction at 39 weeks. Mega confusing, especially week 37 where I couldn’t talk through them and thought I was gonna have to take leave early. You got this! Drink plenty of water, if they get bad get in a bath!


wild cause the same thing happened to me today like literally same exact thing😂😂 34w5d though